Walking the White Mountains of Crete
Trip Code: CRE
Version: CRE Walking the White Mountains of Crete
Descend to the Mediterranean sea through the spectacular Samaria Gorge
Reach the summit of Pachnes, the highest peak in the White Mountains of Crete
Discover Crete's hidden coves on a stunning coastal walk from Agia Roumeli
Stay in charming accommodation, enjoy Cretan cuisine and sip Ouzo in Greek tavernas
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
6 days walking
Max altitude 2453 metres
Join at Chania
7 Breakfasts
5 Lunches
7 Dinners
7 nights Hotel
This Mediterranean walking holiday on the island of Crete offers a wonderful blend of high mountain
scenery, picturesque coastal walking, traditional villages, and legendary Greek food and hospitality.
Immerse yourself in the spellbinding beauty of the White Mountains, traverse the rugged terrain of the
Samaria Gorge, and discover the hidden beaches along Crete's lesser-explored coast.
Starting from the mountain hamlet of Omalos, our rst objective is to hike to the summit of Gingilos
(1980m), a rocky peak offering spectacular views across the White Mountains and a bird's-eye
perspective of our route for the following day. This route leads us down to the Mediterranean via the
world-famous Samaria Gorge, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. We then spend two nights in Agia
Roumeli, a charming collection of traditional tavernas accessible only by walking or boat. Here, you have
the option to relax on the beach or partake in a variety of day walking excursions.
Continuing along the sun-kissed shoreline and a stunning cliff-side pathway, our next day's walk in Crete
takes us to Marmara beach and the delightful white-painted seaside village of Loutro. With a hotel base
in Loutro, our trekking adventure ascends to Pachnes (2453m), the highest peak in the 'Lefka Ori'
mountain range, before a circular hike via the impressive Aradena Gorge and the charming shepherd's
village of Anopolis.
Is this holiday for you?
This walking holiday is designed to escape the main tourist hotspots of northern Crete and embrace the
magic and tranquility of the quiet southern coastline. While we are sure to enjoy plenty of sun,
experience isolated beaches, and sample superb Greek cooking, this holiday is rst and foremost
tailored for walkers. Our hikes include ascents to the rocky peak of Gingilos, as well as Pachnes, the
highest mountain in the area. We anticipate an average of 5 to 7 hours of walking each day, with average
ascents and descents of around 700 meters per day. The paths are generally well-maintained, but during
the ascents of Gingilos and Pachnes, we will encounter open scree and traverse rocky terrain with no
discernible track. This holiday is suitable for weekend hikers seeking tranquility and sun. Be prepared for
a unique and authentic Greek experience!
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Version: CRE Walking the White Mountains of Crete
Meet at the group hotel in Omalos. Afternoon and evening transfers from Chania
Airport are provided.
Meet at the group hotel in Omalos. Afternoon and evening transfers from Chania Airport are provided.
This is a spectacular drive along narrow winding roads that take us up into the foothills of the White
Mountains. The few tavernas that make up the settlement of Omalos are situated on a fertile grazing
area amongst rocky limestone peaks. We spend the next 2 nights at a small, friendly, family-run
establishment with comfortable rooms and an excellent restaurant, which is popular with the locals.
Meals: D
Walk to the top of Gingilos (1980m) from the head of the Samaria Gorge. Return to
After breakfast a 10 minute transfer takes us to the start of the famous trek down the Samaria Gorge. But,
we will save the gorge walk for tomorrow. Today, we will climb Gingilos (1980m) the impressive
mountain that towers above. Following a rough, but way-marked footpath, it's a steady climb for an hour
and a half to a year-round spring. After an obligatory stop to top-up our water bottles, a zig-zag path
leads to a rocky col, which affords views of the Libyan Sea to the south. Above the col the path becomes
slightly more challenging, with some short and easy sections of scrambling. Less than an hour from the
col takes us to a rounded summit, complete with prominent cairn. From here, there are superb views
right across the whole of the White Mountains massif to distant Pachnes, the highest mountain in the
range and our goal in a few days time. Nearer to hand is a rocky crest which is the true summit of
Gingilos, just 5 metres higher than the cairned summit. It is an optional 15 minute scramble across to this
point. We return by the same route and spend a second night in Omalos.
Meals: B L D
5 - 6 hrs walking
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Descend through the Samaria Gorge to the isolated seaside settlement of Agia
We won't start too early this morning, so we can miss the crowds of tourists who arrive early by bus
from the resorts of the northern coast to walk down the extremely popular Samaria Gorge. This is the
longest ravine in Europe and arguably the most spectacular. Our baggage is taken down to Sougia and
by ferry from there to Agia Roumeli, whilst we take the short transfer to Xiloskala (1250m) a viewpoint
overlooking the gorge. Here, we chill out in a cafe that overlooks the descent path and then, in the late
morning, we set off on our walk. By this time, the area is usually deserted. For the rst 2km of the walk,
we descend dramatically via a path that leads to the bottom of the upper gorge. The peaks of Gingilos
and Volakias tower above us, as gigantic walls of rock, whilst on our left-hand side the White Mountains
extend to the east. The small chapel of Agios Nikolaos, nestling among pines and cypresses, signals the
start of a more gentle descent and soon we reach the old hamlet of Samaria. From here, the path twists
and turns, passing Saint Mary's Church, which has the date 1379 over the doorway. We soon reach the
narrowest part of the gorge, the famous 'Portes' (Gates). Here, the rock architecture is amazing, with the
walls soaring vertically upwards for 500 metres on either side of the path. The nal few kilometres bring
us to the welcome sight of Agia Roumeli and the Libyan Sea. Arriving in the late afternoon, we nd that
the vast majority of the people who have walked the gorge have already departed from Agia Roumeli by
ferry, either westwards to Sougia or eastwards to Hora Sfakion. Once they've gone, Agia Roumeli returns
to its tranquil self, nestling between wild mountains and the deep blue sea. This is the hidden Crete that
most tourists never experience. Whilst in Agia Roumeli, we stay at a comfortable hotel and take our
evening meals at the quite excellent Artemis Restaurant.
Meals: B L D
5 - 7 hrs walking
Free day at Agia Roumeli. Optional walks to a number of ancient Turkish forts.
Until the rst of the day’s walkers make their way down the gorge, which is usually not until mid
afternoon, Agia Roumeli is the perfect Cretan hideaway and the perfect spot to relax for the day. A small
clean pebbly beach lies in front of the village and is an excellent spot for swimming. Alternatively, a short
walk to the east leads to an even quieter beach that stretches for miles. For those who are keen to do
some exercise, there is a choice of possible walks. The clearly visible Turkish fort above the village can be
reached in 45 minutes and a decent path to the north leads to the old settlement of Agia Roumeli,
providing an easy 2 hour circuit. Longer walking options include the ascent to Papoura, a beautiful spot
900 metres (3000 feet) above the village. It is a steep climb of 3 to 4 hours to reach Papoura, but the
rewards are great views of the coast, the mountains and the Samaria Gorge from above. After the day’s
tourists have departed, we will enjoy a peaceful night at our hotel and have another opportunity to
sample the famous Cretan food at the Artemis Restaurant.
Meals: B D
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
2 - 3 hrs walking
Coastal walk through pine forest and via the chapel of Agios Pavlos to Loutro. Boat
ride to Sfakia. Overnight in Sfakia.
The walk from Agia Roumeli to Loutro starts along a delightful coastal path. Leaving Agia Roumeli in the
cool of the early morning we walk on a way-marked path, crossing beaches, wandering through pine
trees and along the cliffs. A pleasant spot for a break and a swim is at the small Byzantine church of Saint
Paul. This is the spot where Saint Paul is said to have landed on Crete on his voyage to Greece.
Decorated with murals, this historic church by the sea is engaged in a continual battle against the waves.
Beyond the church the path climbs above the beach and eventually leaves the pine forest, continuing
through a more barren area between the Libyan sea and a barrier of cliffs to the beach of Marmara and
the entrance of the Aradena Gorge. We have another opportunity for a swim (or a drink in the small
beach cafe) before continuing towards the Bay of Loutro. From here short boat ride will takes us to
Sfakia, where we will stay at a small family-run hotel overlooking the sea.
Meals: B L D
6 - 7 hrs walking
Drive to the White Mountains and walk to the top of Pachnes (2453m). Return to
Today we will hike to the top of Pachnes (2453m) the highest summit in the White Mountains. By a
height of just 3 metres, Pachnes is not the highest mountain in Crete. Timios Stavros in the Ida
Mountains is slightly higher. However, this is arguably, the best mountain walk in Crete. Although
Pachnes is not a technically difcult mountain, it is rarely climbed, since the walk to its summit involves a
long day. There are also logistical transport problems associated with the ascent and this means it is
almost never offered as a guided route. We start out by driving up to the mountain village of Anopolis
and onwards for around 20km, following a rough track to an altitude of 1950m. Then, starting our walk
through the weird lunar landscape of Crete’s high desert region, we reach the summit after 2 hours. On
a clear day, the summit views extend over half the island. With a bit of luck we may be accompanied by
griffon and bearded vultures and even golden eagles. After signing the summit book we descend back
to the drop-off point. We return to Sfakia after a brilliant day out, with simply unforgettable views.
Meals: B L D
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
5 hrs walking
Walk via Marmara Beach and the Aradena Gorge to the shepherds village of
Anopolis. Return to Sfakia.
Our nal day’s trekking is a circular route, starting with a short boat ride to the beach at Marmara. From
here, we head inland into the impressive depths of the Aradena Gorge. Although this is not as big as the
Samaria Gorge, it is just as spectacular and much quieter. If anything, the underfoot conditions are
slightly harder, with a series of easy scrambles across several rockfalls. It will take us 3 hours to reach the
ancient village of Aradena, the last part of the walk involving an interesting (and ancient) paved pathway
that zig-zags out of the gorge. We will be able to look around the ruined village and hopefully get a drink
at the kiosk cafe at this spectacular gorge viewpoint. Here, the gorge is just 30 metres wide and has
been spanned by a metal bridge. The view from the bridge into the depths of the gorge is breathtaking.
From here, we hike across country, following an old, cobbled road through the rough elds of an
impressive limestone plateau, to reach the pretty village of Anopolis, where we stop to take lunch at a
taverna. After lunch, we stroll across to the clifftop chapel of Agia Katarini, which is an excellent place to
watch griffon vultures as they soar along the edge of the plateau. We then drop down on a rough track
down to Loutro, then on to Sfakia with a chance for a swim along the way. We enjoy a celebratory meal
in the evening to end a special holiday.
Meals: B L D
6 - 7 hrs walking
Departure day. A single timed transfer to Chania Airport is provided.
The holiday ends after breakfast. There will be a single timed transfer back to Chania Airport, a drive of
around 2 hours.
Meals: B
Holiday Information
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
What's Included
A professional and qualied tour leader
Up to 2 Chania Airport transfers on Day 1 and 1 on Day 8
All land transport required by the itinerary
All accommodation as described
Meals as described in the Meal Plan
Samaria National Park fee
Baggage transfers between overnight stops - by road or by boat
What's not Included
Travel insurance
Some meals as described in the Meal Plan
Tips for local staff
Miscellaneous expenses - drinks and souvenirs etc.
Joining Arrangements & Transfers
The group will meet at the group accommodation in Omalos.
There will be two timed transfers from Chania Airport to the group accommodation on Day 1 of the Land
Only Itinerary. One meeting ights arriving 1330 and earlier and one meeting ights arriving at 1700 and
In Arrivals Hall A please look out for our KE representative with a KE signboard and/or your name.
On the last day of the Land Only itinerary, there will be a single group transfer back to Chania Airport.
This transfer will arrive at the airport at approximately 1100.
Anyone may join the group transfers by prior arrangement. Travelling as a group or on public transport
saves energy. If this is not practical, we can provide private transfers at an additional cost. Taxis are also
If your arrival ight does not allow you to take advantage of the timed transfers you will need to make
your own way to Omalos. A taxi will cost approximately €95.
If you have spare time in Chania on Day 1 or Day 8 you may wish to spend time in Chania. It is possible to
leave luggage at the central bus station (from where you can take a bus to/from the airport) while you
Hotel contact details and an emergency number will be provided with your booking conrmation.
Meal Plan
All meals except 1 lunch (on the free day in Agia Roumeli) are included in the holiday price.
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Food & Water
Water is drinkable from the taps on this holiday. Please ll your personal bottles for your day in the
morning. We do not encourage the purchasing of single use plastic bottles.
Breakfasts are taken at the overnight hotel and consist of tea and coffee, cereals, bread, jam and the
Greek speciality of yoghurt and honey. For lunch, the group will carry a few items to make up a picnic.
This will usually be bread, cheese, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, ham or other dried meats, fruit and
biscuits. It is generally too warm to carry chocolate, but we can make an exception on the high-level hike
to Pachnes which is cooler. Dinner is again served at our overnight taverna and this is always local
Cretan fare, with all produce sourced locally and usually some choice of meal. Lamb, moussaka, fresh
vegetables, wonderful salads etc.. The dinners are a highlight of the trip. All meals are included.
We will spend 7 nights in small local hotels and tavernas. In Omalos we will sleep in simple rooms at
small, family-run, accommodations where we will really experience the essence of life in rural Crete.
All accommodation is on a twin share basis. If you are travelling by yourself you will be paired with
another single traveller of the same sex. A very limited number of single rooms are available for a
supplementary cost. If you are planning to extend your holiday, additional nights are available on request.
Group Leader & Support Staff
The group will be led by a professional and qualied tour leader.
This holiday does not involve any signicant ascent to altitude and we would not expect any altitude
issues with this trip.
Spending Money
Approximately £100 (or the equivalent in dollars or euros) should be allowed for miscellaneous expenses,
drinks and souvenir purchases. We recommend that you carry your travel money in the form of euros
currency, since there are not many money changing facilities once you leave Chania Airport. If you are
intending to buy expensive souvenirs, you should budget accordingly. Also, if you expect to buy
considerable quantities of soft drinks, wine or beer, you should make an allowance for this. Credit cards
can be used in some places on this trip.
Baggage Allowance
For this holiday you should take one piece of luggage and a daypack. For international ights please
check your baggage allowance with your airline.
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Group Size & Holiday Status
For each holiday there is a minimum number of participants required to enable it to go ahead. Once the
minimum number is reached, the trip status will change from 'Available' to 'Guaranteed to run'. You can
check the trip status for each departure in ‘Dates and Prices’ table. Other than in exceptional
circumstances, we will not cancel a trip once it has achieved this guaranteed to run status and so you
are free to proceed with your international ight booking and other travel arrangements.
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
General Information
Passport & Visas
Your passport must meet 2 requirements. It must be:
less than 10 years old on the day you enter (check the ‘date of issue’)
valid for at least 3 months after the day you plan to leave (check the ‘expiry date’)
For the latest details on visiting countries within the EU or the European Economic Area (EEA), please
check the UK Government website
The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. A passport with 6 months remaining validity
at the end of your stay is generally required, and you should have at least 2 blank pages for each country
that you visit.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday.
Please ensure that you check for the latest advice before travel. For the most up to date information on
entry requirements, please visit the UK Government website.
Health & Vaccinations
If you have a severe allergy please inform the KE ofce before you travel. We will do all we can to help,
but we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment on KE trips. You will need to carry your own
treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by KE leaders
and staff. You should inform your leader on arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep
your adrenaline pen.
You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specic vaccinations.
GHIC / Medical cover
UK residents should carry a free Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). This entitles you to state provided
medical treatment when you're visiting an EU country or Switzerland. This is not a substitute for medical
travel insurance which is vital when travelling overseas.
The currency for part or all of this holiday is the Euro.
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Preparing for your Holiday
Getting some additional exercise before coming on an active holiday makes a lot of sense. The tter you
are, after all, the more enjoyable you will nd the experience.
You should be aerobically t and comfortable with walking 3 to 6 hours for consecutive days. Hill
walking, with a good amount of ascent and descent, is the best training. Running, cycling and swimming
are also good for developing cardiovascular tness and stamina.
The best time of year for hiking on Crete is in May, early June, September and October - when we have
planned our trips. Crete enjoys one of the most favourable climates in the Mediterranean and we can
expect daytime temperatures to range between 20 and 30 degrees centigrade, dropping at night to 10
degrees centigrade in the mountains and 15 degrees centigrade on the coast. It is too hot to complete
this itinerary comfortably during July and August.
Travel Aware
As a reputable tour operator, KE supports the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Ofce's
‘Travel Awarecampaign to enable British citizens to prepare for their journeys overseas. The 'Travel
Aware' website provides a single, authoritative source of advice for all kinds of travellers and we
recommend that prior to travel, all KE clients visit the ofcial UK Government website at
travelaware.campaign.gov.uk and read the FCDO Travel Advice for their chosen destination. North
Americans can also check out the U.S. Department of State website: www.travel.state.gov for essential
travel advice and tips.
KE treat the safety and security of all clients as the most important aspect of any trip we organise. We
would not run any trip that we did not consider reasonably safe. Should the FCDO advise against travel
for any reason, we will contact everyone booked to travel to discuss the situation. We receive regular
updates direct from the FCDO and are in constant touch with our contacts on the ground. If you have
any questions about government travel advice, please call our ofce.
Single Use Plastic
KE do not encourage the use of single use plastic items. We are ensuring that our agents all over the
world are working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We are leading by
example in our KE ofce by reducing our plastic use.
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Crete – The White Mountains – Cicerone Guide by Lorraine Wilson
The Rough Guide to Crete
Lonely Planet. Crete
Landscapes of Western Crete – Sunower Guide
Topograsche Bergwanderkarte - Anavasi. Samaria - Sougia. 11-13 Greece. 1:25,000
Great hiking map published by Anavasi. Covers the rst part of the walk. 1:25,000 scale.
Travel Insurance
It is an essential condition of joining a holiday with KE Adventure Travel that you have a valid travel
insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the
event of cancellation. When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for
the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.
For appropriate insurance cover we recommend Campbell Irvine Direct. Please go to our Travel
Insurance page for further information and to get a quote.
Please note that a paper copy of your travel insurance is required if you are travelling to Huaraz and the
Huayhuash region.
Equipment Information
Equipment List
Please try to keep the weight of your baggage to a minimum. See the ‘baggage allowance’ section for
further details.
You Should bring the following items:
Hiking boots
Gaiters (may be required on pre-summer trips)
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Trekking trousers
Lightweight waterproof overtrousers
Baselayer shirts
T-shirts and/or casual shirts
Midlayer eece top
Warm eece jacket
Waterproof jacket
Lightweight thermal gloves
Warm hat
Daypack 25 to 30 litres capacity
Sun protection (including for lips)
Water bottles 1 Litre (x2) (we encourage re-lling water bottles rather than single use plastic)
Washbag and toiletries
Antibacterial handwash
Headtorch - in case of power cuts)
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Basic First Aid Kit including: Antiseptic cream, throat lozenges, diarrhoea treatment (Imodium),
painkillers, plasters and blister treatment, insect repellent, and re-hydration salts (Dioralite).
The following items are optional:
Trainers or sandals
Towel (for swimming)
Trekking poles
Spare laces
Pen-knife (for picnic lunches)
Reusable cloth bag for shopping (to avoid plastic bags)
Cotswold Outdoor
Many of the Equipment items listed above are available from Cotswold Outdoor -
'Ofcial Recommended Outdoor Retailer'
. When you book a holiday with KE you
will receive 12.5% discount voucher from Cotswold Outdoor and other retailers.
>> Find out more
Land Only Information
The LAND ONLY dates and prices are for the itinerary joining at the group accommodation in Omalos. A
single timed transfer is provided from Chania Airport to Omalos. The holiday ends in Sfakia. A single
timed transfer from the group hotel in Sfakia to Chania Airport is provided.
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415
Flight Inclusive Information
The FLIGHT INCLUSIVE dates and prices are based on UK ights from London to Chania. Outbound
ights will depart from the UK in the morning arriving into Chania in the afternoon of the same day.
Return ights will depart in the early afternoon of the last day of the itinerary, arriving in the UK later that
same evening.
Why Choose KE
Why KE
Our itinerary is pretty hard to beat, combining all the walking highlights of unspoiled Western Crete,
including a guided walk to summit Pachnes. We love how this adventure consistently surprises and
delights travellers - the White Mountains are a true hidden gem and walker's paradise.
Please Note This document was downloaded on 28/08/2024 and the trip is subject to change
www.keadventure.com UK: +44(0) 17687 73966 US (toll-free): 1-888-630-4415