SMU Data Science Review SMU Data Science Review
Volume 7 Number 1 Article 7
Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide to the Options Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide to the Options
Market Market
Jeremy Dawkins
Southern Methodist University
Alexy Morris
Southern Methodist University
Jacob Gipson
Southern Methodist University
Masoud Valizadeh
Northern Illinois University
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Dawkins, Jeremy; Morris, Alexy; Gipson, Jacob; and Valizadeh, Masoud () "Following the Crowd: Beginners
Investors Guide to the Options Market,"
SMU Data Science Review
: Vol. 7: No. 1, Article 7.
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A warning and disclaimer to anyone expecting guaranteed rewards: this study does
not guarantee that someone will become wealthy from investing, but it will offer a
financial education tool to teach them how to invest their money.
Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide to the
Options Market
Alexy Morris, Jacob Gipson2, Jeremy Dawkin3
Masoud Valizadeh4
Master of Science in Data Science, Southern Methodist University,
Dallas, TX 75275 USA
{jeremyd, alexym, gipsonj}
Abstract. While the options market may be intimidating for a beginner, having the right
tools can help improve the outcome of their investments. This project aims to develop a tool
that uses time-series analysis and forecasting to model the future demand of S&P 500 and
AAPL options contracts. The open interest of these contracts will be analyzed using various
models such as AR, ARIMA, Neural Networks, and VAR, along with the put-call ratio. The
goal is not to make buy or sell recommendations, but alert the user when money is flowing into
a security or index. Of all the models, the use of the ARMA model provides the best results for
predicting the open interest in contracts for these specific symbols.
1 Introduction
The world of financial opportunity has made way for individuals to take part and
make their fortune through investments, real estate, stock markets, options markets,
and many other ventures. Many individuals claim that participation in these ventures
requires wealth and success. However, this is not entirely true. Having the market
know-how can turn a small sum of money into a sizable profit with big rewards. This
holds true because everyday investors' awareness of their money helps them process
any potential risks and their possible yield results. When individuals can invest their
hard-earned money, diversifying their portfolio, it is safe to assume that they know
what they are doing. Why? Because of their experience in the financial market,
consistent investors can expand their portfolios. Future investors who want to invest
in the market are often left out, missing earnings that could help them.
One investment article state that "55% of Americans aren't investing…"
(Anderson, 2019, p. 1) because of investing ignorance, impatience with seeing a
profit, and fear. These factors deter individuals from placing their money somewhere
risky while waiting for it to grow. Most of the time, the easiest way to enter the world
of investing is either through the stock market, equity securities like Google and
Amazon, or indexes such as S&P 500 or DOW Jones. A minuscule amount of money
has the potential for gain within a certain period. When it comes to stock markets, one
must know what they are doing, who to invest in, when to invest, and how to keep up
with the current conditions of the American economy. There are even strategies used
Dawkins et al.: Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide
Published by SMU Scholar,
by investment firms or artificial intelligence advisors where they control or advise
individuals on which securities to invest in. An issue for someone with extra money
set aside in their savings account is that investing in the normal stock market takes too
long. Thus, many Americans who work normal jobs question why they should invest
in something that would take too long to see rewards.
Another issue preventing individuals from investing is a lack of education.
Financial Literacy is a plague for Americans only because there are few readily
available informational resources. American schools do not traditionally focus their
curriculum on finance. (Camberato, 2022, p. 1) Topics such as saving money,
calculating and filing taxes, or investing are left out of early education. When young
Americans attend college, many stay unaware of financial basics unless they are
business majors or decide to take extracurricular courses in business or finance.
Unfortunately, the gap between participation in this financially driven world and
comprehension of financial basics is growing. For example, when an individual gets
their first job and starts their career, one of the first onboarding tasks requires setting
up individual retirement accounts such as the Roth IRAs or 401ks. Many employees
complete these tasks with little understanding of personal investing; leading them to
teach themselves via the internet, friends, or other sources. One might mention that
the internet is accessible to all. However, it is difficult to scour through the time-
consuming and often complex subjects. The use of brokerage or investment firms
serves their purpose of helping individuals invest in the market. Still, with the many
vendors to choose from, the selection process can be overwhelming for some.
Another fear contributing to the lack of knowledge on investing is the mindset of
losing money due to a bear market or economic downturn. For example, during the
2007-08 financial crisis, the American market system took a downturn due to the
housing bubble's burst and mortgage crises. Simultaneously this resulted in people
losing their jobs, banks being in financial ruin, and even companies going bankrupt.
This led many to depend on individual savings or other income streams because the
market tanked, and Americans lost their money. Potential investors fear this repeating
and happening to them, but the fear lives mainly with the uninformed. Their lack of
skills in this specific area hinders them from making any money.
Despite these concerns from the public, some still consider venturing into
investments to expand their income streams. This research focuses on targeting
people interested in investing in the market but lack the market knowledge to
effectively participate. It also is focused on people who do not have time to consider
these strategies deeply. It is not openly discussed that a great beginner market to tap
into for beginner investors is the options market. The options market can be risky but
can supply multiple advantages over the typical stock market, leading to less initially
invested money and potentially greater gains. Bearing this in mind, this research aims
to provide the fundamentals of the options market and what can be done with an
option contract. An investor would not need to know the intricate details of the
options market besides the basic knowledge provided in this research paper. The
options market supplies many opportunities in which one can make money quickly
compared to the stock market in a short amount of time. Allowing one to predict
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
whether security will go up or down based on the market and a set date, one could see
profit no matter how big or small.
To further discuss the detailed part of this research paper, one must know what a
choice is and what calls and puts are. "Options are contracts that give the bearer the
right - but not the obligation to either buy or sell an amount of some underlying asset
at a predetermined price at or before the contract expires." (Downey, 2022, p. 1)
Many brokerage firms and investment banks offer these to individual investors in a
manner like the stock market. Many retail investors would say that people should
spread out their portfolio with some investments in the stock market and some in the
options market to help with offsetting losses that one can gain, this is called hedging.
One can hedge with options to reduce the amount of risk they take at a reasonable
cost to the investor. The option contracts allow the investor to predict future price
events of securities. They supply two key types of options contracts. One is the call
option which "gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying
security at the strike price on or before expiration. A call option will become more
valuable as the underlying security rises in price" (Downey, 2022, p.1). An example
of this is allowing one to bet on if the price of Apple will go up soon before the set
expiration date of the contract. The other important contract choice is the put option
which is "Opposite to call options. A put gives the holder the right, but not the
obligation, to instead sell the underlying stock at the strike price on or before
expiration" (Downey, 2022, p.1). Continuing with the previous example, the put gains
value as the underlying price falls for Apple. Investors and corporations make billions
of dollars annually just from predicting price moves throughout the year on different
This research will serve as an opportunity to bridge the gap between novice retail
investors and experts in investing in the options market. Many scholars who supply
insights on the stock market or options market only present information to people who
are already knowledgeable on these topics. This allows them to keep expert investors
well-informed and to create strategies they could use to beat or outperform the
market. No techniques will be provided for predicting the price of a stock or
evaluating options but instead, a toolkit that could be used to help novice investors
with when to step into the market. The toolkit supplies an opportunity and freedom
for any investor who wants to continue learning about the options market. This study
will use data science and machine learning to discuss investment opportunities for
corporations and experts. Examining open interest for these specific securities over
time will create a time series discussion about timing and opportunities novices can
invest in.
This research intends to inform that a non-expert investor can predict open
interest in any security at any time. Can a time series model forecast open interest for
any type of security using exploratory data analysis and research? By supplying an
opportunity for evidence to support this hypothesis, one can introduce novice retail
investors into a new world of diversifying one's portfolios or streams of income. This
research will be valuable to the field by extending its findings to leading experts,
investment firms, or brokerages to pour resources into advertising for more
Dawkins et al.: Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide
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consumers. This could also present a toolkit to be used as applications, or apps,
developed by firms who wish to expand accessibility to novice investors and inform
them on how the options industry works. Doing this makes way for entry into the
world of finance without significant knowledge of options but increased confidence in
one's ability to invest money.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy is a global problem that can seem far-off and intangible. For this
paper, Financial Literacy can be defined as the ability to use financial knowledge to
obtain a specific money-related goal. For example, opening a high-yield savings
account to eventually pay for a predictable high-cost expense, including a house, car,
further education, and more. There are many ways to quantify financial Literacy, with
one of the most prevalent being the Big 3, a series of questions created by Lusardi and
Mitchell (2014) in their research on financial Literacy in a global setting:
1. Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate
was 2% per year. After five years, how much do you think you would
have in the account if you left the money to grow?
A. More than $102
B. Exactly $102
C. Less than $102
D. Do not know
E. Refuse to answer
2. Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account was 1%
per year, and inflation was 2 % per year. After one year, how much
would you be able to buy with the money in this account?
A. More than today
B. Exactly the same
C. Less than today
D. Do not know
E. Refuse to answer
3. Please tell me whether this statement is true or false. 'Buying a
single company's stock usually provides a safer return than a stock
mutual fund.'
A. True
B. False
C. Do not know
D. Refuse to answer. (p. 499)
These questions serve as a benchmark to determine an individual's understanding
of interest rates, inflation, and stocks. The answer choices for each question allow us
to easily categorize an individual into truly literate, moderately literate, and others for
those who withdrew from every question.
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
One of the biggest examples of the need for Financial Literacy is how retirement
plans have changed in recent years. "In many countries, employer-sponsored defined
benefit (DB) pension plans are swiftly giving way to private defined contribution
(DC) plans, shifting the responsibility for retirement saving and investing from
employers to employees" (Lusardi, 2019, p. 1). In addition, the commonality of
targeted at younger citizens has increased tremendously; student loans and short-term
loan services have become much more easily accessible. Although short-term loan
services can be avoided, student loans have become a standard for those attending
further education. Unfortunately, this massive shift has not been met with an equal
increase in financial Literacy. This shows that there is ample space and a definite need
to create more tools and resources to further the average person's understanding of
and comfort with all forms of finances, including but certainly not limited to the stock
Thus, Financial Literacy experiences wide-scale boosts, and tools that help these
endeavors along must be vital. In this day and age, "Financial literacy can be seen as
an investment in human capital" (Amagir et al. l, 2017, p. 57), and such investments
lead to advancements in the financial field.
2.2 Individual Investors
The stock market is a slightly more tangible representation of a country’s economic
status, which means that one could argue that outside extreme circumstances a given
company’s stocks will remain constant quarterly. However, this assessment is
routinely proven false by the simple fact that human involvement is present in every
aspect of the marketplace. Investors can affect the market in a variety of ways; one of
the most common is done by what are called noise traders. These are individuals
taking part in the stock market without company backing or elevated levels of
experience. These traders are sensitive to outside influences, like the weather, news,
races, etc. Thus, it is possible to check these outside influences and gather them up
into a fear index that can predict when these noise traders are likely to sell off riskier
assets and the following, temporary, stock lowering. That said while the effect on the
stock market is always resolved around 20 days (about 3 weeks) after there is little
data showing that these same investors are coming back with the same consistency
(Kostopoulos et al, 2020). Looking at more experienced investors, usually with
company support, there is a higher degree of familiarity with the market that leads to
increased returns. Specifically, investors will typically see a higher and higher profit
margin as they grow in the industry. It is said that investors will see around a 20%
increase in profits from early portfolios to more recent ones (Nicolosi et al, 2009, p.
5). From this standpoint a machine learning model leveraging the knowledge of these
experienced investors would show similar profits and on average they did. Of course,
the limitations here are the need for a steady stream of data sourced from these
individuals (Pagliaro et al, 2021, p. 3). To get around this one can instead forget the
investor insights and create a model purely using market data both old and new. By
focusing on a single index, for instance the S&P 500, one can easily compare a
variety of models and thus decide the best strategy for predicting the stock market.
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The best is a supervised time series model (Soni et al, 2022, p.4). This paper will
continue from the ideas and strategy used here to create a more ideal solution. In this
paper, the focus will be on using the knowledge of novice and experienced investors
in more easily understood time series models to give everyday noise traders a solid
ground into more intricate stock strategies.
2.2 Using Machine Learning Techniques to Generate Returns in the Stock
From historical data to 8-k filings, never has there been a time where more
information has been available to the average retail investor. With increasingly widely
available and real-time financial data, various machine-learning techniques have been
used to improve profits in the stock market. Sakarwala created a predictive model on
whether a stock moved up, down, or sideways based on the content of a
corresponding 8-k filing. Twenty thousand filings of S&P 500 companies were pulled
from the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) EDGAR website and were
combined with corresponding historical price data. The text was preprocessed, and
The Stanford NLP Wikipedia 2014 + Gigaword 100 dimensions were chosen for pre-
trained word embeddings under the assumption that it would carry information for
specialized, industry-specific words found in the texts since it was trained from the
Wikipedia corpus (Sakarwala et al., 2019, p.11). They then compared various deep
learning techniques (Multi-Layer Perceptron, Convolutional Neural Networks, and
Recurrent Neural Networks) in their ability to predict the stock's price action based on
the contents of the 8-k. They found that RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks) and RNN-
CNN performed the best. Now specifically about the options market, many studies
have been completed about using machine learning to perfect an options trading
strategy. Žabčić-Matić's paper looked at the use of neural networks to predict whether
the price of a stock will move, within the next trading day, by more or less than the
cost of its associated straddle option spread, with the expiry date set to be the next
trading day (Žabčić-Matić, 2019, p. 1). The stocks that were studied were the
following companies: Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Qualcomm, Walmart,
General Electric, Goldman Sachs, and American Express. Many features were used
along with obvious ones like open, close, high, and low prices and daily volumes like
on-balance volume, accumulation/distribution line, and MACD. The results were
alarmingly good. The models did produce consistent profits and only very rarely
incurred a loss (Žabčić-Matić, 2019, p. 1). This shows that machine learning can lead
to profitable outcomes for the user, even in a volatile environment like the options
Zeng explored using machine learning to predict the best timing of exercise
options. Specifically, they used a Q-learning algorithm to consider the early exercise
opportunity of American possibilities as a potential profit-generating source (The Q-
learning algorithm has two stages, an optimization, and an evaluation stage. In the
optimization stage, an iterative progressive hedging algorithm is used to find all
options' weights and exercise time at each time, where the Q-values are approximated
by regression (Zeng, 2017, p. 50). In the evaluation stage, real-time trading is used to
refine when to exercise the options for each simulated sample path (trajectory) given
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
the weights from the optimization stage (Zeng, 2017, p. 54). In one of the evaluation
algorithms, they changed the Least Square Monte Carlo algorithm to evaluate their
performance in discovering the exercise time. Their model was successful because the
algorithms outperformed the LSMC about the utility gap from best and certainty
equivalent of return. This further proves that machine learning is beneficial in creating
profit in the options market.
Not only in the United States market that is being predicted but similar machine
learning algorithms have been used to predict across the world. Using machine
learning, Zhang and company studied market trends and prices in the Chinese stock
market. (Zhang et al., 2018, p. 54). They analyzed the Shanghai Stock Exchange
(SSE) Index stocks to decide to create a model to predict profitable patterns.
Techniques such as support vector machines, random forest, Naïve Bayes classifier,
and neural networks are compared to decide which model predicted future data using
the scoring metric of accuracy. From their conclusion, the neural network
outperformed all the other models in considering patterns in the index compared to
other deep learning techniques.
2.3 ARIMA/ML Forecasting Modeling
Investment managers are always looking forward to the options market. That way,
they are prepared and can perfect a strategy to make money regardless of the current
market. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis data, the Volatility Index (VIX)
outlook was trending downwards. An S&P 500 index options database involved
43,014 calls and 38,784 put premiums for 81,798 options traded on the CME (Rostan
et al., 2020). The calls and puts were collected over 60 months from January 2009
through December 2013. The strategy was to examine how an autoregressive
integrated moving average (ARIMA) model can be used to forecast calls and put
options with a comparison of the typical generalized autoregressive conditional
heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model. This paper only focused on European call-and-
put options contracts. After careful evaluation and exploratory analysis of the
contracts, the ARIMA model that proved to have impressive results was the ARIMA
forecasting model. When looking at the data, the researchers broke the data into two
pieces of calls and put and used ARIMA modeling techniques on them. From the
discovery, they could generate forecasts of the S&P 500 Composite Index obtained
from the ARIMA (1,1,1) model. When this is done, an options strategy is used,
allowing the investor to decide which direction they would like to go depending on
their call or selected choice. The ARIMA forecasting results in a being a much better-
produced result compared to the forecasting using the GARCH (1,1) model. The
authors assessed that there is more profit with call than put options when the economy
is in a bear market. They were able to see the intrinsic value of puts decrease (Rostan
et al., 2020, p. 4). Their research used the ARIMA model for forecasting calls and put
options to assess if dollar profit can be made based on undervalued or overvalued
performances. This strategy can be used today and improve on further research in a
bear market and discuss the feature importance of sentimental analysis. Alotaibi
discovered that an ARIMA (0,1,1) contributed to forecasting prediction returns for the
stock market (Alotaibi, 2022, p. 7). They examined the Willis Towers Watson
Dawkins et al.: Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide
Published by SMU Scholar,
company spanning from 2010 to 2016 and compared multiple linear regression and
ARIMA. With the S&P 500 Index being a popular security to examine, Sun studied
this index with an ARIMA and ETS model close price (Sun, 2020, p. 10). An ARIMA
(2,1,3) is the best model fitted using the year 2005 to 2014, which succeeded in
having a success of short-term predictions. There is the belief that even this current
model can be improved using deep learning techniques or hybrid models when
modeling the S&P 500 Index close prices.
Hedge fund managers examine VIX Futures due to the forecasting of predicting
market volatility around a certain time. This allows the managers to set up their
potential strategies to attack the market by investing. Hosker looks at the VIX Futures
forecasting using machine learning, comparing three existing financial models to six
machine/deep learning supervised regression methods. These six models generated
compared to the financial models will be analyzed and determined to present the
highest results showing lower mean absolute error (MAE), higher explained variance,
and higher correlation (Hosker, 2019, p. 3). To decide the best model, an accuracy
matrix was generated for every model displaying better overall accuracy.
2.4 Time Series Analytics and Deep Reinforcement Learning in Portfolio
With so many people and corporations investing in the stock market, they hold
various securities in their portfolios that require management. Some would consider
stocks, options, ETFs, and bonds serious investments. For someone to see substantial
profit with their portfolio, managing these accounts requires a good knowledge of
markets and periodic adjustment of assets in the account (Chavin et al., 2021, p. 2).
With public market exchanges, individuals who want to invest in the market and have
limited assets are not afforded the same investment guidance level as those with
wealth managers supplying them with advice. People use many portfolios and
investment advisor tools to try to close the gap in smarter investing. With these
advisor tools being automated to an extent, one just needs to put their money in based
on personal preference and sit back and watch the artificial intelligence (AI) advisor
suggest securities for you automatically. Chavin's paper's sole focus is to use the
success of the AI/ML stock portfolio trade management research to date (Chavin et
al., 2021, p. 2). The portfolio management advisor implements various data science
techniques. This paper focuses on reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms (Q-
Learning & Policy Optimization) which use time series analysis. Investment firms are
always trying to improve their algorithms, allowing the advisor to make wiser
decisions so that the retail investor sees adequate results. Focusing on the RL
algorithm in advising allows the algorithm to learn and adjust its behavior while
interacting with a live environment. Many factors affect an economic influence that
the advisors consider, which is modeled using the Markov Decision Process (MDP).
This process uses a mathematical framework that helps with the decision-making of
economic influences of policy, war, supply, demand, etc. The data prepared in this
paper utilizes the DOW Jones Index using investment options DOW 30-day multi-
stock trading, DOW electronic trading fund single stock trading, and lastly, the DOW
30 portfolio rebalancing trading. An analytical approach is taken here, with models
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
generated using the RL algorithm and presented with results that improve the
portfolio managers' advisor strategies. The RL approach generated multiple models
that can be averaged out on the dataset, which is considered the ensemble method.
They discovered that MDP and RL proved reputable evidence in the stock evidence in
the stock trading decision models in selecting which proper investment options to
select. The ensemble method produced the highest Sharpe Ratio and cumulative
portfolio final balance in their findings. This paper also contains a thorough use of
time series that contributed to a part of the selection environment and MDP. With the
advisor, this paper could use AI/ML techniques that can supply future aid to retail
investors who do not have time to manage their own investments or are not
knowledgeable compared to the wealthy and corporations.
This paper will use previous research knowledge to focus on future investors. A
time series and multi-layer perceptron model will be used to analyze SPX and AAPL
open interest and forecast to predict future interest. Allowing someone to see how
open interest is moving throughout the year can give investors insight into what is
happening. The aim is to inform and stress the importance of allowing people who
want to invest in options an opportunity to do so despite their feelings that there is a
higher barrier to entry.
3 Methods
3.1 Background of Models
This research will use several diverse models to describe the open interest data for
SPY and AAPL: Autoregressive (AR), Moving Average (MA), ARMA, and ARIMA.
Stationary time series tend to be described by AR, MA, and ARMA models, while
nonstationary time series tend to be described by ARIMA models. It is safe to predict
that the type of model that best describes open interest data would be an ARIMA
model, as it is known that open interest is not stationary as the mean depends on the
window of time being observed.
The general form of an ARIMA (p, d, q) model is:
Where fp are the autoregressive constants, qq are the moving average constants, Xt
is the value of the time series at time t, and at is the white noise component at time t.
The values of p and q indicate the number of autoregressive and moving average
constants are present in the model.
3.2 Data
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The data will be attained from The Options Clearing Corporation's website
(, which is a clearing house that is the world's largest equity derivatives
clearing organization. The OCC provides data about the market integrity for options,
futures, and securities lending transactions.
A hypothesis testing will be conducted modeling open interest contract data using
the index SPY and the equity security Apple (AAPL). The hypothesis testing will
determine if the model is stationary or not using time series examining data provided
from the beginning of the year January 4, 2022, which is the first trading day of the
year through August 31st, 2022. A model will be created using a time series that will
prove the ability to forecast open interest for this upcoming fall of 2022 and winter of
2022. This forecasting will contribute to the ability of individual investors to where
money is being placed in the market during certain trading quarters that can be
beneficial to the investor.
An evaluation of different ARMA and ARIMA models that will be tested on the
data provided and provide detailed analysis with the equations provided. Creating a
time series model will be conducted using a five traditional step method, with step
one doing data preparation or preprocessing. A full examination of time series
decomposition, modeling, forecasting and the last is model evaluation.
3.3 Methods
The dataset that was used was open interest and put/call ratio data dating from
01/26/2021 to 09/22/2022 for both SPY and APPL tickers. Data until 07/13/2022 was
used to train our models, while the rest of the data was used to evaluate performance.
The cutoff was selected to evaluate predictions 50 trading days out. The primary
objective of the project was to model open interest, so the initial approach was to
analyze both tickers in a traditional univariate fashion before including the put-call
ratio as a potential regressor. This was done to establish the performance of the
univariate models as a baseline for comparison with more advanced models later.
Upon initial review of the realization plot of the SPY open interest data, wandering
behavior was observed. The lack of constant mean, independent of the section of the
time series, suggests that the series is not stationary. On the other hand, the AAPL
open interest data appeared to be stationary, with a constant mean and constant
variance that were independent of the time period, and the autocorrelation plot
showed signs of dampening. Although seasonality was suspected from the
autocorrelation plot, it was not confirmed through an overfitting test. For the sake of
completeness, both stationary and non-stationary models were explored as a single
realization is not always indicative of a variable’s stationarity.
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
Figure 1: Realization of SPY open interest data from 01/26/2021 to 07/13/2022
Figure 2: Realization of AAPL open interest data from 01/26/2021 to 07/13/2022
First non-stationary models were explored. The wandering behavior was removed
from the data by first differencing. The aic.wge() function from the tswge package
was used to estimate the number of Autoregressive (AR) and Moving Average (MA)
components in the model. Both AIC and BIC were used as selection criteria to
Dawkins et al.: Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide
Published by SMU Scholar,
achieve the best fit while also placing value on model simplicity. For the SPY open
interest data, the same 3 models were selected using both criteria: ARIMA (1,1,1),
ARIMA (3,1,2), and ARIMA (4,1,1). The same strategy was applied to the AAPL
open interest data, and the following models were selected: ARIMA (5,1,6), ARIMA
(9,1,5), and ARIMA (1,1,1). The AR and MA components were estimated and
forecasted. Model performance was evaluated using 5, 10, and 50-day Mean Squared
Error (MSE) values, along with rolling window root mean squared errors (RWRMSE)
of the same window lengths.
Open interest data was also modeled using stationary models. A similar strategy
was taken except tTe aic.wge() function was used on non-differenced data. For SPY,
the AIC and BIC selection criteria favored an AR (2,0) and ARIMA (1,1), with
ARMA (1,2) as the only other model appearing on both lists of candidates. For
AAPL, the selected models were ARMA (6,8), ARMA (4,7), and AR (5). Forecasts
using these models and the same performance metrics were generated and can be seen
in the results.
Next, neural network models were fitted and compared to the traditional univariate
time series models. Multiple iterations were created for both SPY and AAPL data by
specifying lags, differencing order, and different numbers of hidden nodes, as well as
different selection strategies. The impact of daily put-call ratio on prediction accuracy
was also explored as a possible regressor.
Lastly, the introduction of the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model is used to
investigate the relationship between the put-call ratio and open interest. The model is
intended to see how the two variables relate to each other or influence each other in
some way. The put-call ratio and open interest were combined to form a vector, which
was then modeled to fit an AR model. After determining the selected AR model, the
parameters were then used in a VAR model to determine the overall equation, which
produced a VAR (1). The two features, open interest, and put-call ratio were given a
weighted value by adding them together. From analyzing these two features, the
model produced a VAR (1) model, which was then used to forecast using the same
horizon as the previous models.
4 Results
SPY Open Interest
5 day
10 day
50 day
Ljung-Box test p-
K = 24
K = 48
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
AR (2)
* X 10
**X 10
Figure 7: Summary of performance metrics for candidate models for SPY Open
All non-neural network models failed to reject at the 95% confidence level when
conducting the Ljung-box test on the residuals, indicating that the models do not show
a lack of fit. Only the ARIMA (1, 1, 1), ARIMA (4, 1, 1), and ARMA (1, 2) failed to
reject at a 90% confidence level using two different maximum lags (K). The
stationary models outperformed the non-stationary candidates significantly in all
measures except for the 50-day MSE. In the end, the ARMA (1, 1, 1) model was
selected as the top performing univariate model, as it scored the best or second best in
all 6 metrics and passed the Ljung-box test at the 95% confidence level. The model
can be seen below:
 
The top performing neural network (NN) model was made up of 5 hidden nodes
and one input, a univariate lag of 1. It can be seen below:
Dawkins et al.: Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide
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Figure 3: $SPX Multi Layered Perceptron model diagram
It performed similarly or slightly better than the previous AR (2) model in all
metrics. Another NN model was trained using the put-call ratio data, but it did not
improve performance and, in fact, the 10-day MSE worsened.
AAPL Open Interest
5 day
5 day
10 day
50 day
Ljung-Box test p-
K = 24
K = 48
ARMA (6,8)
ARMA (4,7)
AR (5)
* X 10
** X 10
Figure 4: Summary of performance metrics for candidate models for AAPL Open
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
The Ljung-Box failed to reject all the models at a 95% confidence level except for
the ARIMA (1,1,1) model, which was eliminated from consideration. The non-
stationary ARIMA models all outperformed the other models in the 5 and 10 day
MSE scores, but underperformed in the other 4 metrics. The ARMA (4, 7) model had
a very high 10 day MSE score, but the low 5 day MSE score in conjunction with the
lowest RWRMSE scores gave us the most confidence in selecting it as the best
performing non-neural network model. The equation for the model is shown below:
 
 
 
The univariate neural network model that had the best performance had 5 hidden
nodes and 2 inputs, univariate lags at 1 and 4. Its performance was an improvement
over the AR (5) model in all four metrics. A diagram of the model can be seen below:
Figure 5: $AAPL Multi Layered Perceptron model
Unlike the SPY neural network model, incorporating put-call ratio as a regressor
significantly improved the 10-day MSE, but also increased the 5 and 50 day MSE.
A Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) model was created for SPY and AAPL put-call
ratio. This is a widely used measurement to understand how the equity or index is
moving and to predict if there will soon be a bull or bear market. A training and test
set is created to train the model and test its forecasting prediction. With the VAR
model, the interrelationships between open interest and put-call ratio are considered to
Dawkins et al.: Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide
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use all variables. The correlation between variables is leveraged to improve fitting and
There is a relationship between open interest and put and call options that
influences investors to buy or sell certain contracts. A cross-correlation between the
put-call ratio and open interest for SPY is shown:
Figure 6: Autocorrelation Function of PCR and Open Interest for SPY
As shown in the graph, the PCR and the open interest of SPY produced the greatest
autocorrelation at lag 1, with lag 3 closed behind. The VAR select process,
considering a maximum lag is 3, was used. The VAR selects used the AIC, which
picked lag 3, and the BIC picked lag 1. To reduce the number of parameters, the BIC
selection was used, and the parameter estimation is created by considering the lag at
1. A summary of the VAR model produced the following equation:
     (5)
The forecasting of the last 50 dates of options trading is then used to display how
well the model is performing on the test set. The forecast of the VAR (1) model is
shown, displaying its performance of future dates.
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
Figure 7: Forecast of the VAR Model for SPY
Then RMSE for the model came out to be around 0.33, which is small and suggests
that the model did a decent job at predicting the put-call ratio.
A VAR model was then examined with similar settings but with the AAPL equity.
The cross-correlation of the PCR and the open interest was analyzed in this equity.
From the chart below, there appear to be significant differences around lag 2 and
around lag 16.
Figure 8: Autocorrelation Function of PCR and Open Interest of AAPL
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The maximum lag to capture any of the trading days is lag 20. Considering the
increase at lag 16, the AIC selects a lag of 5, and the BIC selects a lag of 1. To
minimize the parameters of the model, the BIC selection of lag 1 was used. The
equation for the VAR model with lag 1 is shown below:
      (6)
The RMSE from the prediction forecast of the last 50 dates was compared to
what the VAR model produced, resulting in an RMSE of 0.38. The testing set of the
last 50 dates was close to what was predicted.
A prediction of the last 50 dates is used and plotted with the training data, as shown
Figure 9: Forecast of the VAR of AAPL
5 Discussion
5.1 Discussion
The results discovered in this report show that the ability to forecast open interest
is immense. It could provide insight into how the market is trending day-to-day and
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
the possibility of predicting what comes next. Since the options market constantly
moves up and down based on trends or business, and many outside influences, our top
performing models for each ticker displayed accurate results in predicting the
forecast. The 10 and 50-day forecasts for each ticker using their corresponding top
performing, non-neural network model can be seen below:
Figure 10: 10-day forecast for $SPX Open Interest using ARMA (1, 1) model
Figure 11: 50-day forecast for $SPX Open Interest using ARMA (1, 1) model
Dawkins et al.: Following the Crowd: Beginners Investors Guide
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Figure 12: 10-day forecast for $AAPL Open Interest using ARMA (4, 7) model
Figure 12: 50-day forecast for $AAPL Open Interest using ARMA (4,7) model
We can see in our foreasts that our short term forecasts are more valuable than our
long term (50 day) forecasts. The short term (10 day) forecasts mimic the behavior of
the open interest data, while the 50-day forecast just converges to the mean open
interest value. This makes conceptual sense as what we know today can make better
predictions for tomorrow, but 50 days out would not be helpful in this case due to the
nature of the markets and the lack of knowledge about what may happen in the short
term. The uncertainty of these predictions is compounded the longer the time horizon
is for the predictions. The short-term look into the future is usually the best, allowing
one to be a proactive member of the market, rather than just having a contract expire.
The SPY and AAPL symbols move differently from each other since the SPY
represents the S&P 500, which combines multiple companies from different
SMU Data Science Review, Vol. 7 [], No. 1, Art. 7
industries, whereas AAPL is just one technology company. Apple is a very volatile
company, so its open interest contracts are abundant and constantly changing daily.
The SPY contract open interest contracts tend to vary based on any market impact,
which could change open interest drastically.
A Vector Autoregressive model is examined to see if the put-call ratio somehow
correlates to open interest. PCR does have and had in determining how options are
moving from day to day, but the VAR model did not show accurate results when it
came to predicting open interest. From this aspect, PCR is useful as a tool alongside
open interest. With PCR, one could see if more puts or calls are being used for certain
symbols, they are interested in investing in. The use of open interest can be used as a
tool and a guide for new investors as well as people who want to invest more who try
their hand at options trading. With this tool, a possible investment company that has
mobile applications or trading platforms could provide a tool like this to be of service
to attract newcomers.
5.2 Ethical Discussion
This research is believed to not contain any violations of ethical standards imposed
on the paper by the affiliated institutions. The data used to create the previously
discussed models was obtained through legal channels and does not contain any
information that can be regarded as outside of the public domain. For full
transparency, the specific data used here was acquired from a specific company's
database, but the exact same information can be gained from a multitude of publicly
accessible sources.
That said, the models and any results-based discussion presented in this research
paper are not intended to be taken as actionable recommendations. This is strictly
intended as an educational tool, and the authors, nor any affected institutions, can be
held responsible for any effects of implementing this work.
Lastly, because of the nature of this research paper, it does not violate any ethical
standards set by the financial industry. Specifically, the paper is not susceptible to
common financial ethical dilemmas such as insider trading, conflicts of stakeholder
interest, or improper investment management.
6 Conclusion
Overall, the ARMA model provided outstanding results on the S&P 500 (SPY) and
Apple's (AAPL) symbols. With contracts, there are expiration dates attached to them,
so depending on the investor's intention, it can be monumental. This provides a
different aesthetic not only to them but allows one to potentially make money at a bit
of a faster pace than traditional stocks. This also introduces investors to help alleviate
risks in their portfolios and not keep all their money in one venture. The models used
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here are just the beginning, and other models could prove to be a bit more accurate.
One could continue this work to possibly look at Long Short-Term Memory or
Convolutional Networks as well. One could also advance this research by taking into
consideration sentiment analysis as well. The market does not just thrive on numbers
but many outside influences, so other factors could be added to the data to emphasize
these features.
The market, in general, is very difficult to navigate and predict due to these factors,
so the challenge itself of looking at non-stationary models comes into play. Other
tools could be used in hand with open interest and the put-call ratio as well, which
could benefit in predicting. The ability to educate people in financial literacy and
provide an avenue for them to learn about other investing options is important. As
technology continues to improve, many things will begin to become more
streamlined, which could indeed help people catch up and be active players.
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