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Language Required When Letters of Evaluation are Solicited or Received
The integrity of the process of soliciting external letters for evaluation of University of California academics is
predicated on the ability of the reviewer to provide a candid and critical evaluation with the assurance of
confidentiality. Extramural letters are redacted to eliminate identifying information, and are only provided to
the candidate in redacted form. As indicated in the example below, redaction is defined as the removal of
identifying information (including name, title, institutional affiliation, and relationship to the candidate).
Information contained either in the letterhead or within and below the signature block of the letter will be
redacted. The full text of the body of the letter will be provided to the candidate and cannot be redacted.
Writers should be asked to provide a brief factual statement regarding their relationship to the candidate
below the signature block, if applicable, which will also be redacted.
A. Model statement for use when in receipt of an unsolicited letter of evaluation (including those
from other UC Davis faculty)
Thank you for sending us the letter of evaluation concerning _____, who is [a candidate for
appointment] [being considered for promotion] at the University of California, Davis, Department of
_____. Unsolicited letters are not used in the academic review process at UC Davis. Your letter has
been returned to you and all paper or electronic copies with the University have been destroyed.
Thank you for your interest in participating in our review process.
B. Model format for letters soliciting extramural evaluations for appointment to the rank of
Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor through Step 9. Note: Do not include the Step when
soliciting letters.
Dr. _____ is a candidate for a [tenured] position as [Assistant, Associate, Full] Professor, in the
Department of _____ at the University of California, Davis. As part of the appointment process, the
University requires extramural evaluations of a candidate's scholarly achievements and promise from
recognized authorities in the field.
[Add for appointment to Assistant Professor:] Appointment as Assistant Professor is made on the
basis of potential for excellence in independent research or creative activity, teaching and mentorship,
and professional service, with the expectation that the appointee will meet the standards for tenure by
the time a promotion decision is due.
[Add for appointment to Associate Professor:] Appointment to a tenured position in the University of
California system requires demonstration of "superior intellectual attainment" in independent research
or creative activity, teaching and mentorship, and professional service.
[Add for appointment to Full Professor:] Appointment as Full Professor in the University of California
system requires demonstration of "superior intellectual attainment" in independent research or creative
activity, teaching and mentorship, and evaluation of the candidate's professional activity and University
and public service. The upper levels of the professorial series are reserved for appointees having
sustained and continuing excellence in scholarship or creative achievement; University teaching and
mentorship; and service. Above and beyond that, great academic distinction, recognized nationally,
will be required in scholarly or creative achievement or teaching and mentorship.
Your name has been suggested as one able to evaluate Dr. _____'s potential for a successful career
at UC Davis. Accordingly, I am writing to request that you provide us with your candid evaluation of Dr.
_____'s scholarly contributions with particular reference to their originality and significance [add rest of
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sentence for appointment to Associate Professor and Full Professor:] and the extent to which they
meet the requirement for "superior intellectual attainment." In addition, we would appreciate your
comments on [his or her] teaching ability and experience, standing within [his or her] discipline, and
any other aspects of professional competence with which you may be familiar. It would be particularly
helpful to us if you could compare Dr. _____ with other scholars in the field. For your convenience, I
am enclosing copies of Dr. _____'s curriculum vitae and [his or her] selected publications.
In addition, I would appreciate it if you could comment on your relationship with Dr. _____________,
particularly if you have been a mentor or collaborator. This information should be included below the
signature block, not in the body of your letter, to ensure that your identity remains confidential.
Although a candidate may request to see the contents of letters of evaluation, your identity will be held
in confidence. The material made available will exclude the letterhead, the signature block, and
material below the signature block. Therefore, material that would identify you, particularly information
about your relationship to the candidate, should be placed below the signature block. The body of the
letter will be provided in its entirety to the candidate. In any legal proceeding or other situation in which
the source of confidential information is sought, the University does its utmost to protect the identity of
such sources.
We trust that you will provide your candid professional evaluation regardless of the changing status of
the laws protecting confidentiality in academic institutions. We look forward to your assistance.
[If possible, we hope to have your response by _____.]
With many thanks for your help.
Yours very truly,
["Creative achievement" may be substituted for or added to "research" whenever appropriate.]
C. Model format for letters soliciting extramural evaluations for appointment to Professor, Above-
Scale. Note: Do not include the Step when soliciting letters.
Dr. _____ is a candidate for a position as Distinguished Professor, Above-Scale, in the Department of
_____ at the University of California, Davis. As part of the appointment process, the University
requires extramural evaluations of a candidate's scholarly achievements from highly distinguished
authorities in the field.
Appointment to the Distinguished Professor, Above-Scale, level is highly unusual. Usually the faculty
member has either already achieved a truly significant breakthrough in research or truly outstanding
creativity. Only scholars of the highest distinction whose work has received international recognition
and acclaim are considered.
I am writing to you as an authority in the field to request your assistance in our review of this
appointment. We would appreciate your candid evaluation of Dr. _____'s scholarly contributions with
particular reference to their originality and significance and the extent to which they satisfy the criteria
outlined above. In that Dr. _____'s ability to stimulate students in the classroom and to direct
successful graduate students is important to our evaluation, any information you can provide on Dr.
_____'s excellence in teaching will be most helpful. Any comments on other aspects of Dr. _____'s
professional recognition, standing, or expertise with which you may be familiar will be appreciated as
well. It would be particularly helpful to us if you could compare Dr. _____'s scholarship with that of
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other highly distinguished scholars. For your convenience, I am enclosing copies of Dr. _____'s
curriculum vitae and [his, her] selected publications.
In addition, I would appreciate it if you could comment on your relationship with Dr. _____________,
particularly if you have been a mentor or collaborator. This information should be included below the
signature block, not in the body of your letter, to ensure that your identity remains confidential.
Although a candidate may request to see the contents of letters of evaluation, your identity will be held
in confidence. The material made available will exclude the letterhead, the signature block, and
material below the signature block. Therefore, material that would identify you, particularly information
about your relationship to the candidate, should be placed below the signature block. The body of the
letter will be provided in its entirety to the candidate. In any legal proceeding or other situation in which
the source of confidential information is sought, the University does its utmost to protect the identity of
such sources.
We trust that you will provide your candid professional evaluation regardless of the changing status of
the laws protecting confidentiality in academic institutions. We look forward to your assistance.
[If possible, we hope to have your response by _____.]
With many thanks for your help.
Yours very truly,
["Creative achievement" may be substituted for or added to "research" whenever appropriate.]
D. Model format for letters soliciting extramural evaluations for appointment as Lecturer with
Security of Employment or Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment. Note: Do not include
the Step when soliciting letters.
Dr. _____ is a candidate for a position as [Lecturer with Security of Employment, Senior Lecturer with
Security of Employment], in the Department of _____ at the University of California, Davis. As part of
the appointment process, the University requires extramural evaluations of a candidate's scholarly
achievements and promise from recognized authorities in the field.
Appointment as [Lecturer/Senior Lecturer] with Security of Employment is made on the basis of
specialized teaching of truly exceptional quality, professional achievement and activity in the
scholarship of teaching and learning, University and public service, and educational leadership
recognized beyond the campus and contributions to instruction related activities. Security of
Employment refers to continuous employment and is analogous to tenure.
Your name has been suggested as one able to evaluate Dr. _____'s potential for a successful career
at UC Davis. Accordingly, I am writing to request that you provide us with your candid evaluation of Dr.
_____'s teaching ability and experience, standing within [his or her] discipline, and any other aspects
of professional competence with which you may be familiar. It would be particularly helpful to us if you
could compare Dr. _____ with other scholars in the field. For your convenience, I am enclosing copies
of Dr. _____'s curriculum vitae and [his or her] selected publications.
In addition, I would appreciate it if you could comment on your relationship with Dr. _____________,
particularly if you have been a mentor or collaborator. This information should be included below the
signature block, not in the body of your letter, to ensure that your identity remains confidential.
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Although a candidate may request to see the contents of letters of evaluation, your identity will be held
in confidence. The material made available will exclude the letterhead, the signature block, and
material below the signature block. Therefore, material that would identify you, particularly information
about your relationship to the candidate, should be placed below the signature block. The body of the
letter will be provided in its entirety to the candidate. In any legal proceeding or other situation in which
the source of confidential information is sought, the University does its utmost to protect the identity of
such sources.
We trust that you will provide your candid professional evaluation regardless of the changing status of
the laws protecting confidentiality in academic institutions. We look forward to your assistance.
[If possible, we hope to have your response by _____.]
With many thanks for your help.
Yours very truly,
["Creative achievement" may be substituted for or added to "research" whenever appropriate.]
E. Model format for letters soliciting extramural evaluations for appointment to the rank of
Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Clinical ___ series. Note: Do not include the Step
when soliciting letters.
Dr. _____ is a candidate for a position as [Assistant, Associate, Full] Professor of Clinical ___, in the
Department of _____ at the University of California, Davis. As part of the appointment process, the
University requires extramural evaluations of a candidate's scholarly achievements and promise from
recognized authorities in the field.
The Professor of Clinical ___ series is reserved for faculty who have demonstrated expertise,
dedication, and achievement in clinical and educational activities within and outside the University of
California, Davis. Appointment to the Professor of Clinical ___ series requires that we demonstrate the
high quality of Dr. _______’s teaching, clinical competence, expertise and activity, creative work, and
University and public service.
Your name has been suggested as one able to evaluate Dr. _____'s potential for a successful career
at UC Davis. Accordingly, I am writing to request that you provide us with your candid evaluation of Dr.
_____'s quality of clinical performance, teaching ability and experience, standing within [his or her]
discipline, and any other aspects of professional competence with which you may be familiar. In
addition, we would appreciate your comments on [his or her] scholarly contributions with particular
reference to their originality and significance [add rest of sentence for appointment to Associate
Professor and Full Professor:] and the extent to which they meet the requirement for "superior
intellectual attainment." It would be particularly helpful to us if you could compare Dr. _____ with other
scholars in the field. For your convenience, I am enclosing copies of Dr. _____'s curriculum vitae and
[his or her] selected publications.
In addition, I would appreciate it if you could comment on your relationship with Dr. _____________,
particularly if you have been a mentor or collaborator. This information should be included below the
signature block, not in the body of your letter, to ensure that your identity remains confidential.
Although a candidate may request to see the contents of letters of evaluation, your identity will be held
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in confidence. The material made available will exclude the letterhead, the signature block, and
material below the signature block. Therefore, material that would identify you, particularly information
about your relationship to the candidate, should be placed below the signature block. The body of the
letter will be provided in its entirety to the candidate. In any legal proceeding or other situation in which
the source of confidential information is sought, the University does its utmost to protect the identity of
such sources.
We trust that you will provide your candid professional evaluation regardless of the changing status of
the laws protecting confidentiality in academic institutions. We look forward to your assistance.
[If possible, we hope to have your response by _____.]
With many thanks for your help.
Yours very truly,
F. Model format for letters soliciting extramural evaluations for promotion to Associate or Full
Professor or Senior Lecturer SOE. Note: Do not include the Step when soliciting letters.
Dr. _____ is being considered for promotion from _____ to _____ at the University of California,
Promotion to _____ in the University of California system requires demonstration of "superior
intellectual attainment" in both teaching and mentorship and research [add rest of sentence for
promotion to Full Professor:] and evaluation of the candidate's professional activity and University and
public service.
[Add when the faculty member has requested and been approved for an extension to the tenure clock
related to childbirth/adoption/foster placement:] UC Davis encourages its faculty members to consider
extensions of the (pre-tenure/review) period under circumstances that could interfere significantly with
development of the qualifications necessary for (tenure/advancement). Examples of such
circumstances may include birth or adoption of a child, extended illness, care of an ill family member,
significant alterations in appointment. Please note that under this policy the overall record of
productivity and scholarly attainment forms the basis of your evaluation. Time since
appointment is not a factor in this review.
[Add this paragraph when faculty members are promoting from Lecturer with Security of Employment
to Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment]. Lecturers with Security of Employment are expected
to function as scholars of teaching and learning. The criteria for promotion are specialized teaching of
truly exceptional quality; professional achievement and activity as well as University and public service;
educational leadership recognized beyond the campus; and contributions to instruction-related
activities (e.g., training of teaching assistants and development of instructional materials). Security of
Employment refers to continuous employment and is analogous to tenure.
I am writing to you as an authority in the field to request your assistance in our review of this
promotion. We would appreciate your candid evaluation of Dr. _____'s scholarly contributions with
particular reference to their originality and significance and the extent to which they satisfy the
requirement for "superior intellectual attainment." We would also appreciate your comments on [his,
her] standing within [his, her] discipline and any other information you consider relevant. It would be
particularly helpful to us if you would compare [him, her] with others in [his, her] field who are at this
stage in their careers. For your convenience, I am enclosing copies of Dr. _____'s curriculum vitae
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and [his, her] selected publications.
In addition, I would appreciate it if you could comment on your relationship with Dr. _____________,
particularly if you have been a mentor or collaborator. This information should be included below the
signature block, not in the body of your letter, to ensure that your identity remains confidential.
Although a candidate may request to see the contents of letters of evaluation, your identity will be held
in confidence. The material made available will exclude the letterhead, the signature block, and
material below the signature block. Therefore, material that would identify you, particularly information
about your relationship to the candidate, should be placed below the signature block. The body of the
letter will be provided in its entirety to the candidate. In any legal proceeding or other situation in which
the source of confidential information is sought, the University does its utmost to protect the identity of
such sources.
We trust that you will provide your candid professional evaluation regardless of the changing status of
the laws protecting confidentiality in academic institutions. We look forward to your assistance.
[If possible, we hope to have your response by _____.]
With many thanks for your help.
Yours very truly,
["Creative achievement" may be substituted for or added to "research" whenever appropriate.]
G. Model format for letters soliciting extramural evaluations for advancement to Professor, Step 6
and Above-Scale. Note: Do not include the Step when soliciting letters.
Dr. _____ is being considered for advancement to the upper level of the Professor series at the
University of California, Davis.
Advancement to this high level entails consideration of the period since the candidate's advancement
to the Full Professor rank and requires "great scholarly distinction and national or international
recognition, highly meritorious service, and evidence of excellent University teaching."
I am writing to you as an authority in the field to request your assistance in our review of this
advancement. We would appreciate your candid evaluation of Dr. _____'s scholarly contributions with
particular reference to their originality and significance and the extent to which they satisfy the criteria
outlined above. We would also appreciate any other information you consider relevant. It would be
particularly helpful if you would compare [him, her] with other highly distinguished scholars in the field.
For your convenience, I am enclosing copies of Dr. _____'s curriculum vitae and [his, her] selected
In addition, I would appreciate it if you could comment on your relationship with Dr. _____________,
particularly if you have been a mentor or collaborator. This information should be included below the
signature block, not in the body of your letter, to ensure that your identity remains confidential.
Although a candidate may request to see the contents of letters of evaluation, your identity will be held
in confidence. The material made available will exclude the letterhead, the signature block, and
material below the signature block. Therefore, material that would identify you, particularly information
about your relationship to the candidate, should be placed below the signature block. The body of the
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letter will be provided in its entirety to the candidate. In any legal proceeding or other situation in which
the source of confidential information is sought, the University does its utmost to protect the identity of
such sources.
We trust that you will provide your candid professional evaluation regardless of the changing status of
the laws protecting confidentiality in academic institutions. We look forward to your assistance.
[If possible, we hope to have your response by _____.]
With many thanks for your help.
Yours very truly,
["Creative achievement" may be substituted for or added to "research" whenever appropriate.]
H. Model format for letters soliciting extramural evaluations for promotion to Lecturer SOE or
Senior Lecturer SOE. Note: Do not include the Step when soliciting letters.
Dr. _____ is being considered for promotion from _____ to _____ at the University of California,
Promotion to _____ in the University of California system requires demonstration of "superior
intellectual attainment" in both teaching and mentorship [add rest of sentence for promotion to Senior
Lecturer SOE:] and evaluation of the candidate's professional activity and University and public
[Add when the faculty member has requested and been approved for an extension to the tenure clock
related to childbirth/adoption/foster placement:] UC Davis encourages its faculty members to consider
extensions of the (pre-tenure/review) period under circumstances that could interfere significantly with
development of the qualifications necessary for (tenure/advancement). Examples of such
circumstances may include birth or adoption of a child, extended illness, care of an ill family member,
or significant alterations in appointment. Please note that under this policy the overall record of
productivity and scholarly attainment forms the basis of your evaluation. Time since
appointment is not a factor in this review.
Lecturers with Security of Employment are expected to function as scholars of teaching and learning.
The criteria for promotion are superior intellectual attainment, as evidence particularly in excellent
teaching and secondarily in professional and/or scholarly achievement and activity (including creative
activity), especially as they relate to the underlying discipline itself or to the pedagogy, as well as
University and public service. For promotion to Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment, there is
an expectation of educational leadership to the public or profession recognized beyond the campus.
Security of Employment refers to continuous employment and is analogous to tenure.
I am writing to you as an authority in the field to request your assistance in our review of this
promotion. We would appreciate your candid evaluation of Dr. _____'s scholarly contributions with
particular reference to their originality and significance [add rest of sentence for promotion to Full
Professor:] and the extent to which they satisfy the requirement for "superior intellectual attainment."
We would also appreciate your comments on [his, her] standing within [his, her] discipline and any
other information you consider relevant. It would be particularly helpful to us if you would compare
[him, her] with others in [his, her] field who are at this stage in their careers. For your convenience, I
am enclosing copies of Dr. _____'s curriculum vitae and [his, her] selected publications.
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In addition, I would appreciate it if you could comment on your relationship with Dr. _____________,
particularly if you have been a mentor or collaborator. This information should be included below the
signature block, not in the body of your letter, to ensure that your identity remains confidential.
Although a candidate may request to see the contents of letters of evaluation, your identity will be held
in confidence. The material made available will exclude the letterhead, the signature block, and
material below the signature block. Therefore, material that would identify you, particularly information
about your relationship to the candidate, should be placed below the signature block. The body of the
letter will be provided in its entirety to the candidate. In any legal proceeding or other situation in which
the source of confidential information is sought, the University does its utmost to protect the identity of
such sources.
We trust that you will provide your candid professional evaluation regardless of the changing status of
the laws protecting confidentiality in academic institutions. We look forward to your assistance.
[If possible, we hope to have your response by _____.]
With many thanks for your help.
Yours very truly,
["Creative achievement" may be substituted for or added to "research" whenever appropriate.]
I. Model format for letters soliciting extramural evaluations for Promotion in the Professor of
Clinical ___ series. Note: Do not include the Step when soliciting letters.
Dr. _____ is being considered for promotion from _____ to _____ at the University of California,
Promotion to _____ in the University of California system requires demonstration of "superior
intellectual attainment" in both teaching and mentorship and research [add rest of sentence for
promotion to Full Professor:] and evaluation of the candidate's professional activity and University and
public service.
The Professor of Clinical ___ series is reserved for faculty who have demonstrated expertise,
dedication and achievement in clinical, educational, and scholarly activities within and outside the
University of California, Davis. For promotion, the University requires demonstration of the high quality
of Dr. _____’s teaching, clinical competence, expertise, creative and scholarly work, and University
and public service.
[Add when the faculty member has requested and been approved for an extension to the tenure clock
related to childbirth/adoption/foster placement:] UC Davis encourages its faculty members to consider
extensions of the (pre-tenure/review) period under circumstances that could interfere significantly with
development of the qualifications necessary for (tenure/advancement). Examples of such
circumstances may include birth or adoption of a child, extended illness, care of an ill family member,
or significant alterations in appointment. Please note that under this policy the overall record of
productivity and scholarly attainment forms the basis of your evaluation. Time since
appointment is not a factor in this review.
I am writing to you as an authority in the field to request your assistance in our review of this
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promotion. We would appreciate your candid evaluation of Dr. _____'s scholarly contributions with
particular reference to their originality and significance [add rest of sentence for promotion to Full
Professor:] and the extent to which they satisfy the requirement for "superior intellectual attainment."
We would also appreciate your comments on [his, her] standing within [his, her] discipline and any
other information you consider relevant. It would be particularly helpful to us if you would compare
[him, her] with others in [his, her] field who are at this stage in their careers. For your convenience, I
am enclosing copies of Dr. _____'s curriculum vitae and [his, her] selected publications.
In addition, I would appreciate it if you could comment on your relationship with Dr. _____________,
particularly if you have been a mentor or collaborator. This information should be included below the
signature block, not in the body of your letter, to ensure that your identity remains confidential.
Although a candidate may request to see the contents of letters of evaluation, your identity will be held
in confidence. The material made available will exclude the letterhead, the signature block, and
material below the signature block. Therefore, material that would identify you, particularly information
about your relationship to the candidate, should be placed below the signature block. The body of the
letter will be provided in its entirety to the candidate. In any legal proceeding or other situation in which
the source of confidential information is sought, the University does its utmost to protect the identity of
such sources.
We trust that you will provide your candid professional evaluation regardless of the changing status of
the laws protecting confidentiality in academic institutions. We look forward to your assistance.
[If possible, we hope to have your response by _____.]
With many thanks for your help.
Yours very truly,
["Creative achievement" may be substituted for or added to "research" whenever appropriate.]