National Express Group PLC
(incorporated and registered in England and Wales under the Companies Act 1985 with registered number 2590560)
£500,000,000 Perpetual Subordinated Non-Call 5.25 Fixed Rate Reset Notes
Issue Price: 100 per cent.
The £500,000,000 Perpetual Subordinated Non-Call 5.25 Fixed Rate Reset Notes (the "Notes") are issued by National
Express Group PLC (the "Issuer"). Each Note entitles the holder thereof (each a "Noteholder") to receive cumulative
interest in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Notes (the "Conditions" and references herein to a numbered
Condition shall be construed accordingly). Interest on the Notes will accrue: (i) from, and including, 26 November 2020
(the "Issue Date") to, but excluding, 26 February 2026 (the "First Reset Date") at an interest rate of 4.250 per cent. per
annum, and (ii) from, and including, the First Reset Date at an interest rate per annum equal to the relevant Reset Interest
Rate (as defined in the Conditions). Interest in respect of the Notes will be payable (subject to deferral as described herein)
annually in arrear on 26 February in each year (short first interest period). Interest payments in respect of the Notes may
be deferred in certain circumstances. See Condition 4 for further details. If the Issuer does not elect to redeem the Notes
following a Change of Control Event (as defined in the Conditions), the then prevailing rate of interest (and all subsequent
rates of interest (if any)) in respect of the Notes shall be increased by 5 per cent. per annum with effect from, and including,
the date on which the Change of Control Event occurs (see Condition 4 for further details).
The Notes are perpetual securities in respect of which there is no fixed redemption date. The Issuer may redeem the Notes
(in whole but not in part) on 26 November 2025 (the "First Call Date") and on any day thereafter to (and including) the
First Reset Date; on the Second Reset Date (as defined in the Conditions) or on any Interest Payment Date (as defined in
the Conditions) thereafter at their outstanding principal amount plus any accrued but unpaid interest up to, but excluding,
the Redemption Date (as defined in the Conditions) and any outstanding Arrears of Interest (without double counting). In
addition, the Issuer will have the right to: (i) redeem the Notes upon the occurrence of an Accounting Event, a Tax Event,
a Rating Agency Event, a Gross-Up Event, a Change of Control Event or a Substantial Repurchase Event or (ii) substitute
or vary the terms of the Notes so that they remain or become Qualifying Securities upon the occurrence of an Accounting
Event, a Tax Event, a Rating Agency Event or a Gross-Up Event, each as described in Condition 5.
The Issuer may elect, in its sole discretion, to defer the whole of any payment of interest on the Notes due on any Interest
Payment Date. Such Deferred Interest Payments (as defined in the Conditions) will accrue additional interest at an annual
rate equal to the annual interest rate then applicable to the Notes (which will also be added to any Deferred Interest
Payments on each subsequent Interest Payment Date and accrue interest in the same manner). Any such Deferred Interest
Payments and any additional interest thereon are referred to as "Arrears of Interest".
The Issuer must pay Arrears of Interest upon the date for redemption of the Notes or in certain other limited circumstances,
as further described in Condition 4.
This prospectus (the "Prospectus") has been approved by the Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA"), as competent
authority under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (as amended, the "Prospectus Regulation"). The FCA only approves this
Prospectus as meeting the standards of completeness, comprehensibility and consistency imposed by the Prospectus
Regulation and such approval should not be considered as an endorsement of the Issuer or the quality of the Notes that are
the subject of this Prospectus. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Notes.
Applications have been made for the Notes to be admitted to listing on the official list of the FCA (the "Official List") and
to trading on the Regulated Market of the London Stock Exchange plc (the "London Stock Exchange"). The London
Stock Exchange's Regulated Market is a regulated market for the purposes of Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial
instruments (as amended, "MiFID II").
The Issuer has been assigned a rating of Baa2/negative from Moody's Investors Service Ltd. ("Moody's") and
BBB/negative from Fitch Ratings Ltd. ("Fitch"). Each of Moody's and Fitch is established in the United Kingdom and is
registered under Regulation (EC) No. 1060/2009 (as amended, the "CRA Regulation"). The Notes are expected to be rated
Ba1 by Moody's and BB+ by Fitch. A list of registered credit rating agencies is published on the European Securities and
Markets Authority website (
A credit rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to suspension, reduction
or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agency. A suspension, reduction or withdrawal of the rating assigned
to the Notes may adversely affect the market price of the Notes. Please also refer to "Credit ratings may not reflect all risks
associated with an investment in the Notes" in the "Risk Factors" section of this Prospectus.
The Notes will initially be represented by a temporary global note (the "Temporary Global Note"), without interest
coupons, which will be deposited on or about the Issue Date with a common depositary for Euroclear Bank SA/NV
("Euroclear") and Clearstream Banking S.A. ("Clearstream, Luxembourg"). Interests in the Temporary Global Note
will be exchangeable for interests in a permanent global note (the "Permanent Global Note" and, together with the
Temporary Global Note, the "Global Notes"), without interest coupons, on or after 5 January 2021 (the "Exchange Date"),
upon certification of non-U.S. beneficial ownership. See "Form of the Notes and Summary of Provisions relating to the
Notes while in Global Form".
Investing in Notes involves certain risks. The principal risk factors that may affect the ability of the Issuer to fulfil its
obligations under the Notes are discussed under "Risk Factors" on pages 6 to 20 of this Prospectus.
Joint Structuring Agents
BNP PARIBAS BofA Securities
Active Bookrunners
BNP PARIBAS BofA Securities
MUFG Santander Corporate & Investment Banking
Passive Bookrunner
The date of this Prospectus is 24 November 2020
IMPORTANT NOTICES ........................................................................................................................................ i
INFORMATION REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS ........................................................ iv
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
RISK FACTORS .................................................................................................................................................... 6
USE OF PROCEEDS ........................................................................................................................................... 21
DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE ....................................................................................... 22
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE NOTES ................................................................................................. 24
IN GLOBAL FORM .............................................................................................................................. 46
DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER ....................................................................................................................... 49
TAXATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 61
SUBSCRIPTION AND SALE ............................................................................................................................. 63
GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 66
The Issuer accepts responsibility for all the information contained in this Prospectus. To the best of the knowledge
of the Issuer, the information contained in this Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and the Prospectus makes
no omission likely to affect its import.
This Prospectus shall be read and construed in conjunction with all documents which are deemed to be
incorporated herein by reference (see "Documents Incorporated by Reference" below). Other than in relation to
the documents which are deemed to be incorporated by reference, the information on the websites to which this
Prospectus refers does not form part of this Prospectus and has not been scrutinised or approved by the FCA.
No person has been authorised to give any information or to make any representation not contained or incorporated
by reference in or not consistent with this Prospectus and, if given or made, such information or representation
should not be relied upon as having been authorised by the Issuer or any of the Managers (as defined in
"Subscription and Sale" below).
None of the Managers, the Trustee and any of their respective affiliates have authorised the whole or any part of
this Prospectus and none of them makes any representation or warranty or undertaking (express or implied) or
accepts any responsibility or liability as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained or
incorporated by reference in this Prospectus.
Neither the delivery of this Prospectus nor the offering, sale or delivery of the Notes shall, in any circumstances,
create any implication that the information contained in this Prospectus is true subsequent to the date hereof or
the date upon which this Prospectus has been most recently amended or supplemented or that there has been no
adverse change, or any event reasonably likely to involve any adverse change, in the prospects or financial or
trading position of the Issuer since the date hereof or the date upon which this Prospectus has been most recently
amended or supplemented or that any other information supplied in connection with the Notes is correct at any
time subsequent to the date on which it is supplied or, if different, the date indicated in the document containing
the same.
The distribution of this Prospectus and the offering, sale and delivery of the Notes in certain jurisdictions may be
restricted by law. Neither the Issuer nor any of the Managers represents that this document may be lawfully
distributed, or that the Notes may be lawfully offered, in compliance with any applicable registration or other
requirements in any such jurisdiction, or pursuant to an exemption available thereunder, or assume any
responsibility for facilitating any such distribution or offering. In particular, no action has been taken by the Issuer,
or any Manager which would permit a public offering of the Notes, or distribution of this document, in any
jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required. Accordingly, no Notes may be offered or sold, directly or
indirectly, and neither this Prospectus nor any advertisement or other offering material may be distributed or
published in any jurisdiction, except under circumstances that will result in compliance with any applicable laws
and regulations, and the Managers have represented that all offers and sales by them will be made on the same
Persons into whose possession this Prospectus comes are required by the Issuer and the Managers to inform
themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. The Notes have not been and will not be registered under
the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended, the "Securities Act") and are subject to U.S. tax law
requirements. Subject to certain exceptions, Notes may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States
or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons. For a description of certain restrictions on offers and sales of
Notes and on distribution of this Prospectus, see "Subscription and Sale".
The Managers have not separately verified the information contained in this Prospectus. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, none of the Managers nor BNP Paribas Trust Corporation UK Limited (the "Trustee") accepts
any responsibility for the contents of this Prospectus. Each of the Managers and the Trustee accordingly disclaims
all and any liability whether arising in tort or contract or otherwise which it might otherwise have in respect of
this Prospectus or any such statement. None of the Managers makes any representation, express or implied, or
accepts any responsibility, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information in this
Prospectus. This Prospectus is not intended to provide the basis of any credit or other evaluation and should not
be considered as a recommendation by the Issuer or the Managers that any recipient of this Prospectus should
purchase the Notes. Each potential purchaser of Notes should determine for itself the relevance of the information
contained in this Prospectus and its purchase of Notes should be based upon any such investigation as it deems
necessary. None of the Managers undertakes to review the financial condition or affairs of the Issuer or the Issuer
and its subsidiaries (together, the "Group" or the "National Express Group") during the life of the Notes or to
advise any investor in the Notes of any information coming to the attention of any of the Managers.
This Prospectus does not constitute an offer or an invitation to subscribe for or purchase any Notes and should not
be considered as a recommendation by the Issuer, the Managers or any of them that any recipient of this Prospectus
should subscribe for or purchase any Notes. Each recipient of this Prospectus shall be taken to have made its own
investigation and appraisal of the condition (financial or otherwise) of the Issuer.
The Notes may not be a suitable investment for all investors. Each potential investor in the Notes must make
its own assessment as to the suitability of an investment in the Notes in light of its own circumstances. In particular,
each potential investor should consider, either on its own or with the help of its financial and other professional
advisers, whether it:
(i) has sufficient knowledge and experience to make a meaningful evaluation of the Notes, the merits and
risks of investing in the Notes and the information contained or incorporated by reference in this
Prospectus or any applicable supplement;
(ii) has access to, and knowledge of, appropriate analytical tools to evaluate, in the context of its particular
financial situation, an investment in the Notes and the impact such investment will have on its overall
investment portfolio;
(iii) has sufficient financial resources and liquidity to bear all of the risks of an investment in the Notes,
including where the currency for principal or interest payments is different from the currency in which
the potential investor's financial activities are principally denominated;
(iv) understands thoroughly the terms of the Notes and is familiar with the behaviour of any relevant indices
and financial markets; and
(v) is able to evaluate possible scenarios for economic, interest rate and other factors that may affect its
investment and its ability to bear the applicable risks.
The Notes are complex financial instruments. Sophisticated institutional investors generally do not purchase
complex financial instruments as stand-alone investments. They purchase complex financial instruments as a way
to reduce risk or enhance yield with an understood, measured, appropriate addition of risk to their overall
portfolios. A potential investor should not invest in the Notes (which are complex financial instruments) unless it
has the expertise (either alone or with a financial adviser) to evaluate how the Notes will perform under changing
conditions, the resulting effects on the value of the Notes and the impact this investment will have on the potential
investor's overall investment portfolio.
Legal investment considerations may restrict certain investments, including in the Notes. The investment activities
of certain investors are subject to investment laws and regulations, or review or regulation by certain authorities.
Each potential investor should consult its legal advisers to determine whether and to what extent (1) Notes are
legal investments for it, (2) Notes can be used as collateral for various types of borrowing and (3) other restrictions
apply to its purchase or pledge of any Notes. Financial institutions should consult their legal advisers or the
appropriate regulators to determine the appropriate treatment of Notes under any applicable risk-based capital or
similar rules.
offered, sold or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any
retail investor in the European Economic Area (the "EEA") or in the United Kingdom (the "UK"). For these
purposes, a "retail investor" means a person who is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client as defined in point (11) of
Article 4(1) of MiFID II; (ii) a customer within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/97 (the "Insurance
Distribution Directive"), where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10)
of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in the Prospectus Regulation. Consequently
no key information document required by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 on key information documents for
packaged retail and insurance-based investment products, (as amended, the "PRIIPs Regulation") for offering or
selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA or in the UK has been prepared
and therefore offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA
or in the UK may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.
MARKET – Solely for the purposes of each manufacturer's product approval process, the target market
assessment in respect of the Notes has led to the conclusion that: (i) the target market for the Notes is eligible
counterparties and professional clients only, each as defined in MiFID II; and (ii) all channels for distribution of
the Notes to eligible counterparties and professional clients are appropriate. Any person subsequently offering,
selling or recommending the Notes (a "distributor") should take into consideration the manufacturers' target
market assessment; however, a distributor subject to MiFID II is responsible for undertaking its own target market
assessment in respect of the Notes (by either adopting or refining the manufacturers' target market assessment)
and determining appropriate distribution channels.
Certain alternative performance measures ("APMs") are included or referred to in this Prospectus (including in
the documents incorporated by reference). APMs are non-GAAP measures used by the Group within its financial
publications to supplement disclosures prepared in accordance with other applicable regulations such as
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The Issuer considers that these measures provide useful
information to enhance the understanding of financial performance. The APMs should be viewed as
complementary to, rather than a substitute for, the figures determined according to other regulatory measures. An
explanation of each such metric's components and calculation method can be found in the section entitled
"Glossary of Alternative Performance Measures" on page 17 of the unaudited consolidated financial statements
of the Group in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2020 (incorporated by reference into this Prospectus).
289) OF SINGAPORE (THE "SFA") - Solely for the purposes of its obligations pursuant to Sections 309B(1)(a)
and 309B(1)(c) of the SFA, the Issuer has determined, and hereby notifies all persons, including all relevant
persons (as defined in Section 309A(1) of the SFA), that the Notes are prescribed capital markets products (as
defined in the Securities and Futures (Capital Markets Products) Regulations 2018 of Singapore) and Excluded
Investment Products (as defined in Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS") Notice SFA 04-N12: Notice on
the Sale of Investment Products and MAS Notice FAA-N16: Notice on Recommendations on Investment
In this Prospectus, unless otherwise specified or the context otherwise requires, references to "GBP", "£",
"sterling" and "pounds sterling" are to the currency of the United Kingdom; references to "", "Euro" and "euro"
are to the currency introduced at the start of the third stage of European economic and monetary union pursuant
to the Treaty establishing the European Community (as amended from time to time); references to "dollars" and
"U.S.$" are to the currency of the United States of America; and references to "CAD" are to the currency of
This Prospectus includes forward-looking statements. The words "believe", "anticipate", "expect", "intend",
"plan", "predict", "continue", "assume", "positioned", "may", "will", "should", "shall", "risk" and other similar
expressions that are predictions of or indicate future events and future trends identify forward-looking statements.
These forward-looking statements include all matters that are not historical facts. In particular, the statements
under the headings "Overview", "Risk Factors", "Description of the Issuer" regarding the Group's strategy and
other future events or prospects are forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on forward-
looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are in
many cases beyond the Issuer's control. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties
because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Recipients of
this Prospectus are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and that
the Group's actual results of operations, financial condition and liquidity, and the development of the industry in
which the Group operates may differ materially from those made in or suggested by the forward-looking
statements contained in this Prospectus. The cautionary statements set out above should be considered in
connection with any subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements that the Issuer, or persons acting on
its behalf, may issue. Factors that may cause the Group's actual results to differ materially from those expressed
or implied by the forward-looking statements in this Prospectus include but are not limited to the risks described
under "Risk Factors".
These forward-looking statements reflect the Issuer's judgement at the date of this Prospectus and are not intended
to give any assurances as to future results. Save as required by the rules of the FCA, the Issuer undertakes no
obligation to update these forward-looking statements, and will not publicly release any revisions they may make
to these forward-looking statements that may result from events or circumstances arising after the date of this
Prospectus. The Issuer will comply with its obligations to publish updated information as required by law or by
any regulatory authority but assumes no further obligation to publish additional information.
The following is an overview of the principal features of the Notes and is qualified in its entirety by the detailed
information appearing elsewhere in this Prospectus and, in particular, under "Terms and Conditions of the
Notes". Potential purchasers of Notes should read this Prospectus in its entirety. Terms used in this section and
not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given to them in the "Terms and Conditions of the Notes".
Issuer: National Express Group PLC
Risk Factors: Investing in the Notes involves certain risks. The principal risk
factors that may affect the ability of the Issuer to fulfil its
obligations under the Notes are discussed under ''Risk Factors''.
Description of the Notes:
£500,000,000 Perpetual Subordinated Non-Call 5.25 Fixed Rate
Reset Notes to be issued by the Issuer on 26 November 2020.
Ranking of the Notes: The Notes will constitute unconditional, unsecured and
subordinated obligations of the Issuer and will at all times rank
pari passu without any preference among themselves and pari
passu with any Parity Obligations of the Issuer but junior to any
Senior Obligations of the Issuer and senior to the Issuer's
Ordinary Shares (as more particularly set out in Condition 2.2).
Joint Structuring Agents: BNP Paribas
Merrill Lynch International
Active Bookrunners: Banco Santander, S.A.
BNP Paribas
Merrill Lynch International
MUFG Securities EMEA plc
Passive Bookrunners: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.
Trustee: BNP Paribas Trust Corporation UK Limited
Principal Paying Agent: BNP Paribas Securities Services
Calculation Agent: BNP Paribas Securities Services
Issue Price: 100 per cent.
Use of Proceeds: The net proceeds of the issue of the Notes will be applied by the
Issuer for its general corporate purposes and the repayment of
existing debt.
Form of the Notes and Clearing
The Notes will be issued in bearer form and will initially be
represented by a Temporary Global Note which will be deposited
with a common depositary for Euroclear and Clearstream,
Luxembourg as described in "Form of the Notes and Summary of
Provisions relating to the Notes while in Global Form".
Credit ratings: The Issuer has been assigned a rating of Baa2/negative from
Moody's and BBB/negative from Fitch. The Notes are expected
to be rated Ba1 by Moody's and BB+ by Fitch.
Each of Moody's and Fitch is established in the United Kingdom
and is registered under the CRA Regulation.
An obligation rated Ba1 by Moody's is judged to be speculative
and is subject to substantial credit risk. The modifier 1 indicates
that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its generic rating
An obligation rated BB+ by Fitch has an elevated vulnerability
to default risk, particularly in the event of adverse changes in
business or economic conditions over time; however, business or
financial flexibility exists that supports the servicing of financial
commitments. The modifiers (+) or (–) may be appended to
a rating to denote relative status within categories.
A credit rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold the
Notes and may be subject to suspension, reduction or withdrawal
at any time by the assigning rating agency. A suspension,
reduction or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating
agency may adversely affect the market price of the Notes.
The Notes are expected to receive 50 per cent. "equity credit"
from each of Moody's and Fitch upon issuance.
Interest and Interest Payment Dates: Each Note shall entitle the Noteholder to receive cumulative
interest, which shall accrue:
(a) from, and including, the Issue Date to, but excluding,
the First Reset Date at an interest rate per annum of
4.250 per cent.; and
(b) from, and including, the First Reset Date at an interest
rate per annum equal to the relevant Reset Interest Rate.
Interest on the Notes will be payable (subject to deferral as
described below) annually in arrear on 26 February in each year
(short first interest period).
Optional deferral of Interest
Interest which accrues during an Interest Period will be due and
payable on the relevant Interest Payment Date, unless the Issuer
elects to defer the relevant payment of interest (in whole but not
in part) pursuant to Condition 4.5.
The Issuer may, at its discretion, elect to defer (in whole but not
in part) any payment of the Interest Amount (a "Deferred
Interest Payment") which is otherwise scheduled to be paid on
an Interest Payment Date. If the Issuer elects not to make any
payment of interest on an Interest Payment Date, then it will not
have any obligation to pay such interest on the relevant Interest
Payment Date.
Any Deferred Interest Payment shall itself bear interest (such
further interest, together with each Deferred Interest Payment,
being "Arrears of Interest"), at the Interest Rate prevailing from
time to time, from (and including) the date on which (but for such
deferral) the Deferred Interest Payment would otherwise have
been due to be made to (but excluding) the date on which the
Deferred Interest Payment is paid, and such interest will be added
to such Deferred Interest Payment (and thereafter accumulate
additional interest accordingly) on each Interest Payment Date.
Non-payment of Arrears of Interest shall not constitute a default
by the Issuer under the Notes or for any other purpose, unless
such Arrears of Interest become due and payable in accordance
with the Conditions.
Payment of Deferred Interest
The Issuer will be entitled to pay outstanding Arrears of Interest
(in whole but not in part) at any time.
The Issuer
pay all outstanding Arrears of Interest (in whole
but not in part) on the earliest of:
(a) the tenth London Business Day following the date on
which a Compulsory Arrears of Interest Payment Event
(b) the next scheduled Interest Payment Date in respect of
which the Issuer does not elect to defer the payment of
the interest accrued in respect of the relevant Interest
(c) the date on which the Notes are redeemed; or
(d) the date on which an order is made or a resolution is
passed for the Winding-Up of the Issuer (other than a
Solvent Reorganisation of the Issuer).
No redemption: The Notes are perpetual securities in respect of which there is no
fixed redemption date.
Early Redemption:
Subject to applicable laws, the Issuer may redeem the Notes (in
whole but not in part) (i) on the First Call Date and on any day
thereafter to (and including) the First Reset Date, (ii) on the
Second Reset Date or (iii) on any Interest Payment Date
thereafter, in each case at their outstanding principal amount plus
any accrued but unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the
Redemption Date and any outstanding Arrears of Interest
(without double counting).
Early redemption following an
Accounting Event, a Gross-Up Event,
a Rating Agency Event, a Substantial
Repurchase Event or a Tax Event:
If an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up Event, a Rating Agency
Event, a Substantial Repurchase Event or a Tax Event occurs, the
Issuer may, subject to certain conditions, redeem the Notes (in
whole but not in part) at their Early Redemption Amount.
Change of Control: If Change of Control Event occurs and is continuing the Issuer
may, subject to certain conditions, redeem the Notes (in whole
but not in part) at their principal amount together with any
accrued and unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the redemption
date and any outstanding Arrears of Interest (without double
counting). If the Issuer does not elect to redeem the Notes
following the occurrence of a Change of Control Event, the
interest rate shall be increased by 5 per cent. per annum with
effect from the Change of Control Event in accordance with the
Substitution and Variation following
an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up
Event, a Rating Agency Event or a
Tax Event:
If an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up Event, a Rating Agency
Event or a Tax Event occurs, the Issuer may, subject to certain
conditions, substitute or vary the terms of the Notes so that they
remain or become Qualifying Securities.
Purchase: The Issuer and any of its Subsidiaries may, to the extent permitted
by applicable law, at any time purchase Notes (provided that all
Coupons and unexchanged Talons relating thereto are attached
thereto or surrendered therewith) in the open market or otherwise
at any price.
Events of Default: If a default is made by the Issuer for a period of 30 days or more
in the payment of any principal or interest (including any Arrears
of Interest) in respect of the Notes which is due and payable, then
the Issuer shall without notice from the Trustee be deemed to be
in default under the Trust Deed, the Notes and the Coupons and
the Trustee at its sole discretion may (subject to Condition 11),
and if so requested by the holders of at least one-quarter in
principal amount of the Notes then outstanding or if so directed
by an Extraordinary Resolution shall (subject in each case to
being indemnified and/or secured and/or pre-funded to its
satisfaction), (a) institute actions, steps or proceedings for the
Winding-Up of the Issuer and/or (b) prove in the Winding-Up of
the Issuer and/or (c) claim in the liquidation or administration of
the Issuer for such payment, such claim being as contemplated in
Condition 2.2 but may take no further or other action save as set
out below. If a Winding-Up of the Issuer occurs (other than for
the purposes of a Solvent Reorganisation of the Issuer), without
prejudice to Condition 2, the Trustee at its sole discretion may
(subject to Condition 11), and if so requested by the holders of at
least one-quarter in principal amount of the Notes then
outstanding or if so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution shall
(subject in each case to being indemnified and/or secured and/or
prefunded to its satisfaction), give notice to the Issuer that the
Notes are, and they shall accordingly forthwith become,
immediately due and repayable at their outstanding principal
amount plus any accrued but unpaid interest thereon up to (but
excluding) the date of repayment (including, without double
counting, any Arrears of Interest).
Payments free of withholding: All payments of principal and interest in respect of the Notes will
be made free and clear of withholding taxes of a Tax Jurisdiction,
unless required by law. In that event, the Issuer will, subject to
customary exceptions, pay such additional amounts as will result
in the payment to the Noteholders of the amounts which would
otherwise have been received in respect of the Notes, all as
described in Condition 7.
Meetings of Noteholders: The Conditions and the Trust Deed contain provisions for calling
meetings of Noteholders to consider matters affecting their
interests generally. These provisions permit defined majorities
to bind all Noteholders including Noteholders who did not attend
and vote at the relevant meeting and Noteholders who voted in a
manner contrary to the majority.
Variation, Waiver and Substitution
of the Issuer:
Subject to Condition 13 of the Conditions, the Trustee may agree,
without the consent of Noteholders, to:
(a) any modification of the Conditions or the Trust Deed
(other than in respect of a Reserved Matter) which is, in
the opinion of the Trustee, proper to make if, in the
opinion of the Trustee, such modification will not be
materially prejudicial to the interests of Noteholders;
(b) any modification of the Conditions and the Notes or the
Trust Deed that is of a formal, minor or technical nature
or is made to correct a manifest error or to correct an
error which, in the opinion of the Trustee, is proven;
(c) any waiver or authorisation of any breach or proposed
breach, of any of the provisions of the Conditions or the
Trust Deed (other than a proposed breach or breach
relating to the subject of a Reserved Matter) that is in
the opinion of the Trustee not materially prejudicial to
the interests of the Noteholders.
The Trust Deed also provides, subject to certain conditions, for
the substitution of any Subsidiary of the Issuer or its successor in
business as the principal debtor under the Trust Deed and the
Notes, provided that such substitution shall only be permitted if
it does not result in the Notes no longer being eligible for the
same, or a higher amount of, "equity credit" as is attributed to the
notice is given to Noteholders of the
aforementioned substitution.
Governing Law: The Trust Deed and the Notes, the Coupons and the Talons, and
any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection
thereto are governed by, and will be construed in accordance
with, English law.
Listing and Trading: Application has been made to the FCA for the Notes to be
admitted to the Official List and to the London Stock Exchange
for the Notes to be admitted to trading on the London Stock
Exchange's Regulated Market.
Issuer's Legal Entity Identifier: 213800A8IQEMY8PA5X34
Selling Restrictions: The Notes have not been, and will not be, registered under the
Securities Act and, subject to certain exceptions, may not be
offered or sold within the United States. The Notes may be sold
in other jurisdictions only in compliance with applicable laws and
regulations. See "Subscription and Sale" below.
Prospective investors should consider carefully the risks set forth below and the other information contained in
this Prospectus prior to making any investment decision with respect to the Notes. Each of the risks highlighted
below could have a material adverse effect on the business, operations, financial condition or prospects of the
Issuer which, in turn, could affect their ability to fulfil its obligations under the Notes. In addition, each of the
risks highlighted below could adversely affect the trading price of the Notes or the rights of investors under the
Notes and, as a result, investors could lose some or all of their investment.
Prospective investors should note that the risks described below are not the only risks the Issuer face. The Issuer
has only described those risks in connection with the Notes and its ability to fulfil its obligations under them which
it considers to be material. There may be additional risks that the Issuer currently considers not to be material or
of which it is not currently aware, and any of these risks could have the effects set forth above.
Prospective investors should read the entire Prospectus, together with the documents incorporated by reference
herein. Words and expressions defined in the Conditions or elsewhere in this Prospectus have the same meanings
in this section.
1. Factors that may affect the Issuer's ability to fulfil its obligations under the Notes
A. Financial risks relating to the Group
The Group is exposed to risks relating to the COVID-19 pandemic
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared the outbreak of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Governments in affected areas have imposed a number of measures designed to contain the outbreak, including
stay at home orders, prohibitions on gatherings and events, business closures, school closures, travel restrictions
and social distancing guidelines. The spread of COVID-19 has resulted in a sharp economic downturn in countries
in which the Group operates and the global economy more widely, as well as causing increased volatility and
declines in financial markets. As the pandemic is prolonged and as it leads to further national and/or localised
'lockdowns' and/or continued school closures and/or other adjustments to schooling and/or working methods, such
as online teaching and working from home, and/or travel restrictions, or further diseases emerge that give rise to
similar effects, the adverse impact on the global economy could be deepened and result in further financial risk to
the Group.
The Group is diverse, by geography, mode of transport and contract type. A sizeable proportion of its revenue is
protected through contractual agreements and the Group has worked pro-actively with customers to secure
additional revenue notwithstanding reduced demand levels. It has also protected that revenue by reducing its costs
by cutting capital expenditure, reducing variable operating expenditure to meet reduced demand and availing itself
of Government support schemes where available. Nevertheless there is an ongoing risk that the COVID-19
pandemic results, in all the Group's principal operating territories, in reduced discretionary travel and, in the case
of high unemployment and/or increased trends of online teaching and/or working from home, reduced commuting
travel and reduced demand for school bus capacity. Furthermore, continued social distancing will impact load
factors and hence profitability per trip where revenue depends on passenger numbers as opposed to kilometres
travelled. These factors could have a material adverse impact on the financial performance of the Group for a
prolonged period. However, the sizeable proportion of protected revenue and a flexible and highly variable cost
base provide significant mitigation against this.
Accordingly, the Group's scenario planning and response to the outbreak, including making significant capital and
operating cost savings across all its businesses and not paying a dividend in 2020, suggests that it will maintain
significant liquidity headroom, and achieve compliance with the terms of its bank facilities and note purchase
agreements, through at least the next 12 to 18 months.
Failure by the Group to maintain certain financial ratios set out in the Facilities (as defined below) could result
in an event of default under the Facilities
The Group is dependent on maintaining certain financial ratios in order to comply with its banking covenants in
its combined revolving credit facilities and term loans (the "Facilities") which totalled £782,000,000 and
U.S.$100,000,000 respectively as at 30 June 2020. These financial ratios relate to the ratio of the Group's net debt
to its earnings before exceptional items, interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation ("EBITDA") and the ratio of
the Group's net interest to its EBITDA.
In 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Group obtained covenant amendments on the Facilities as
Net debt to EBITDA waiver for June 2020, December 2020 and June 2021; and
Net Interest to EBITDA amendment from 3.5x to 1.5x at December 2020, and 2.5x at June 2021.
The Group is currently in compliance with the terms of its amended Facilities and the board of directors of the
Issuer (the "Board") believes that the Group will continue to remain compliant for at least the next 12 to 18
There can be no certainty that in the longer term the Group will be able to maintain the required financial ratios
in order to comply with its banking covenants. In particular, the ability of the Group to maintain these financial
ratios may depend on matters that are either wholly or partly outside the Group's control, including the results of
ongoing operations. In these circumstances, the Group would need to seek to agree with its lenders an extension
or deferral of these covenants or a waiver of any such covenant breach. However, there can be no certainty that
the lending banks under the Facilities would in these circumstances agree to an extension or deferral of the Group's
banking covenants or a waiver of any likely breach of these covenants.
In the event of any breach of the Group's banking covenants, the Group's lending banks would be entitled to call
an event of default under the Facilities and, as a result of cross default provisions, default may also arise in respect
of certain other financial indebtedness of the Group, but not, for the avoidance of doubt, the Notes. In these
circumstances, the lending banks under the Facilities would be permitted to exercise certain rights, including the
right to cancel the Facilities, accelerate the payment of sums owing under the Facilities, enforce any security and
guarantees granted by the Issuer and certain other members of the Group, and initiate insolvency or similar
proceedings against the Issuer and any Group companies which have granted such security and/or guarantees in
connection with the Facilities. Any of these steps could, whether singularly or in aggregate, have a material
adverse effect on the Group. In such circumstances the Group may be unable to continue trading.
Bid assumptions on the part of the Group may prove to be incorrect
Part of the Group's business is secured through winning new contracts, particularly in connection with its bus and
coach businesses outside of the UK, along with German Rail. An inherent risk in contract bidding is that bid
assumptions might prove to be incorrect. If any of the Group's significant bid assumptions, including estimated
costs of contract mobilisation, prove to be incorrect, this could have a material adverse effect on the Group's
business, financial condition and results of operations. Where possible, the Group will seek to recover lost profits
through enforcement of its contractual rights and/or negotiation with awarding authorities or other stakeholders,
although the extent to which these measures will be successful cannot be guaranteed.
The Group participates in defined benefit pension schemes and the contributions payable to these schemes
might vary over time
The Group operates two main defined benefit pension schemes, along with some smaller schemes, and is
consequently exposed to the risk that the cash contributions required to be made to these schemes increase due to
changes in factors such as investment performance, interest rates used to discount liabilities and life expectancies.
In the first six months of 2020, these schemes experienced a significant increase in combined actuarial deficits.
This was due to a decrease in high quality corporate bond yields (which is used as the basis for the discount rate
applied to the schemes), which were affected by the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19. As well as market
movements, material changes in the regulatory and funding environment for defined benefit pension schemes
could also impact the contributions required and potentially result in the Group being required to increase its
future cash funding. If, due to these changes, the Group is required to make additional contributions to the pension
schemes (to the extent they are not recoverable under its price controls or state rate plans), this could materially
adversely affect the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
In 2018, the National Express Group Staff Pension Plan, through its trustee company, completed an insurance
buy-in transaction to cover 100 per cent. of future benefits payable to members. This transaction has reduced the
overall risk associated with the fund by passing the risks of investment market volatility and any unanticipated
increases in life expectancy of the pensioners to the insurers. The scheme is also closed to future accrual and in a
surplus position. No further contributions from the Group are anticipated.
A triennial review for the funding position of the West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority Pension Fund
("WMITA fund") was completed in early 2020. Future secondary contributions are marginally lower (£7.1
million versus £7.6 million) than the previous funding plan, but primary contributions are higher. Combined, the
total contributions into the scheme are materially similar to the previous funding plan. The WMITA fund also has
an insurance policy, which was agreed in 2012 and covers around half of its liabilities. The scheme is open to
future accrual for existing members only, with active members in the scheme now only a relatively small
proportion of total members.
The Group's defined benefit pension scheme deficits are calculated on an International Accounting Standards
("IAS") 19 basis and as at 30 June 2020 the two schemes had a combined IAS 19 deficit of £128.9 million. Under
applicable legislation, the pension scheme trustees may adopt a funding basis which results in calculated deficits
that are higher than those calculated on an IAS 19 basis. Accordingly, the contributions necessary to remedy those
deficits may be higher than the IAS 19 position suggests. If, as a result, the Group is required to make higher
contributions to the pension schemes, which are currently locked for six years, this could materially adversely
affect the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
The Group is subject to risks resulting from currency fluctuations and hedging activities
Fluctuations in foreign exchange rates give rise to translation risk and effect the value of those liabilities
denominated in foreign currencies. In addition, there can be no certainty that the Group's cashflows across its
various operational currencies will be in similar proportions to the Group's financial liabilities in those same
currencies. Accordingly, exchange rate fluctuations may have an impact on the Group's longer term financial
position, including its ability to comply with its financial covenants.
The Group also prepares its financial statements in sterling, but generates a significant proportion of its revenue
in other currencies. To the extent that its revenues are received in currencies other than sterling, and currency
exchange rates become unfavourable, the Group may lose some of the economic value of its revenue in sterling
terms. As the Group grows its overseas operations, it may receive more of its revenue in currencies other than
sterling. Hedging strategies, such as forward contracts, options and foreign exchange swaps, which may be
implemented to mitigate this risk, may not eliminate the Group's exposure to foreign exchange rate fluctuations
which could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Announced and other potential changes to accounting standards
The International Accounting Standards Board (the "IASB") introduced new accounting standards and
amendments to existing standards effective as of 1 January 2019 and 1 January 2020 and has been considering
new accounting standards and amendments, which could materially and adversely affect the financial statements
of the Group. As the Group prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with international
accounting standards as adopted by the European Union (the "EU"), comprising IFRS and IAS, together with
their interpretative texts, these changes may, for example, adversely affect the recognition of both assets and
liabilities of the Group as well as its income and expenses in the consolidated statement of comprehensive
In January 2016, the IASB published the accounting standard IFRS 16, 'Leases', which replaces the previous
standard IAS 17, 'Leases', and IFRIC 4, 'Determining Whether an Arrangement Contains a Lease'. In particular,
IFRS 16 amends the accounting treatment of leases with the lessee. Under IFRS 16, the lessee is to account for
the regular capitalisation of leased assets for the right of use in connection with the leasing arrangement and also
to recognise a corresponding liability in connection with the leasing arrangement. Excluded from IFRS 16 are
low-value assets and leasing arrangements with a term of less than 12 months if the corresponding options are
exercised. The lessor is to continue to differentiate between finance leases and operating leases. IFRS 16 also
contains a number of other provisions relating to recognition, disclosures and sale and leaseback transactions. The
application of IFRS 16 is required for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2019 and it has been adopted
by the EU. The Group adopted IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective method of adoption with the date of
initial application of 1 January 2019. The Group elected to use the recognition exemptions for lease contracts that,
at the commencement date, have a lease term of 12 months or less and do not contain a purchase option ('short-
term leases'), and lease contracts for which the underlying asset is of low value ('low-value assets').
The Group is not able to fully assess the precise impact of the above and other such changes to the accounting
standards on future reporting periods as at the date of this Prospectus, however, these could have a material and
adverse effect on the Group's net income and financial position, including related key performance indicators
such as EBITDA, operating profit, interest, profit before tax, operating margin, return on capital employed and
net debt.
B. Operational risks relating to the Group
The Group's operations are exposed to COVID-19 risks
The Group continues to closely monitor the risk presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic, with Board
oversight and management action feeding down through each business. The overriding priority has been to ensure
the safety and well-being of staff and customers, by following relevant Government and public health authority
guidance and implementing additional health and safety measures that go beyond such guidance where
The first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak led to a rapid reduction or shutdown of services across the Group and
during this period actions were taken to ensure staff and customers could return to providing or using the Group's
services with appropriate safety equipment, cleaning procedures and social distancing measures in place
increasing confidence in the services provided. While passenger levels across many of the Group's services were
starting to recover over the summer months when the first wave of the outbreak abated somewhat, the second
wave of the outbreak has slowed that recovery for the time being.
Operationally the Group continues to work closely with public bodies, customers, suppliers, third party operators,
staff and passengers to seek to ensure that the Group's services are safe and management are prepared to react to
future developments. However the risk of further waves of the COVID-19 outbreak and continued and/or future
disruption to service remains, with continuing uncertainty on the extent and duration of any such outbreak and
disruption, which could have further material adverse effects on the Group's business and results of operations.
Whilst the Group's year-on-year monthly revenue experienced growth of 15.7 per cent. and 17.8 per cent. in
January and February 2020, respectively, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it declined by 11.6 per cent.
in March 2020, 51.1 per cent. in April 2020 and 52.8 per cent. in May 2020. However, the decline reduced in the
following months to 47.4 per cent. and 34.9 per cent. in June and July 2020, respectively.
Continuity of the Group's businesses is dependent on the Group's IT systems, which may fail or be subject to
The Group's operations are highly dependent on advanced information systems, including internal bespoke and
third party licensed software, and there is a risk that such technology could fail. In addition to such failure, there
can be no assurance that such technology or systems will not be subject to damage or interruption caused by
human error, unauthorised access, computer viruses, denial of service, attacks, sabotage, natural hazards or
disasters or other similarly disruptive events, including other security breaches. In the event of failure or disruption
of such information systems, the Group has in place disaster recovery procedures, security measures, support and
maintenance, usually provided in-house in the first instance and thereafter by third party contractors, but such
procedures and measures may not anticipate, prevent or mitigate any material adverse effect of such failure or
disruption on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Furthermore, the Group may at any time be required to expend significant capital or other resources to protect
against failure and disruption, including the replacement or upgrading of its existing business continuity systems,
procedures and security measures. If replacements, expansions, upgrades and other maintenance are not completed
efficiently or there are operational failures, the quality of service experienced by passengers may decline. If, as a
result, passengers were to reduce or stop their use of the Group's services, this could have a material adverse effect
on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations. Additionally, if the Group is unable to
acquire or implement new technology, it may suffer a competitive disadvantage, which could also have a material
adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
The Group relies on the ability of management to successfully implement initiatives and other organisational
changes designed to increase operating efficiencies and improve results of operations
To reflect changing economic, market and technological conditions, from time to time management undertakes
initiatives and other organisational changes designed to increase operating efficiencies and improve results of
operations. Undertaking such initiatives and organisational changes can create uncertainty and increase the
Group's financial risk, and the Group relies on the ability of management to implement these initiatives
successfully in order to mitigate such uncertainty and risk and to increase operating efficiencies and improve its
results of operations. In addition, should the Group contemplate any disposals as part of such initiatives or
organisational changes, there can be no assurance that the Group will be able to anticipate all associated
organisational and separation issues. If the Group's management is unable to implement such initiatives and
organisational changes successfully, this could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial
condition and results of operations.
The Group relies on the experience and continuity of key personnel for the success of its business
Attracting and retaining key members of senior management is vital in ensuring that the Group continues to have
the necessary expertise and continuity to execute its strategy. However, there can be no assurances that the Group
will continue to be able to attract and retain the appropriate members of senior management. A failure to attract,
or the loss of, such key members of senior management could have a material adverse effect on the Group's
business, financial condition and results of operations.
If the Group is unable to successfully recruit and retain qualified employees, this may adversely impact its
business, financial condition and results of operations, and impact opportunities for growth in new markets
The Group's business depends on delivering high quality, reliable services and cost efficiency. Staff costs are the
largest single component of the Group's costs, representing more than half of the Group's total operating costs in
the 2019 financial year. Service delivery and the ability to exploit future growth opportunities therefore requires
access to, and retention of, high calibre staff, including in particular operational management, bus, coach and train
drivers, at an affordable cost. Labour shortages, or low unemployment rates, could hinder the Group's ability to
recruit and retain qualified employees leading to a higher than expected increase in the Group's staff costs,
including the costs of recruiting and training bus, coach and train drivers, in addition to having a material adverse
effect on the Group's service delivery. If the Group is not successful in its recruitment and retention of qualified
employees, this may have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition, results of
operations and ability to grow.
Industrial actions taken by organised labour unions could have a material adverse effect on the Group's
business, financial condition and results of operations
The Group's UK and Spanish divisions are unionised with around 57 per cent. of the UK division's employees and
around 30 per cent. of the Spanish division's employees represented by collective bargaining agreements.
Approximately 37 per cent. of employees in the North American division are represented by local collective
bargaining agreements. The Group operates within its Workplace Rights Policy on a global basis, but significant
industrial action in any of the Group's businesses could result in a significant disruption of operations and
increased costs and/or damage to its reputation, which could have a material adverse effect on the Group's
business, financial condition and results of operations.
Actual or attempted terrorist activities in the UK, North America, Spain or elsewhere in the world and other
acts of violence may adversely affect the Group
The continuing risk of actual or attempted terrorist activities and other acts of violence within and outside the UK,
North America, Spain and elsewhere in the world has adversely affected, and may continue to adversely affect,
the general economic activities of the Group's passengers. In particular, terrorist acts and the public's concerns
about potential attacks could adversely affect demand for the Group's services. There have been multiple acts of
terrorism on public transport systems and other terrorist attacks that whilst not directly targeting public transport
have discouraged travel. In addition, if the Group was to be perceived as not taking all reasonable precautions to
guard against potential terrorist acts and other acts of violence, this could negatively impact the Group's reputation
with passengers, thereby reducing demand for the Group's services. Any fall in demand for the Group's services
could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
As a result of actual or attempted terrorist activities or other acts of violence, governmental authorities may
mandate security procedures in addition to those currently employed by the Group, thereby increasing the Group's
costs, which could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition and results of
The Group retains a significant proportion of risk for certain types of insurance claims, before it is able to
claim under external insurance policies
The Group's policy is to adopt a level of self-insurance within its business, particularly for high frequency, low
value claims. As a result, the policy deductibles on a number of the Group's external insurance policies provide
that a significant proportion of any such claims must be met by the Group, before cover attaches under the
applicable policy (or policies).
In the UK, the Group's external insurance policies are subject to certain deductibles, which mean that the Group
is responsible for (as at the date of this Prospectus):
The first £500,000 of claims arising from any one occurrence in relation to motor liabilities.
The first £250,000 of claims arising from any one occurrence in relation to employer's liability.
The first £250,000 of claims arising from any one occurrence in relation to public liability.
The first £500,000 of claims arising from any one occurrence in relation to damage to the Group's own
property, including buses or coaches while parked at the Group's premises.
In North America, the Group's external insurance policies are also subject to certain deductibles, which means
that the Group is responsible for (as at the date of this Prospectus):
The first U.S.$/CAD5 million of claims arising from any one occurrence in relation to auto or general liability.
The first U.S.$2 million of claims arising from any one occurrence in relation to workers' compensation
(employee injury, US only).
The first U.S.$250,000 of claims arising from any one occurrence in relation to damage to the Group's own
property, including buses parked at the Group's premises.
Across the Group, the crime insurance policy provides cover for any losses arising from theft or fraud, but only
covers incurred losses above £1 million.
Therefore, the Group must in certain circumstances cover a significant proportion of insurance claims prior to
external coverage attaching. Any requirement beyond normal expectations for the Group to make substantial
payments or provisions in respect of any such claims could result in significant cash outflows or income statement
charges and there can be no assurance that such cash outflows would not have a material adverse effect on the
Group's profitability and cashflow position.
The Group is exposed to the risk of operational and other safety incidents
The Group, like all public transportation operators, is exposed to the risk of operational incidents. Any operational
or other safety incident involving loss of life or significant damage to property or assets or harm to any person
relating to the Group's services could result in a substantial loss in public confidence in the Group. Any such loss
in public confidence in the Group could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition
and results of operations, as well as negatively impacting the ability of the Group to win and retain contracts or
Any operational or other safety incident involving loss of life or significant damage to property or assets or harm
to any person exposes the Group to financial risk, including personal injury and other liability claims or criminal
proceedings as well as the possibility that its operations may be suspended or terminated, and accordingly, any
such incident could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition and results of
Certain operational incidents are outside the Group's control, such as incidents involving the suspension of
services caused by adverse weather conditions. Such incidents could affect the Group's profitability and also result
in a loss in public confidence in the Group and could consequently have a material adverse effect on the Group's
business, financial condition and results of operations.
The Group may be unable to retain, extend or renew a number of its short-term property leases and licences in
respect of its North America, UK coach and ALSA businesses
A significant proportion of the Group's operational property interests in respect of its North America, UK coach
and ALSA ("ALSA") (the Spanish, Moroccan and Swiss bus and coach division) businesses are leases due to
expire within the next five years. The Group also occupies other properties for its UK coach business on the basis
of licences to occupy and rights contained within management operating agreements, which may be terminated
on relatively short notice. Actions are agreed with the operational teams to mitigate the risk of the loss of the
property so as not to affect operational capability of performance. The North American, UK and European
occupancy of property under agreements is protected by statute law and case law such that tenants have agreed
and well known protected rights.
The Group also operates in the Middle East where the influence of sovereign state decisions can have a direct
impact on occupancy. In the Middle East, property is occupied under lease agreements but these may and can be
overridden by direct sovereign state influence and instruction. This risk does not occur outside the region where
the Group operates.
There is a risk that the Group may be unable to renew such arrangements when they expire or are terminated. If
the Group is able to renew such arrangements, such renewals may be on terms that are less favourable to the
Group than those under existing arrangements. Where the Group is unable to renew such arrangements or
otherwise continue to use such properties, there can be no assurance that the Group will be able to secure
substantially similar alternative properties in equivalent locations at equivalent terms, or at all. Accordingly, if the
Group loses its ability to continue to operate from its current operational locations, or if the Group accepts leases
or licences on significantly less favourable terms, this could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business,
financial condition and results of operations.
C. Strategic risks relating to the Group
The continuing financial viability of certain of the Group's contract-based businesses is dependent on
maintaining a minimum number of contracts
Certain of the Group's contract-based businesses, particularly its North American school bus business and its
Spanish coach business, need to maintain a minimum number of contracts (such minimum number being
dependent on the size of contracts obtained) in order to justify the overheads of running those businesses.
In Spain, the concession renewal process restarted in 2019 but, apart from two contracts, no other concession has
been put out to tender. With the situation arising from COVID-19, this is expected to remain the case throughout
2020. Nevertheless, the renewal process, when resumed, could result either in the loss of contracts by National
Express or in a reduction in profitability on retention. Around 20 per cent. of the Group's revenues in Spain are
generated from national, intercity coach contracts, and the vast majority of these contracts are due to be re-tendered
in the next two to three years. There is a risk that when the long distance coach contracts operated by National
Express in Spain come to be re-tendered the business may not retain a number of key contracts, or that contracts
are secured on less favourable terms, which could significantly impact its revenues and profitability from 2022
If the Group is unable to bid competitively for new contracts, or if the Group is unable to maintain appropriate
relationships with key stakeholders by, among other things, maintaining high standards of passenger service and
satisfaction, such contract-based businesses may not be able to retain their existing scale of operations. This would
result in a negative impact on the relevant business' cost assumptions and profitability thereby having a material
adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations, although no one contract
makes up more than 2 per cent. of the Group's earnings.
The Group's UK coach business is dependent on a number of third party operators
The Group's UK coach business is dependent on the outsourcing of the operation of the majority of its services to
third parties. Whilst the Group contractually regulates the performance of these third party services, it can only
exercise limited control over many of these third party operators' day-to-day actions and is reliant on them to
perform their services in accordance with the terms of their contracts and UK law, which increases its vulnerability
to problems with the services they provide. The Group may not be successful in recovering any losses which result
from the failure of third party operators to comply with their contractual obligations to the Group and third party
operators may seek to recover losses from the Group under indemnities or in respect of breaches of obligations or
warranties under their agreements with the Group. In addition, third party operators may give notice of termination
of service (typically twelve months in advance), requiring the Group to find a new operator which may result in
service disruption. Such events could potentially have a material adverse effect on the Group's reputation, and
consequently a material adverse effect on its business, financial condition and results of operations.
To help mitigate this risk, the Group's UK coach business has implemented robust controls and procedures to
monitor third party operators' operating performance and provide support where required. In previous instances
where third party operators have left the network, the transmission to new operators has been smooth, helped by
the UK coach business' extensive list of pre-approved coach operators who can step in at short notice, however,
there is no guarantee that all future transmissions to new third party operators will also be smooth.
The Group's businesses are exposed to competitive pressures from other modes of transport and other operators
in the same modes of transport
The Group's businesses are exposed to competitive pressures, including in the areas of pricing and service, from
modes of transport other than buses, coaches and rail and from other operators in the same modes of transport.
In the Group's UK bus business and UK coach business, the Group's main competitor is the car. The cost of driving
a car is generally perceived as being lower than travelling by bus or coach, especially if there is more than one
person in the car. As such, car-sharing and on-demand taxi services are also a source of potential competition. In
addition, the Group's UK coach business also competes with rival coach operators, as well as services provided
by train operating companies which offer reduced price fares in order to increase capacity utilisation and drive
passenger revenue growth in a period of economic uncertainty. The UK bus business competes with other
operators, where deregulation of the industry has made it possible for any company to begin operating a
commercial service (except for local bus services within London), after giving notice to and receiving the
necessary operating licence from the Traffic Commissioners appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport.
The Group's German Rail business competes at both the bid and operating stages of the business. The Group
competes at the bid stage with other train operators. The main competitors to the Group's rail business at the
operating stage are the car, other train operators, open-access operators and, to a lesser extent, budget airlines and
other coach operators.
In North America, the Group's student transportation business competes with several large, national companies as
well as a substantial number of smaller, locally owned operators. The Group's competitors in the student
transportation business can also include school districts (which are governmental bodies), as many school districts
also operate their own school buses.
In Spain, the Group's long distance coach business competes primarily with high-speed train operators and to a
lesser extent budget airlines and online car sharing services. The Group's patronage in Spain also faces competition
from national and international competitors in the market.
There can be no assurance that competitive pressures may not in the future have a material adverse effect on the
Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
The Group's businesses are dependent on it maintaining its brands in each jurisdiction in which it operates
and the Group is also exposed to reputational risks related to the transport industry
The Group is dependent on maintaining its brands in each jurisdiction in which it operates in order to maintain
and grow its business. The Group's brands are an important asset of its businesses and central to the Group's
success. The Group is exposed to the risk that litigation, misconduct, operational failures, cyber-attacks, negative
publicity and press speculation, whether or not valid, could harm its reputation. The Group's reputation could also
be adversely affected if its services do not perform as expected. In addition, the Group's reputation could be
affected by the conduct or performance of third parties, such as those to which it outsources the operation of its
UK coach business, and over which it does not have full control. The Group may also be unable to protect its
brands against third party competition, and any future re-branding or brand expansion could be restricted by pre-
existing third party intellectual property rights.
Furthermore, negative publicity may result in greater regulatory scrutiny of the Group's operations and of the
industry generally. If the Group is unable to maintain its brands in each of the jurisdictions in which it operates or
should there be reputational damage to the transport industry as a whole, this could have a material adverse effect
on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
D. Macro-economic and regulatory risks relating to the Group
Demand for the Group's services may be adversely affected by economic conditions beyond the Group's control
Demand for the Group's services, like those of other public transportation operators and those of other participants
in any industry, is influenced by general economic trends. There can be no assurance that the Group's business,
financial condition and results of operations will not be materially and adversely affected by general economic
trends. In the UK, and, potentially, in other members states of the EU, economic conditions may be particularly
adversely affected by the UK's impending exit from the EU, and across all Group operations, the COVID-19
pandemic has an ongoing impact on the economies in which they operate.
If economic conditions were to deteriorate in any of the markets in which the Group operates, the number of
journeys taken by passengers in those markets would be likely to decrease as relative disposable income decreases,
unemployment increases and the spending habits of passengers change to reflect increased uncertainty and
nervousness regarding the economic outlook. Whilst some of the Group's businesses have naturally defensive
characteristics, often being the cheapest mode of transport, some of the more discretionary parts of the business,
such as the UK coach business and Spanish coach divisions, and those that are reliant to some degree on revenues
from commuters such as the UK bus, US employee shuttle and German rail business, may be adversely affected
by reduced economic activity and higher unemployment. The Group's ability to reduce service levels in times of
weaker demand varies from business to business, and there can be no assurance that the Group will be able to
reduce service levels appropriately to mitigate any material effect of a decrease in passenger journeys on its
In addition, though it is likely that a downturn in the economy of a particular jurisdiction in which the Group
operates may adversely affect the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations, the extent of
such impact is uncertain.
Increases in energy and/or fuel costs could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial
condition and results of operations
All of the Group's businesses incur energy and/or fuel costs, and in particular the Group is exposed to commodity
price risk as a result of fuel usage, which constitutes a significant portion of the Group's costs. The price of crude
oil (and therefore the refined petroleum products used in the Group's operations) can be volatile, for example
falling from U.S.$64 per barrel in January 2019 to U.S.$29 per barrel in April 2020 (Source: Refinitiv). Fuel prices
and supply levels can be influenced significantly by international, political and economic circumstances. If fuel
supply shortages were to arise because of national strikes, world supply difficulties or disruption of refining
capacity or oil imports, this could result in higher fuel prices and disruption to services. The Group seeks to
mitigate the risks of volatility in fuel costs by entering into fuel swaps and purchase contracts. As at 30 June 2020,
the Group had hedged approximately 100 per cent. of its fuel usage for the 2020 financial year, 80 per cent. of its
expected fuel usage for the 2021 financial year, 40 per cent. of its expected fuel usage for the 2022 financial year
and 15 per cent. of its expected fuel usage for the 2023 financial year. There can be no assurance that increases in
energy costs, including increases in fuel costs, will not have a material adverse effect on the Group's business,
financial condition and results of operations.
Changes in employment legislation could add cost to the business and have a material impact on financial
With staff costs making up more than one half of the Group's operating expenditure, the cost base could be
adversely affected by legislative changes if these significantly alter minimum/living wage costs or provisions
around paid leave. These risks include, but are not limited to, potential changes to minimum/living wage rates in
the UK, Europe and North America, extensions of paid leave provisions and funding of medical insurance in the
U.S., and changes to the basis for calculation of holiday pay in the UK and Spain. If, due to these changes, the
cost base is increased, this could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition and
results of operations.
The success of the Group's business is dependent upon its relationships with government authorities and key
external stakeholders
The Group's relationships with government authorities regulating public transportation operators in the
jurisdictions in which it operates and with key external stakeholders are significant factors contributing to the
success of the Group's business. As part of the UK government's devolution agenda, in certain areas of the UK,
powers have been devolved to regional authorities to set local public transportation policy, which increases the
potential for bus franchising in these regions and will make it much easier for local authorities to directly contract
commercial services in a similar way to London.
The Group engages fully with its regulators and key stakeholders with regard to issues of shared concern, such as
the regulation of transport services, supply arrangements, environmental issues and safety and punctuality
initiatives. If the Group fails to maintain such relationships or if such relationships were adversely affected for
any reason, any action or inaction on the part of the Group, negative publicity concerning the Group or the public
transportation industry or the development of mutually exclusive interests between the Group and the other party,
this could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations.
The Group may be adversely affected by political and regulatory changes
The Group's businesses are subject to numerous laws in the jurisdictions in which they operate regulating safety
procedures, equipment specifications, employment requirements, environmental procedures, insurance coverage
and other operating issues. These laws are constantly subject to change. There is a risk that the transport industry
will become more regulated in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates. In addition, local authorities with
whom the Group contracts could specify levels of quality and service with which the Group must comply. The
costs associated with complying with changes in interpretations of existing, or the adoption of new, legislation,
regulations or other laws in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates and of meeting specific levels of quality
and service under contractual obligations could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, financial
condition and results of operations.
The Group may be adversely affected by environmental requirements and liabilities
The Group is subject to extensive and constantly evolving national and local environmental laws and regulations
in the jurisdictions in which it operates, including laws and regulations governing air emissions, wastewater
discharges, the storage, handling and transportation of chemicals and hazardous substances and the remediation
of contaminated soil and groundwater. The Group is also subject to environmental agency legislation in the
jurisdictions in which it operates and certain contractual requirements relating to the environment and may incur
liabilities arising from historical environmental contamination at properties it owns or has owned. Additional
expenditures may be incurred by the Group in order to comply with either new environmental legislation and
regulations, new interpretations of existing laws and regulations or more rigorous enforcement of such laws and
regulations, as well as in connection with fulfilling contractual and historical environmental contamination
obligations at Group sites. There can be no assurance that any such expenditures will not have a material adverse
effect on the Group's business, financial condition and results of operations; however, the Group is constantly
monitoring its environmental operations and risks. Mitigation strategies are in place to seek to avoid any such
occurrence having a material effect.
In addition, the Group's adaptation and mitigation measures on climate change risks are managed under the
Group's regulatory and physical climate related frameworks.
The Group may be exposed to a number of political, social and macroeconomic risks relating to an exit by the
UK from the EU
As a result of the UK electing to withdraw from the EU in a national referendum on 23 June 2016 (commonly
referred to as Brexit), the UK Government invoked Article 50 of the Treaty on the EU, which began the process
of the UK's withdrawal from the EU. The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 and a transition period is now in
place until 31 December 2020. During the transition period the UK and the EU are continuing to negotiate their
relationship and the framework for the UK's future relationship with the EU remains uncertain.
The Group is a multinational company headquartered in the UK with international operations, including
significant business operations in North America, Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The withdrawal by
the UK from the EU may result in macroeconomic deterioration and prolonged economic uncertainty in the
markets in which the Group operates, including, but not limited to, decreases in global stock exchange indices,
increased foreign exchange volatility (in particular a further weakening of sterling and the euro against other
leading currencies), decreased gross domestic product in the UK and a downgrade of the UK's sovereign credit
rating. Any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, prospects, financial
condition and results of operations.
Depending on the terms of the agreement reached between the UK and the EU on migration and immigration (if
any), the UK's exit from the EU could result in restrictions on mobility of personnel and could create difficulties
for the Group in recruiting and retaining qualified employees.
In addition, the exit by the UK from the EU and any consequential loss of the ability of UK-based businesses to
sell goods and services freely and bid for work within the EU may result in an increase in unemployment in the
UK, potentially as a result of the relocation of businesses and jobs to other member states of the EU. This could
have a particularly adverse effect on the Group's UK operations.
Any of these risks could result in lower revenue, higher operating costs and could have a material adverse effect
on the Group's business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations.
2. Factors which are material for the purpose of assessing the market risks associated with the Notes
The Notes are subordinated
The Notes will be subordinated as set forth in the Conditions and the Trust Deed. Specifically, upon the occurrence
of a Winding-Up of the Issuer, payments on the Notes will be subordinated in right of payment to the prior
payment in full of all other liabilities of the Issuer, except for any Parity Obligations of the Issuer, which rank
equally with the Notes, or in respect of the Issuer's Ordinary Shares.
The Notes will also be unsecured, which means that they will be subordinated to any secured obligations of the
Issuer in respect of the assets securing such obligations.
Although the Notes may pay a higher rate of interest than comparable notes which are not subordinated, there is
a real risk that an investor in the Notes will lose all or some of his investment should the Issuer be subject to a
In addition, generally, creditors of a subsidiary, including trade creditors and creditors holding indebtedness and
guarantees issued by the subsidiary and preferred shareholders (if any) of the subsidiary, will be entitled to the
assets of that subsidiary before any of those assets can be distributed to its direct or indirect shareholders (including
the Issuer) upon its liquidation or winding up. The Issuer's subsidiaries may have other liabilities, including
contingent liabilities, which could be substantial. Since the Noteholders are not creditors of these subsidiaries,
their claims to the assets of the subsidiaries that may generate the Issuer's income (and consequently, their right
to receive payments under the Conditions) are structurally subordinated to the creditors of these subsidiaries.
The Issuer has the right to defer Interest Amounts on the Notes
The Issuer may in its sole discretion defer (in whole but not in part) Interest Amounts (as further described in
Condition 4.5). Arrears of Interest may, at the option of the Issuer, be paid at any time, and the circumstances in
which it is required to be paid are set out in Condition 4.6. While the deferral of Interest Amounts continues
pursuant to Condition 4.5, the Issuer may make payments on any instrument ranking senior to the Notes. In such
circumstances, such deferral shall not constitute a default, the Noteholders will not be able to accelerate the
maturity of their Notes and such Noteholders will have claims only for amounts then due and payable on their
Notes. Additionally, during any such deferral period, Noteholders will receive limited or no current payments on
the Notes.
The terms of any Parity Obligations of the Issuer may operate to restrict the Issuer's ability to pay interest on the
Notes to the extent that payments are deferred on such Parity Obligations.
To the extent a secondary market develops for the Notes, any deferral of Interest Amounts is likely to have an
adverse effect on the market price of the Notes. As a result of the Issuer's deferral right or if investors perceive
that there is a likelihood that the Issuer will exercise its deferral right, the market for the Notes may become less
active or be discontinued during such a deferral period, and the market price of the Notes may be more volatile
than the market prices of other securities on which interest or distributions accrues that are not subject to such
deferrals and may be more sensitive generally to adverse changes in the Issuer's financial condition. If the Issuer
does decide to defer interest on the Notes and a Noteholder sells its Notes during the period of that deferral, such
Noteholder may not receive the same return on its investment as a holder that continues to hold its Notes until the
Issuer pays the deferred interest at the end of the applicable deferral period.
Limited remedy for non-payment when due
The sole remedy against the Issuer available to the Trustee or (where the Trustee has failed to proceed against the
Issuer as provided in the Conditions) any Noteholder for recovery of amounts which have become due in respect
of the Notes will be the institution of proceedings for the winding-up of the Issuer and/or proving in such winding-
up or administration and/or claiming in the liquidation or the administration of the Issuer. In particular, a deferral
of payments as described above shall not constitute a default under the Notes or the Trust Deed for any purpose,
including enforcement action against the Issuer.
The Notes are perpetual securities and the Noteholders have no right to require redemption
The Notes are perpetual and, although the Issuer may redeem the Notes in certain circumstances prior to such
date, the Issuer is under no obligation to do so. Noteholders have no right to require redemption of the Notes and
therefore Noteholders should be aware that they may be required to bear the financial risks associated with an
investment in perpetual securities.
The Issuer may redeem, vary or substitute the Notes under certain circumstances
Noteholders should be aware that the Notes may be redeemed at the option of the Issuer (in whole but not in part)
at their outstanding principal amount (plus any interest accrued up to (but excluding) the Redemption Date and
any outstanding Arrears of Interest, without double counting) on: (i) the First Call Date and on any day thereafter
to (and including) the First Reset Date; (ii) the Second Reset Date; or (iii) any Interest Payment Date thereafter.
The Notes are also subject to redemption (in whole but not in part) at the Issuer's option upon the occurrence of
an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up Event, a Tax Event, a Rating Agency Event, a Substantial Repurchase Event or
a Change of Control Event. The amount at which the Notes are redeemed upon any such event may be less than
the then current market value of the Notes.
In the event that the Issuer redeems the Notes, a Noteholder may not be able to reinvest the redemption proceeds
in a comparable security at an effective interest rate as high as the interest rate on the Notes.
Furthermore, if an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up Event, a Tax Event or a Rating Agency Event occurs, then the
Issuer may at any time, instead of giving notice to redeem the Notes, substitute all, but not some only, of the Notes
for, or vary the terms of the Notes so that they remain or become, Qualifying Securities. Whilst Qualifying
Securities are required to have terms not otherwise materially less favourable to Noteholders than the terms of the
Notes, there can be no assurance that the substitution or variation of the Notes will not have a significant adverse
impact on the price of, and/or market for, the Notes or the circumstances of relevant individual Noteholders. For
example, it is possible that the Qualifying Securities will contain conditions that are contrary to the investment
criteria of certain investors and the tax and stamp duty consequences of holding the Qualifying Securities could
be different for some categories of Noteholders from the tax and stamp duty consequences for them of holding
the Notes prior to such substitution or variation.
A Noteholder will have no right to request or require redemption of the Notes in any circumstance, including upon
any decision by the Issuer to defer payments of interest in accordance with the Conditions. See also the risk factor
entitled "The secondary market".
The current IFRS accounting classification of financial instruments such as the Notes as equity instruments
may change, which may result in the occurrence of an Accounting Event
In June 2018, the IASB published the discussion paper DP/2018/1 on "Financial Instruments with Characteristics
of Equity" (the "DP/2018/1 Paper") and a public meeting on this matter was held on 23 October 2019. If the
proposals set out in the DP/2018/1 Paper are implemented in their current form, the current IFRS accounting
classification of financial instruments such as the Notes as equity instruments may change and this may result in
the occurrence of an "Accounting Event" (as described in the Conditions of the Notes). In such an event, the Issuer
may have the option to redeem, in whole but not in part, the Notes pursuant to the Conditions of the Notes or vary
or substitute them so that they remain or become Qualifying Securities. The implementation of any of the
proposals set out in the DP/2018/1 Paper or any other similar such proposals that may be made in the future,
including the extent and timing of any such implementation, if at all, is still uncertain. During the aforementioned
meeting of the IASB, the potential scope and indicative timetable of the project plan regarding the DP/2018/1
Paper were discussed but no decisions were made. Accordingly, no assurance can be given as to the future
classification of the Notes from an accounting perspective or whether any such change may result in the
occurrence of an Accounting Event, thereby providing the Issuer with the option to redeem, substitute or vary the
Notes pursuant to the Conditions of the Notes. The occurrence of an Accounting Event may result in Noteholders
receiving a lower than expected yield.
The redemption of the Notes by the Issuer or the perception that the Issuer will exercise its optional redemption
right might negatively affect the market value of the Notes. During any period when the Issuer may elect to redeem
the Notes, the market value of the Notes generally will not rise substantially above the price at which they can be
The substitution or variation of the Notes so that they remain or become Qualifying Securities may have a
significant adverse impact on the price of, and/or market for, the Notes or the circumstances of relevant individual
Noteholders as further described above under "The Issuer may redeem, vary or substitute the Notes under certain
No limitation on issuing senior or pari passu securities
There is no restriction on the amount of securities, guarantees or other liabilities which the Issuer may issue or
incur and which rank senior to, or pari passu with, the Notes. The issue of any such securities or the incurrence
of any such other liabilities may reduce the amount (if any) recoverable by Noteholders on a Winding-Up of the
Issuer and/or may increase the likelihood of a deferral of interest under the Notes. Further, the terms of such
securities, guarantees or other liabilities may include provisions resulting in the Issuer being required to defer
interest under the Notes in circumstances where a deferral of interest is made on such other securities, guarantees
or liabilities.
The Conditions and the Trust Deed do not prohibit the Issuer from taking actions that could adversely impact
an investment in the Notes
The Conditions and the Trust Deed do not limit the ability of the Issuer to incur additional debt, whether secured
or unsecured, including debt that ranks senior to or equal with the Notes upon Winding-Up of the Issuer.
Additionally, the Conditions and the Trust Deed do not:
require the Issuer to maintain any financial ratios or specific levels of net worth, revenues, income, cash flow
or liquidity;
restrict the ability of the Issuer to repurchase or prepay any of its other securities or other indebtedness;
restrict the ability of the Issuer to make investments or to repurchase, pay dividends on or make other
payments in respect of its ordinary shares or other securities ranking junior to the Notes;
restrict the ability of the Issuer to enter into transactions with affiliates;
restrict the ability of the Issuer to enter into highly leveraged transactions; or
require the Issuer to repurchase the Notes in the event of a Change of Control.
As a result of the foregoing, when evaluating the terms of the Notes, a potential investor should be aware that the
Conditions and the Trust Deed do not restrict the ability of the Issuer to engage in, or to otherwise be a party to, a
variety of corporate transactions, circumstances and events that could have an adverse impact on an investment
in such Notes.
Modification, waivers and substitution
The Conditions and the Trust Deed contain provisions for calling meetings of Noteholders to consider matters
affecting their interests generally. These provisions permit defined majorities to bind all Noteholders including
Noteholders who did not attend and vote at the relevant meeting and Noteholders who voted in a manner contrary
to the majority.
The Conditions also provide that the Trustee may, without the consent of Noteholders, agree to: (i) any
modification of the Conditions or the Trust Deed (other than in respect of a Reserved Matter) which is, in the
opinion of the Trustee, proper to make if, in the opinion of the Trustee, such modification will not be materially
prejudicial to the interests of Noteholders, (ii) any modification of the Conditions and the Notes or the Trust Deed
that is of a formal, minor or technical nature or is made to correct a manifest error or to correct an error which, in
the opinion of the Trustee, is proven, and (iii) any waiver or authorisation of any breach or proposed breach, of
any of the provisions of the Conditions or the Trust Deed (other than a proposed breach or breach relating to the
subject of a Reserved Matter) that is in the opinion of the Trustee not materially prejudicial to the interests of the
The Trust Deed also provides, subject to certain conditions, for the substitution of any Subsidiary of the Issuer or
its successor in business as the principal debtor under the Trust Deed and the Notes. The tax and stamp duty
consequences of holding Notes following a substitution could be different for some categories of Noteholders
from the tax and stamp duty consequences for them of holding the Notes prior to such substitution.
Change of law
The Conditions, and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by
English law in effect as at the date of this Prospectus. No assurance can be given as to the impact of any possible
judicial decision or change to English law or administrative practice after the date of this Prospectus.
Denominations involve integral multiples: definitive Notes
The Notes have denominations consisting of a minimum of £100,000 plus one or more higher integral multiples
of £1,000 up to £199,000. It is possible that the Notes may be traded in amounts that are not integral multiples of
£100,000. In such a case a Noteholder who, as a result of trading such amounts, holds an amount which is less
than £100,000 in the Noteholder's account with the relevant clearing system at the relevant time may not receive
a definitive Note in respect of such holding (should definitive Notes be printed) and would need to purchase a
principal amount of Notes such that its holding amounts to £100,000.
If definitive Notes are issued, holders should be aware that definitive Notes which have a denomination that is not
an integral multiple of £100,000 may be illiquid and difficult to trade.
3. Risks related to the market for Notes generally
The secondary market
The Notes may have no established trading market when issued, and one may never develop. If a market does
develop, it may not be very liquid. Therefore, investors may not be able to sell their Notes easily or at prices that
will provide them with a yield comparable to similar investments that have a developed secondary market. This
is particularly the case for Notes (such as the Notes) that are especially sensitive to interest rate, currency or market
risks, are designed for specific investment objectives or strategies or have been structured to meet the investment
requirements of limited categories of investors. These types of Notes generally would have a more limited
secondary market and more price volatility than conventional debt securities. Illiquidity may have a severely
adverse effect on the market value of the Notes.
In addition, Noteholders should be aware of the weak secondary liquidity conditions in the markets whereby there
is a general lack of liquidity in the secondary market for instruments similar to the Notes. Such lack of liquidity
may result in investors suffering losses on the Notes in secondary resales even if there is no decline in the
performance of the assets of the Issuer. The Issuer cannot predict which of these circumstances will change and
whether, if and when they do change, there will be a more liquid market for the Notes and instruments similar to
the Notes at that time.
Exchange rate risks and exchange controls
The Issuer will pay principal and interest in respect of the Notes in pounds sterling. This presents certain risks
relating to currency conversions if an investor's financial activities are denominated principally in a currency or
currency unit (the "Investor's Currency") other than sterling. These include the risk that exchange rates may
significantly change (including changes due to devaluation of sterling or revaluation of the Investor's Currency)
and the risk that authorities with jurisdiction over the Investor's Currency may impose or modify exchange
controls. An appreciation in the value of the Investor's Currency relative to sterling would decrease (i) the
Investor's Currency-equivalent yield on the Notes; (ii) the Investor's Currency-equivalent value of the principal
payable on the Notes; and (iii) the Investor's Currency-equivalent market value of the Notes.
Government and monetary authorities may impose (as some have done in the past) exchange controls that could
adversely affect an applicable exchange rate or the ability of the Issuer to make payments in respect of the Notes.
As a result, investors may receive less interest or principal than expected, or no interest or principal.
Fixed rate securities have a market risk and a change in market interest rates could result in a decrease in the
value of the Notes
Interest will accrue on the Notes at a fixed rate of return. A holder of a security with a fixed rate of return, such
as the Notes, is exposed to the risk that the price of such security falls as a result of changes in the current interest
rate on the capital market (the "Market Interest Rate"). While the nominal rate of return of a security with a
fixed rate of return is fixed during the life of such security or during a certain period of time, the Market Interest
Rate typically changes on a daily basis. A change of the Market Interest Rate causes the price of such security to
change. If the Market Interest Rate increases above current levels, the price of such security will generally decline
in value because debt instruments of the same face value priced at market interest rates will yield higher income.
Consequently, if Market Interest Rates increase above the current interest rates, the market value of the Notes may
decline. If, on the other hand, the Market Interest Rate falls, the price of such security typically increases. The
Issuer cannot give any assurance regarding the future level of Market Interest Rates.
Investors should be aware that movements of the Market Interest Rate may adversely affect the price of the Notes
and may lead to losses for Noteholders if they sell the Notes at a time when the price of such Notes is less than
the price at which they purchased such Notes.
Further, the interest rate in respect of the Notes will reset on the First Reset Date and on subsequent Reset Dates.
The relevant Reset Interest Rate could be less than the initial Interest Rate and could affect the market value of an
investment in the Notes.
Credit ratings may not reflect all risks associated with an investment in the Notes
Fitch and Moody's are expected to assign credit ratings to the Notes. The ratings may not reflect the potential
impact of all risks related to structure, market, additional factors discussed above, and other factors that may affect
the value of the Notes. A credit rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be revised
or withdrawn by the rating agency at any time.
In general, European (including UK) regulated investors are restricted under the CRA Regulation from using
credit ratings for regulatory purposes, unless such ratings are issued by a credit rating agency established in the
EU or in the UK and registered under the CRA Regulation (and such registration has not been withdrawn or
suspended), subject to transitional provisions that apply in certain circumstances whilst the registration application
is pending. Such general restriction will also apply in the case of credit ratings issued by non-EU and non-UK
credit rating agencies, unless the relevant credit ratings are endorsed by an EU-registered or a UK-registered credit
rating agency or the relevant non-EU or non-UK rating agency is certified in accordance with the CRA Regulation
(and such endorsement action or certification, as the case may be, has not been withdrawn or suspended). If the
status of the rating agency rating the Notes changes, European (including UK) regulated investors may no longer
be able to use the rating for regulatory purposes and the Notes may have a different regulatory treatment. This
may result in European (including UK) regulated investors selling their Notes, which may impact the value of the
Notes in the secondary market.
The net proceeds from the issue of the Notes are expected to amount to approximately £496,375,000 and such
proceeds shall be applied by the Issuer for its general corporate purposes and the repayment of existing debt.
The following information shall be deemed to be incorporated in, and to form part of, this Prospectus:
1) the Group's 'Annual Report 2019' (available for viewing on the Issuer's website at
2019.pdf) and 'Annual Report 2018' (available for viewing on the Issuer's website at
report_190314.pdf)), including the information set out at the following pages:
2019 2018
Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes pages 136-224 pages 114-199
Independent Auditor's Report pages 128-135 pages 106-113
the table entitled "Free cash flow" page 24 page 19
the table entitled "Net funds flow" page 24 page 19
the section entitled "Treasury Management" Pages 24-25 page 20
2) the Group's 'Half Year results for the six month period ended 30 June 2020' (available for viewing on
the Issuer's website at
year-results-2020.pdf) and the Group's Half Year results for the six month period ended 30 June 2019'
(available for viewing on the Issuer's website at, including
the unaudited consolidated financial statements of the Group in respect of the six months ended 30 June
2020 (the "2020 Interim Financial Statements") and 30 June 2019 set out at the following pages:
2020 2019
Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes pages 20*- 43* pages 24
Glossary of Alternative Performance Measures pages 17*-18* page 22*
Independent Review Report pages 44*-45* page 45
the table entitled "Free cash flow" page 11* page 17*
the table entitled "Net funds flow" page 12* page 17*
the sections entitled "Dividend", "Treasury Management",
"Pensions" and "Fuel Costs"
pages 13*-14* pages 18*-20*
* These page numbers are references to the PDF pages included in the Group's 'Half Year results for the six month
period ended 30 June 2020' and the Group's 'Half Year results for the six month period ended 30 June 2019',
(3) the information set out in the Group's 'Trading Update' dated 24 September 2020 (available for viewing
on the Issuer's website at
news/2020/trading-update-1/) under the following headings:
(a) "Overview"; and
(b) "Divisional operating highlights (ALSA, North America and UK)".
(4) the information set out in the Group's 'Trading Update' dated 12 November 2020 (available for viewing
on the Issuer's website at
news/2020/trading-update-2/), other than (i) the first of the four bullet points set out under the heading
"Group financial position" and (ii) the words "which we expect to continue throughout the balance of the
year" at the end of the second of the four bullet points under the heading "Group financial position" (the
"12 November Trading Update").
Any non-incorporated parts of a document referred to herein are either deemed not relevant for an investor or are
otherwise covered elsewhere in this Prospectus. Any documents themselves incorporated by reference in the
documents incorporated by reference in this Prospectus shall not form part of this Prospectus.
Such documents shall be incorporated in and form part of this Prospectus, save that any statement contained in a
document which is incorporated by reference herein shall be modified or superseded for the purpose of this
Prospectus to the extent that a statement contained herein modifies or supersedes such earlier statement (whether
expressly, by implication or otherwise). Any statement so modified or superseded shall not, except as so modified
or superseded, constitute a part of this Prospectus.
Copies of the documents incorporated by reference in this Prospectus may be obtained, free of charge, from the
registered office of the Issuer at National Express House, Birmingham Coach Station, Mill Lane, Digbeth
B5 6DD, United Kingdom and on its website at
The following, subject to alteration and except for the paragraphs in italics, are the terms and conditions of the
Notes which will be endorsed on each Note in definitive form (if issued).
The £500,000,000 Perpetual Subordinated Non-Call 5.25 Fixed Rate Reset Notes (the "Notes", which expression,
unless the context otherwise requires, includes any further notes issued pursuant to Condition 9 and forming a
single series with the Notes) of National Express Group PLC (the "Issuer") are constituted by a trust deed dated
26 November 2020 (such trust deed, as modified and/or amended and/or supplemented and/or restated from time
to time, the "Trust Deed") made between the Issuer and BNP Paribas Trust Corporation UK Limited (the
"Trustee", which expression shall include any successor thereto) as trustee for the holders of the Notes (the
"Noteholders") and the holders of the interest coupons appertaining to the Notes (the "Couponholders" and the
"Coupons", respectively). In these Terms and Conditions of the Notes (the "Conditions"):
(i) references to "Notes" and "Noteholders" shall respectively be deemed to include references to Coupons
and Couponholders; and
(ii) references to "Coupons" and "Couponholders" shall be deemed to include references to the talons for
further interest coupons (the "Talons") and the holders of the Talons,
in each case, unless the context otherwise requires.
The Notes have the benefit of an agency agreement dated 26 November 2020 (such agency agreement, as modified
and/or amended and/or supplemented and/or restated from time to time, the "Agency Agreement") made between
the Issuer, BNP Paribas Securities Services as initial principal paying agent (in such capacity, the "Principal
Paying Agent" which expression includes any successor thereto) and calculation agent (in such capacity, the
"Calculation Agent", which expression includes any successor thereto) and the Trustee. The statements in the
Conditions include summaries of, and are subject to, the detailed provisions of the Trust Deed, which includes the
form of the Notes.
Conformed copies of the Trust Deed and the Agency Agreement (i) are available for collection or inspection
during normal business hours by the Noteholders at the specified office of the Trustee (being, at the Issue Date,
10 Harewood Avenue, London NW1 6AA), the Principal Paying Agent and each of the other paying agents
appointed under the Agency Agreement (together with the Principal Paying Agent, the "Paying Agents") or (ii)
may be provided by email to a Noteholder following prior written request to the Trustee or the relevant Paying
Agent therefor and provision of proof of holding and identity (in form satisfactory to the Trustee or the relevant
Paying Agent, as the case may be). The Noteholders are entitled to the benefit of, are bound by, and are deemed
to have notice of all the provisions of the Trust Deed and the Agency Agreement.
1.1 Form and denomination
The Notes are in bearer form, serially numbered, in denominations of £100,000 and integral multiples of
£1,000 in excess thereof up to and including £199,000 with Coupons and Talons attached on issue. No
definitive Notes (if issued) will be issued with a denomination above £199,000.
1.2 Title and Noteholder absolute owner
Title to the Notes will pass on delivery. Except as ordered by a court of jurisdiction or as required by
law, the Issuer, any Paying Agent and the Trustee may (to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws)
deem and treat the bearer of any Note as the absolute owner for all purposes (whether or not the Note is
overdue and notwithstanding any notice of ownership or writing on the Note or any notice of previous
loss or theft of the Note or of any trust or interest therein) and will not be required to obtain any proof
thereof or as to the identity of such bearer.
2.1 Status of the Notes
The Notes constitute unconditional, unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer and rank and
will at all times rank pari passu without any preference among themselves. The rights and claims of the
Noteholders under the Notes are subordinated as described in this Condition 2.
2.2 Subordination of the Notes
The payment obligations of the Issuer under the Notes shall, save for such exceptions as may be provided
by applicable legislation, at all times rank in the event of a Winding-Up of the Issuer:
(a) junior to the rights and claims of the holders of Senior Obligations of the Issuer;
(b) pari passu with the rights and claims of any holders of Parity Obligations of the Issuer; and
(c) senior to the rights and claims of the holders of the Issuer's Ordinary Shares.
To give effect to the intended ranking described above, if at any time a Winding-Up of the Issuer occurs
(otherwise than for the purposes of a Solvent Reorganisation of the Issuer), the amount payable by the
Issuer to a Noteholder under or in relation to such Noteholder's Notes (in lieu of any other payment by
the Issuer to such Noteholder under or in relation to the Notes, including pursuant to the Conditions or
the Trust Deed), shall be the amount that would have been payable to such Noteholder if, immediately
prior to and throughout such Winding-Up, such Noteholder was the holder of Notional Preference Shares
in the Issuer. For the purposes only of that calculation, in respect of each Note and matured but unpaid
Coupon (including any outstanding Arrears of Interest in respect of such Coupon) a Noteholder will be
deemed to hold a Notional Preference Share in the Issuer entitling the holder thereof, in the Winding-Up
of the Issuer, to receive in respect of such Notional Preference Share an amount that is equal to the
principal amount of the relevant Note and, in the case of a Coupon and its Couponholder, any accrued
but unpaid interest represented by such Coupon and any outstanding Arrears of Interest in respect of such
Coupon (without double counting) (and, in the case of an administration, on the assumption that
shareholders were entitled to claim and recover in respect of their shares to the same degree as in a
winding-up). Amounts payable to the Noteholders under this Condition 2.2 will only be paid after the
debts owing to the holders of the Issuer's Senior Obligations have been paid in full.
Nothing in this Condition 2.2 shall affect, apply to or prejudice the payment or reimbursement of the
costs, charges, expenses, liabilities or remuneration of the Trustee or the Paying Agents or the rights and
remedies of the Trustee or the Paying Agents in respect thereof.
Accordingly, the claims of holders of all Senior Obligations of the Issuer will first have to be satisfied in
any Winding-Up of the Issuer before Noteholders may expect to obtain from the Issuer any recovery in
respect of their Notes and, prior thereto, any Noteholder will have only limited ability to influence the
conduct of such Winding-Up of the Issuer. See "Risk Factors Factors which are material for the
purpose of assessing the market risks associated with the Notes– Limited remedy for non-payment when
To the extent and in the manner permitted by applicable law, neither the Trustee (in respect of amounts
owed to the Trustee by the Issuer in respect of, and arising from, the Notes but not in respect of any fees,
liabilities or expenses owed to the Trustee by the Issuer) nor any Noteholder may exercise, claim or plead
any right of set-off, counterclaim, compensation or retention in respect of any amount owed to it by the
Issuer in respect of, or arising from, the Notes and each Noteholder will, by virtue of its holding of any
Note, be deemed to have waived, and to have directed and authorised the Trustee on its behalf to have
waived, all such rights of set-off, counterclaim, compensation or retention. Notwithstanding the
preceding sentence, if any of the rights and claims of any Noteholder in respect of or arising under the
Notes or the Trust Deed are discharged by set-off, such Noteholder will immediately pay an amount
equal to the amount of such discharge to the Issuer or, if applicable, the liquidator, trustee, receiver or
administrator of the Issuer and, until such time as payment is made, will hold a sum equal to such amount
on trust for the Issuer or, if applicable, the liquidator, trustee, receiver or administrator in the relevant
liquidation, winding-up or administration. Accordingly, such discharge will be deemed not to have taken
4.1 Interest
Each Note shall entitle the Noteholder thereof to receive cumulative interest in accordance with the
provisions of this Condition 4.
4.2 Interest Rate
Unless previously redeemed or purchased and cancelled in accordance with the Conditions, interest on
the Notes will accrue:
(a) from, and including, the Issue Date to, but excluding, 26 February 2026 (the "First Reset
Date"), at an interest rate per annum of 4.250 per cent.; and
(b) from, and including, the First Reset Date, at an interest rate per annum equal to the relevant
Reset Interest Rate,
(each an "Interest Rate"), in each case on the outstanding principal amount of each Note, which interest
will be payable annually in arrear on 26 February of each year (each an "Interest Payment Date")
commencing on 26 February 2021, save that the first payment of interest on the Notes will be in respect
of the period from, and including, the Issue Date to, but excluding, 26 February 2021.
4.3 Interest Amount
(a) Subject to Condition 4.5, the amount of interest payable in respect of the Calculation Amount
on (i) the first Interest Payment Date on 26 February 2021 shall be £10.68 and (ii) each Interest
Payment Date thereafter to, and including, the First Reset Date shall be £42.50.
(b) Subject to Condition 4.5, the amount of interest payable in respect of the Calculation Amount
for any period, other than the periods specified in (a) above, for which interest is to be calculated
under this Condition 4.3 shall be calculated by:
(i) applying the applicable Interest Rate to the Calculation Amount;
(ii) multiplying the product thereof by the Day Count Fraction; and
(iii) rounding the resulting figure to the nearest penny (half a penny being rounded
(c) The relevant amount of interest payable in respect of a Note for any period shall be the product
(i) the relevant amount of interest per Calculation Amount determined as described above;
(ii) the number by which the Calculation Amount is required to be multiplied to equal the
denomination of such Note.
4.4 Step-up after Change of Control Event
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Condition 4, if the Issuer does not elect to redeem the Notes
in accordance with Condition 5.4 following the occurrence of a Change of Control Event, the then
prevailing Interest Rate, and each subsequent Interest Rate otherwise determined in accordance with the
provisions of this Condition 4 on the Notes shall be increased by 5 per cent. per annum with effect from
(and including) the date on which the Change of Control Event occurred.
Without prejudice to the Issuer's right to redeem the Notes in accordance with Condition 5.4 following
the occurrence of any Change of Control Event, this Condition 4.4 shall only apply in relation to the first
Change of Control Event to occur while any of the Notes remain outstanding.
4.5 Optional deferral of interest payments
(a) Interest which accrues during an Interest Period will be due and payable on the relevant Interest
Payment Date, unless the Issuer elects to defer the relevant payment of interest (in whole but
not in part) pursuant to this Condition 4.5.
The Issuer may, at its discretion, elect to defer the whole of any payment of the Interest Amount
(a "Deferred Interest Payment") which is otherwise scheduled to be paid on an Interest
Payment Date. If the Issuer elects not to make any payment of interest on an Interest Payment
Date, it will not have any obligation to pay such interest on the relevant Interest Payment Date.
Any Deferred Interest Payment shall itself bear interest (such further interest, together with each
Deferred Interest Payment, being "Arrears of Interest"), at the Interest Rate prevailing from
time to time, from (and including) the date on which (but for such deferral) the Deferred Interest
Payment would otherwise have been due to be made to (but excluding) the date on which the
Deferred Interest Payment is paid, and such interest will be added to such Deferred Interest
Payment (and thereafter accumulate additional interest accordingly) on each Interest Payment
Date. Non-payment of Arrears of Interest shall not constitute a default by the Issuer under the
Notes or for any other purpose, unless such Arrears of Interest become due and payable in
accordance with the Conditions.
(b) The Issuer will notify the Noteholders (in accordance with Condition 14), the Trustee, the
Principal Paying Agent and, if required by the rules of any stock exchange on which the Notes
are listed from time to time, such stock exchange, of any determination by it not to pay the
whole of the Interest Amount which would otherwise fall due on an Interest Payment Date not
more than 30 and not less than five London Business Days prior to the relevant Interest Payment
Date. Deferral of Interest Amounts pursuant to this Condition 4.5 will not constitute a default
by the Issuer or any breach of its obligations under the Notes or the Trust Deed or for any other
4.6 Payment of Deferred Interest Payments
(a) The Issuer will be entitled to pay outstanding Arrears of Interest (in whole but not in part) at
any time on the giving of notice to the Noteholders (in accordance with Condition 14), the
Trustee and the Principal Paying Agent not less than 10 London Business Days before such
voluntary payment specifying (i) the amount of Arrears of Interest to be paid and (ii) the date
fixed for such payment.
(b) The Issuer must pay all outstanding Arrears of Interest (in whole but not in part) on the earliest
(i) the tenth London Business Day following the date on which a Compulsory Arrears of
Interest Payment Event occurs;
(ii) the next scheduled Interest Payment Date in respect of which the Issuer does not elect
to defer the payment of the interest accrued in respect of the relevant Interest Period;
(iii) the date on which the Notes are redeemed; or
(iv) the date on which an order is made or a resolution is passed for the Winding-Up of the
Issuer (other than a Solvent Reorganisation of the Issuer).
The Issuer will promptly notify the Noteholders (in accordance with Condition 14), the Trustee, the
Principal Paying Agent and, if required by the rules of any stock exchange on which the Notes are listed
from time to time, such stock exchange, of the occurrence of a Compulsory Arrears of Interest Payment
4.7 Accrual
Interest will cease to accrue on each Note from and including its due date for redemption or substitution
(in accordance with Condition 5.6) unless, upon due presentation, payment of the principal in respect of
the Note is improperly withheld or refused or unless default is otherwise made in respect of payment, in
which event interest shall continue to accrue as provided in the Trust Deed.
4.8 Determination and publication of Reset Interest Rate
The Reset Interest Rate for each Reset Period will be determined by the Calculation Agent on the relevant
Reset Determination Date and promptly notified by the Calculation Agent to the Issuer, the Trustee, the
Principal Paying Agent, if required by the rules of any stock exchange on which the Notes are listed from
time to time, to such stock exchange, and to the Noteholders, without undue delay but, in any case, not
later than on the relevant Reset Date.
4.9 Calculation Agent
The Issuer shall procure that there shall at all times be one or more Calculation Agents for so long as any
Note is outstanding. Where more than one Calculation Agent is appointed in respect of the Notes,
references in these Conditions to the Calculation Agent shall be construed as each Calculation Agent
performing its respective duties under the Conditions. If the Calculation Agent is unable or unwilling to
act as such or if the Calculation Agent fails duly to establish the Reset Interest Rate or to comply with
any other requirement the Issuer shall (with the prior approval of the Trustee) appoint a leading bank or
financial institution to act as such in its place. The Calculation Agent may not resign its duties without a
successor having been appointed as aforesaid.
4.10 Notifications, etc. to be final
All notifications, opinions, determinations, certificates, calculations, quotations and decisions given,
expressed, made or obtained for the purposes of the provisions of this Condition 4, whether by the
Reference Banks (or any of them) or the Calculation Agent will (in the absence of manifest error, bad
faith or wilful default) be binding upon the Issuer, the Trustee, the Calculation Agent, the Paying Agents
and all Noteholders and (in the absence of bad faith and wilful default) no liability to the Issuer, the
Trustee or the Noteholders will attach to the Reference Banks (or any of them) or the Calculation Agent
in connection with the exercise or non-exercise by any of them of their powers, duties and discretions
pursuant to such provisions.
5.1 No Redemption Date
The Notes are perpetual securities in respect of which there is no fixed redemption date and the Issuer
shall only have the right to redeem, purchase or substitute or vary the Notes in accordance with the
following provisions of this Condition 5.
5.2 Early redemption at the option of the Issuer
Subject to applicable laws, the Issuer may redeem the Notes (in whole but not in part) (i) on 26 November
2025 (the "First Call Date") and on any day thereafter to (and including) the First Reset Date; or (ii) on
the Second Reset Date; or (iii) on any Interest Payment Date thereafter at their outstanding principal
amount plus any accrued but unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the relevant Redemption Date and any
outstanding Arrears of Interest (without double counting), on the giving of not less than 10 and not more
than 60 calendar days' irrevocable notice of redemption to the Noteholders (in accordance with Condition
14), the Trustee and the Principal Paying Agent.
5.3 Early redemption due to an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up Event, a Rating Agency Event, a
Substantial Repurchase Event or a Tax Event
Subject to Condition 5.5, if an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up Event, a Rating Agency Event, a
Substantial Repurchase Event or a Tax Event occurs, the Issuer may, subject to applicable laws, redeem
the Notes (in whole but not in part) at their Early Redemption Amount, on the giving of not less than 10
and not more than 60 calendar days' irrevocable notice of redemption to the Noteholders (in accordance
with Condition 14), the Trustee and the Principal Paying Agent.
5.4 Redemption for Change of Control Event
Subject to Condition 5.5, if, immediately prior to the giving of the notice referred to below, a Change of
Control Event has occurred and is continuing, then the Issuer may, subject to having given not less than
10 nor more than 60 calendar days' irrevocable notice of redemption to the Noteholders (in accordance
with Condition 14), the Trustee and the Principal Paying Agent, redeem the Notes (in whole but not in
part) at any time at their principal amount, together with any accrued and unpaid interest up to (but
excluding) the redemption date and any outstanding Arrears of Interest (without double counting). Upon
the expiry of such notice, the Issuer shall redeem the Notes.
If the rating designations employed by any Relevant Rating Agency are changed from those which are
described in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of "Change of Control Event", "Non-Investment Grade
Rating" or "Investment Grade Rating", or if a rating is procured from a Substitute Rating Agency, the
Issuer shall determine, with the agreement of the Trustee, the rating designations of such Relevant Rating
Agency or such Substitute Rating Agency (as appropriate) as are most equivalent to the prior rating
designations of the relevant Relevant Rating Agency, and this Condition 5.4 shall be construed
The Trustee is under no obligation to ascertain whether a Change of Control Event or Change of Control
or any event which could lead to the occurrence of or could constitute a Change of Control Event or
Change of Control has occurred, and until it shall have actual knowledge or express written notice
pursuant to the Trust Deed to the contrary, the Trustee may assume that no Change of Control Event or
Change of Control or other such event has occurred.
5.5 Conditions to Early Redemption, Substitution or Variation for an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up
Event, a Rating Agency Event, a Substantial Repurchase Event, a Tax Event or a Change of
Control Event
(a) In the case of an Accounting Event or a Substantial Repurchase Event, prior to giving any notice
of redemption or substitution or variation (in the case of an Accounting Event only), the Issuer
will deliver or procure that there is delivered to the Trustee a certificate signed by two authorised
officers of the Issuer on behalf of the Issuer stating that an Accounting Event or a Substantial
Repurchase Event, as the case may be, has occurred. The Trustee shall be entitled, without
further enquiry or liability to any person, to accept such certification as sufficient evidence that
an Accounting Event or a Substantial Repurchase Event, as the case may be, has occurred, in
which event it shall be conclusive and binding on the Noteholders.
(b) In the case of a Gross-Up Event:
(i) no such notice of redemption, substitution or variation may be given earlier than 90
calendar days prior to the earliest calendar day on which the Issuer would be obliged
to pay the Additional Amounts in question were a payment in respect of the Notes then
due; and
(ii) prior to the giving of any such notice of redemption, substitution or variation, the Issuer
will deliver or procure that there is delivered to the Trustee (I), an opinion of
independent legal advisers or tax advisers, in each case of recognised standing to the
effect that the Issuer has or will become obliged to pay Additional Amounts as a result
of a Tax Law Change and (II) a certificate signed by two authorised officers of the
Issuer stating that such obligation to pay Additional Amounts cannot be avoided by the
Issuer taking reasonable measures available to it, and the Trustee shall be entitled,
without further enquiry or liability to any person, to accept the above certificate and
opinion as sufficient evidence of the satisfaction of the conditions precedent set out
above, in which event it shall be conclusive and binding on the Noteholders.
(c) In the case of a Rating Agency Event, a Tax Event or a Change of Control Event, prior to giving
any notice of redemption, substitution or variation (in each case, if applicable) the Issuer will
deliver or procure that there is delivered to the Trustee a certificate signed by two authorised
officers of the Issuer stating that a Tax Event, a Rating Agency Event or a Change of Control
Event, as the case may be, has occurred and stating in the case of a Tax Event that the relevant
loss of deduction cannot be avoided by the Issuer taking reasonable measures available to it and,
in the case of a Tax Event, an opinion of independent legal advisers or tax advisers, in each case
of recognised standing to the effect that a Tax Event has occurred or would occur as a result of
a Tax Law Change. The Trustee shall be entitled, without further enquiry or liability to any
person, to accept such certification and, in the case of a Tax Event, opinion as sufficient
evidence that a Tax Event, a Rating Agency Event or a Change of Control Event, as the case
may be, has occurred, in which event it shall be conclusive and binding on the Noteholders.
(d) In relation to a substitution or variation pursuant to Condition 5.6, such certificate shall also
include further certifications that the terms of the Qualifying Securities are not materially less
favourable to Noteholders than the terms of the Notes, that such determination was reached by
the Issuer, acting reasonably, in consultation with an independent investment bank or counsel
of international standing and that the criteria specified in paragraphs (a) to (j) of the definition
of Qualifying Securities will be satisfied by the Qualifying Securities upon issue. The Trustee
shall be entitled without further enquiry or liability to any person, to accept such certification as
sufficient evidence of the satisfaction of the conditions precedent set out in such paragraphs, in
which event it shall be conclusive and binding on the Noteholders.
5.6 Substitution and Variation
If a Rating Agency Event, an Accounting Event, a Gross-Up Event or a Tax Event occurs, the Issuer
may, subject to Condition 5.5 (without any requirement for the consent or approval of the Noteholders)
and subject to its having satisfied the Trustee immediately prior to the giving of any notice referred to
herein that the provisions of this Condition 5.6 and Condition 5.5 have been complied with, and having
given not fewer than 10 nor more than 60 calendar days' irrevocable notice of substitution or, as the case
may be, variation to the Noteholders (in accordance with Condition 14), the Trustee and the Principal
Paying Agent, at any time either (i) substitute all, but not some only, of the Notes for, or (ii) vary the
terms of the Notes with the effect that they remain or become, as the case may be, Qualifying Securities,
and the Trustee shall (subject to the following provisions of this Condition 5.6 and subject to the receipt
by it of the certificate of two authorised officers of the Issuer referred to in Condition 5.5 above) agree
to such substitution or variation but without further responsibility or liability on the part of the Trustee.
Upon expiry of such notice, the Issuer shall either vary the terms of or, as the case may be, substitute the
Notes in accordance with this Condition 5.6.
Subject as aforesaid, the Trustee shall, without any requirement for the consent or approval of the
Noteholders, execute any documents necessary to effect the substitution of the Notes for, or the variation
of the terms of the Notes so that they remain, or as the case may be, become, Qualifying Securities,
provided that the Trustee shall not be obliged to execute any such documents if, in the Trustee's opinion,
doing so would impose more onerous obligations upon it or expose it to any additional duties,
responsibilities or liabilities or reduce or amend the rights and/or the protective provisions afforded to it
in these Conditions and/or any documents to which it is a party in any way against which it is not
indemnified and/or secured and/or prefunded to its satisfaction. If the Trustee does not execute any
necessary documents as provided above, the Issuer may redeem the Notes as provided elsewhere in this
Condition 5.
In connection with any substitution or variation in accordance with this Condition 5.6 the Issuer shall
comply with the rules of any stock exchange on which the Notes are for the time being listed or admitted
to trading.
Any such substitution or variation in accordance with the foregoing provisions shall not be permitted if
any such substitution or variation would give rise to a Rating Agency Event, an Accounting Event, a
Gross-Up Event or a Tax Event with respect to the Notes or the Qualifying Securities.
5.7 Purchase of Notes
The Issuer and any of its Subsidiaries may, to the extent permitted by applicable law, at any time purchase
Notes (provided that all Coupons and unexchanged Talons relating thereto are attached thereto or
surrendered therewith) in the open market or otherwise at any price.
The Notes so purchased (or acquired), while held by or on behalf of the Issuer or any of its Subsidiaries,
shall not entitle the Noteholder to attend and vote at any meetings of the Noteholders or to participate in
any Written Resolution or Electronic Consent (each as defined in the Trust Deed) and shall not be deemed
to be outstanding for the purposes of, inter alia, calculating quorums at meetings of the Noteholders or
for the purposes of Condition 11.
5.8 Cancellations
All Notes purchased or substituted by or on behalf of the Issuer or any of its Subsidiaries may, at the
option of the Issuer or the relevant Subsidiary, as the case may be, be held, reissued or resold or may be
surrendered for cancellation by surrendering each such Note together with all Coupons and all
unexchanged Talons to the Principal Paying Agent and, if so surrendered, shall, together with all Notes
redeemed by the Issuer, be cancelled forthwith (together with all Coupons and unexchanged Talons
attached thereto or surrendered therewith). Any Notes so surrendered for cancellation may not be reissued
or resold and the obligations of the Issuer in respect of any such Notes shall be discharged.
5.9 Trustee not obliged to monitor
The Trustee shall not be under any duty to monitor whether any event or circumstance has happened or
exists within this Condition 5 and will not be responsible to Noteholders for any loss arising from any
failure by it to do so. Unless and until the Trustee has actual written notice of the occurrence of any event
or circumstance within this Condition 5, it shall be entitled without liability to assume that no such event
or circumstance exists.
6.1 Payments in respect of Notes
Payments of principal and interest in respect of each Note will be made against presentation and surrender
(or, as applicable, endorsement) of the Note, except that payments of interest due on an Interest Payment
Date (other than, if relevant, any amounts representing interest as referred to in part (y) of the definition
of "Early Redemption Amount"), will be made against presentation and surrender (or in the case of
part payment only, endorsement) of the relevant Coupon, in each case at the specified office outside the
United States of any of the Paying Agents.
6.2 Method of payment
Payments will be made by credit or transfer to a sterling account (or any other account to which sterling
may be credited or transferred) specified by the payee.
6.3 Missing unmatured Coupons
Each Note should be presented for payment together with all relative unmatured Coupons (which
expression will, for the avoidance of doubt, include Coupons falling to be issued on exchange of matured
Talons). Upon the date on which any Note becomes due and repayable, all unmatured Coupons
appertaining to the Note (whether or not attached) will become void and no payment will be made in
respect of such Coupons.
6.4 Payments subject to applicable laws
Payments in respect of amounts payable by way of interest (including Arrears of Interest) and on
redemption of the Notes will be subject in all cases to: (i) any applicable fiscal or other laws, regulations
and directives in the place of payment, but without prejudice to the provisions of Condition 7. No
commissions or expenses shall be charged to the Noteholders or Couponholders in respect of such
6.5 Payment only on a Presentation Date
A Noteholder will be entitled to present a Note for payment only on a Presentation Date and will not be
entitled to any further interest or other payment if a Presentation Date is after the due date.
6.6 Exchange of Talons
On and after the Interest Payment Date on which the final Coupon comprised in any Coupon sheet
matures, the Talon comprised in the Coupon sheet may be surrendered at the specified office of any
Paying Agent in exchange for a further Coupon sheet (including any appropriate further Talon), subject
to the provisions of Condition 8. Each Talon will, for the purposes of the Conditions, be deemed to
mature on the Interest Payment Date on which the final Coupon comprised in the relative Coupon sheet
6.7 Initial Paying Agents
The name of the initial Principal Paying Agent and its specified office is set out in the Agency Agreement.
In accordance with the Agency Agreement, the Issuer reserves the right, subject to the prior written
approval of the Trustee, at any time to vary or terminate the appointment of, and to appoint additional or
other, Paying Agents, provided that:
(a) there will at all times be a Principal Paying Agent; and
(b) so long as the Notes are listed on any stock exchange, a Paying Agent with a specified office in
such place as may be required by the rules and regulations of the relevant stock exchange (or
any other relevant authority).
Notice of any termination or appointment and of any change in specified office will be given promptly
by the Issuer to the Noteholders (in accordance with Condition 14).
7.1 Payment without withholding
All payments in respect of the Notes and the Coupons by or on behalf of the Issuer will be made free and
clear of, and without withholding or deduction for or on account of any present or future taxes, duties,
assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed
by or on behalf of a Tax Jurisdiction, unless such withholding or deduction is required by law. In that
event, the Issuer will pay such additional amounts ("Additional Amounts") to the Noteholder or
Couponholder as shall result in receipt by that Noteholder or Couponholder of such amounts as would
have been receivable by it had no such withholding or deduction been required, except that no Additional
Amounts shall be payable with respect to any Note or Coupon:
(a) by or on behalf of a holder which is liable to such taxes, duties, assessments or governmental
charges in respect of such Note or Coupon by reason of its having some connection with the
Tax Jurisdiction by which such taxes, duties, assessments or charges have been imposed, levied,
collected, withheld or assessed other than the mere holding of the Note or Coupon;
(b) where the Note or Coupon is presented for payment more than 30 days after the Relevant Date
except to the extent that the holder of it would have been entitled to such Additional Amounts
on presenting it for payment on the thirtieth such day; or
(c) in circumstances where such a withholding or deduction would not be required if the Noteholder
or Couponholder, or any person acting on the Noteholder's or Couponholder's behalf, had
satisfied any statutory requirements or obtained and/or presented any form or certificate or had
made a declaration of non-residence or similar claim for exemption upon the presentation or
making of which the Noteholder or Couponholder would have been able to avoid such
withholding or deduction.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these Conditions or the Trust Deed, any amounts to be paid on
the Notes by or on behalf of the Issuer will be paid net of any deduction or withholding imposed or
required pursuant to an agreement described in Section 1471(b) of the Code, or otherwise imposed
pursuant to Sections 1471 through 1474 of the Code (or any regulations thereunder or official
interpretations thereof) or an intergovernmental agreement between the United States and another
jurisdiction facilitating the implementation thereof (or any fiscal or regulatory legislation, rules or
practices implementing such an intergovernmental agreement) or any analogous provisions of non-
United States laws (any such withholding or deduction, a FATCA Withholding). None of the Issuer nor
any other person will be required to pay any additional amounts in respect of FATCA Withholding.
7.2 Additional Amounts
Any reference in the Conditions to any amounts in respect of the Notes (including in relation to any
Arrears of Interest) will be deemed also to refer to any Additional Amounts which may be payable under
this Condition 7 or under any undertakings given in addition to, or in substitution for, this Condition 7
pursuant to the Trust Deed.
Claims against the Issuer for payment in respect of the Notes and Coupons (which, for this purpose, shall
not include Talons) shall be prescribed and become void unless made within 10 years (in the case of
principal) or five years (in the case of interest, including any Arrears of Interest) from the appropriate
Relevant Date in respect of them. There may not be included in any Coupon sheet issued upon exchange
of a Talon any Coupon which would be void upon issue under this Condition 8 or Condition 6.
The Issuer may from time to time without the consent of the Noteholders or Couponholders create and
issue further securities having the same terms and conditions as the Notes in all respects (or in all respects
except for the first payment of interest on them) and so that such further issue shall be consolidated and
form a single series with the Notes. References in these Conditions to the Notes include (unless the
context requires otherwise) any other securities issued pursuant to this Condition and forming a single
series with the Notes. Any further securities forming a single series with the Notes shall be constituted
by the Trust Deed or a deed supplemental to it.
If a default is made by the Issuer for a period of 30 days or more in the payment of any principal or
interest (including any Arrears of Interest) in respect of the Notes which is due and payable, then the
Issuer shall without notice from the Trustee be deemed to be in default under the Trust Deed, the Notes
and the Coupons and the Trustee at its sole discretion may (subject to Condition 11), and if so requested
by the holders of at least one-quarter in principal amount of the Notes then outstanding or if so directed
by an Extraordinary Resolution shall (subject in each case to being indemnified and/or secured and/or
pre-funded to its satisfaction), (a) institute actions, steps or proceedings for the Winding-Up of the Issuer
and/or (b) prove in the Winding-Up of the Issuer and/or (c) claim in the liquidation or administration of
the Issuer for such payment, such claim being as contemplated in Condition 2.2 but may take no further
or other action save as set out below.
If an Event of Default occurs, without prejudice to Condition 2, the Trustee at its sole discretion may
(subject to Condition 11), and if so requested by the holders of at least one-quarter in principal amount
of the Notes then outstanding or if so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution shall (subject in each case
to being indemnified and/or secured and/or prefunded to its satisfaction), give notice to the Issuer that
the Notes are, and they shall accordingly forthwith become, immediately due and repayable at their
outstanding principal amount plus any accrued but unpaid interest thereon up to (but excluding) the date
of repayment (including, without double counting, any Arrears of Interest).
11.1 Enforcement by the Trustee
Without prejudice to Condition 10, the Trustee may at any time, at its discretion (subject to the next
following sentence) and without further notice, institute such steps, actions or proceedings against the
Issuer as it may think fit to enforce any term or condition (other than any payment obligation of the Issuer
under or arising from the Notes or the Trust Deed, including, without limitation, payment of any principal
or interest (including in respect of the Notes, Arrears of Interest and any damages awarded for breach of
any obligations)) binding on the Issuer under the Trust Deed and the Notes, but in no event shall the
Issuer, by virtue of the institution of any such steps, actions or proceedings, be obliged to pay any sum
or sums in cash or otherwise, sooner than the same would otherwise have been payable by it under the
Conditions. The Trustee will not be bound to take any such steps, actions or proceedings or any other
action in relation to the Trust Deed or the Notes unless: (a) it has been so directed by an Extraordinary
Resolution of the Noteholders or so requested in writing by Noteholders holding at least one-quarter in
principal amount of the Notes then outstanding; and (b) it has been indemnified and/or secured and/or
prefunded to its satisfaction.
11.2 No other remedies
Except as permitted by this Condition 11 (including, without limitation, any rights or remedies of the
Trustee under Condition 11.1) and Condition 10 and without prejudice to the rights and remedies
available to the Trustee in respect of fees, expenses and indemnity claims owing to it under the Trust
Deed, no remedy against the Issuer shall be available to the Trustee or the Noteholders in respect of any
breach by the Issuer of any of its obligations under the Conditions and/or the Trust Deed.
11.3 Enforcement by the Noteholders
No Noteholder will be entitled to proceed directly against the Issuer to enforce any right or remedy under
or in respect of any Note or prove in the Winding-Up of the Issuer and/or claim in the liquidation or
administration of the Issuer unless the Trustee, having become bound so to proceed, fails or is unable so
to do within a reasonable period and the failure or inability is continuing, in which case any such
Noteholder may itself institute proceedings against the Issuer for the relevant remedy to the same extent
(but not further or otherwise) that the Trustee would have been entitled to do so.
If a Note, Coupon or Talon is lost, stolen, mutilated, defaced or destroyed, it may be replaced, subject to
applicable laws, regulations and stock exchange or other relevant authority regulations, at the specified
office of the Principal Paying Agent or such other Paying Agent as may from time to time be designated
by the Issuer for the purpose and notice of whose designation is given to the Noteholders, in each case
on payment by the claimant of the fees and costs incurred in connection therewith and on such terms as
to evidence, security and indemnity (which may provide, inter alia, that if the allegedly lost, stolen or
destroyed Note, Coupon or Talon is subsequently presented for payment or, as the case may be, for
exchange for further Coupons, there shall be paid to the Issuer on demand the amount payable by the
Issuer in respect of such Note, Coupon or further Coupon) and otherwise as the Issuer may reasonably
require. Mutilated or defaced Notes, Coupons or Talons must be surrendered before replacements will
be issued.
13.1 Meetings of Noteholders
The Trust Deed contains provisions for convening meetings of Noteholders (including by way of
conference call using a videoconference platform) to consider any matter affecting their interests,
including the sanctioning by Extraordinary Resolution (as defined in the Trust Deed) of a modification
of any of these Conditions or certain provisions of the Trust Deed (certain provisions of which may not
be materially altered). Such a meeting may be convened by Noteholders holding not less than 10 per
cent. in principal amount of the Notes for the time being outstanding. The quorum for any meeting
convened to consider an Extraordinary Resolution shall be one or more persons holding or representing
a clear majority in the principal amount of the Notes for the time being outstanding, or at any adjourned
meeting one or more persons being or representing Noteholders whatever the principal amount of the
Notes held or represented, unless the business of such meeting includes consideration of proposals, inter
alia, (i) to amend the dates of redemption of the Notes or any date for payment of interest or Interest
Amounts on the Notes, (ii) to reduce or cancel the principal amount of or any other amount payable on
redemption of, the Notes, (iii) to reduce the rate or rates of interest in respect of the Notes or to vary the
method or basis of calculating the rate or rates or amount of interest or the basis for calculating any
Interest Amount in respect of the Notes, (iv) to reduce any redemption amount referred to in Condition
5, (v) to vary the currency or currencies of payment or denomination of the Notes, (vi) to modify the
provisions regarding subordination of the Notes referred to in Condition 2.2, or (vii) to modify the
provisions concerning the quorum required at any meeting of Noteholders or the majority required to
pass the Extraordinary Resolution (together, "Reserved Matters") in which case the necessary quorum
shall be one or more persons holding or representing not less than three quarters or at any adjourned
meeting not less than one quarter in principal amount of the Notes for the time being outstanding. Any
Extraordinary Resolution duly passed shall be binding on Noteholders (whether or not they were present
at the meeting at which such resolution was passed) and on all Couponholders.
The Trust Deed provides that (i) a resolution in writing signed by or on behalf of the holders of not less
than 75 per cent. in principal amount of the Notes, which resolution in writing may be contained in one
document or in several documents in or substantially in like form each signed by or on behalf of one or
more of such holders, or (ii) consents given by way of electronic consent through the relevant clearing
system(s) (in form and substance satisfactory to the Trustee) by or on behalf of the holders of not less
than 75 per cent. in principal amount of the Notes, shall, in any such case, be as valid, effective and
binding as an Extraordinary Resolution duly passed at a meeting of the Noteholders duly convened and
held in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed.
The agreement or approval of the Noteholders shall not be required in the case of any variation of these
Conditions and/or the Trust Deed required to be made in the circumstances described in Condition 5.6
in connection with the substitution or variation of the terms of the Notes so that they remain or become
Qualifying Securities, to which the Trustee has agreed pursuant to the relevant provisions of Condition
13.2 Modification and waiver
The Trustee may agree, without the consent of the Noteholders or Couponholders, to (i) any modification
of these Conditions or the Trust Deed (other than in respect of a Reserved Matter) which is, in the opinion
of the Trustee, proper to make if, in the opinion of the Trustee, such modification will not be materially
prejudicial to the interests of Noteholders, (ii) any modification of these Conditions and the Notes or the
Trust Deed that is of a formal, minor or technical nature or is made to correct a manifest error or to
correct an error which, in the opinion of the Trustee, is proven, and (iii) any waiver or authorisation of
any breach or proposed breach, of any of the provisions of these Conditions or the Trust Deed (other than
a proposed breach or breach relating to the subject of a Reserved Matter) that is in the opinion of the
Trustee not materially prejudicial to the interests of the Noteholders. Any such modification,
authorisation or waiver shall be binding on the Noteholders and the Couponholders and, if the Trustee
so requires, such modification, authorisation or waiver shall be notified to the Noteholders as soon as
practicable in accordance with Condition 14.
Notwithstanding the above, the Trustee shall be obliged to concur with the Issuer in effecting any
substitution or variation of the Notes in the circumstances and as otherwise set out in Condition 5.6,
without the requirement for the consent and approval of Noteholders or Couponholders.
13.3 Substitution
The Trust Deed contains provisions under which any Subsidiary of the Issuer or its successor in business
may, without the consent of the Noteholders or Couponholders, assume the obligations of the Issuer (or
of any previous substitute under this Condition 13.3 as principal debtor under the Trust Deed and the
Notes. If the Issuer determines that any Subsidiary of the Issuer or its successor in business shall become
the principal debtor (in such capacity, the Substituted Debtor), the Issuer shall give not less than 30 nor
more than 45 days' notice, in accordance with Condition 14, to the Noteholders of such event and,
immediately on the expiry of such notice, the Substituted Debtor shall become the principal debtor in
respect of the Notes and the Coupons in place of the Issuer and the Noteholders and the Couponholders
shall thereupon cease to have any rights or claims whatsoever against the Issuer in its capacity as Issuer
of the Notes PROVIDED THAT:
(i) the Trustee is satisfied that the interests of the Noteholders will not be materially prejudiced by
the substitution;
(ii) the Issuer shall have entered into an unconditional and irrevocable guarantee in respect of the
obligations of such Substituted Debtor; and
(iii) certain conditions specified in the Trust Deed are fulfilled.
No Noteholder or Couponholder shall, in connection with any substitution, be entitled to claim any
indemnification or payment in respect of any tax consequence thereof for such Noteholder or (as the case
may be) Couponholder except to the extent provided for in Condition 7 (or any undertaking given in
addition to or substitution for it pursuant to the provisions of the Trust Deed).
In the event of such substitution as is referred to in this Condition 13.3, references in these Conditions to
the Issuer shall be read as references to the Substituted Debtor.
Any such substitution in place of the Issuer shall only be permitted if it does not result in the Notes no
longer being eligible for the same, or a higher amount of, "equity credit" as is attributed to the Notes on
the date notice is given to the Noteholders of the aforementioned substitution.
Prior to making any substitution pursuant to this Condition 13.3, the Issuer will (if and to the extent that
the Notes then have a level of "equity credit" ascribed to them by any Rating Agency) deliver or procure
that there is delivered to the Trustee a certificate signed by two authorised officers of the Issuer stating
that the Notes following such substitution will have a level of "equity credit" ascribed to them by each
Rating Agency which is equal to or higher than that which was ascribed to the Notes immediately prior
to such substitution. The Trustee shall be entitled, without further enquiry or liability to any person, to
accept such certification as sufficient evidence of the matters referred to therein, in which event it shall
be conclusive and binding on the Noteholders.
13.4 Entitlement of the Trustee, Paying Agents and Calculation Agent
In connection with the exercise of its functions (including but not limited to those referred to in this
Condition) the Trustee shall have regard to the interests of the Noteholders as a class and shall not have
regard to the consequences of such exercise for individual Noteholders or Couponholders and the Trustee
shall not be entitled to require, nor shall any Noteholder or Couponholder be entitled to claim, from the
Issuer any indemnification or payment in respect of any tax consequence of any such exercise upon
individual Noteholders or Couponholders.
In acting under the Agency Agreement and in connection with the Notes and the Coupons and Talons,
the Paying Agents and the Calculation Agent act solely as agents of the Issuer or, following the
occurrence of an Event of Default, as agents of the Trustee and do not assume any obligations towards
or relationship of agency or trust for or with any of the Noteholders or Couponholders.
13.5 Notices
Any such modification, waiver, authorisation, determination or substitution shall be binding on all
Noteholders and, unless the Trustee agrees otherwise, shall be notified to the Noteholders in accordance
with Condition 14 as soon as practicable thereafter.
Notices to the Noteholders shall be valid if published in a leading English language daily newspaper
published in London (which is expected to be the Financial Times) or, if such publication is not
practicable, in a leading English language daily newspaper having general circulation in Europe. Any
such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the date of first publication (or if required to be
published in more than one newspaper, on the first date on which publication shall have been made in all
the required newspapers). The Issuer shall also ensure that notices are duly published as required by any
exchange on which the Notes are then listed. Couponholders shall be deemed for all purposes to have
notice of the contents of any notice given to Noteholders in accordance with this Condition 14.
Notwithstanding the paragraph above, the Trustee may approve some other method of giving notice to
the Noteholders if, in its opinion, that other method is reasonable having regard to market practice then
prevailing and to the requirements of any stock exchange on which Notes are then listed and PROVIDED
THAT notice of that other method is given to the Noteholders in the manner required by the Trustee.
Notwithstanding the above, for so long as all the Notes are represented by a Global Note and the Global
Note is held by or on behalf of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, notices to Noteholders may
be given by delivery of the relevant notice to Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg for onward
transmission to the Noteholders and such notices shall be deemed to have been given to Noteholders on
the day of delivery to Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg.
The Trust Deed contains provisions for the indemnification of the Trustee and for its relief from
responsibility, including provisions relieving it from any obligation to take proceedings to enforce
repayment unless indemnified and/or secured and/or prefunded to its satisfaction and to be paid its costs
and expenses in priority to the claims of Noteholders. The Trust Deed also contains provisions pursuant
to which the Trustee is entitled, inter alia, (i) to enter into business transactions with the Issuer and/or
any of its Subsidiaries and/or any related entity thereof and to act as trustee for the holders of any other
securities issued or guaranteed by or relating to the Issuer or any of its Subsidiaries, (ii) to exercise and
enforce its rights, comply with its obligations and perform its duties under or in relation to any such
transactions or, as the case may be, any such trusteeship without regard to the interests of, or
consequences for, the Noteholders or Couponholders, and (iii) to retain and not be liable to account for
any profit made or any other amount or benefit received thereby or in connection therewith.
16.1 Governing law
The Trust Deed and the Notes, the Coupons and the Talons, and any non-contractual obligations arising
out of or in connection thereto are governed by, and will be construed in accordance with, English law.
16.2 Jurisdiction
The courts of England have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute (a "Dispute") arising out of or in
connection with the Notes, the Trust Deed, Coupons or Talons (including a dispute relating to the
existence, validity or cancellation of the Notes or any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in
connection with the Notes, the Trust Deed, Coupons or Talons) or the consequences of their nullity.
The Issuer agrees that the courts of England are the most appropriate and convenient courts to settle any
Dispute and, accordingly, that they will not argue to the contrary.
No person shall have any right to enforce any term or condition of this Note under the Contracts (Rights
of Third Parties) Act 1999, but this does not affect any right or remedy of any person which exists or is
available apart from that Act.
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms will have the following meanings in the
An "Accounting Event" shall occur if, as a result of a change in accounting principles (or the
interpretation thereof) which have been officially adopted on or after the Issue Date (such date, the
"Accounting Event Adoption Date"), but not otherwise, the obligations of the Issuer under the Notes
must not or can no longer be recorded as "equity" in the annual or interim consolidated financial
statements of the Issuer, in each case prepared in accordance with IFRS or any other accounting standards
that the Issuer may adopt in the future for the preparation of its annual or interim consolidated financial
statements in accordance with United Kingdom company law. The Accounting Event shall be deemed to
have occurred on the Accounting Event Adoption Date notwithstanding any later effective date.
"Accrual Date" has the meaning specified in the definition of Day Count Fraction.
"Additional Amounts" has the meaning specified in Condition 7.1.
"Agency Agreement" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
"Arrears of Interest" has the meaning specified in Condition 4.5.
"Benchmark Gilt" means, in respect of a Reset Period, such United Kingdom government security
customarily used at the time of selection in the pricing of new issues with a similar tenor having an actual
or interpolated maturity date on or about the last day of such Reset Period as the Issuer (on the advice of
an investment bank of international repute) may determine to be appropriate following any guidance
published by the International Capital Market Association at the relevant time (if any).
"Benchmark Gilt Dealing Day" means a day on which the London Stock Exchange plc (or such other
stock exchange on which the Benchmark Gilt is at the relevant time listed) is ordinarily open for the
trading of securities.
"Calculation Agent" means BNP Paribas Securities Services.
"Calculation Amount" means £1,000.
a "Change of Control" will be deemed to have occurred if:
(a) any person or any persons acting in concert (as defined in the City Code on Takeovers and
Mergers), other than a holding company (as defined in Section 1159 of the Companies Act
2006) whose shareholders are or are to be substantially similar to the pre-existing shareholders
of the Issuer or any direct or indirect holding company of the Issuer, shall become interested
(within the meaning of Part 22 of the Companies Act 2006) in (i) more than 50 per cent. of the
issued or allotted ordinary share capital of the Issuer or (ii) shares in the capital of the Issuer
carrying more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights normally exercisable at a general meeting
of the Issuer; or
(b) any person or any persons acting in concert (as defined in the City Code on Takeovers and
Mergers), other than a holding company (as defined in Section 1159 of the Companies Act
2006) whose shareholders are or are to be substantially similar to the pre-existing shareholders
of any direct or indirect holding company of the Issuer, shall become interested (within the
meaning of Part 22 of the Companies Act 2006) in (i) more than 50 per cent. of the issued or
allotted ordinary share capital of any direct or indirect holding company of the Issuer or (ii)
shares in the capital of any direct or indirect holding company of the Issuer carrying more than
50 per cent. of the voting rights normally exercisable at a general meeting of any such direct or
indirect holding company of the Issuer.
a "Change of Control Event" will be deemed to occur if while any of the Notes remain outstanding a
Change of Control has occurred and on the Relevant Announcement Date, either:
(a) all of the Issuer's Senior Unsecured Obligations are unrated or none of the Issuer's Senior
Unsecured Obligations have an Investment Grade rating from at least one of the Relevant Rating
Agencies; or
(b) any of the Issuer's Senior Unsecured Obligations have an Investment Grade rating from at least
one of the Relevant Rating Agencies and at any time during the Change of Control Period any
such Relevant Rating Agency rates any of the Issuer's Senior Unsecured Obligations as Non-
Investment Grade and such rating is not within the Change of Control Period restored to an
Investment Grade rating by any such Relevant Rating Agency or replaced by an Investment
Grade rating of another Relevant Rating Agency, or any such Relevant Rating Agency
withdraws its rating of any of the Issuer's Senior Unsecured Obligations and the rating of such
Relevant Rating Agency is not within the Change of Control Period restored by such Relevant
Rating Agency or replaced by an Investment Grade rating of another Relevant Rating Agency
and in each case such Relevant Rating Agency announces or publicly confirms or informs the
Issuer or the Trustee in writing that the assignment of such Non-Investment Grade rating or
withdrawal of rating was the result, in whole or in part, of any event or circumstance comprised
in or arising as a result of, or in respect of, the applicable Change of Control (whether or not the
Change of Control shall have occurred at the time such rating is given or rating is withdrawn).
"Change of Control Period" means the period commencing on the date that is one business day in
London prior to the Relevant Announcement Date and ending 90 days after the Change of Control (or
such longer period for which the Senior Unsecured Obligations are under consideration (such
consideration having been announced publicly within the period ending 90 days after the Change of
Control) for rating review or, as the case may be, rating by a Relevant Rating Agency, such period not
to exceed 60 days after the public announcement of such consideration).
"Code" means the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
"Compulsory Arrears of Interest Payment Event" means that:
(a) the Issuer has resolved to pay or declared a dividend or distribution or makes any other payment
on any of its Ordinary Shares, other than (i) in the form of the issuance (or transfer from
treasury) of any Ordinary Shares or (ii) a dividend, distribution or payment declared by the
Issuer before the earliest notice given by the Issuer in accordance with Condition 4.5(b) in
respect of the then outstanding Arrears of Interest under the Notes;
(b) the Issuer has, directly or indirectly, paid or declared a dividend or distribution, or made any
other payment, to any holders of their Parity Obligations, other than a dividend, distribution or
payment declared by the Issuer before the earliest notice given by the Issuer in accordance with
Condition 4.5(b) in respect of the then outstanding Arrears of Interest under the Notes;
(c) the Issuer or any Subsidiary of the Issuer redeems or repurchases any of their Parity Obligations
(in each case, other than on a pro-rata basis with redemption of the Notes), except where such
redemption or repurchase is effected as a public cash tender offer or public exchange offer at a
redemption or purchase price per security which is below its par value;
(d) the Issuer or any Subsidiary of the Issuer repurchases any of the Notes; or
(e) the Issuer or any Subsidiary of the Issuer repurchases any Ordinary Shares of the Issuer, except
where (i) such repurchase resulted from the hedging of convertible securities issued or
guaranteed by the Issuer (whether physically or cash settled) or (ii) such repurchase was made
by or on behalf of the Issuer or any Subsidiary of the Issuer as part of an intra-day transaction
that does not result in an increase in the aggregate number of Ordinary Shares held by or on
behalf of the Issuer as treasury shares at 8:30 a.m. London time on the Interest Payment Date
on which any outstanding Arrears of Interest were first deferred,
except, in each case, if (I) the Issuer or the relevant Subsidiary (as the case may be) is obliged under the
terms and conditions of such securities or obligations to make such payment, such redemption or such
repurchase or (II) such payment, redemption or repurchase is made or effected by the Issuer or any
Subsidiary of the Issuer to, or for the benefit of, employees or former employees (including directors
holding or formerly holding executive office or the personal service company of any such person) or
their spouses or relatives of the Issuer or the Subsidiary of the Issuer or any associated company or to a
trustee or trustees to be held for the benefit of any such person or to the administrator or estate of any
such person, in any such case pursuant to any share or option scheme or pursuant to any dividend
reinvestment plan or similar plan or scheme.
"Couponholders" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
"Coupons" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
"Day Count Fraction" means, in respect of the calculation of an amount of interest for any period of
time (whether or not constituting an Interest Period) (the "Accrual Period") where the Accrual Period is
equal to or shorter than the Determination Period during which it falls, the actual number of days in the
Accrual Period (from, and including, the first day of such Accrual Period to, but excluding, the last day
of such Accrual Period) divided by the number of days in such Determination Period.
"Deferred Interest Payment" has the meaning specified in Condition 4.5.
"Determination Period" means the period from, and including, 26 February in any year to, but
excluding, the next 26 February.
"Early Redemption Amount" means: (i) in case of a Rating Agency Event, Accounting Event or a Tax
Event where the relevant date fixed for redemption falls prior to the First Call Date, an amount equal to
the sum of (x) 100 per cent. of the principal amount of the relevant Note, and (y) 1 per cent. of the
principal amount of the relevant Notes (which amount shall represent a fixed interest amount for the
period from (and including) the Issue Date up to (but excluding) the relevant Redemption Date payable
in addition to any accrued and unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the relevant Redemption Date and
any outstanding Arrears of Interest); and (ii) in the case of a Rating Agency Event, Accounting Event or
a Tax Event where the relevant date fixed for redemption falls on or after the First Call Date or in case
of a Gross-Up Event or Substantial Repurchase Event, an amount equal to 100 per cent. of the outstanding
principal amount of the Notes, in each case plus accrued and unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the
relevant Redemption Date and any outstanding Arrears of Interest (without double counting).
"Event of Default" means a Winding-Up of the Issuer (other than for the purposes of a Solvent
Reorganisation of the Issuer).
"Extraordinary Resolution" has the meaning given to it in the Trust Deed.
"First Call Date" has the meaning specified in Condition 5.2.
"First Reset Date" has the meaning specified in Condition 4.2.
"Fitch" means Fitch Ratings Ltd. (or any of its subsidiaries or any successor in business thereto from
time to time).
A "Gross-Up Event" shall occur if, as a result of a Tax Law Change, (i) the Issuer has or will become
obliged to pay Additional Amounts; and (ii) such obligation cannot be avoided by the Issuer taking
reasonable measures available to it.
"Group" means the Issuer and its Subsidiaries from time to time.
"IFRS" means International Financial Reporting Standards (as amended or replaced from time to time).
"Interest Amount" means the amount of interest scheduled to be paid on the outstanding principal
amount of each Note on an Interest Payment Date under Condition 4.3.
"Interest Payment" means, in respect of an Interest Payment Date, the amount of interest payable on
the presentation and surrender of the Coupon for the relevant Interest Period in accordance with
Condition 4.
"Interest Payment Date" has the meaning specified in Condition 4.2.
"Interest Period" means the period beginning on (and including) the Issue Date and ending on (but
excluding) the first Interest Payment Date and each successive period beginning on (and including) an
Interest Payment Date and ending on (but excluding) the next succeeding Interest Payment Date.
"Interest Rate" has the meaning specified in Condition 4.2.
"Investment Grade" means a credit rating of BBB– by Fitch, Baa3 by Moody's or BBB– by S&P, or
equivalent, or higher;
"Issue Date" means 26 November 2020.
"Issuer" means National Express Group PLC.
"London Business Day" means a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets settle
payments and are open for general business (including dealing in foreign exchange and foreign currency
deposits) in London.
"Margin" means in respect of:
(a) the Reset Period ending on (but excluding) the Second Reset Date, 4.135 per cent. per annum;
(b) each subsequent Reset Period, 5.135 per cent. per annum.
"Moody's" means Moody's Investors Service Limited (or any of its subsidiaries or any successor in
business thereto from time to time).
"Multilateral Trading Facility" means a multilateral trading facility described in section 987(1)(b) of
the Income Tax Act 2007, as the same may be amended from time to time and any provision, statute or
statutory instrument replacing the same from time to time.
"Non-Investment Grade" means a credit rating of BB+ by Fitch, Ba1 by Moody's or BB+ by S&P, or
equivalent, or lower.
"Noteholders" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
"Notes" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions, and Note shall be construed
"Notional Preference Shares" means, with respect to the Issuer, a notional class of preference shares in
the capital of the Issuer: (i) ranking junior to the claims of all holders of Senior Obligations of the Issuer;
(ii) having an equal right to return of assets in the Winding-Up of the Issuer, and so ranking pari passu
with any Parity Obligations of the Issuer; and (iii) having a right to return of capital ahead of, and so
ranking ahead of, the claims of holders of the Ordinary Shares of the Issuer.
"Official List" means the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority in its capacity as competent
authority under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended or superseded).
"Ordinary Shares" means (i) any ordinary shares in the capital of the Issuer or (ii) any present or future
shares of any other class of shares of the Issuer ranking pari passu with the ordinary shares of the Issuer
or, in either case, any depository or other receipts or certificates, including American depository receipts,
representing such shares.
"Parity Obligations" means, with respect to the Issuer:
(a) the most junior class of preference share capital of the Issuer; and
(b) any other security, guarantee or other instrument issued by, or any other obligation of, the Issuer
which ranks or is expressed to rank pari passu with the Issuer's obligations under the Notes.
"Paying Agents" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
"Payment Business Day" means, in relation to any place, a day on which commercial banks and foreign
exchange markets settle payments and are open for general business (including dealing in foreign
exchange and foreign currency deposits) in that place.
"Presentation Date" means a day which (subject to Condition 8):
(a) is or falls after the relevant due date;
(b) is a Payment Business Day in the place of the specified office of the Paying Agent at which the
Note is presented for payment; and
(c) in the case of payment by credit or transfer to a sterling account as referred to above, is a London
Business Day.
"Principal Paying Agent" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
"Qualifying Securities" means securities that contain terms not materially less favourable to
Noteholders than the terms of the Notes (as reasonably determined by the Issuer (in consultation with an
independent investment bank or counsel of international standing)) and provided that a certification to
such effect (and confirming that the conditions set out in (a) to (j) below have been satisfied) of two
authorised officers of the Issuer shall have been delivered to the Trustee prior to the substitution or
variation of the Notes upon which certificate the Trustee shall be entitled to rely absolutely without
further enquiry or liability to any person), provided that:
(a) they shall be issued by (x) the Issuer, or (y) a wholly-owned direct or indirect finance Subsidiary
of the Issuer with a guarantee of the Issuer; and
(b) they (and/or, as appropriate, the guarantee as aforesaid) shall rank pari passu on a Winding-Up
of the Issuer with the Notes; and
(c) they shall contain terms which provide for the same or a more favourable Interest Rate from
time to time applying to the Notes and preserve the same Interest Payment Dates; and
(d) they shall preserve the obligations (including the obligations arising from the exercise of any
right) of the Issuer as to redemption of the Notes, including (without limitation) as to timing of,
and amounts payable upon, such redemption; and
(e) they shall preserve any existing rights under these Conditions to any accrued interest which has
accrued to Noteholders and not been paid and any Arrears of Interest which have not been paid:
(f) they shall not contain terms providing for loss absorption through principal write-down or
conversion to ordinary shares; and
(g) they shall otherwise contain substantially identical terms (as reasonably determined by the
Issuer) to the Notes, save where (without prejudice to the requirement that the terms are not
materially less favourable to Noteholders than the terms of the Notes as described above) any
modifications to such terms are required to be made to avoid the occurrence or effect of a Rating
Agency Event, a Gross-Up Event, an Accounting Event or, as the case may be, a Tax Event;
(h) they shall be (i) listed on the Official List and admitted to trading on the London Stock
Exchange's Main Market or (ii) listed on such other stock exchange as is a Recognised Stock
Exchange at that time or admitted to trading on a Multilateral Trading Facility at that time as
selected by the Issuer; and
(i) they shall, immediately after such substitution or variation, be assigned at least the same credit
rating(s) by the same Rating Agencies as may have been assigned to the Notes at the invitation
of or with the consent of the Issuer immediately prior to such substitution or variation; and
(j) they shall not provide for the mandatory deferral or cancellation of payments of interest and/or
"Rating Agency" means each of Fitch and Moody's or any other rating agency substituted for either of
them by the Issuer.
A "Rating Agency Event" shall occur if the Issuer has received confirmation from any Rating Agency
that, due to any amendment to, clarification of, or change in the assessment criteria under its hybrid
capital methodology or in the interpretation thereof, in each case occurring or becoming effective after
the Issue Date (or, if "equity credit" is not assigned to the Notes by the relevant Rating Agency on the
Issue Date, the date on which "equity credit" is assigned by such Rating Agency for the first time), any
or all of the Notes will no longer be eligible (or if the Notes have been partially or fully re-financed since
the Issue Date and are no longer eligible for "equity credit" from such Rating Agency in part or in full as
a result, any or all of the Notes would no longer have been eligible as a result of such amendment to,
clarification of or, change in the assessment criteria or in the interpretation thereof had they not been re-
financed) for the same or a higher amount of "equity credit" as was attributed to the Notes as at the Issue
Date (or, if "equity credit" is not assigned to the Notes by the relevant Rating Agency on the Issue Date,
the date on which "equity credit" is assigned by such Rating Agency for the first time).
"Recognised Stock Exchange" means a recognised stock exchange as defined in section 1005 of the
Income Tax Act 2007, as the same may be amended from time to time and any provision, statute or
statutory instrument replacing the same from time to time.
"Redemption Date" means any date on which the Notes become due for redemption in accordance with
the Conditions.
"Reference Banks" means five brokers of gilts and/or gilt-edged market makers selected by the Issuer.
"Relevant Announcement Date" means the date that is the earlier of (a) the date of the first public
announcement of the relevant Change of Control and (b) the date of the earliest Relevant Potential
Change of Control Announcement (if any).
"Relevant Date" means in respect of any Note or Coupon, the date on which payment in respect of it
first becomes due or (if any amount of the money payable is improperly withheld or refused) the date on
which payment in full of the amount outstanding is made or (if earlier) the date seven days after that on
which notice is duly given to the Noteholders that, upon further presentation of the Note or Coupon being
made in accordance with the Conditions, such payment will be made, provided that payment is in fact
made upon such presentation.
"Relevant Potential Change of Control Announcement" means any public announcement or statement
by or on behalf of the Issuer, any actual or potential bidder or any adviser acting on behalf of any actual
or potential bidder relating to any potential Change of Control where within 180 days following the date
of such announcement or statement, a Change of Control occurs.
"Relevant Rating Agency" means each of Fitch, Moody's and S&P or any of their respective successors
or any Substitute Rating Agency.
"Reserved Matter" has the meaning specified in Condition 13.1.
"Reset Date" means each of:
(a) the First Reset Date;
(b) the Second Reset Date; and
(c) each date that falls five, or a multiple of five, years following the Second Reset Date.
"Reset Determination Date" means the second London Business Day prior to the relevant Reset Date.
"Reset Interest Rate" means (subject to Condition 4.4), in relation to any Reset Period, the rate that is
determined by the Calculation Agent as the sum of the relevant Reset Reference Rate and the Margin,
with such sum converted to an annual basis (such calculation to be made by the Calculation Agent).
"Reset Period" means the period from and including the First Reset Date to but excluding the Second
Reset Date, the period from and including the Second Reset Date to but excluding the next Reset Date,
and each successive period from and including a Reset Date to but excluding the next succeeding Reset
"Reset Reference Rate" means in respect of a Reset Period, the gross redemption yield (as calculated
by the Calculation Agent in accordance with generally accepted market practice at such time, on a semi-
annual compounding basis (rounded up (if necessary) to four decimal places) of the Benchmark Gilt in
respect of that Reset Period, with the price of the Benchmark Gilt for the purpose of determining the
gross redemption yield being the arithmetic average (rounded up (if necessary) to the nearest 0.001 per
cent. (0.0005 per cent. being rounded upwards)) of the bid and offered prices of such Benchmark Gilt
quoted by the Reference Banks at 11.00 a.m. (London time) on the Reset Determination Date in respect
of such Reset Period on a dealing basis for settlement on the next following Benchmark Gilt Dealing
Day in London. Such quotations shall be obtained by or on behalf of the Issuer and provided to the
Calculation Agent. If at least four quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined
by reference to the rounded arithmetic mean of the quotations provided, eliminating the highest quotation
(or, in the event of equality, one of the highest) and the lowest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one
of the lowest). If only two or three quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined
by reference to the rounded arithmetic mean of the quotations provided. If only one quotation is
provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded quotation provided.
If no quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be the previous Reset Reference Rate or (in
the case of the first Reset Period) 0.009 per cent.
"S&P" means S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (or any of its subsidiaries or any successor in business
thereto from time to time).
"Second Reset Date" means 26 February 2031.
"Senior Obligations" means all obligations of the Issuer but excluding any Parity Obligations and any
Ordinary Shares of the Issuer.
"Senior Unsecured Obligations" means any of the Issuer's senior unsecured obligations.
"Solvent Reorganisation" means a solvent Winding-Up for the purposes of a reorganisation,
reconstruction or amalgamation the terms of which reorganisation, reconstruction or amalgamation have
previously been approved in writing by the Trustee or by an Extraordinary Resolution and do not provide
that the Notes shall thereby become redeemable or repayable.
"Subsidiary" has the meaning provided in Section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006.
A "Substantial Repurchase Event" shall occur if, prior to the giving of the relevant notice of redemption
the Issuer or any Subsidiary of the Issuer repurchases (and effects corresponding cancellations) in
aggregate 75 per cent. or more in the principal amount of the Notes issued on the Issue Date.
"Substituted Debtor" has the meaning specified in Condition 13.3.
"Substitute Rating Agency" means any international recognised securities rating agency or agencies
substituted for a Relevant Rating Agency by the Issuer from time to time with the prior written approval
of the Trustee, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
"Talons" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
a "Tax Event" shall be deemed to have occurred if as a result of a Tax Law Change:
(i) in respect of, or as a result of, the Issuer's obligation to make any Interest Payment on the next
following Interest Payment Date, the Issuer would not be entitled to claim a deduction in
computing its taxation liabilities in a Tax Jurisdiction or such entitlement is materially reduced
or materially delayed (a "disallowance"); or
(ii) in respect of the Issuer's obligation to make any Interest Payment on the next following Interest
Payment Date, where a deduction arises in respect of such Interest Payment the Issuer would
not to any material extent be entitled to have such deduction set against the profits of companies
with which it is grouped for applicable tax purposes in a Taxing Jurisdiction (whether under the
group relief system current as at the Issue Date or any similar system or systems having like
effect as may from time to time exist) otherwise than as a result of a disallowance within (i),
and, in each case, the Issuer cannot avoid the foregoing in connection with the Notes by taking measures
reasonably available to it.
"Tax Jurisdiction" means the United Kingdom and any political subdivision and any authority therein
or thereof having the power to tax, and/or any other jurisdiction (and in each case any political
subdivision and any authority therein or thereof having the power to tax) in which the Issuer is
incorporated, organised, or otherwise resident for tax purposes.
"Tax Law Change" means (i) a change in or proposed change in, or amendment or proposed amendment
to, the laws or regulations of a Tax Jurisdiction or any political subdivision or any authority thereof or
therein having the power to tax, including any treaty to which a Tax Jurisdiction is a party, (ii) any change
in the application or official or generally published interpretation of such laws or regulations, including
a decision of any court or tribunal, or (iii) any interpretation or pronouncement by any relevant tax
authority that provides for a position with respect to such laws or regulations or interpretation thereof
that differs from the previously generally accepted position in relation to similar transactions, which in
each case becomes or would become effective on or after the Issue Date.
"Trust Deed" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
"Trustee" has the meaning specified in the preamble to the Conditions.
"Winding-Up" means an order being made, or an effective resolution being passed, for the winding-up
of the Issuer or an administrator of the Issuer being appointed and such administrator giving notice that
it intends to declare and distribute a dividend.
Up to and including the Second Reset Date, the Issuer intends that it will (but is not obliged to) redeem or
repurchase the Notes only to the extent that the Notes are replaced with instrument(s) which provide at least an
equivalent quantum of Fitch equity credit, unless:
1. the Notes do not provide meaningful balance sheet support as assessed by Fitch; or
2. the Notes are redeemed pursuant to a Rating Agency Event, a Tax Event, a Gross-Up Event, an
Accounting Event or a Change of Control Event or if a Substantial Repurchase Event has occurred and
some or all of the Notes left outstanding are redeemed or purchased; or
3. such redemption or repurchase is made in any other circumstance where redemption or repurchase
without replacement is consistent with Fitch's assessment criteria.
The following is a summary of the provisions to be contained in the Trust Deed to constitute the Notes and in the
Global Notes which will apply to, and in some cases modify, the Conditions while the Notes are represented by
the Global Notes.
1. Exchange
The Notes will be represented initially by a Temporary Global Note in bearer form without Coupons or
Talons which will be deposited outside the United States for a common depositary for Euroclear and
Clearstream, Luxembourg on or about the Issue Date. The Temporary Global Note will be exchangeable
in whole or in part (free of charge to the holder) for interests in a Permanent Global Note in bearer form
without Coupons or Talons on or after a date which is 40 days after the Issue Date upon certification as
to non-U.S. beneficial ownership as required by U.S. Treasury regulations and as described in the
Temporary Global Note.
The Permanent Global Note will be exchangeable in whole but not in part (free of charge to the holder)
for definitive Notes only:
(a) if the Permanent Global Note is held on behalf of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg and
such clearing system is closed for business for a continuous period of 14 days (other than by
reason of holidays, statutory or otherwise) or announces an intention permanently to cease
business or does in fact do so and no other clearing system satisfactory to the Trustee is
available; or
(b) if principal in respect of any Notes is not paid when due.
Thereupon the holder of the Permanent Global Note or the Trustee may give notice to the Issuer and the
Principal Paying Agent of its intention to exchange the Permanent Global Note for definitive Notes. Any
exchange shall occur:
(i) no later than 60 days (in the case of (a) above); and
(ii) no later than 30 days (in the case of (b) above),
after the date of receipt of the first relevant notice by the Principal Paying Agent.
Exchanges will be made upon surrender of the Permanent Global Note to or to the order of the Principal
Paying Agent. In exchange for the Permanent Global Note, the Issuer shall deliver, or procure the
delivery of, an equal aggregate principal amount of definitive Notes (having attached to them all Coupons
(and, where appropriate, Talons) in respect of interest which has not already been paid on the Permanent
Global Note), security printed in accordance with any applicable legal and stock exchange requirements
and in or substantially in the form set out in the Trust Deed. On exchange of the Permanent Global Note,
the Issuer will procure that it is cancelled and, if the relevant Noteholder so requests, returned to such
Noteholder together with any relevant definitive Notes.
2. Relationship of accountholders with clearing systems
For so long as all of the Notes are represented by one or both the Global Notes and such Global Note(s)
is/are held on behalf of one or more relevant clearing systems, each person (other than a relevant clearing
system) who is for the time being shown in the records of the relevant clearing system(s) as the holder
of a particular principal amount of such Notes (each an "Accountholder") (in which regard any
certificate or other document issued by a relevant clearing system as to the principal amount of such
Notes standing to the account of any person shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive and
binding for all purposes) shall be treated as the holder of such principal amount of such Notes for all
purposes (including but not limited to, for the purposes of any quorum requirements of, or the right to
demand a poll at, meetings of the Noteholders) other than with respect to the payment of principal and
interest, including any Arrears of Interest, on such principal amount of the such Notes, the right to which
shall be vested, as against the Issuer and the Trustee, solely in the bearer of the relevant Global Note in
accordance with and subject to its terms and the terms of the Trust Deed.
Each Accountholder must look solely to Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg (as the case may be) for
its share of each payment made by the Issuer to the bearer of such Global Note, and in relation to all
other rights arising under the Global Notes, subject to and in accordance with the respective rules and
procedures of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg. Each Accountholder shall have no claim directly
against the Issuer in respect of payments due on the Notes for so long as the Notes are represented by
such Global Note and such obligations of the Issuer will be discharged by payment to the bearer of such
Global Note in respect of each amount so paid.
3. Payments
On and after the Exchange Date, no payment will be made on the Temporary Global Note unless
exchange for an interest in the Permanent Global Note is improperly withheld or refused by or on behalf
of the Issuer. Payments of principal and interest in respect of Notes represented by a Global Note will,
subject as set out below, be made against presentation for endorsement and, if no further payment falls
to be made in respect of the Notes, against surrender of such Global Note to the order of the Principal
Paying Agent or such other Paying Agent as shall have been notified to the Noteholders for such
purposes. A record of each payment made will be endorsed on the appropriate part of the schedule to
the relevant Global Note by or on behalf of the Principal Paying Agent, which endorsement shall be
prima facie evidence that such payment has been made in respect of the Notes. Payments of interest on
any Temporary Global Note (if permitted by the first sentence of this paragraph) will be made only upon
certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership unless such certification has already been made.
4. Notices
For so long as all of the Notes are represented by one or both of the Global Notes and such Global Note(s)
is/are held on behalf of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg, notices to Noteholders may be given
by delivery of the relevant notice to Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg (as the case may be) for
communication to the Noteholder rather than by publication as required by Condition 14, provided that,
so long as the Notes are listed and admitted to trading on any stock exchange and the rules of that
exchange or the relevant listing authority so require, notices shall also be published in a leading
newspaper as required by such stock exchange or listing authority or its rules and/or regulations. In the
case of a notice delivered to Euroclear and/or Clearstream Luxembourg, such notice shall be deemed to
have been given to the Noteholders on the date such notice is delivered to Euroclear and/or Clearstream,
Luxembourg (as the case may be) as aforesaid.
5. Prescription
Claims in respect of principal and interest on the Notes represented by a Global Note will be prescribed
after 10 years (in the case of principal) and 5 years (in the case of interest, including any Arrears of
Interest) from the appropriate Relevant Date.
6. Cancellation
Cancellation of any Note represented by a Global Note and required by the Conditions of the Notes to
be cancelled (other than upon its redemption) will be effected by endorsement by or on behalf of the
Principal Paying Agent of the reduction in the principal amount of the relevant Global Note on the
relevant part of the schedule thereto.
7. Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg
Notes represented by a Global Note are transferable in accordance with the rules and procedures for the
time being of Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, as appropriate. References in the Global Notes
and this summary to Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg shall be deemed to include references
to any other clearing system approved by the Trustee.
8. Calculation of interest
Notwithstanding the provisions of Condition 4.3, for so long as all of the Notes are represented by a
Global Note, interest shall be calculated on the aggregate principal amount of the Notes represented by
such Global Note (and not per £1,000 in principal amount, as the case may be), but otherwise shall be
calculated in accordance with Condition 4.
9. Electronic Consent and Written Resolution
While any Global Note is held on behalf of a clearing system, then:
(a) approval of a resolution proposed by the Issuer or the Trustee with respect to the Notes (as the
case may be) given by way of electronic consents communicated through the electronic
communications systems of the relevant clearing system(s) in accordance with their operating
rules and procedures by or on behalf of the holders of not less than 75 per cent. in nominal
amount of the Notes outstanding (an "Electronic Consent" as defined in the Trust Deed) shall,
for all purposes (including matters that would otherwise require an Extraordinary Resolution to
be passed at a meeting for which the quorum was satisfied), take effect as an Extraordinary
Resolution passed at a meeting of Noteholders duly convened and held, and shall be binding on
all Noteholders and holders of Coupons and Talons whether or not they participated in such
Electronic Consent; and
(b) where Electronic Consent is not being sought, for the purpose of determining whether a
resolution in writing has been validly passed, the Issuer and the Trustee shall be entitled to rely
on consent or instructions given in writing directly to the Issuer and/or the Trustee, as the case
may be, by accountholders in the clearing system with entitlements to such Global Note, or,
where the accountholders hold any such entitlement on behalf of another person, on written
consent from or written instruction by the person for whom such entitlement is ultimately
beneficially held, whether such beneficiary holds directly with the accountholder or via one or
more intermediaries and provided that, in each case, the Issuer and the Trustee have obtained
commercially reasonable evidence to ascertain the validity of such holding and have taken
reasonable steps to ensure that such holding does not alter following the giving of such consent
or instruction and prior to the effecting of such amendment. Any resolution passed in such
manner shall be binding on all Noteholders and Couponholders, even if the relevant consent or
instruction proves to be defective. As used in this paragraph, "commercially reasonable
evidence" includes any certificate or other document issued by Euroclear or Clearstream,
Luxembourg, or issued by an accountholder or participant of them or an intermediary in a
holding chain, in relation to the holding of interests in the Notes. Any such certificate or other
document shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive and binding for all purposes.
Any such certificate or other document may comprise any form of statement or print out of
electronic records provided by the relevant clearing system (including Euroclear's Easy-Way or
Clearstream, Luxembourg's CreationOnline system) in accordance with its usual procedures and
in which the accountholder of a particular principal or nominal amount of the Notes is clearly
identified together with the amount of such holding. Neither the Issuer nor the Trustee shall be
liable to any person by reason of having accepted as valid or not having rejected any certificate
or other document to such effect purporting to be issued by any such person and subsequently
found to be forged or not authentic.
The Issuer was incorporated and registered in England and Wales on 11 March 1991 with registration number
2590560 under the Companies Act 1985 as a private limited company with the name of Offerletter Limited. On 4
November 1991, the Issuer changed its name to National Express Limited. On 20 October 1992, the Issuer re-
registered as a public limited company and changed its name to its current name of National Express Group PLC.
In December 1992, the Issuer's ordinary shares were listed on the London Stock Exchange and admitted to trading
on the Official List. The Issuer operates under the commercial name of National Express. The Issuer's registered
office and principal place of business is at National Express House, Birmingham Coach Station, Mill Lane,
Digbeth B5 6DD, its telephone number is +44 (0)845 0130130 and its website is Unless it is expressly referred to in the section entitled "Documents
Incorporated by Reference", the information on the Issuer's website does not form part of this Prospectus and has
not been scrutinised or approved by the FCA.
The National Express Group is a leading international public transportation group, with bus, coach and rail
services in the UK, Continental Europe, North Africa, North America and the Middle East.
The National Express Group employs approximately 51,000 people worldwide, and operates over 30,000 vehicles
on four continents. 939 million passenger journeys were made on National Express Group's bus, coach and train
operations in the 2019 financial year.
As at the date of this Prospectus, the National Express Group's core operations are comprised of its UK bus and
coach division, German Rail, North American division (comprising school bus, transit and shuttle businesses) and
The National Express Group's UK business operates urban bus services in the West Midlands and Dundee, and
regional and long haul coach services across the UK.
Bus: National Express West Midlands is the largest bus operator in the West Midlands and one of the
UK's largest urban bus networks outside London. It serves the major cities and towns in the West
Midlands region including Walsall, Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Solihull, West Bromwich, Dudley and
Coventry. National Express West Midlands employs around 5,100 people, including 3,900 drivers, and
carries one million passengers per day on a modern fleet of approximately 1,550 vehicles across nearly
170 routes.
The bus business also operates a comprehensive network of high frequency local bus services within the
city of Dundee and in the surrounding area, and owns a fleet of around 110 buses and coaches.
In addition, West Midlands Accessible Transport Ltd ("WMATL"), a subsidiary of WMTL, commenced
operating special needs home to school and ring and ride services during 2019, employing approximately
600 people on a fleet of approximately 400 vehicles.
Coach: National Express is the largest operator of scheduled coach services in the UK. The business
operates high frequency services linking more than 650 destinations across the country.
The Kings Ferry, Clarkes of London and Stewarts Coaches are also part of the UK coach business and
are both long-established providers of private hire and commuter coach travel services in London and
the South of England. In the first quarter of 2020, the acquisition of Lucketts Travel Group provided
further growth into the private hire, coach tour and corporate shuttle market in southern England.
In the 2019 financial year, the UK business generated £599.7 million of revenue (22 per cent. of the Group's total
revenue) and £85.0 million of normalised operating profit (29 per cent. of the Group's normalised operating profit).
In December 2015, the Group launched its first German Rail franchise, Rhine Munster Express ("RME") in the
North Rhine Westphalia region of the country. The mobilisation of the Group's second German Rail franchise is
well advanced. The first contract for the Rhine Rhur Express ("RRX") commenced in June 2019 with the second
in December 2019 and the third starting in December 2020. The RRX contracts are gross-cost contracts, meaning
that the revenue received by the Group is independent of the sums collected from the operations.
In the 2019 financial year, the German Rail business generated £89.9 million of revenue (3 per cent. of the Group's
total revenue) and an operating profit of £5.0 million.
North America
The National Express Group's North American business has three principal areas of activity: student transportation
(school bus), transit services and shuttle services. The shuttle business is led by WeDriveU, which was acquired
in April 2019 and specialises in private shuttle solutions for workplaces and campuses. National Express is the
second largest player in the North American school bus market with a 13 per cent. share of the outsourced school
bus market. The division operates approximately 20,600 school buses, and 4,000 vehicles for transit services, and
employs approximately 30,000 people. Trading primarily under the brands Durham School Services, Petermann
and National Express Transit in the United States and Stock Transportation in Canada, the North American bus
division operates in 36 states in the U.S. and 3 provinces in Canada, with a portfolio of approximately 670
contracts across North America.
The school bus division operates on a contract basis with local school boards and contracts will typically cover
the academic year, meaning that there are only limited operations during the summer months during which time
a large number of the buses are not used and the drivers are not employed. Contracts typically have a life of three
to five years, with National Express achieving strong contract retention rates (over 95 per cent. in the 2020/21
school bid season).
The division's transit services offer its clients solutions for the following transportation needs:
Fixed-route public transit;
Commuter and express transit service;
Paratransit and "dial-a-ride" demand-response services;
Shuttle services for colleges, universities, airports and corporates;
Transit management; and
Fleet and asset maintenance.
In the 2019 financial year, the North American division generated £1,230.1 million of revenue (45 per cent. of the
Group's total revenue) and £123.0 million of normalised operating profit (42 per cent. of the Group's normalised
operating profit), and revenue in the North American division increased 11 per cent. from the 2018 financial year
on a constant currency basis.
ALSA is Spain's leading private operator of coach and bus services. The division provided 368 million passenger
journeys in 2019 and employs over 14,500 people. It also operates urban bus services in Morocco where it is the
leading urban transport operator, and alpine transport, school, urban bus and discretionary services in Switzerland.
The division is comprised of the integrated businesses of ALSA, which was acquired by the Group in December
2005, and Continental Auto S.L.U. ("Continental Auto"), which was acquired by the Group in October 2007.
The business also includes the operation of service stations, a fuel distribution business and provision of other
transport related services in Spain.
ALSA has three major businesses:
a Spanish concession-based coach transportation service, operating national, intercity services and also
regional services;
a Spanish urban bus services contracted to local municipal authorities; and
a Moroccan urban bus services contracted to local municipal authorities.
ALSA's long distance coach operations, which have historically been awarded contracts on a 10-15 year, exclusive
basis, receive no subsidy and take revenue risk in return for flexibility over the number of services operated and
a regulated maximum fare. Regional coach operations are likewise long-term concession services which may in
addition be subsidised by the autonomous governments. Urban bus operations are mainly operated under
programme contracts with city councils and transport consortia.
In 2019, the Moroccan business carried over 190 million passengers and expanded further with the launch of two
major contracts in Rabat in August and Casablanca at the end of the year. ALSA also made three acquisitions in
Spain comprising a small chauffeur business, a bus company in the Canary Islands and a majority stake in a
company that operates regional concession services in Aragon, thereby opening up a strategic presence in a new
region. There was continued stability in the contract base with no significant changes in structure, and 2019 saw
the successful renewal of key contracts including ALSA's largest Spanish urban contract in Bilbao, renewed for
10 years, and the renewal of ALSA's Madrid Consortium regional contract for a further five years.
In the 2019 financial year, ALSA generated £824.7 million of revenue (30 per cent. of the Group's total revenue)
and £109.5 million of normalised operating profit (37 per cent. of the Group's normalised operating profit), with
a total divisional revenue growth (compared to the 2018 financial year) of 11.7 per cent. on a constant currency
Key Strengths
The Board believes that the Group's diverse international portfolio of cash generative businesses comprises well-
established operations in stable markets with good management teams and access to multiple growth
opportunities. The Group's strategy remains focused on three key pillars; delivering operational excellence,
development of technology, and growing the business through acquisitions and market diversification. The
Group's key strengths can be summarised as follows:
A diverse international portfolio of businesses both by geography and by mode with no one contract
contributing more than 2 per cent. of Group operating profit and with lower geographical and regulatory
exposure to any one market;
Strong market share and leading positions in many of the markets in which the Group operates;
Deep understanding of, and expertise in, managing regulated concessions;
Strong recurring revenue streams from perpetuity businesses and established contract markets, with
around 54 per cent. of Group revenues secured through contracts and concessions;
Strong free cash flow generation helping to drive further growth through acquisitions and position the
Group for growth in new markets; and
Differentiated strategy through the Group's focus on operational excellence, which looks to deliver
consistent service performance, leading to revenue growth, and continuous cost efficiency improvement,
generating better margins, profit and cash.
Ability to manage its operations effectively through adverse trading conditions
Whilst the Group has a diverse portfolio, it is not immune to the challenging trading conditions affecting the
transportation industry or wider economy as a whole, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic. However the Board
believes that the Group manages itself in a way that enables it to adapt its operations to prevailing conditions, for
example, by maintaining levels of fixed revenue and variable cost.
The innovative digital marketing approach of the UK coach business is being complemented with new partnership
contracts to both deliver its services more effectively to existing customers and reach new markets. Through its
active pricing strategy, revenue is optimised by responding to changing market conditions. The business is always
looking to optimise its network, as it looks to reduce uncommercial operations, while also increasing services on
popular routes.
The Board believes that the emphasis on partnership by the UK bus business is working, with the UK bus business
maintaining and building on strong relationships with Transport for West Midlands ("TfWM") through the 'Bus
Alliance' and the West Midlands Mayor, which is demonstrated through the expansion into accessible transport
in 2019. This partnership approach is a key driver for delivering a combination of superior service standards and
customer offering together with profitable growth, including for example, working with the Mayor and TfWM to
establish a credible plan to tackle congestion, promote bus prioritisation and enable an improved network
In Spain, ALSA operates urban and inter-urban bus and coach services, with a high level of contracted mileage,
with organic growth opportunities in North Africa, where ALSA is currently operating in six cities in Morocco,
with new urban bus contracts in Rabat and Casablanca having commenced in September and November 2019.
Over the last few years ALSA has faced intense competition on its rail-competed long-distance routes; however,
through the roll out of its revenue management system to over 200 flows that compete directly with the discounted
RENFE (state owned rail operator), ALSA saw growth in revenue in all of its business segments and record
passenger journeys in both Spain and Morocco.
The North American division employs a disciplined bidding approach which prioritises returns. The business has
strong customer relationships with a contract retention rate of 92 per cent. in the 2019/20 bidding season, on
contracts that meet the minimum criteria. The business has a dedicated focus on increasing the percentage of
highly satisfied customers and has made good progress to date, with the percentage of highly satisfied customers
moving from 32 per cent. to 55 per cent. over the last three years, according to confidential internally-instigated
Ability to deliver a strong operational capability across the business
One of the three key tenets of the Group's strategy is to deliver operational excellence, with the focus on driving
revenue growth and margin progression across the business by delivering excellent customer service. As of 31
December 2019, the Group's five year revenue compounded annual growth rate was 10 per cent. The Group's
progress in embedding excellence across the Group has been recognised by leading accreditation bodies. All
eligible businesses (ALSA, UK bus and UK coach) have a five-star European Foundation for Quality Management
(EFQM) rating and, in addition, the UK coach business won the British Quality Foundation UK Excellence Award
in 2019.
For safety, the Group was re-awarded with the prestigious British Safety Council ("BSC") Sword of Honour for
its UK bus and coach operations, and both hold BSC five-star audits. In 2019 the UK coach business won a number
of awards including the British Quality Foundation UK Excellence Award, and UK bus was judged to be the safest
public transport company of those audited by the BSC worldwide. ALSA was accredited with the AENOR Social
Responsibility Certificate recognising social responsibility.
The Group continues to deliver excellent customer service. ALSA achieved the best BCX (Customer Experience)
rating in the Transport Sector in Spain in 2019 and was leader in both Product and Interaction categories (Source:
IZO Corporate S.L. BCX). This achievement followed consistent improvement with the Group's enhanced digital
sales revenue ratio.
In 2020 the UK bus business achieved another good customer satisfaction score of 86 per cent. in the independent
Transport Focus survey, with consistent satisfaction scores for drivers and value for money.
A second key pillar of the Group's strategy is deployment of technology to raise standards and drive efficiencies
and the Group is working on innovative new transport technologies. Continued investment in new mobile
technology and ticketing apps have generated growth in transactions and lowered costs. The Group's fully installed
real-time revenue management systems in Spain and the UK coach business are driving growth in revenue, profit
and incremental demand. The UK bus business launched mobile ticketing in 2016 and the Group believes it now
has the largest contactless payment system outside of London, being the first to offer daily capping. This ensures
more convenient methods of payment, faster boarding and helps to speed up journey times, with two thirds of
journeys now made on digital tickets, including contactless. The UK coach business has further developed its
website and mobile app and, in 2019, 71 per cent. of revenue was secured through digital channels. The
introduction of these new technologies helps to create personalised and tailored relationships with the Group's
customers, helping to drive innovation and service efficiency so the Group can better target customer needs.
New technology also enables the Group to improve safety performance. The Group continues to invest in Lytx
DriveCam technology to help improve safety performance and drive down cost. This is now fully rolled out in the
UK and in UK Bus 93 per cent. of drivers coached after an incident flagged by DriveCam do not repeat the error;
this compares to a national average of 68 per cent. for all transport companies that use Lytx DriveCam. This is
now installed in 21,000 vehicles in North America with 99 per cent. of drivers being covered by speed monitoring
equipment in 2019. There are currently 1,400 vehicles operating with DriveCam in ALSA, an increase of 43 per
Achieving margin improvement
The Group's operating margin of 10.8 per cent. in the 2019 financial year exceeds the margin of other public
transport operators within its peer group, with market-leading positions in ALSA, North America and the UK
coach business.
The Group's businesses compete in numerous geographic markets and face competition not only from other
transport operators but also from other modes of transport.
In the UK, the Group's bus and coach operations face competition from the car and other forms of public transport.
The result of a deregulated UK bus market is that in some areas there also exists head-to-head competition between
transport companies operating overlapping bus networks. Over time, mergers and acquisitions have led to a
situation where nearly two thirds of services in the UK are operated by five major UK-based public transport
providers, namely FirstGroup plc, Go-Ahead Group plc, National Express, Stagecoach and Arriva (purchased by
Deutsche Bahn AG in 2010).
National Express is the largest coach operator in the UK and Spain, but is subject to competition from other
operators, particularly in the UK, in relation to airport and intercity routes.
In North America, the Group's operations cover a very wide geographic area comprising around 22,000 school
bus routes. Competition is provided by a small number of larger operators plus numerous smaller, locally owned
operators. The competitors can also include school districts themselves (which are governmental bodies) as many
operate their own buses in-house. Although the number of competitors is large, the actual competition for any
single contract is limited due to geographic restrictions, which means that a smaller owner operator in one state
will not bid for a contract in a neighbouring state as they will not have the resources to achieve this.
The Group has built a diverse global business which is focussed on operational excellence, innovation,
acquisitions in its core markets and further diversification into complementary markets. The Board's strategy to
generate value is focused on three key areas:
1. Delivering operational excellence
For National Express, operational excellence is achieved through delivering continuously improving services
whilst ensuring a relentless focus on efficiency. The objective is for National Express to be known for excellence
in the quality of the Group's operations, for price leadership, and to be the safest, most reliable, convenient and
best value provider in the modes in which it operates.
Getting the combination of price and quality right enables the Group to deliver on the vision of earning customers'
lifetime loyalty, with passengers more likely to continue to use the Group's services above other choices because
they are receiving a good service at a good price. Equally, contracting authorities or businesses are less likely to
retender services or are more likely to award National Express new contracts if each business consistently delivers
excellence. This focus on operational excellence is also being applied to the management of the COVID-19
pandemic, and should result in a growth in revenue as the Group emerges from this situation.
In the Group's UK and Spanish coach operations, more sophisticated revenue management systems have
significantly enhanced the businesses' capabilities to actively manage pricing on a real time basis, and deliver
extra capacity when required, helping to deliver incremental revenue and higher returns.
The Group's success in recent years has been rooted in operational excellence. It is also increasingly clear that
future success depends on it. As recent successes demonstrate, a reputation for operational excellence has been
crucial in winning contracts in new markets.
2. Deployment of Technology
The Group utilises technology to raise customer and safety standards and drive efficiencies in the business.
In recent years, investment in industry-leading real-time revenue management systems in the UK and Spanish
coach businesses has driven growth in passenger numbers, revenue, yield and utilisation.
The Group has invested in Lytx DriveCam technology to help improve safety performance and drive down the
cost of accidents. The leading technology of its type on the market, it enables data analysis and video review in
order to allow targeted training and provide evidence for any accident claims. This smart camera technology is
now fully implemented in UK bus and coach operations and North America transit, delivering a reduction in the
number of collisions and associated costs. In North America, the benefits of this technology has resulted in a fall
in the average and total cost of claims. Benchmarking data from claim handlers shows the average cost of 2019
settlements to be almost half that of a pool of 13 other peer organisations.
New mobile websites and ticketing apps are driving higher online transactions, conversion rates and lowering
costs – e.g., ALSA has seen a 7.2 per cent. increase in sales through digital channels in 2019. Contactless payment
was launched across the UK business in 2018, providing faster, more convenient methods of payment. Two thirds
of the UK bus business's journeys are now made by using digital, smartcard or contactless payment methods
helping to reduce costs and speed up journey times through faster boarding.
3. Growing the business through acquisitions and market diversification
The Group continues to look to grow its portfolio of international bus, coach and rail businesses through selective
The principal opportunity for increased investment to deliver strong growth over the medium term is in North
America, where there are strong opportunities for growth given this market's highly fragmented nature and the
continuing trend for conversions, with over 1,000 private school businesses in the United States. National Express
has already demonstrated its ability to grow this business significantly in recent years and in 2019 made five
additional acquisitions in North America, all of which either consolidated the Group's positions in local markets
or helped it enter new strategic segments. The largest acquisition in 2019 saw National Express acquire a majority
stake in WeDriveU, a Silicon Valley based employee shuttle business, serving many of the world's blue chip
companies and providing a platform for expansion in this market.
In addition, the Group also sees attractive opportunities for select acquisitions within ALSA, and in 2019 the
group made three such acquisitions including two Spanish operations serving the commuter, school and
regional/urban bus market, as well as a small chauffeur business.
The Group will continue to consider opportunities to expand into new geographies and markets where it believes
that its experience in delivering innovation and operational excellence can generate meaningful and sustainable
long-term returns.
Building on its strong credentials through the focus on the delivery of operational excellence, the Group is looking
for further selective acquisitions principally in North America and ALSA where it can extend its offering into new
regional markets and cities or build further scale in existing markets and cities and new complementary markets
as part of its strategy. This also enables it to drive incremental revenue and profit through the provision of
additional commercial services such as charter services, while also making greater use of its fleet.
Recent Developments
On 29 October 2019, the Issuer entered into an agreement with eight investors for a private placement of notes in
the principal amount of euro 240 million (issued in May 2020) and £134 million and U.S.$81 million (issued in
June 2020).
On 6 April 2020, the Issuer established a commercial paper programme for the purposes of accessing the Bank of
England's COVID Corporate Financing Facility. A limit of £600 million was made available to the Issuer of which
half was drawn for a twelve month term to mature in March and April 2021.
On 23 June 2020, the Board accepted the resignation of Group Chief Executive, Dean Finch, who left the business
on 31 August. Chris Davies acted as Interim Group Chief Executive Officer in addition to his role as Group Chief
Financial Officer until 1 November 2020. On 12 October 2020, it was announced that the Board of Directors of
the Issuer had appointed Jose Ignacio Garat as Group Chief Executive effective from 1 November 2020.
The Issuer acts as the holding company of the Group. The Issuer has the following significant subsidiary
undertakings all of which are private limited companies. None of the subsidiaries hold ordinary shares in the Issuer
(the "Ordinary Shares").
Country of
Proportion of
interest Principal activity
National Express Limited England and Wales 100 per cent.
Administration and marketing of
express coach service in the UK
The Kings Ferry Limited England and Wales 100 per cent. Operation of coach services
West Midlands Travel Limited England and Wales 100 per cent. Operation of bus services
Tayside Public Transport Co
Limited (trading as Travel Dundee)
Scotland 100 per cent. Operation of bus services
Durham School Services, L.P. United States 100 per cent. Operation of school bus services
Petermann Ltd LLC United States 100 per cent. Operation of school bus services
National Express Transit
United States 100 per cent. Operation of school bus services
National Express LLC United States 100 per cent. Holding company for operating
Stock Transportation Limited Canada 100 per cent. Operation of school bus services
NEX Continental Holdings SL Spain 100 per cent. Operation of bus services
Tury Express SA Spain 100 per cent.
Holding company for operating
General Tecnica Industrial SLU Spain 100 per cent. Holding company for operating
Country of
Proportion of
Principal activity
GAT Groupe Alsa Transport
Morocco 100 per cent. Operation of bus services
TVAM Transport de Voyageurs en
Autocar Maroc SA (Marrackech)
Morocco 100 per cent. Operation of bus services
Alsa Tanger SA Morocco 100 per cent. Operation of bus services
ACA Alsa City Agadir SA Morocco 100 per cent. Operation of bus services
National Express Rail GmbH Germany 100 per cent.
Operation of train passenger
The Directors and Senior Managers of the Issuer are:
Directors and
Senior Managers Position held Other Principal Activities
Sir John Armitt Non-Executive Chairman
Chairman of City and Guilds Group and
Chairman of the National Infrastructure
Commission. He is also an independent Non-
Executive Director of Expo 2020 and
Berkeley Group Holdings plc
Jose Ignacio Garat Group Chief Executive Not Applicable
Chris Davies Group Finance Director
Non-Executive Director of Motability
Operations Group plc
Jorge Cosmen
Non-Executive Deputy Chairman Non-Executive Director of Bankia, S.A.
Elliot Sander Independent Non-Executive
President (Americas) of Bombardier
Transportation, Chairman Emeritus of the
Regional Plan Association, Vice Chairman of
the Greater Jamaica Development
Christian Muntwyler Independent Non-Executive
President and Chief Executive Officer of
Conlogic Ltd, Non-Executive director of
Österreichische Post AG and Non-Executive
Director of Descartes Systems Group Ltd
Matthew Crummack Senior Independent Non-Executive
Chief Executive Officer of GoCo Group plc
Michael McKeon
Independent Non-Executive
Not Applicable
Dr Ashley Steel Independent Non-Executive
Non-Executive Director of GoCo Group plc
and the BBC (as Nations Representative for
Directors and
Senior Managers Position held Other Principal Activities
Karen Geary Independent Non-Executive
Non-Executive Director of ASOS plc
Ana De Pro Gonzalo Independent Non-Executive
Chief Financial Officer of Amadeus IT Group
S.A., Independent Director and member of
the Global Steering Group for Impact
Assessment, Consejo Aesor Nacional
Español and Non-Executive Director of ST
Microelectronics NV
Francisco Iglesias Chief Executive Officer, ALSA
Not Applicable
Gary Waits Chief Executive Officer, North
Not Applicable
Tom Stables
Managing Director, UK and
Not Applicable
Sir John Armitt, aged 74 (Non-Executive Chairman)
Sir John Armitt, who was appointed to the Board in 2013, is currently Chairman of the City & Guilds Group and
Chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission. Sir John is also an independent Non-Executive Director of
Expo 2020 and Berkeley Group Holdings plc. He was President of the Institution of Civil Engineers from 2015
to 2016 and a member of the Board of Transport for London from 2012 to 2016. Sir John was Chairman of the
Olympic Delivery Authority from 2007 to 2014 and Chairman of the Engineering and Physical Science Research
Council from 2007 to 2012. From 2001 to 2007 he was Chief Executive of Network Rail and its predecessor,
Railtrack. In 1997 he was appointed as Chief Executive of Costain Group plc, a position he held until 2001. Before
this, Sir John was Chief Executive of Union Railways, the company responsible for the development of the high
speed Channel Tunnel Rail Link. This followed a 27-year career at John Laing plc.
Jose Ignacio Garat, aged 52 (Group Chief Executive)
Jose Ignacio Garat (Ignacio) joined National Express in November 2020 as Group Chief Executive. He has over
20 years' experience in the freight and logistics industry with a track record of leading large, complex businesses
across many countries. Ignacio was previously Senior Vice President of Southern Europe, France and Benelux
Operations at Fedex, where he led the transformation of a multi-billion dollar business with operations in 22
countries and 22,000 staff. Prior to this, between 1996 and 2016 Ignacio served in a number of senior management
positions at TNT, including Sales and Marketing Director roles, President of TNT Spain/Portugal from 2008 to
2012 and President of TNT Brazil from 2012 to 2016. His experience incorporates safety, financial and
operational leadership.
Chris Davies, aged 50 (Group Finance Director)
Chris Davies joined National Express in May 2017 from Inchcape plc where he was Group Financial Controller
and Treasurer from 2013. Chris also acted as interim Group Chief Financial Officer for Inchcape plc between
January and April 2016. Chris has significant international senior financial experience having started his career
with Andersen Consulting, before joining Boots, then Marakon Associates (a strategic consultancy) and spending
ten years at Diageo plc. At Diageo, Chris held a number of strategic and financial positions on three continents,
culminating in two and a half years as the Chief Financial Officer of its North American division. Following the
departure of Dean Finch in August 2020, he also served as Interim Group Chief Executive until 1 November 2020.
He is also a Non-Executive Director of Motability Operations Group plc.
Jorge Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo, aged 52 (Non-Executive Deputy Chairman)
Jorge Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo was appointed to the Board in 2005 at the time of the ALSA transaction. He
was appointed Deputy Company Chairman in October 2008. He was Corporate Manager for the ALSA Group
from 1995, becoming Chairman in 1999. Between 1986 and 1995, he worked in sales, distribution and banking.
He is a Business Administration graduate and has an International MBA from the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid.
He is a Non-Executive Director of Bankia, as well as of other private companies.
Elliot Sander, aged 64 (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Elliot 'Lee' Sander was appointed to the Board in 2011. He is President of Bombardier Transportation in the
Americas and was previously Managing Director, Global Transportation and US Infrastructure for Hatch, a global
management, engineering and development consultancy. He is the former Chief Executive Officer of the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York and the former Commissioner of the New York City
Department of Transportation. He is the Chairman Emeritus of the Regional Plan Association, an NGO that has
played a guiding role in the planning of the New York Metropolitan area. Lee was Group Chief Executive for
Global Transportation at AECOM, a global architecture and engineering firm. He served as President of The
HAKS Group Inc and The I. Grace Company, which also specialised in architecture, engineering, and construction
in the public and private sectors. In addition, Lee founded the Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and
Management at New York University. Lee is also currently Vice Chairman of the Greater Jamaica Development
Corporation. Until 2017, he was a Senior External Adviser to McKinsey & Company.
Christian Muntwyler, aged 68 (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Christian Muntwyler was appointed to the Board in 2011. He is President and CEO of the Swiss Management
Consulting company Conlogic Ltd. He is also Non-Executive Director of Österreichische Post AG and Descartes
Systems Group Ltd and until 2018 was Non-Executive Director of Panalpina World Transport (Holding) Ltd.
During his 27 years at Swissair he held top executive positions in Switzerland, Sweden and North America. In
1999 he joined DHL Express serving as Managing Director of Switzerland, Germany and Central Europe and
from 2005 to 2008 as CEO of DHL Express (UK) Ltd based in London.
Matthew Crummack, aged 50 (Senior Independent Non-Executive Director)
Matthew Crummack was appointed to the Board in 2015. He is currently Chief Executive Officer of GoCo Group
plc, a financial services price comparison website which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Previously,
Matthew served as CEO of, the online travel and leisure retailer, from 2011 until March 2015
when the business was acquired by Bravofly Rumbo Group (subsequently renamed Group). He
served as Deputy CEO and Chief Integration Officer until December 2015, following which he served as a
member of its Strategic Advisory Committee.
In addition, Matthew was formerly a Senior Vice President of Lodging at Expedia in Europe and the US, has
previously worked for Nestlé UK, and spent eight years at Procter & Gamble in a variety of roles.
Michael McKeon, aged 64 (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Michael McKeon was appointed to the Board in 2015. He was Group Finance Director of Severn Trent plc from
2005 until his retirement from the board in 2015. Prior to that, between 2000 and 2005, he was Group Finance
Director of Novar plc. He has held various senior roles, both in the UK and internationally, at Rolls-Royce plc,
CarnaudMetalbox, Elf Atochem and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Until 31 January 2017, Michael was also Senior
Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee at investment trust, The Merchants Trust plc.
Dr Ashley Steel, aged 61 (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Dr Ashley Steel was appointed to the Board in 2016. She is a former Vice Chairman at KPMG and was Global
Chair for its transport, leisure and logistics practice until her retirement from the firm in September 2014. Ashley
has significant international experience and has advised numerous FTSE/Fortune 500 boards. Her other sector
experience includes professional services, technology, media, business services and healthcare.
Ashley is currently a Non-Executive Director of GoCo Group plc and the BBC (as Nations Representative for
England). Between 2015 and 2018 she was a Non-Executive Director of the Civil Aviation Authority and Ince &
Co LLP and previously served on the International Business Advisory Board at British Airways. She is also a
founding member on the Global Advisory Board for Out Leadership, a New York based business helping chairmen
and CEOs of finance and law firms become LGBT aware. Ashley has a PhD in Management from Henley Business
Karen Geary, aged 58 (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Karen Geary was appointed to the Board in October 2019. She has previously served as Chief HR Officer of
Micro Focus International plc, HR Director of Stena Line, HR Director of The Sage Group plc, HR Director of
Wandisco plc as well as various HR roles at the UK subsidiary of Monsanto, a US agrochemicals business. She
also served as Non-Executive Director and chair of the Remuneration Committee at Micro Focus international
plc. Karen is currently a Non-Executive Director and chair of the remuneration committee of ASOS plc.
Ana De Pro Gonzalo, aged 53 (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Ana De Pro Gonzalo was appointed to the Board in October 2019. She is Chief Financial Officer of Amadeus IT
Group, SA, Independent Director and member of the Global Steering Group for Impact Assessment, Consejo
Aesor Nacional Español, and a Non-Executive Director of ST Microelectronics NV. Prior to this she was
Independent Non-Executive director of Merlin Properties SOCIMI S.A., General Manager of Sacyr
Vallehermoso, Chief Financial Officer at Metrovacesa S.A. and Auditor with Arthur Anderson.
Conflict of Interest
The Directors have notified the Board of all their directorships and other interests. Jorge Cosmen Menéndez-
Castañedo has notified the Board of his potential conflict of interest due to his close links with the ALSA business
and the interest he has in the shares of the Issuer held by European Express Enterprises Limited and Northern
Enterprises Limited as a result of the wider Cosmen family's interest in such shares, although Mr Cosmen is no
longer sufficiently closely connected with such companies for such interest to be classified as a beneficial interest.
The Board have approved this conflict.
Lee Sander's position as President, Americas, Bombardier Transportation is kept under review by the Board as a
situation which could give rise to a conflict of interest as a result of the lease by the Company's German Rail
subsidiary of Bombardier trains for its RME concession. No actual or potential conflict of interest currently exists
or is expected to arise in this case however.
Save as disclosed above, there are no other conflicts of interest between any duties to the Company of the Directors
or Senior Managers and their private interests and/or other duties.
Business Address
The business address of the Directors and Senior Managers of the Issuer is National Express House, Birmingham
Coach Station, Mill Lane, Digbeth B5 6DD, United Kingdom.
Major Shareholders
The following persons are major shareholders of the issued share capital of the Issuer:
Number of Ordinary
Percentage of
issued share
European Express Enterprises
66,481,891 10.83 per cent.
M&G Investments
per cent.
JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings Inc.
7 per cent.
Global Asset Management
4.05 per cent.
Liontrust Asset Management
3.93 per cent.
Dimensional Fund Advisors
3.30 per cent.
Aberdeen Standard Investments.........................
3.17 per cent.
JO Hambro Capital Management Li
3.08 per cent.
Jupiter Asset Management
3.02 per cent.
The above table sets out the number of Ordinary Shares held by the major shareholders as at 4 November 2020.
Mr Cosmen has an interest in the 73,767,515 Ordinary Shares held by European Express Enterprises Limited and
Northern Enterprises Limited as a result of the wider Cosmen family's interest in such shares but Mr Cosmen is
no longer sufficiently closely connected with such companies for such interest to be classified as his beneficial
1. United Kingdom
The comments below are of a general nature based on current United Kingdom law and Her Majesty's Revenue
and Customs ("HMRC") practice (which may not be binding on HMRC and may be subject to change, sometimes
with retrospective effect) and are not intended to be exhaustive. They describe only certain aspects of the United
Kingdom withholding tax treatment of payments of interest in respect of the Notes. They do not deal with any
other United Kingdom tax implications of acquiring, holding or disposing of Notes or Coupons. The following is
only a general guide and should be treated with caution. Prospective holders are strongly advised to seek
independent advice. This summary is based upon the law as in effect on the date of this Prospectus and is subject
to any change in law that may take effect after such date.
Holders who may be liable to taxation in jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom in respect of their
acquisition, holding or disposal of the Notes or Coupons are particularly advised to consult their professional
advisers as to whether they are so liable (and if so under the laws of which jurisdictions), since the following
comments relate only to certain United Kingdom taxation aspects of payments in respect of the Notes and
Coupons. In particular, holders should be aware that they may be liable to taxation under the laws of other
jurisdictions in relation to payments in respect of the Notes or Coupons even if such payments may be made
without withholding or deduction for or on account of taxation under the laws of the United Kingdom.
The references to "interest" in the comments below on United Kingdom withholding tax mean "interest" as
understood in United Kingdom tax law. The comments do not take any account of any different definitions of
"interest" which may prevail under any other law or which may be created by the terms and conditions of the
Notes or Coupons or any related documentation.
UK withholding on interest paid by the Issuer
Interest may be paid by the Issuer on the Notes without withholding for or on account of UK tax so long as the
Notes constitute "quoted Eurobonds" within the meaning of section 987 of the Income Tax Act 2007 ("ITA
2007"). They will do so provided they carry a right to interest and provided they are listed and continue to be
listed on a recognised stock exchange within the meaning of section 1005 of the ITA 2007. The London Stock
Exchange is a recognised stock exchange for these purposes. Securities will be treated as listed on the London
Stock Exchange if they are included in the Official List by the FCA and are admitted to trading on the London
Stock Exchange.
In all other cases, interest paid by the Issuer on Notes will generally be paid subject to withholding on account of
UK income tax at the basic rate (currently 20 per cent.), subject to the availability of reliefs or to any direction to
the contrary from HMRC in respect of such relief as may be available pursuant to the provisions of any applicable
double taxation treaty, and except that the withholding obligation is disapplied (unless HMRC direct otherwise)
in respect of a payment which the Issuer reasonably believes is an excepted payment. For these purposes a payment
will be an excepted payment if, inter alia:
(i) the person beneficially entitled to the interest is a UK resident company;
(ii) the person beneficially entitled to the interest is a non-UK resident company carrying on a trade in the
UK through a permanent establishment which is within the charge to corporation tax as regards the
(iii) the payment is made to certain categories of recipient enjoying a special tax status (including charities
and certain classes of pension funds); or
(iv) a partnership consisting of such persons is beneficially entitled to the interest.
2. FATCA Withholding
Pursuant to Sections 1471 through 1474 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") (or
any regulations thereunder or official interpretations thereof) or an intergovernmental agreement (an "IGA")
between the United States and another jurisdiction facilitating the implementation thereof (or any fiscal or
regulatory legislation, rules or practices implementing such an intergovernmental agreement) or any analogous
provisions of non-U.S. laws (collectively, "FATCA"), the Issuer or an intermediary paying agent may be required
to withhold on certain payments it makes ("foreign passthru payments") to persons that fail to meet certain
certification, reporting, or related requirements. A number of jurisdictions (including the United Kingdom) have
entered into, or have agreed in substance to IGAs, which modify the way in which FATCA applies in their
jurisdictions. Certain aspects of the application of these rules to instruments such as the Notes is not clear at this
time. If withholding would be required pursuant to FATCA or an IGA with respect to payments on instruments
such as the Notes, such withholding would apply no earlier than two years after the date on which final U.S.
Treasury regulations defining "foreign passthru payments" are published. In addition, Notes issued on or prior to
the date that is six months after the date on which final U.S. Treasury regulations defining "foreign passthru
payments" are published generally would be "grandfathered" for purposes of FATCA withholding unless
materially modified after such date (including by reason of a substitution of the Issuer). However, if additional
notes (as described under "Terms and Conditions—Further Issues") that are not distinguishable from a series of
Notes are issued after the expiration of the grandfather period and are subject to withholding under FATCA, then
withholding agents may treat all Notes, including Notes that were otherwise treated as grandfathered, as subject
to withholding under FATCA. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding how these rules may apply
to their investment in the Notes. In the event any withholding would be required pursuant to FATCA or an IGA
with respect to payments on the Notes and the Coupons, no person will be required to pay additional amounts as
a result of the withholding.
The effective date for withholding on "foreign passthru payments" above reflects proposed U.S. Treasury
regulations. The proposed regulations also eliminate FATCA withholding on gross proceeds from the disposition
of, or final payments, redemptions, or other principal payments made in respect of, an instrument that may produce
U.S. source interest or dividends. The discussion above assumes that the proposed regulations will be finalised in
their current form.
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., Banco Santander, S.A., BNP Paribas, Merrill Lynch International and
MUFG Securities EMEA plc (together, the "Managers") have, pursuant to a subscription agreement (the
"Subscription Agreement") dated 24 November 2020, jointly and severally agreed to subscribe for the Notes, at
the issue price of 100 per cent. of the principal amount of the Notes.
The Issuer will pay each Manager a commission as agreed between the Issuer and the Managers, which
commission will be deducted from the net proceeds of the Notes payable to the Issuer. The Issuer has agreed to
reimburse the Managers for certain of their expenses incurred in connection with the offering and sale of the Notes
as set out in the Subscription Agreement.
The Issuer has agreed to indemnify the Managers against certain liabilities in connection with the offer and sale
of the Notes. The Subscription Agreement entitles the Managers to terminate such agreement in certain
circumstances prior to payment for the Notes being made to the Issuer.
United States of America
The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered or sold within
the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons except in certain transactions exempt from
the registration requirements of the Securities Act. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them
by Regulation S under the Securities Act.
The Notes are subject to U.S. tax law requirements and may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United
States or its possessions or to a U.S. person, except in certain transactions permitted by U.S. Treasury regulations.
Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by the United States Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code") and Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder.
The Notes are being offered and sold outside of the United States to non-U.S. persons in reliance on Regulation
S under the Securities Act. Each Manager has represented and agreed that, except as permitted by the Subscription
Agreement, it has not offered or sold and will not offer or sell the Notes: (a) as part of their distribution at any
time; or (b) otherwise until 40 days after the later of the commencement of the offering and the Closing Date
within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons and that it will have sent to each dealer
to which it sells any Notes during the distribution compliance period a confirmation or other notice setting forth
the restrictions on offers and sales of the Notes within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S.
persons. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by Regulation S under the Securities Act.
In addition, until 40 days after the commencement of the offering, an offer or sale of Notes within the United
States by any dealer that is not participating in the offering may violate the registration requirements of the
Securities Act.
Prohibition of Sales to EEA and UK Retail Investors
Each Manager has represented and agreed that it has not offered, sold or otherwise made available and will not
offer, sell or otherwise make available the Notes to any retail investor in the EEA or in the UK. For the purposes
of this provision:
(a) the expression "retail investor" means a person who is one (or more) of the following:
(i) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or
(ii) a customer within the meaning of the Insurance Distribution Directive, where that customer
would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II;
(iii) not a qualified investor as defined in the Prospectus Regulation; and
(b) the expression "offer" includes the communication in any form and by any means of sufficient
information on the terms of the offer and the Notes to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to
purchase or subscribe for the Notes.
United Kingdom
Each Manager has represented and agreed that:
(a) it has only communicated or caused to be communicated and will only communicate or cause to be
communicated an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the meaning of
Section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Acts 2000, as amended (the "FSMA")) received by it
in connection with the issue or sale of any Notes in circumstances in which Section 21(1) of the FSMA
does not apply to the Issuer; and
(b) it has complied and will comply with all applicable provisions of the FSMA with respect to anything
done by it in relation to any Notes in, from or otherwise involving the United Kingdom.
Each Manager has represented and agreed that an offering of Notes may not be advertised to any individual in
Belgium qualifying as a consumer within the meaning of Article I.1 of the Belgian Code of Economic Law, as
amended from time to time (a "Belgian Consumer") and that it has not offered, sold or resold, transferred or
delivered, and will not offer, sell, resell, transfer or deliver, the Notes, and that it has not distributed, and will not
distribute, any prospectus, memorandum, information circular, brochure or any similar documents in relation to
the Notes, directly or indirectly, to any Belgian Consumer.
The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan
(Act No. 25 of 1948, as amended, the "FIEA"). Accordingly, each of the Managers has represented and agreed,
that it has not, directly or indirectly, offered or sold and will not, directly or indirectly, offer or sell any Notes in
Japan or to, or for the benefit of, any resident of Japan (as defined under Item 5, Paragraph 1, Article 6 of the
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act (Act No. 228 of 1949, as amended)) or to others for re offering
or re sale, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to, or for the benefit of, any resident of Japan except pursuant to an
exemption from the registration requirements of, and otherwise in compliance with, the FIEA and other relevant
laws and regulations of Japan.
Hong Kong
Each Manager has represented and agreed that:
(a) it has not offered or sold and will not offer or sell in Hong Kong, by means of any document, any Notes
other than (i) to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571)
of Hong Kong (the "SFO") and any rules made under the SFO; or (ii) in other circumstances which do
not result in the document being a "prospectus" as defined in the Companies (Winding Up and
Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap.32) of Hong Kong (the "C(WUMP)O") or which do not
constitute an offer to the public within the meaning of the C(WUMP)O; and
(b) it has not issued or had in its possession for the purposes of issue, and will not issue or have in its
possession for the purposes of issue, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, any advertisement, invitation
or document relating to the Notes, which is directed at, or the contents of which are likely to be accessed
or read by, the public of Hong Kong (except if permitted to do so under the securities laws of Hong
Kong) other than with respect to Notes which are or are intended to be disposed of only to persons outside
Hong Kong or only to "professional investors" as defined in the SFO and any rules made under the SFO.
Each Manager has acknowledged, that this Prospectus has not been registered as a prospectus with the Monetary
Authority of Singapore under the SFA. Accordingly, each Manager has represented, warranted and agreed that it
has not offered or sold any Notes or caused the Notes to be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or
purchase and will not offer or sell any Notes or cause the Notes to be made the subject of an invitation for
subscription or purchase, and has not circulated or distributed, nor will it circulate or distribute, this Prospectus or
any other document or material in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of
the Notes, whether directly or indirectly, to any person in Singapore other than (i) to an institutional investor (as
defined in Section 4A of the SFA) pursuant to Section 274 of the SFA, (ii) to a relevant person (as defined in
Section 275(2) of the SFA) pursuant to Section 275(1) of the SFA, or any person pursuant to Section 275(1A) of
the SFA, and in accordance with the conditions specified in Section 275 of the SFA, or (iii) otherwise pursuant
to, and in accordance with the conditions of, any other applicable provision of the SFA.
Where the Notes are subscribed or purchased under Section 275 of the SFA by a relevant person which is:
(a) a corporation (which is not an accredited investor (as defined in Section 4A of the SFA)) the sole business
of which is to hold investments and the entire share capital of which is owned by one or more individuals,
each of whom is an accredited investor; or
(b) a trust (where the trustee is not an accredited investor) whose sole purpose is to hold investments and
each beneficiary of the trust is an individual who is an accredited investor, securities (as defined in
Section 2(1) of the SFA) or securities-based derivatives contracts (as defined in Section 2(1) of the SFA)
of that corporation or the beneficiaries' rights and interest (howsoever described) in that trust shall not be
transferred within six months after that corporation or that trust has acquired the Notes pursuant to an
offer made under Section 275 of the SFA except:
(1) to an institutional investor or to a relevant person, or to any person arising from an offer referred
to in Section 275(1A) or Section 276(4)(i)(B) of the SFA;
(2) where no consideration is or will be given for the transfer;
(3) where the transfer is by operation of law;
(4) as specified in Section 276(7) of the SFA; or
(5) as specified in Regulation 37A of the Securities and Futures (Offers of Investments) (Securities
and Securities-based Derivatives Contracts) Regulations 2018 of Singapore.
The offering of the Notes in Switzerland is exempt from the prospectus requirement under the Swiss Financial
Services Act ("FinSA") because the Notes (i) have a minimum denomination of CHF 100,000 (or equivalent in
another currency) or more, and (ii) will not be admitted to trading on any trading venue (exchange or multilateral
trading facility) in Switzerland. This Prospectus does not constitute a prospectus as such term is understood
pursuant to the FinSA, and no such prospectus has been or will be prepared for or in connection with the offering
of the Notes.
Each Manager has represented, warranted and undertaken that so far as it is aware, it has complied and will comply
to the best of its knowledge with all applicable laws and regulations in each country or jurisdiction in or from
which it purchases, offers, sells or delivers Notes or possesses, distributes or publishes this Prospectus or any
related offering material, in all cases at its own expense. Other persons into whose hands this Prospectus comes
are required by the Issuer and the Managers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in each country or
jurisdiction in or from which they purchase, offer, sell or deliver Notes or possess, distribute or publish this
Prospectus or any related offering material, in all cases at their own expense.
1. Authorisation
The issue of the Notes was authorised by a resolution of a board of directors of the Issuer passed on 30 September
2020 and a resolution of a committee of the board of directors of the Issuer passed on 16 November 2020. The
Issuer has obtained all necessary consents, approvals and authorisations in connection with the issue and
performance of the Notes.
2. Clearing of the Notes
The Notes have been accepted for clearance through Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg (which are the
entities in charge of keeping the records). The International Securities Identification Number ("ISIN") for the
Notes is XS2259808702 and the Common Code is 225980870. The Financial Instrument Short Name ("FISN")
and the Classification of Financial Instruments ("CFI") Code for the Notes are as set out on the website of the
Association of National Numbering Agencies ("ANNA") or alternatively sourced from the responsible National
Numbering Agency that assigned the ISIN, as updated from time to time.
The address of Euroclear is Euroclear Bank SA/NV, 1 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium and
the address of Clearstream, Luxembourg is Clearstream Banking S.A., 42 Avenue JF Kennedy, L-1855
3. Listing
Application has been made to the FCA for the Notes to be admitted to the Official List and to the London Stock
Exchange for the Notes to be admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange's Regulated Market.
Prior to official listing and admission to trading, however, dealings will be permitted by the London Stock
Exchange in accordance with its rules. Transactions will normally be effected for delivery on the third business
day in London after the date of the transaction.
The total expenses related to the admission to trading are estimated to be £7,515.
4. Legal and Arbitration Proceedings
There have been no governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are
pending or threatened of which the Issuer is aware) during the 12 months preceding the date of this document,
which may have, or have had in the recent past, significant effects on the financial position or profitability of the
Issuer or the Group.
5. Significant/Material Adverse Change
Save as disclosed under "Risk Factors The Group is exposed to risks relating to the COVID-19 pandemic", "Risk
Factors The Group's operations are exposed to COVID-19 risks" and the 12 November Trading Update, there
has been no significant change in the financial position or financial performance of the Issuer or the Group since
30 June 2020 and, save as disclosed in the Group's 2020 Interim Financial Statements (see "Documents
Incorporated by Reference" above) and under "Risk Factors The Group is exposed to risks relating to the
COVID-19 pandemic", "Risk Factors The Group's operations are exposed to COVID-19 risks" and the 12
November Trading Update, there has been no material adverse change in the prospects of the Issuer since 31
December 2019.
6. Auditors
Deloitte LLP of 2 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BZ, which is registered to carry out audit work by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, audited the statutory accounts of the companies
comprising the Group for the financial years ended 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2019 and gave reports
under section 475 of the Companies Act 2006 (the "2006 Act") on such accounts which were not qualified and
did not contain any such statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the 2006 Act.
7. Documents on Display
Copies of the following documents will be available for inspection on the Issuer's website for 12 months from the date of this
(a) this Prospectus;
(b) the Trust Deed; and
(c) the Issuer's memorandum and articles of association.
Unless it is expressly referred to in the section entitled "Documents Incorporated by Reference", the information
on the Issuer's website does not form part of this Prospectus and has not been scrutinised or approved by the FCA.
In addition, for as long as the Notes are admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange, a copy of this
Prospectus will be available for viewing on the website of the Regulatory News Service of operated by the London
Stock Exchange at
8. Material Contracts
The Issuer has not entered into any contract outside the ordinary course of its business which could result in the
Issuer being under an obligation or entitlement that is material to any Issuer's ability to meet its obligations to the
holders of its Notes in respect of the Notes being issued.
9. Managers transacting with the Issuer
Certain of the Managers and their affiliates have engaged, and may in the future engage, in investment banking
and/or commercial banking transactions with, and may perform services for the Issuer and its affiliates in the
ordinary course of business. Certain of the Managers and their affiliates may have positions, deal or make markets
in the Notes, related derivatives and reference obligations, including (but not limited to) entering into hedging
strategies on behalf of the Issuer and its affiliates, investor clients, or as principal in order to manage their
exposure, their general market risk, or other trading activities.
In addition, in the ordinary course of their business activities, the Managers and their affiliates may make or hold
a broad array of investments and actively trade debt and equity securities (or related derivative securities) and
financial instruments (including bank loans) for their own account and for the accounts of their customers. Such
investments and securities activities may involve securities and/or instruments of the Issuer or Issuer's affiliates.
Certain of the Managers or their affiliates that have a lending relationship with the Issuer routinely hedge their
credit exposure to the Issuer consistent with their customary risk management policies. Typically, such Managers
and their affiliates would hedge such exposure by entering into transactions which consist of either the purchase
of credit default swaps or the creation of short positions in securities, including potentially the Notes. Any such
positions could adversely affect future trading prices of the Notes. The Managers and their affiliates may also
make investment recommendations and/or publish or express independent research views in respect of such
securities or financial instruments and may hold, or recommend to clients that they acquire, long and/or short
positions in such securities and instruments.
10. Yield
During the period from (and including) the Issue Date to (but excluding) the First Reset Date, the yield on the
Notes is 4.254 per cent. on an annual basis. The yield on the Notes thereafter will be dependent upon the relevant
Interest Rate applicable from time to time.
11. Validity
This Prospectus shall remain valid for 12 months after its approval for offers to the public or admissions to trading
on a regulated market, provided that it is completed by any supplement required pursuant to the Prospectus
Regulation. The obligation to supplement a prospectus in the event of significant new factors, material mistakes
or material inaccuracies does not apply when a prospectus is no longer valid.
National Express Group PLC
(Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 213800A8IQEMY8PA5X34)
National Express House
Birmingham Coach Station
Mill Lane
Digbeth B5 6DD
United Kingdom
BNP Paribas
10 Harewood Avenue
London NW1 6AA
United Kingdom
Merrill Lynch International
2 King Edward Street
London EC1A 1HQ
United Kingdom
Banco Santander, S.A.
Ciudad Grupo Santander
Edificio Encinar, planta baja
Avenida de Cantabria S/N
28660, Boadilla del Monte
BNP Paribas
10 Harewood Avenue
London NW1 6AA
United Kingdom
Merrill Lynch International
2 King Edward Street
London EC1A 1HQ
United Kingdom
MUFG Securities EMEA plc
Ropemaker Place
25 Ropemaker Street
London EC2Y 9AJ
United Kingdom
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.
Ciudad BBVA
C/ Sauceda, 28
Edificio Asia – 2nd Floor
28050, Madrid
BNP Paribas Trust Corporation UK Limited
10 Harewood Avenue
London NW1 6AA
United Kingdom
BNP Paribas Securities Services
3 rue d'Antin
75002 Paris
To the Issuer as to English law
Ashurst LLP
London Fruit & Wool Exchange
1 Duval Square
London E1 6PW
United Kingdom
To the Managers and the Trustee as to English law
Allen & Overy LLP
One Bishops Square
London E1 6AD
United Kingdom
Deloitte LLP
2 New Street Square
London EC4A 3BZ
United Kingdom