Student Counseling & Educational
Support Services
Student Center G0116 (913) 588-6580
Assertive Behavior
Assertive Behavior includes standing up for your rights without infringing on the rights of others.
Assertive behavior results in an "I win; you win" outcome. Assertion involves expressing beliefs,
feelings and preferences in a way which is direct, honest, appropriate and shows a high degree of
respect for yourself and for others.
"When you talk, I can't hear the movie. Please keep it down."
"I really like it when you wear that shirt. You look great!"
Passive / Nonassertive Behavior is when someone gives up their own rights and (directly or indirectly)
defers to the rights of another person. Passive behavior results in an "I lose; you win" outcome.
Passive behavior includes violating your own rights through inaction or by failing to express your
thoughts, feelings or desires.
"We can do whatever you want. Your ideas are probably better."
Aggressive Behavior is when someone stands up for their own rights without regard for others.
Aggressive behavior results in an "I win; you lose" outcome. Aggression is self-expression that
demands, attacks or humiliates other people, generally in a way which shows lack of respect for
"Hey, I'm in a hurry. Get out of my way."
Passive-Aggressive Behavior occurs when someone acts out aggressive impulses in an indirect way.
When people act passive-aggressively, they attempt to get what they need or want indirectly or
manipulatively. Passive-aggressive behavior is an indirect attempt to control or punish others.
"I’m sorry I'm so late. I didn’t realize this was such a big deal."
"Oh, don’t bother, I'll just have to do it myself."
Assertive Behavior is: Self-Expressive; Honest; Respectful of the Rights of Others
Direct and Firm; Socially Responsible; Learned, not Inborn
Equalizing - benefiting self, other and relationship
Verbal - includes feelings, thoughts, desires, rights, facts, opinions
Nonverbal - eye contact, voice, posture, facial, gestures, timing
Appropriate - for the person, culture and situation
Assertiveness Script: "When you __(behavior)__ , I feel / think ___________ ; So, I would like __(new
behavior)__ ."
Types of Assertion
Basic Assertion
Simple expression of standing up for personal rights, beliefs, feelings or opinions.
Example: When being interrupted, "Excuse me, I'd like to finish what I'm saying."
Empathic Assertion
Recognition of other person's situation or feelings followed by another statement standing up for speaker's
Example: "I know you are feeling angry and frustrated while you wait for a response. But, the best I can do is
give you a ballpark estimate of how long It will take."
Escalating Assertion
Start with a "minimal" assertive response... Other fails to respond... Gradually escalate the assertion?--
increasingly firm without being aggressive.
Example: From the first example, "I know what you have to say is important but I really want to finish what I was
saying." "I really want to finish before you begin to speak."
Confrontive Assertion
Describe what was to be done... Describe what actually occurred... Express what you want.t.
Example: "I told you to complete the forms by November 15, and you agreed to do so. Now it is January 15 and
you are telling me that you forgot the forms but you still expect to complete our business on time. What is it that
you want me to do?"
I-Language Assertion
Description of behavior: "When you __________ ,"
How it affects you life: "It affects __________ ,"
Describe your feelings: "and I feel __________ ;"
Describe your desire: "Therefore, I would like __________ ."
Example: "When you shout the effect is I am unable to work with you and I feel angry. Therefore, I would like for
you to stop shouting and tell me what you want."
Positive Assertion
Expressing positive feelings about yourself or someone else.
Examples: "I'm glad you came back to see me." "I did a good job working with that upset student."
Repeated Assertion
Sometimes called "Broken Record." Opposite of escalation. Simple, calm, repetition--saying what you want over
and over again, rote repetition.
Example: "You said you would complete this form and there is missing information."...A sarcastic reply... "The
form has not been completed." ...Another comment... "I have to have this form completed."
Fogging Assertion
Acknowledging possibility of truth to what other person is saying--agreeing in concept but not necessarily in fact.
Example: "I know these rules may appear to make no sense, but they are the procedures I must use."
Student Counseling & Educational
Support Services
Student Center G0116 (913) 588-6580