How do I donate my own sperm?
You donate your sperm by ejaculating into a sterile container. This is usually performed in a private
room at the sperm banking facility, but can be done at home (we will talk more about how to do this at
home later). If you are under age 18, you will have to bring an adult guardian with you when you
donate sperm at a center. We suggest asking the guardian you are most comfortable with to
accompany you to the facility.
If you choose to go to KU Reproductive Center, you will sign in at the front desk. Someone will call your
name and take you to a private-examination room. You will have your own room (your guardian will
stay in the waiting room!). There will be a TV with a DVD player, a sink to wash your hands and a
comfortable recliner. Prior to masturbation, you will need to write your name and date of birth on the
cup, then wash your hands. You will use self-stimulation to masturbate into the sterile cup that is
provided. Leave your specimen in the room. Once you are  nished, you will push a button, leave the
room and exit out the back. You do not have to walk back through the waiting room. You and your
guardian can pre-arrange to meet at the car or another designated spot.
If you are over 18, you can bring a partner with you to the room to help stimulate you. Sperm cannot be
collected using oral sex or lubrication.
What should I bring with me to donate sperm?
Some people bring headphones with an iPod/MP3 player to listen to music. This often helps you relax
more. There will be a DVD player in the room and you can also bring movies to watch. If you are
under 18, there will be no sexually explicit material allowed in the room.
How to prepare to donate?
Do not masturbate/ejaculate or have sex for at least 48 hours prior to donating. This allows your body
to build up sperm prior to donation. Sometimes this is not possible if you have to start therapy for your
cancer right away.
What happens if I cannot ejaculate?
First, don’t panic. When you are sick, ejaculating is often dif cult. You can try donating sperm in the
privacy of your home and bringing it in. You have to be able to bring the sperm to the collection center
less than an hour after collecting it (ejaculating). You will receive a sterile cup to collect the sample in.
It is important to keep the sample at body temperature. Some people do this by putting it under their
shirt or in a cooler without ice. You will still need to make an appointment with the center if you are
collecting your sperm at home so they know to expect the specimen.
Sperm can also be collected in another manner such as through electrical stimulation while you are
sedated or during surgery.
Developed in collaboration with the Hematology/Oncology Teen Advisory Board.