Service Level Agreement
Computing Services
at the
UC Davis Graduate School of
(Established 5/2/2006, Last Revised 4/29/22)
Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 4
Standards & Conventions ..................................................................................................... 4
Administrative Computing Plan ........................................................................................... 4
Campus Network Infrastructure .......................................................................................... 5
Help Desk .............................................................................................................................. 6
Network Operations Schedule .............................................................................................. 6
Issue Tracking & Service Priorities ...................................................................................... 6
Equipment Physical Access ................................................................................................... 8
System Administrative Access .............................................................................................. 8
Service Catalog ...................................................................................................................... 8
Basic Network Services ......................................................................................................... 9
Computer System Standards & Support.............................................................................. 9
Software Support .................................................................................................................. 9
Installing Software ................................................................................................................ 9
Software Development, Administration, and Support ....................................................... 10
Software Developed by External Service Providers ........................................................... 10
Purchasing New/Replacement Computer Systems ............................................................ 10
All Computer Equipment .....................................................................................................................11
Faculty Computer Equipment ..............................................................................................................11
Staff Computer Equipment ..................................................................................................................11
Student Computer Equipment ..............................................................................................................11
Computer Repair ................................................................................................................ 13
Ownership of Obsolete, Excess, and Surplus Property ...................................................... 13
Printers, Paper, & Toner Cartridges.................................................................................. 13
Specialized Applications/Systems ....................................................................................... 13
E-mail Delivery Problems ................................................................................................... 14
Training ............................................................................................................................... 14
Research .............................................................................................................................. 14
Instructional Equipment Preventive Maintenance ............................................................ 14
Loaner Equipment (including Instructor equipment) ...................................................... 15
VHS/DVD Cameras and other Audio/Visual Equipment .................................................. 15
Recording Lectures or Other Events .................................................................................. 16
Student Computing Lab and Software ............................................................................... 16
Remote Access ..................................................................................................................... 16
Disaster Recovery and Data Backup .................................................................................. 17
Domain Name Services ....................................................................................................... 17
Unsupported Services ......................................................................................................... 17
Responsibilities of the Faculty/Staff/Students (i.e., Computer User) ................................. 18
Appendix A Service Catalog ............................................................................................ 20
Appendix B Standards & Conventions ............................................................................ 21
Appendix C Supported Software List .............................................................................. 23
Appendix E Staff/Faculty Computing Orientation Topics ............................................. 25
This Service Level Agreement (SLA) meant to establish a framework and cooperative partnership
between the Graduate School of Management Information (GSM IT) and its customers by
clarifying roles, setting expectations, and providing mechanisms for resolving problems. It will
identify the roles and responsibilities of all participants and define the types and levels of
computing support and service available at the Graduate School of Management (GSM).
This agreement is intended to guarantee that all faculty, staff, and students receive an acceptable
level of service for their information technology needs. GSM IT is committed to providing a high
level of service and ensuring information technology is an effective and enabling tool for its
customers. GSM IT service goals are:
Support the educational mission of UC Davis and the GSM
Establish clear and reasonable service expectations
Create and maintain a standard automation platform for accomplishing specific business
Provide a standardized and secure database structure for managing information.
Maintain a secure and reliable computer network environment
Provide timely and effective technical support to GSM staff, faculty, and students
Implement cost efficient technology that effectively supports business and educational
needs of the GSM
Establish a process for software development of supportable applications in accordance
with UCD Policy & Procedure
Establish a staff development program that develops and maintains necessary technical
expertise within the school
This document is intended to be a living document and will be continually updated to address
organizational changes, availability of new technology, and fundamental technology strategies of
the school.
Standards & Conventions
Standards and conventions reduce the total cost of technology within the University and leads to
increased support efficiencies. Implementation of standards and central coordination of
computing equipment acquisitions will produce economies of scale in purchasing, simplify the
acquisition process, provide greater leverage in negotiating support terms, facilitate hardware and
software deployment, and facilitate training of technical staff and users.
GSM IT is dedicated to providing efficient support for a standard suite of recommended business
solutions, but cannot effectively support a proliferation of hardware/software. Customers are
encouraged to choose from the standards and conventions outlined in this document (see
Appendix B), which will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
Administrative Computing Plan
GSM IT will align services and promote solutions conforming to the Campus Administrative
Computing Plan. The Plan describes the general framework governing administrative computing
at UC Davis. It includes a description of principles, system standards, systems, analyses, and
processes that promote alignment and guide development of specific solutions to computing
Campus Network Infrastructure
The mission of the UC Davis Information and Educational Technology (IET) department is to
create and support an information technology environment that enhances the ability of the UC
Davis community to teach, do research, and provide public service. It strives to deliver an
infrastructure of technological services appropriate to the requirements of the campus community.
The GSM IT Director (or designee) will participate in campus-wide technology committees.
The GSM IT will capitalize on the UC Davis network infrastructure and services to the greatest
extent possible, including, but not limited to:
Campus Computing Accounts
Use of Network Access Modules that provide access the Campus network back-bone.
Use of the campus secure wireless network solution.
Use of centralized Domain Naming Service (DNS)
Use of centralized Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) services
Campus Active Directory and Exchange Services (uConnect)
Campus Virtual Private Networking (VPN) for secure remote access
Use of the wired network will be limited to full-time faculty and staff and will require
pre-registration of equipment network serial number (i.e., Media Access Control (MAC)
address). The GSM IT group will enter device MAC address in the Campus InfoBlox
system for full-time faculty and staff upon request, or as routine during system
deployment. Systems added to the wired network must University owned equipment and
be Cyber-Safety compliant (per UCD PPM 310-22). Mobile devices (cellular, laptop,
tablet, etc.) will not be allowed to operate the GSM wired network; they will be limited to
the campus wireless network.
Network access by visiting and adjunct faculty, visiting lecturers, students, and guests
will be limited to wireless connectivity via the Campus wireless system. Use of this
system requires a Campus computing account. Sponsors of visitors will arrange for guest
computing accounts through the Campus (
Help Desk
The IT Help Desk serves as a centralized point of contact for all computer issues to enable the
GSM IT group to provide quality service. All requests for computer installations, maintenance,
problem resolution, system changes, or related questions for any of the systems, or technologies
listed in this document should be directed to the GSM IT Help Desk.
GSM IT Help Desk
Monday-Friday 9AM to 5PM
(excluding holidays)
Walk-in hours: M-F, 9am-10am & 1:30pm-2:30pm
Due to liability and policy issues, the GSM IT group can only provide service on University
property and can only service University owned equipment.
The GSM IT Help Desk will be staffed during the hours cited above. You are welcome to submit
questions to the help desk outside these hours, by leaving a voicemail or sending e-mail. We will
respond to your needs as soon as possible. Extended service is available by special arrangement,
but is contingent upon GSM IT staff availability. Sufficient advanced notification, generally one
to two weeks, is required for scheduling purposes.
Network Operations Schedule
The GSM IT group strives to ensure that all network hardware and software is
operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All equipment is normally available at all
times except when essential maintenance to hardware or software is required. If it is
necessary to interrupt any service, prior notification will be given and, whenever
possible, interruptions are scheduled to minimize their impact. Additionally, if
individuals encounter problems, they are encouraged to report the problems to the GSM
IT Help Desk.
Issue Tracking & Service Priorities
A unique tracking ID will be assigned to all service requests and logged in a call tracking
database system. The status of any call can be obtained by calling or emailing the GSM IT Help
The GSM IT group will prioritize all requests, which cannot be immediately resolved, to ensure
an appropriate response based upon the priority guidelines below. The GSM IT staff will ensure
that customers are apprised of the status, and in all cases, notify the customer when the request is
resolved. The customer will receive an automated response when a ticket is submitted to the help
desk. The customer will receive an update at least every two weeks if the ticket has not yet been
assigned to a technician. Once assigned, the technician will provide status updates at least
The method within the GSM Issue Tracking system for identifying service request priority is
named Urgency and will be used prioritize requests based upon their perceived criticality.
Requests are addressed based upon the Urgency, then on a first in, first out basis
Urgency 10 - Emergency: Problems affecting multiple users and causing a work
stoppage for a large group or entire staff. IT staff will begin working on the problem
immediately. IT staff will notify senior staff of the status on a regular basis until the issue
is resolved or a definite timeframe for resolution can be determined. Examples of a
Urgency 10 service request includes: a server hardware failure, failure of department-
wide software program/service (i.e., VPN, Application Server, RaPS, EMS, etc), email
system outage, failure of computer labs while a training class is in session, or failure of
classroom A/V equipment.
Urgency 8/9 Work Stoppage: Problems causing a work stoppage for a single user. IT
staff will begin working on the problem within two hours (assuming staff is not already
assigned to a higher priority). IT will provide a status on resolution regularly until the
issue is resolved or an estimated timeframe for resolution is identified. Examples of
urgency 8/9 problems include: complete failure of a computer or monitor, or employee
relocation due to environmental emergency. This does NOT include new user requests
(ref: the Routine section).
Urgency 5-7 Disruption: Problems interfering with the timely and effective work of an
individual, or problems directly impeding the instructional mission of the school. IT will
begin working on the problem as soon as possible. Examples of urgency 5-7 problems
include: inability to use a particular software package, or software application problems;
or classroom operational issues. Faculty support issues will generally be assigned as
urgency 7, unless timely repair is not an issue (e.g., planned replacement of computing
equipment where timing does not affect instructional mission).
Urgency 2-4 Routine: Scheduled services and/or projects. The timeframe for these
requests will be handled when practical, based upon existing work backlog and staffing
availability. Examples of urgency 2-4 issues include: new/updated access to network
services or software, installation of a new computer, printer problems, computer
equipment move, audio/visual setups, consulting services, software/system development.
Urgency 1 Incoming: New requests are automatically assigned this level, which will
be generally reviewed by the IT staff within 1 business day and changed to the
appropriate level.
New User/Employee Account/Equipment Requests - New user account requests are
initially considered Routine. Supervisors should anticipate the potential delay and submit
the request well in advance of the employee’s start date (i.e., best to address immediately
after offer is accepted). Urgency l will be increased over time based upon the following
o Routine: Initial request. A minimum of 1 week notice prior to employee’s start
date is expected.
o Disruption: After employee’s start date, but not sooner than 1 week after initial
o Work Stoppage: After employee’s start date, but not sooner than 2 weeks after
initial request
Equipment Physical Access
GSM IT uses remote access utilities to the greatest extent possible to assist its customers. If the
user workstation is configured with firewall protection, then the firewall settings must be
configured to allow access from the GSM IT Help Desk systems.
If on-site service is required, then IT prefers to work on computer equipment when the customer
is present. This ensures that the customer has an opportunity to confirm the problem is corrected.
Occasionally, IT staff must enter a work area when the customer is not there. IT will do this only
when one of these conditions apply:
The customer requests that IT staff perform the work in their absence.
The customer, or their department’s management, has given IT staff access to the office
to complete a time-sensitive repair or installation.
The IT staff is responding to a security issue.
System Administrative Access
Administrative access is necessary to support computer systems. The IT staff is prohibited by
Campus policy from using standard user accounts to perform administrative functions. Likewise,
users are prohibited by Campus policy from divulging their user account password for use by
others. As such, any system to be supported by GSM IT needs an administrative level account
dedicated for IT staff use. Windows systems should be configured to be a member of the GSM
Active Directory domain*, so the IT staff can use the existing Domain Administrator account.
Non-Windows systems should be configured with a local system account with full administrative
privileges for IT staff.
Administrative level access is generally not provided to staff unless a specific need is identified
(i.e., needed to operate a specific software application). Administrative level access is generally
provided to faculty as most faculty purchase and install their own software applications. Anyone
provided administrative level access must comply with UCOP BFB-IS-3, Electronic Information
Security, and UCD PPM, Section 310-22, UC Davis Cyber-Safety Program. The UC Davis
Cyber-Safety Program requires users to only use privileged accounts when performing
administrative functions (i.e., installing software, or using a program that requires administrative
access) and will otherwise, use a non-privileged account.
*Note: Registering a computer to be a member of the Active Directory domain offers distinct
advantages including increased administrative capabilities by GSM IT and reduced vulnerability
to malicious internet activity.
Service Catalog
A wide variety of computing services (see Appendix A) are offered to all faculty, staff, and
students. These services will be reviewed and updated periodically.
Basic Network Services
GSM IT will establish and administer basic network services for the GSM as defined in Appendix
Computer System Standards & Support
Support will be provided for all standard hardware and software configurations and non-
standard configurations where support for such configurations has been negotiated and
defined through a specific service level agreement (SLA).
For full support, staff and faculty must use standard hardware and software
configurations that GSM IT recommends. In some cases, faculty/staff may choose to use
configurations not recommended or supported by this standard service level agreement.
Support for these configurations must be negotiated with the GSM IT Director and the
resulting agreement approved by both parties. GSM IT reserves the right to recommend
that support for some configurations be provided by outside vendors.
Software Support
GSM IT installs and maintains a wide range of computer software for client and server
platforms (as identified in Appendix C). Typically, only current versions of evaluated
software are installed on computer equipment. GSM IT reserves the right to make
changes to the list of supported or non-supported software at any time. GSM IT will
conduct required troubleshooting of any problems or issues that arise, and assist with
making effective use of these software tools.
GSM IT is generally focused on installing and maintaining software configurations, not
software use. Software use and training is generally the responsibility of the user.
GSM IT makes every effort to cross-train its staff in the support of software systems.
However, the reality is given the rapid change in information technology and available
resources it will never be possible for each member of the IT staff to be fully
knowledgeable about the intricacies of all the software used throughout the GSM. GSM
IT staff are committed to doing as best possible. In situations where an emergency or
departure of key department staff requires that GSM IT troubleshoot specialized
applications, extra time may be necessary to address problems that arise.
Installing Software
GSM IT strongly recommends that computer users do not load software themselves on
their computers. Many software packages make changes to system configuration files,
which can conflict with existing configurations and result in other software not working
properly. GSM IT reserves the right to discontinue support and/or un-install user-installed
software (or hardware), especially when it interferes with other hardware/software
installed on the user’s workstation.
Software installation requests will generally be considered low priority. Problems that
arise as a result of user/self-installed software (without consultation from GSM IT) will
fall to the bottom of the priority list and will be addressed as time permits.
Software Development, Administration, and Support
GSM IT performs software development as designated and prioritized by the Assistant
Dean of Administrative Services in coordination with the GSM IT Governance
Committee. On-going development, administration, and support will be defined by
separate Service Level Agreement (SLA) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOU).
Software Developed by External Service Providers
Due to various circumstances, it is sometimes necessary to contract out
system/application development to a third party. In such cases, it is strongly encouraged
to utilize GSM IT as a consulting resource to, among other things, review and
validate technical specifications, test plans, program listings and documentation,
upgrade/modification procedures, service level agreements for ongoing support and
maintenance etc.
Software development and system implementation generally requires system
administrative access to GSM computers/data. Please review/coordinate your needs with
the GSM IT group in advance of establishing any contract.
As a general rule, GSM IT does not support software developed by external service
providers. However, support can be negotiated with GSM IT, provided that adequate
training is provided to IT staff, and GSM IT is involved in reviewing and signing off on
the deliverables mentioned above.
Sorry, but the GSM IT staff are prohibited from working on non-University owned
equipment. So, there are only two choices available to get software installed on your
personal computers:
Do it yourself. This method is preferable, and many of the more commonly used
software programs on the market today come complete with easy to use Install
Wizardsto guide users through the set-up process.
Commercial computer repair/support vendor
Purchasing New/Replacement Computer Systems
The following guidelines have been established for new/replacement systems:
All Computer Equipment
All computer related purchases (i.e., hardware/software) must be processed
through GSM IT to ensure it meets minimum Cyber-Safety compliance when
deployed and meets established standards identified in appendix B. This includes
any computing device that will be connected to the UC Davis network (i.e.,
computers, printers, PDAs), any software, and any accessories over $500.
Faculty Computer Equipment
Funds for computing equipment, software, and services is included in the
recruitment package. GSM IT will coordinate with the new faculty member to
determine appropriate and reasonable system configuration (i.e., desktop, laptop,
peripherals, etc.).
Faculty should be prepared to replace computers at least every 4-5 years with a
system meeting latest minimum specifications. Replacements will be funded
through RATS account or other funding negotiated with the Dean.
Staff Computer Equipment
GSM deploys AWS Workspaces for staff. AWS Workspaces is a virtual
Windows desktop cloud-service that allows staff to work with a consistent
experience from any location. Workspaces can be accessed from any computing
Staff will be provided one computing device and appropriate accessories (i.e., 2
monitors, keyboard, mouse, web-camera, and headset) for accessing their
Workspace. If an employee is assigned a desk at the GSM, then a desktop
computer with the accessories will be provided for that location. If the employee
is allowed to work remotely and not assigned a desk, then a desktop computer or
laptop (employee’s option) with the accessories will be provided for their home
office. Staff that are provided equipment for their home office can utilize any
available “hoteling” (i.e., temporary shared) office space office if they are
working on-prem. Employees that are provide a hybrid work schedule and are
assigned a desk will be responsible for providing any additional needed
equipment for their home office. All equipment provided the employee will be
configured for accessing their AWS Workspace; additional software will not be
installed, except for security/administrative utilities designated by the GSM IT
GSM IT will replace computing equipment as needed with a system meeting
latest minimum specifications. Replaced computers will be designated as surplus
property and is not eligible for cascading (i.e., hand-me-down) to other
employees. Cascading and maintaining older equipment significantly increases
support costs and places an undue hardship on IT resources.
First time equipment for a staff position will be funded by the employing unit.
The IT unit will cover the replacement cost on a designated cycle that meets the
appropriate life-cycle for the type of equipment issued. The IT unit will also
cover the cost of non-functioning equipment.
Staff that have a regular business need for travel can be provided a laptop that will
be configured to access their AWS Workspace. While Internet service is required
to access a Workspace, it is generally available in most locations. If Internet
access is not expected, then the employee should be provided an “Internet Hot-
Spot” device or “Tethering Service” on their University owned cellular phone.
The cost of this extra equipment is to be approved by the employee’s supervisor
and funded by the employee’s unit.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) services, associated network equipment, and
printers for home offices is the responsibility of the employee and is not covered
by the GSM, except as approved by the GSM Dean’s office. The GSM IT unit
cannot assist in the setup or support of home networks and equipment.
Student Computer Equipment
Student equipment is not provided by the GSM. The GSM requires students to have the
Laptop computer less than three years old
o A Dell Latitude series laptop is recommended to ensure complete
compatibility with the GSM wireless network and print services.
o Access to a Microsoft Windows operating system
o Access to Microsoft Office for Windows”.
The Dell Latitude is only a “recommendationto ensure that student equipment is
100% compatible with the GSM network infrastructure. If students purchase the
recommended Dell, then GSM IT will go to every extent possible to ensure the
laptop works properly with our equipment. With that said, students can opt to
use a Mac, as many students do. However with a Mac, students must accept the
1. Students must meet the requirement to have access to a Microsoft Windows
environment. You can achieve this by running VMWare, Parallels, or bootcamp on
the Mac, then installing Windows and Office. Or, if the student has access to a
different PC (i.e., at home/work), then it will minimally suffice. The reason for this
requirement is that students will be required to run some statistical software packages
that ONLY run on Windows and not Mac. Also, students will be required to use
some statistical Excel plug-ins that do not work on the Mac version of MS-Excel.
2. If students encounter problems with the wireless network or GSM printers, the
GSM IT staff can only offer minimal assistance to help resolve issues. The IT
staff is quite knowledgeable with Apple products, but simply don’t have the
resources to keep up with the idiosyncrasies of all computer manufactures and
their various system drivers, so cant spend excessive time helping students
resolve potential issues.
Computer Repair
If a computer requires repair, GSM IT will recommend appropriate course of action.
Generally, GSM IT does not perform computer component repair. GSM IT reserves the
right to replace systems in order to resolve a problem as quickly as possible.
Ownership of Obsolete, Excess, and Surplus Property
All obsolete, excess, and surplus property (e.g., phased-out hardware) becomes the
property of GSM IT. GSM IT will disassemble retired hardware/software configurations
and make use of any spare parts or other components that are in good operating condition
(e.g., memory, cabling, switches. monitors etc.). GSM IT will manage the disposition of
excess and surplus property IAW UCD PPM 350-80. Equipment is generally donated to
the Campus Bargain Barn. In extremely rare cases, minimal proceeds from the sale of
equipment through the UCD Bargain Barn are received and will be applied to the GSM
IT operating budget. Equipment owners not willing to relinquish property to GSM IT will
assume responsibility for processing their excess and surplus property IAW UCD PPM
350-80. Note: California Law and University Policy does not allow equipment to be
transferred to public institutions outside of California or to any private entity.
Likewise, personal equipment cannot be donated to the school for disposal.
Printers, Paper, & Toner Cartridges
Purchasing local/desktop printers is strongly discouraged as it is very cost prohibitive.
The GSM implemented a group printing solution as a strategic solution in 2008. Common
use networked printers have been deployed at throughout the building. Individual
printers for staff are no longer supported. Any remaining staff personal printers will be
removed through attrition (i.e., when maintenance is required). Faculty are also
encouraged to use, or migrate to, the common use printing solution. Faculty must fund
any required service on all personal use printers.
Staff and faculty are responsible for purchase and replacement of toner cartridges and
paper for all non-group printers. Staff/Faculty can re-order replacement toner cartridges
via “UCD Buy” or can contact the GSM Business Office. It is preferred that original
manufacturer (OEM) cartridges be ordered as opposed to remanufactured cartridges.
Specialized Applications/Systems
GSM IT recognizes that all computing support requirements will not be fulfilled by this
Core Services SLA and that support for specialized applications needs to be addressed
separately. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) will be developed for all specialized
applications/systems. The SLA will outline system requirements, financial
responsibilities, and service expectations.
E-mail Delivery Problems
UC Davis provides e-mail services to all faculty, staff, students, and affiliates, but
individuals have an option as to how their e-mail delivery is managed. Individuals
choosing to have their e-mail forwarded to a 3
party (off-campus) address (i.e., Gmail,
MSN, etc) assume the risk of message delivery problems. Issues related to campus email
services should be addressed directed with central IT. GSM IT staff are generally not
provided necessary access to the campus email system necessary to effectively
troubleshoot problems.
GSM IT generally does not provide, coordinate, or fund training on computer systems or
software. Staff/Faculty in need of training should consult with outside resources such as:
UCD Staff Development and Professional Services
UCD Arbor Faculty Center for Teaching and Technology
UCD Summer Institute for Technology in Teaching (SITT)
Off-Campus training conducted by third-party training providers
Training for specialized software systems used by the GSM should be developed and
provided by the system sponsor (i.e., GSM unit that sponsored the deployment of the
GSM IT will provide individual orientation (approximately 30-60 minutes) to new
staff/faculty on the GSM network/system operations (ref. Appendix E).
Research and Research Equipment
GSM IT does not have research assistants or adequate technical staff to offer
programming and research support except when negotiated through specific service level
The GSM does not have adequate facilities to support research equipment and the UC IS-
3 Cyber-Security policy introduces significant complexity for research equipment or any
other shared computing systems. As such, the GSM promotes the use of AWS services
to meet its research computing needs. Please discuss your needs with the Dean’s Office
and/or the GSM CIO/IT Director.
The GSM IT unit is responsible for the UC IS-3 Cyber-Security compliance reporting for
the GSM. As such, it will be allowed full oversight of all computing/research equipment.
Autonomous operations can be provided to Senate/Ladder Faculty, only if they identify
themselves as an independent research center and accept all “Unit” level responsibilities
identified in the UC IS-3 Cyber-Security policy. In such cases, they will need to
coordinate their activities with the campus Information Security Office (ISO) and be
willing to accept all reporting/auditing requirements.
Instructional Equipment Preventive Maintenance
GSM IT performs regular preventive maintenance on classroom audio/visual equipment,
student lab equipment, and student lounge equipment. Details of this preventive
maintenance schedule is identified in a separate SLA developed for each instructional
location (Gallagher Hall, UCDMC Education Building, San Ramon Bishop Ranch).
Loaner Equipment (including instructor equipment)
GSM IT does not possess loaner equipment for general purposes. A recommendation
was provided to senior staff in June 2006 to purchase multi-media packages necessary to
support their needs.
GSM Instructional Resources maintains minimal equipment for faculty use and GSM
Student Affairs maintains minimal equipment for students. Please check with them if
loaner equipment is needed.
By bargaining unit contract, NSF Unit 18 Instructors are to be provided access to
information technology support that is reasonably necessary to complete their assigned
duties and responsibilities. To that end, the following special provisions are provided for
Instructors will be provided a loaner laptop, if requested, for their class
Instructors will be provided reasonable personal equipment, if requested, from
this list (or suitable alternative).
Instructors will be provided up to two external monitors, if requested and if the
GSM has requested they perform on-line or hybrid instruction (i.e., does not apply
to lecture recording).
Senate/Ladder Faculty must purchase any necessary equipment using their RATS.
VHS/DVD Cameras and other Audio/Visual Equipment
GSM IT does not possess VHS/DVD Cameras and other Audio/Visual Equipment. The
Campus Academic Technology Services unit provides video services for the Campus and
has the proper equipment to produce quality products. Use of their service is
recommended. Information on their services is available at
Recording Lectures or Other Events
General support for videotaping lectures and/or other events is not a service generally
supported by GSM IT (per GSM Faculty Support Model Workgroup (Jan 2007)).
Individual faculty or event coordinators wishing to pursue such activities are encouraged
to acquire services from Campus Academic Technology Services (ATS), commercial
organizations, or rent equipment from ATS.
Exceptions have been made for special circumstances, such as the COVID pandemic. If
teaching in a GSM classroom, please discuss your needs with the GSM
PIRO/Instructional group. For lectures, please refer to the Loaner Equipment section
Student Computing Lab and Software
The GSM eliminated the student computing lab in 2010. Students must purchase/lease whatever
software they need and install it on their personal laptops.
Remote Access
Allowing remote access to the GSM network can benefit staff and faculty by providing the
flexibility to access system services from home or when on the road. However, providing remote
access also introduces substantial risk since remote computers are often unmanaged and rarely
Cyber-Safety compliant (ref: UCD PPM 310-22). To fully realize the benefits of remote access,
this service must include robust, highly available, full-featured, and secure solutions that support
the diverse user community with different connectivity and access requirements, including:
Virtual Private Network (VPN) remote connectivity to the campus network. Access
can be acquired through the Campus VPN services ( Use of
this service requires a Campus computing account. The user is responsible for ensuring
remote computers are Cyber-Safety compliant.
Secure Shell (SSH), Secure Copy (SCP), Remote Desktop Services (RDP), and Virtual
Network Computer (VNC) are generally not allowed. Exceptions can be discussed
based on business need.
Email system. The GSM utilizes the campus uConnect email system, which employs
Microsoft Office 365 email (i.e., cloud email service). Remote access to the email
system will be provided through Microsoft’s Office 365 system, a web accessible email
GSM MyOffice. The GSM provides access to various business applications through
a web accessible Citrix application system. Access to this systems will require the user
to install a Citrix web client software module.
GSM Staff are provided AWS Workspaces as their primary computing environment,
which allows direct remote access from any location.
Requests to setup a user for remote access will be considered low priority. Users should
test their remote access prior to actual need.
Disaster Recovery and Data Backup
GSM IT will establish disaster recovery and data backup procedures for core network
equipment. Backup procedures are for the sole purpose of disaster recovery from system
failure and will not be used to support user error (i.e., accidentally deleted files, etc).
Backup on desktop/laptop computers are the sole responsibility of the user. Upon
request, GSM IT will assist with establishing a backup protocol for desktop/laptop
computers using Apple Time Capsule or The user is responsible for all
costs associated with such implementations.
Domain Name Services
GSM IT will establish/renew registered domain names as requested. Registered names
will be generally limited to the” or “” domains.
Commercial domain registration is possible, but functionality is extremely limited, so a
specific service level agreement must be established.
Unsupported Services
Some of the service requests made to GSM IT may need to be resolved by other
University departments or outside organizations. In these cases, GSM IT cannot
guarantee the same level of responsiveness as described herein but will try to assist in
providing a timely resolution of the issue. Examples of these situations include support
for applications not developed or supported in-house (such as Kuali, Payroll, or Banner),
and contracted services (such as printer repair).
GSM IT cannot support obsolete system. Systems are identified as obsolete and will
become unsupportable when:
The system is has not been replaced per the GSM standard replacement cycle (i.e.,
4-5 years)
hardware parts can no longer be obtained at a reasonable price
hardware is incompatible with current technology
software does not support current protocols or does not easily integrate with
commonly used, current software versions.
systems fall below minimum standards as defined by obsolete systems published
the operating system is more than two major releases behind
GSM IT staff are not proxy-administrators for Campus computing accounts (i.e.,
Temporary Affiliate Form (TAF)), so cannot assist users in obtaining such
accounts. GSM Instructional Resources is the designated GSM proxy-
administrator for Campus computing accounts.
GSM IT does not support non-University owned hardware or software. If problems occur
with personal equipment, GSM IT will be available for consultation on work-related
questions, but will not fix any hardware or software problems.
GSM IT does not support the general maintenance of office business machines, for
example fax machines, calculators, etc.
GSM IT does not generally support the following equipment unless a specific Service Level
Agreement has been established:
Any hardware or software that is not University-owned
Telephones/Cell Phones
Fax Machines
Copy/Xerox Machines
Other proprietary devices
Obsolete equipment as identified above
GSM IT staff will only move computer equipment (not furniture, telephones, or other
fixtures etc.) when users or offices are relocating within a reasonable proximity (e.g., in
the same building). We will also disconnect and re-connect wiring components to ensure
proper operation. Equipment move requests will be considered low priority. One to two
weeks lead-time is generally considered best practice.
GSM IT staff do not provide technical support for special events. If technical support is
desired for events, the cost of contracted services should be included in event planning.
Responsibilities of the Faculty/Staff/Students (i.e., Computer User)
All faculty/staff/students are expected to familiarize themselves with relevant UCD
Policy & Procedure, including but not limited to UCD PPM, Section 310,
Communications and Technology
All faculty/staff/students should familiarize themselves with available relevant
documentation to enable effective use of information technology. They should also
participate in relevant training to ensure that they have the necessary skills and
understanding of technological tools.
All faculty/staff/students using audio/visual equipment should familiarize themselves
with the equipment, including connections and operations. Additionally, portable
audio/visual equipment should be tested prior to each scheduled presentation and any
problems reported to the computer help desk.
Computer users should perform preliminary troubleshooting and information gathering
prior to calling the IT Help Desk will help customers better describe their problem and
help the IT staff resolve the issue more quickly. Relevant and helpful information
includes: identifying the hardware and software being used, recording the error message
received, and identifying the printer name and location when a printer problem is
Supervisors should notify GSM IT of new hires and terminations within two (2) business
days of an offer being extended or decision to terminate a persons employment. GSM IT
will keep this information confidential when requested. This information is required for a
variety of reasons, for example, maintenance of user accounts and listserv distribution list
Users are responsible for un-installing software loaded onto home computers when
appropriate e.g., when finished using it, leaving the University, or transferring to
another department/school.
Security is the responsibility of all computer users and users are cautioned not to share
system logins and passwords.
It is against University policy to load any software from home (personal) onto University
owned equipment.
Appendix A Service Catalog
Network Administration
o Maintain and administer the core network infrastructure systems including authentication
servers, file storage servers, data backup services, and print services.
o Maintain email/calendaring services and setup accounts for permanent faculty/staff
o Perform server installation & upgrades
o Implement and monitor required system security
o Coordinate administrative functions with Campus IT
o Manage access security on network shares and files
o Coordinate NAM activations
o Establish and maintain departmental IT policy and procedures.
o Audit and Investigative Services
System Analysis
Desktop Support to GSM Faculty and Staff *
o Establish equipment standards and perform computer equipment purchasing
o Maintain equipment and software inventory
o Install hardware/software
o Troubleshoot hardware/software problems and provide/arrange repair service as
o Provide general technical advisory service
o Perform preventive maintenance on workstations
o Provide new user orientation on network navigation, basic e-mail/calendaring,
application access, and computing policy & procedures
o Provide system administration and Cyber-Safety reporting
Desktop Support for GSM Students
o Provide guidance on equipment standards
o Provide general technical advisory service
Information Systems
o Develop and provide continued support for centralized development projects**
o Implementation, custom development, and support of specialized applications**
o Database Information System
Develop a centralized database information system
Develop/maintain user interfaces and reports*
* Note 1: Service limited to on-site at UCD (i.e., cannot provide service at faculty/staff residence) and
limited to University owned equipment (i.e., not personal systems).
Appendix B Standards & Conventions
The GSM operates a managed network based upon Microsoft’s proprietary Active Directory services.
Minimal interoperability problems exist between Mac and PC systems, but computer users opting to use
Apple equipment will need to accept some limitations. Known limitations include: Compatibility with
Microsoft Exchange email/calendaring services, compatibility with the GSM print services, and
compatibility with various software.
The GSM uses Microsoft’s Active Directory services to reduce its cost of system administration and ensure
compliance with campus cyber-safety policy. Cyber-safety compliance for computers not compatible with
these services is the responsibility of the user.
Computer systems must support encryption using hardware Trusted Platform Module (TPM) that can
securely store passwords, certificates, or encryption keys used to authenticate the system. All
portable/laptop devices will be deployed with disk encryption enabled.
The campus has an agreement with Dell computers that provides significant discounts on Windows based
desktop computers. The GSM IT will fully support Optiplex desktops and Latitude laptops purchased from
Dell within its warranty period.
The GSM IT researches viable laptop alternatives on an annual basis. Current recommendations for non-
Dell laptops include the HP Spectre 360 Pro.
Supported Apple equipment includes Mac Pro, iMac, Macbook, Macbook Pro, and iPads. GSM IT
knowledge of Mac is limited, but every effort will be made to support Mac equipment as best possible.
The following software must be installed by the GSM IT unit on all computers:
Sophos antivirus
IBM BigFix Endpoint Management and Security agent
Computing equipment is generally supported for 4-5 years after purchase. The operating system version
delivered with the computer at time of purchase will be supported. Operating system upgrades are
generally not be supported, unless the upgrade is recommended by the GSM IT as part of a strategic
business proposal.
Computer Authentication Services
Current UCD students, faculty, staff, and other UC Davis affiliates qualify for a UCD Computing Account.
This account is required to access Campus services, such as Kuali, Campus e-mail, My UCDavis website,
and various GSM websites. Everyone should register for a UC Davis Computing Account. Information
about UCD Computing Accounts is available at
GSM utilizes Microsoft Active Directory Services (AD) for its business network infrastructure. All Staff
and Faculty will be provided a user account on the campus uConnect AD domain. Students will be
provided a user account only if they are performing a function that requires such (normally not the case).
An AD user account will provide access to core network services including access to secured business
All GSM hosted secure websites will be developed to use either the UC Davis Computing Account or
database driven authentication services/functions as appropriate. All Students, faculty, and staff will be
provided access as needed.
E-mail Services
UCD provides an e-mail account to everyone registering for a UCD Computing Account. This account
should be sufficient for most students, temporary staff, and adjunct/visiting faculty/lecturers.
The GSM participates in the Campus uConnect Microsoft Exchange e-mail system that supports enterprise
level e-mail/calendaring functions. An Exchange E-mail/Calendaring account will be provided to all
permanent GSM faculty and staff. GSM IT recommends all permanent staff and faculty use the Exchange
e-mail system as their primary e-mail system. GSM IT will recommend archiving practices for people that
want to retain email that exceed designated capacity, but will not support archived email.
Group mailboxes for various business functions have been established on the campus Exchange e-mail
system. Established distribution lists and mailboxes, including their assigned administrator (i.e., the person
that keeps it up to date and ensures someone is assigned to review messages) are identified at Anyone needing
additional group distribution list should use the Campus “list” system. Information on this system is
available at:
Cell Phones
The GSM business office is responsible for phone service/equipment. Likewise, GSM IT does not provide
spare/loaner equipment, does not repair phones/PDAs, and cannot provide service for non-University
owned equipment. The extent of services simply includes providing guidance on standard connectivity
mechanism supported by campus. If you are encountering problems with your device, we will provide
minimal diagnostic evaluation and make every attempt to identify a reasonable action plan to satisfy your
Database Services
GSM has a significant need for a central database repository for various applications and programs. Oracle
databases are the de facto standard for large internet sites and enterprise applications and the UC system
has a purchasing agreement with Oracle that offers substantial savings. Additionally, all primary business
systems at UCD, including Banner, Kuali, and PPS, are currently hosted on Oracle platforms. As such, it is
advantageous for information interchange and consolidation to utilize Oracle as the database services
Appendix C Supported Software List (cloud-services not included)
Windows O/S
Latest two major releases
Office & other productivity
Latest two major releases
All products
* Note: Older versions are considered obsolete and are not supported. Newer versions
will be supported upon production release.
Appendix E Staff/Faculty Computing Orientation Topics
Computer Help Desk
752-4660 We are here to help.
IT Help Desk Hours 9:00AM 5:00PM, Monday-Friday
Use of Remote Assistance (Bombgar) link to Computer Name (Service Tag #)
Network Overview
Domains and User Accounts
Computer Security
Log Off/Lock (Ctrl-Alt-Del) while away from desk and shutdown at night
Use “Strong” passphrase
Do not let anyone use your computer account and do not share password
E-mail clients (Outlook)
Storage Limits
Personal Folders (can create on local computer, but not supported by IT or backed up)
Spam and setting up Rules
Viruses and Attachments
Outlook web-access (Office 365)
Campus e-mail forwarding
Remote Access
MyOffice (
VPN ( )
Data Storage and Backups
C: Drive (not backed-up)
Dropbox service (not backed-up)
Internet Browsers: Internet Explorer -or- Mozilla FireFox -or- Safari for Mac
GSM Home Page
GSM Support Page
Named by room location
Adding Printers: START to RUN type \\Print\ (Right mouse click on printer Click connect)
Policies & Procedures (Please review the following important documents)
UCD P&P, Section 310-23, Electronic Communications--Allowable Use
UCD P&P, Section 310-24, Electronic Communications--Privacy and Access
UCD Policy & Procedure, Section 250-05: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
UCD P&P, Section 310-22, UC Davis Cyber-Safety Program
Computing No-No’s
Please do not store sensitive information (e.g., name, SSN, driver id, financial info,
security codes, etc) on computers.
Please do not use streaming audio or video
Please do not open email attachments that are unexpected (beware of viruses)
Please adhere to software licensing agreements