Tu Nguyen, Ray Byrne, David Rosewater, Rodrigo Trevizan
Sandia National Laboratories
Over the last decade, the number of large-scale energy storage deployments has been increasing
dramatically. This growth has been driven by improvements in the cost and performance of energy
storage technologies, the need to accommodate renewable energy generation, as well as incentives
and government mandates. Energy management systems (EMSs) are required to utilize energy
storage effectively and safely as a flexible grid asset that can provide multiple grid services. An
EMS needs to be able to accommodate a variety of use cases and regulatory environments.
Key Terms
Arbitrage, battery management system (BMS), customer demand charge reduction, device
management system (DMS), distribution deferral, energy management system (EMS), energy
storage, energy time shift, frequency regulation, optimal operation, power conversion system
(PCS), renewable, renewable smoothing, safety, small signal stability, state-of-charge (SOC),
state-of-health (SOH), transmission deferral, voltage support
1. Introduction
Energy storage applications can typically be divided into short- and long-duration. In short-
duration (or power) applications, large amounts of power are often charged or discharged from an
energy storage system on a very fast time scale to support the real-time control of the grid. In long-
duration (or energy) applications, large amounts of energy are supplied to and pulled from the grid
on much slower time scale. Some examples of power applications include frequency regulation,
voltage support, small signal stability, and renewable smoothing. Energy applications include
energy arbitrage, renewable energy time shift, customer demand charge reduction and transmission
and distribution deferral. More details on energy storage applications are discussed in Chapter 23:
Applications and Grid Services.
There are two main requirements for the efficient operation of grid storage systems providing the
above applications and services:
1. Optimal control of grid energy storage to guarantee safe operation while delivering the
maximum benefit
2. Coordination of multiple grid energy storage systems that vary in size and technology while
interfacing with markets, utilities, and customers (see Figure 1)
Therefore, energy management systems (EMSs) are often used to monitor and optimally control
each energy storage system, as well as to interoperate multiple energy storage systems. This
chapter provides an overview of EMS architecture and EMS functionalities. While it is a high-
level review of EMS, it can be the starting point for any further reading on this topic.
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
Figure 1. Energy Management System Overview
1.1. Energy Management System Architecture Overview
Figure 1 shows a typical energy management architecture where the global/central EMS manages
multiple energy storage systems (ESSs), while interfacing with the markets, utilities, and
customers [1]. Under the global EMS, there are local EMSs that are responsible for maintaining
safe and high-performance operation of each ESS. Just as an ESS includes many subsystems such
as a storage device and a power conversion system (PCS), so too a local EMS has multiple
components: a device management system (DMS), PCS control, and a communication system (see
Figure 2). In this hierarchical architecture, operating data go from the bottom to the top while
commands go top to bottom. For example, in the case of a battery energy storage system, the
battery storage modules are managed by a battery management system (BMS) that provides
operating data such as the state of charge, state of health, battery cell temperature [2]. These data,
together with the operating data of the PCS, are given to the local EMS for calculating the charge
or discharge power that are sent to the PCS as power commands. While delivering these required
powers, the PCS also interfaces with the BMS to ensure that none of the battery limits are violated.
In a highly centralized architecture, the optimal dispatches (i.e., power commands) are calculated
at the control center and sent to each local EMS. In a highly decentralized architecture, the central
EMS may not exist, therefore, EMS functions are only performed at the local EMSs.
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
Figure 2. Energy Management System Hierarchy Architecture
1.2. Storage Device Management
The DMS includes a set of functions (software) that are responsible for: 1) safe operation, 2)
monitoring and state estimation, and 3) technology specific functions (such as conditioning cycles
to prolong life in some battery technologies) (see Figure 3). These DMS functions are designed to
maintain safe operation and high performance of the storage device as well as to provide operating
data to the EMS and PCS. They are often implemented on a DMS device (hardware) that is capable
of sensing, monitoring, control, and communication.
Figure 3. Device Management System Functions
1.2.1. Ensuring safe operation of energy storage device
Grid-scale ESSs can store a significant amount of energy. Therefore, safety mechanisms, either
passive or active, are required to prevent that energy from causing a hazard.
and State
and Safety
Measure (voltage, current,
temp) and estimate the
device states (SOC, SOH)
Ensure safety of the device
through active and passive
Flow battery electrolyte
rebalancing or Li-ion cell
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
4 Passive Safety
Passive safety includes the protection measures that do not do any work until they are triggered to
action. They are used to minimize the damage to the storage device and to the environment in
worst-case scenarios including short-circuits, thermal runaway, and hazardous chemical leakage.
Energy storage devices are typically protected against short-circuit currents using fuses and circuit
breakers. Thermal isolation or directed channeling within electrochemical packs is often employed
to prevent or slow the propagation of thermal runaway in Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. Vanadium
redox flow batteries (VRFB) are designed to prevent the leakage of the electrolyte into the
environment through secondary and tertiary containment. Enclosures for flywheels are often
reinforced and located underground to contain the destructive kinetic energy released by a
catastrophic failure. Active Safety
Active safety includes the protection measures that have control and monitoring capabilities. They
are used to protect storage device against undesirable working conditions such as over-charge,
over-discharge, and over-temperature that significantly reduce the life of the device [3]. The
fundamental unit of an active protection mechanism is the feedback control process where:
1. data is collected from the process being controlled,
2. the controller decides what protection actions are needed,
3. actions are implemented though actuators such as circuit interrupts, the power conversion
system, or even fire suppression systems.
For example, a BMS active protection mechanism will disconnect a battery module if its
voltage/current/temperature limits are violated or a DMS will take a flywheel off-line if its rotor
speed exceeds a threshold. Fault Diagnosis
Some faults are easy to diagnose, such as when a smoke detector activates. Others are more
difficult, such as an internal short circuit in a Li-ion battery. Early fault identification or fault
prediction can enable a DMS to anticipate when a device failure may occur in the future by
identifying the precursors to such events. Fault diagnosis methods can be classified into
knowledge-based methods, model-based methods, and data-driven methods [4]. This is an active
area of ongoing research [5].
1.2.2. Monitoring and State Estimation
The DMS measures quantities such as voltages, currents and temperatures, and estimates the
quantities or device’s states that cannot be measured directly. The following sections describe the
three principal states of an energy storage device.
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
5 State-of-Charge Model
The state-of-charge (SOC) is the ratio between the remaining energy and the maximum energy
capacity of an ESS while cycling [6]. In a small number of energy storage technologies, the SOC
can be measured directly, but in general the SOC can only be estimated through other measurable
parameters. For instance, the SOC of a pumped hydro plant can be determined directly from the
reservoir level while the SOC of electrochemical batteries such as Li-ion or lead-acid batteries,
can only be estimated through voltage and current measurements.
The parameters needed for estimation of the SOC differ for various energy storage technologies.
Table 1 summarizes the required parameters for estimating SOC of several common storage
technologies. In some cases, the SOC can be estimated using a simple model. In other cases, a
more sophisticated model may be required, but there is a trade-off between accuracy and
computational cost. A simple model is easy to develop and implement but might lead to large
errors, whereas a more sophisticated model would provide better accuracy at the expense of higher
computational requirements and more difficulty in development and implementation. A
comprehensive overview of SOC modeling can be found in Battery Energy Storage Models for
Optimal Control” [6].
Table 1. Measurable Quantities for SOC Calculation
Technology Measurable parameters for SOC calculation
Compressed air energy storage
Pressure, volume, temperature, discharge profile
Electrochemical batteries Voltage, current, temperature, age
Flywheels Rotor speed, moment of inertia
Pumped hydro Reservoir level
Superconducting magnetic energy
storage (SMES)
Current, inductance
Ultra-capacitors Voltage, capacitance/impedance, temperature
Vanadium redox flow battery Voltage, temperature, electrolyte concentration State-of-Heath Model
The state-of-health (SOH) is the present health divided by the initial health of an energy storage
device [6]. Health is measured differently in different technologies, but energy capacity is the most
commonly used proxy parameter. At some critical SOH, the battery becomes unusable or
unreliable for given applications and should be replaced. The SOH of an electrochemical cell can
be estimated from the ratio of its current capacity to its rated capacity. In lead-acid batteries for
example, at approximately 80% of initial capacity the batteries start to become increasingly
unreliable for backup power applications and should be replaced to continue to supply this service.
Thus, 80% of rated capacity is considered to be 0% SOH for many applications and battery types.
The most straightforward method for estimating SOH of batteries is to measure the impedance, as
it is generally proportional to the capacity loss [7] [8] [9]. In many cases, this method has high
error when the capacity loss and impedance are not well correlated. Model-based methods [10]
[11] and data-driven methods [12] [13] can be employed to provide more accurate estimation.
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
6 Thermal Models
In many energy storage systems designs the limiting factor for the ability to supply power is
temperature rather than energy capacity [6]. This is clearly the case in thermal storage
technologies, where temperature can be used as a direct measurement of SOC, but this is also the
case in many battery systems. Batteries can reach a high temperature limit long before they reach
a low voltage limit on discharge, meaning that the EMS needs a thermal model of the batteries to
correctly predict battery operational limitations.
1.2.3. Technology Specific Functions Equalization of Battery Cells
For multi-cell battery packs, unequal cell voltages increase the risk of over-charge/over-discharge.
To prevent these problems, the DMS must monitor and periodically equalize the battery cell
voltages. There are two classes of cell equalization (i.e., cell balancing) methods:
Passive balancing includes two steps: 1) fully charge the battery pack, and 2) remove the
excess charge from the cells with highest voltages through passive resistors until their voltages
reduce to a reference value. This method is relatively inexpensive, but it is potentially
inefficient and does nothing for abnormally low voltage cells. Also, if the cooling system
cannot effectively dissipate the heat from the passive resistors, it increases the cell temperature
thereby reducing the battery life.
Active balancing the charge is transferred from higher voltage cells to lower voltage cells.
Switched capacitors, inductors/transformers, and power electronics (converters) can be utilized
to redistribute the charge between cells. The advantages of this method are that it is more
efficient, it reduces heat generation, and it addresses both high and low voltage cells. However,
it involves more expensive components, more complicated controls, and increases the
instrumentation cost. It also introduces additional failure mechanisms into the module design. Electrolyte Rebalancing of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
For VRFBs, electrolyte rebalancing between the two half-cells is important to prevent differential
ion transfer across the membrane and side reactions lowering the efficiency of the battery [14].
The electrolyte imbalance is often detected by comparing the SOC of both half-cells. Once the
electrolyte imbalance is quantified, a chemical reductant can be added to the positive electrolyte
to balance the oxidation states [14].
2. Power Conversion Control
The majority of energy storage devices employ a direct current (DC) interface. Therefore, a PCS
is required to integrate with the alternating current (AC) power grid. The purpose of the PCS is to
provide bi-directional conversion and electrical isolation.
Power conversion system architectures are described in more details in Chapter 13: Power
Conversion Systems. The PCS management system often includes at least two levels of control:
primary and secondary. The primary control (low level) includes the module level controllers that
generate the drive and gate signals for the power converters’ semiconductor switches given the
operating mode from the secondary control and the states of PCS and energy storage device. The
secondary control (high level) specifies the operating mode of the system given the power
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
commands (e.g., charge and discharge rate) from the EMS and the energy storage states (e.g., SOC
and temperature) from the DMS. Because the primary control of PCS is covered in Chapter 13,
this chapter only describes the operation of the secondary control.
2.1. Secondary Control
The secondary control performs the high-level management that determines the operating mode
for each of the power converters. The three most common modes are: charging, discharging, and
2.1.1. Charging Mode
Charging mode occurs when the EMS commands the energy storage device to charge. This mode
can include a power level, in which case the charge current is controlled to deliver the commanded
power. Depending on the SOC of the device, a different charging stage is selected. Figure 4 shows
a three-stage charging scheme for batteries. The three stages are [15]:
Bulk charge (current control) – used for fast charging when the SOC is low
Absorb charge (voltage control) – used to prevent overcharging the battery when the
SOC is higher than a certain level
Float charge (voltage control) – used when the battery is close to fully charged
Figure 4. Three-stage Charging Scheme for Batteries
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
This charging scheme can also be applied to ultra-capacitors. The charging time for an ultra-
capacitor is much shorter compared to a battery because a much higher current can be tolerated
during the bulk charge stage (see Figure 4). Similarly, the charging scheme for flywheels includes:
Torque control mode (bulk charge)
Speed control mode (absorb charge)
Power control mode
2.1.2. Discharging mode
This mode occurs when the EMS commands the energy storage device to discharge at a power
level to provide certain grid services. Two critical factors that must be considered for an
electrochemical battery are: (1) a higher discharge current reduces the energy capacity, and (2)
SOC lower/upper limits are often required to increase cycle life.
2.1.3. Standby mode
Standby mode occurs at the end of charging period when the maximum SOC limit has been
reached. While in this mode, the energy storage device is not significantly charging or discharging.
For an electrochemical battery, float charge might be used to compensate for the self-discharge.
For a flywheel, a small charge current is used to maintain its nominal speed.
2.1.4. Advanced inverter functions
For most applications, the above basic operating modes are sufficient to fulfill the EMS
commands. However, there has been a push to incorporate advanced inverter functions within the
PCS’s operating modes, primarily to enable increased penetrations of distributed solar generation.
Examples of these functions include:
Volt-var (voltage support)regulate voltage by controlling reactive power output of the
Volt-wattregulate voltage by controlling real power output of the PCS
Constant power factor–maintain a constant power factor at the PCS’s output
Depending on the evolution of these capabilities, some grid control functions may reside in the
PCS secondary control going forward. After the operating mode is specified by the secondary
control, control references are calculated and passed to the primary controller.
3. Communication Interface
To coordinate operations between different subsystems of an ESS, each subsystem must be
equipped with a communication interface. Fundamental requirements for a communication
interface of an ESS can be found in existing standards such as IEC 61850-7-420 and Modular
Energy System Architecture (MESA) (see Figure 5). Commercial systems often follow
standardized communication protocols. Modbus TCP is commonly used in a large number of
devices in today’s market because of its simplicity and flexibility. DNP3 plays an important part
in modern SCADA systems, which are widely used in power systems. Subsystems/devices often
use different communication protocols and, therefore, must be capable of integrating with a wide
range of devices/systems with different protocols. An example of such a platform is VOLTTRON
developed by PNNL [16].
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
Figure 5. MESA Communication Basic Structure [17]
4. Optimal Operation of Energy Storage Systems for Various
4.1. Market Applications
The United States has seven regions that operate electricity and grid ancillary services markets. In
these regions the potential revenue of ESSs is dependent on the market products they provide.
Generally, the EMS tries to operate the ESS to maximize the services provided to the grid, while
considering the optimal operation of the energy storage device. In market areas, maximizing grid
services is typically aligned with maximizing revenue. The operation of an ESS can be viewed as
an optimization problem where maximizing revenue is the primary objective and the constraints
are the market requirements and physical limitation of the ESS (e.g., SOC limits).
4.2. Behind-the-Meter Applications
Behind-the-meter ESS optimal operations can be enabled through the EMS. The objective of the
EMS is to shift and shave the electricity usage of consumers by charging and discharging the ESS
to minimize their bills [18]. The savings often come from demand charge reduction, time-of-use
(TOU) energy charge reduction, and utilization of net-metering energy. Optimization techniques
used for market applications can also be used to achieve this objective while ensuring that storage
device constraints, such as maximum capacity, storage efficiency, running cost,
charging/discharging rate, etc., are satisfied. Most behind-the-meter optimization algorithms are
distributed or decentralized because centralized approaches are invasive to users and do not scale
well [19].
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
5. Summary
This chapter provided an overview of EMSs needed for operating ESSs. Since ESSs as grid assets
are quite new, most system operators are still learning to efficiently operating them. The grid
operators need robust EMSs that can manage multiple technologies, and grid services in evolving
market structures. As the regulatory environment for energy storage is evolving quickly, there are
also challenges in developing generic models that work across market structures and technologies.
Even with recent progress, storage valuation/optimization continues to be challenging. Many
related areas require additional research. Examples of these areas include: 1) storage models that
fully reflect the performance and cycle life characteristics of ESSs, 2) optimization approaches for
stacked benefits, 3) energy management systems that enable the integration of massive deployment
of distributed energy resources.
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
Tu Nguyen is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia
National Laboratories. He is also a Senior Member of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a former editor of
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. He received his B.S degree
in Power Systems from Hanoi University of Science and Technology,
Vietnam in 2007 and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from
Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2014. Before
joining Sandia National Laboratories in September 2016, he worked
as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Washington. In
2019, he received Outstanding Young Engineer Award from IEEE -
Albuquerque Section. His current research interests include energy storage analytics, microgrid
modeling and analysis, and the grid integration of distributed resources.
Ray Byrne is manager of the Electric Power Systems Research
Department at Sandia National Laboratories where he has been
employed since 1989. Prior serving as manager, he was a
Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff. He completed a B.S. in
electrical engineering at the University of Virginia, an M.S. in
electrical engineering at the University of Colorado, and a Ph.D. in
electrical engineering at the University of New Mexico. He also
completed an M.S. in financial mathematics (financial engineering) at
the University of Chicago. He currently serves as team lead of the
Equitable Regulatory Environment thrust area of the Sandia energy storage program. Awards
include Time Magazine invention of the year in robotics in 2001, as well as the Prize paper award
at the 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting for a paper on maximizing revenue
from energy storage in grid applications. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Sigma
Xi. He was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2017 for contributions to miniature robotics and grid
integration of energy storage.
David Rosewater is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff at the
Sandia National Laboratories. He received a B.S. and an M.S. in
electrical engineering from Montana Tech of the University of
Montana, as well as a PhD in electrical and computer engineering from
the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests include
modeling and simulation, performance testing, safety, and
standardization of battery energy storage systems. From 2009 to 2011,
he worked at the Idaho National Laboratory developing advanced
spectral impedance measurement techniques for hybrid vehicle battery
cells. He is a Senior Member in the IEEE and currently chairs the IEEE
P2686 working group developing a recommended practice for design
and configuration of battery management systems in energy storage
applications. David holds a professional engineering license in the state of New Mexico.
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
Rodrigo D. Trevizan is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia
National Laboratories. Rodrigo authored research papers on the
subjects of control of energy storage systems and demand response for
power grid stabilization, power system state estimation, and detection
of nontechnical losses in distribution systems. Rodrigo received a B.S.
and M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University
of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2012 and 2014, respectively, a M.Sc.
in Power Systems Engineering from the Grenoble Institute of
Technology (ENSE3) in 2011 and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
Engineering from the University of Florida in 2018.
Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
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Chapter 15 Energy Storage Management Systems
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