Continuing Medical Education for U.S. Physicians and Nurses
Use of Anthrax Vaccine in the
United States
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Atlanta, GA 30333
December 15, 2000 / Vol. 49 / No. RR-15
Continuing Medical Education for U.S. Physicians and Nurses
Continuing Education Examination
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .................. Jeffrey P. Koplan, M.D., M.P.H.
The material in this report was prepared for publication by
National Center for Infectious Diseases .................................. James M. Hughes, M.D.
Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases ..............................Mitchell L. Cohen, M.D.
The production of this report as an
serial publication was coordinated in
Epidemiology Program Office ............................................ Barbara R. Holloway, M.P.H.
Acting Director
Office of Scientific and Health Communications ...................... John W. Ward, M.D.
Recommendations and Reports ...................................
Suzanne M. Hewitt, M.P.A.
Managing Editor
Darlene D. Rumph-Person
Project Editor
Morie M. Higgins
Visual Information Specialist
Michele D. Renshaw
Erica R. Shaver
Technical Information Specialists
series of publications is published by the Epidemiology Program Office,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Atlanta, GA 30333.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Use of anthrax vaccine in the United
States: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
(ACIP). MMWR 2000;49(No. RR-15):[inclusive page numbers].
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR i
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
Disease ........................................................................................................... 2
Pathogenesis ....................................................................................................... 4
Control and Prevention
Reducing the Risk for Exposure ................................................................... 4
Vaccination ..................................................................................................... 5
Vaccine Efficacy ............................................................................................. 7
Duration of Efficacy ........................................................................................ 7
Vaccine Safety ................................................................................................ 7
Management of Adverse Events .................................................................. 11
Reporting of Adverse Events ....................................................................... 11
Precautions and Contraindications .................................................................. 11
Vaccination During Pregnancy .................................................................... 11
Vaccination During Lactation ...................................................................... 11
Allergies ....................................................................................................... 11
Previous History of Anthrax Infection ......................................................... 11
Illness ........................................................................................................... 11
Recommendations for Use of AVA ................................................................... 12
Preexposure Vaccination ............................................................................. 12
Bioterrorism Preparedness.......................................................................... 12
Postexposure Prophylaxis —
Chemoprophylaxis and Vaccination ........................................................ 12
Research Agenda .............................................................................................. 14
Immunogenicity ........................................................................................... 16
Evaluating Changes in the Current Vaccine Schedule
and Route .................................................................................................. 16
Human Safety Studies ................................................................................. 16
Postexposure Prophylaxis ........................................................................... 16
Safety of Anthrax Vaccine in Clinical Toxicology Studies
Among Pregnant Animals ........................................................................ 17
References ......................................................................................................... 17
Continuing Education Examination ............................................................. CE-1
ii MMWR December 15, 2000
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR iii
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
Membership List, October 2000
Dixie E. Snider, Jr., M.D., M.P.H.
Associate Director for Science
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia
John F. Modlin, M.D.
Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine
Dartmouth Medical School
Lebanon, New Hampshire
Dennis A. Brooks, M.D., M.P.H.
Johnson Medical Center
Baltimore, Maryland
Richard D. Clover, M.D.
University of Louisville School of Medicine
Louisville, Kentucky
Fernando A. Guerra, M.D.
San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
San Antonio, Texas
Charles M. Helms, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics
Iowa City, Iowa
David R. Johnson, M.D., M.P.H.
Michigan Department of Community Health
Lansing, Michigan
Chinh T. Le, M.D.
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
Santa Rosa, California
Paul A. Offit, M.D.
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Margaret B. Rennels, M.D.
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland
Lucy S. Tompkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, California
Bonnie M. Word, M.D.
State University of New York
Stony Brook, New York
Dana Bradshaw, M.D., Col., USAF
Air Force Medical Operations Agency
Washington, D.C.
James E. Cheek, M.D., M.P.H.
Indian Health Service
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Geoffrey S. Evans, M.D.
Health Resources and Services
Rockville, Maryland
T. Randolph Graydon
Health Care Financing Administration
Baltimore, Maryland
Martin G. Myers, M.D.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia
Carole Heilman, M.D.
National Institues of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
Karen Midthun, M.D.
Food and Drug Administration
Bethesda, Maryland
Martin G. Myers, M.D.
Centers for Disease Control
Atlanta, Georgia
Kristin Lee Nichol, M.D., M.P.H.
VA Medical Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
iv MMWR December 15, 2000
American Academy of Family Physicians
Martin Mahoney, M.D., Ph.D.
Clarence, New York
American Academy of Pediatrics
Larry Pickering, M.D.
Norfolk, Virginia
Jon Abramson, M.D.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
American Association of Health Plans
Eric K. France, M.D.
Denver, Colorado
American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists
Stanley A. Gall, M.D.
Louisville, Kentucky
American College of Physicians
Pierce Gardner, M.D.
Stony Brook, New York
American Hospital Association
William Schaffner, M.D.
Nashville, Tennessee
American Medical Association
H. David Wilson, M.D.
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Association of Teachers of
Preventive Medicine
W. Paul McKinney, M.D.
Louisville, Kentucky
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
Membership List, October 2000 — Continued
Canadian National Advisory Committee
on Immunization
Victor Marchessault, M.D.
Cumberland, Ontario, Canada
Healthcare Infection Control Practices
Advisory Committee
Jane D. Siegel, M.D.
Dallas, Texas
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Samuel L. Katz, M.D.
Durham, North Carolina
National Immunization Council and
Child Health Program, Mexico
Jose Ignacio Santos, M.D.
Mexico City, Mexico
National Medical Association
Rudolph E. Jackson, M.D.
Atlanta, Georgia
National Vaccine Advisory Committee
Georges Peter, M.D.
Providence, Rhode Island
Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America
Barbara J. Howe, M.D.
Collegeville, Pennsylvania
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR v
The following CDC staff members prepared this report:
David A. Ashford, D.V.M., M.P.H., D.Sc.
Bradley Perkins, M.D.
Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases
Lisa D. Rotz, M.D.
Office of Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response
National Center for Infectious Diseases
vi MMWR December 15, 2000
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 1
Use of Anthrax Vaccine in the United States
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices
These recommendations concern the use of aluminum hydroxide adsorbed
cell-free anthrax vaccine (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed [AVA], BioPort Corporation,
Lansing, MI) in the United States for protection against disease caused by
. In addition, information is included regarding the use of chemoprophy-
laxis against
B. anthracis
Anthrax is a zoonotic disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium
). The disease most commonly occurs in wild and domestic mammals (e.g.,
cattle, sheep, goats, camels, antelope, and other herbivores)(
). Anthrax occurs in
humans when they are exposed to infected animals or tissue from infected animals
or when they are directly exposed to
B. anthracis
). Depending on the route of
infection, anthrax disease can occur in three forms: cutaneous, gastrointestinal, and
inhalation (
B. anthracis
spores can remain viable and infective in the soil for many years. During
this time, they are a potential source of infection for grazing livestock, but generally do
not represent a direct infection risk for humans. Grazing ruminants become infected
when they ingest these spores. Consequently, humans can become infected with
B. anthracis
by skin contact, ingestion, or inhalation of
B. anthracis
spores originating
from animal products of infected animals. Direct skin contact with contaminated animal
products can result in cutaneous anthrax. Ingestion of infected and undercooked or raw
meat can result in oropharyngeal or gastrointestinal forms of the disease. Inhalation of
aerosolized spores associated with industrial processing of contaminated wool, hair, or
hides can result in inhalation anthrax. Person-to-person transmission of inhalation
anthrax has not been confirmed.
Estimation of the true incidence of human anthrax worldwide is difficult because
reporting of anthrax cases is unreliable (
). However, anthrax occurs globally and is
most common in agricultural regions with inadequate control programs for anthrax in
livestock. In these regions, anthrax affects domestic animals, which can directly or indi-
rectly infect humans, and the form of anthrax that occurs in >95% of cases is cutaneous.
These regions include South and Central America, Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia,
Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East (
). The largest recent epidemic of human
anthrax occurred in Zimbabwe during 1978–1980; 9445 cases occurred, including
141 (1.5%) deaths (
In the United States, the annual incidence of human anthrax has declined from
approximately 130 cases annually in the early 1900s to no cases during 1993–2000. The
last confirmed case of human anthrax reported in the United States was a cutaneous
case reported in 1992. Most cases reported in the United States have been cutaneous;
2 MMWR December 15, 2000
during the 20th century, only 18 cases of inhalation anthrax were reported, the most
recent in 1976 (
). Of the 18 cases of inhalation anthrax reported in the United States
since 1950, two occurred in laboratory workers. No gastrointestinal cases have been
reported in the United States.
Anthrax continues to be reported among domestic and wild animals in the United
States. The incidence of anthrax in U.S. animals is unknown; however, reports of animal
infection have occurred among the Great Plains states from Texas to North Dakota (
In addition to causing naturally occurring anthrax,
B. anthracis
has been manufac-
tured as a biological warfare agent, and concern exists that it could be used as a biologi-
cal terrorist agent.
B. anthracis
is considered one of the most likely biological warfare
agents because of the ability of
B. anthracis
spores to be transmitted by the respiratory
route, the high mortality of inhalation anthrax, and the greater stability of
B. anthracis
spores compared with other potential biological warfare agents (
). Anthrax has
been a focus of offensive and defensive biological warfare research programs for
approximately 60 years. The World Health Organization estimated that 50 kg of
B. anthracis
released upwind of a population center of 500,000 could result in 95,000
deaths and 125,000 hospitalizations (
The infectious dose of
B. anthracis
in humans by any route is not precisely known.
Based on data from studies of primates, the estimated infectious dose by the respiratory
route required to cause inhalation anthrax in humans is 8,000–50,000 spores (
The influence of the bacterium strain or host factors on this infectious dose is not com-
pletely understood.
Primary and secondary aerosolization of
B. anthracis
spores are important consider-
ations in bioterrorist acts involving deliberate release of
B. anthracis
. Primary aerosoliza-
tion results from the initial release of the agent. Secondary aerosolization results from
agitation of the particles that have settled from the primary release (e.g., as a result of
disturbance of contaminated dust by wind, human, or animal activities.) In the generation
of infectious aerosols, the aerosol is composed of two components that have differing
properties: particles larger than 5 microns and particles 1–5 microns in diameter. Par-
ticles >5 microns in diameter quickly fall from the atmosphere and bond to any surface.
These particles require large amounts of energy to be resuspended. Even with use of
highly efficient dissemination devices (i.e., devices able to disseminate a high concentra-
tion of agent into the environment), the level of environmental contamination with the
larger, bound particles is estimated to still be too low to represent a substantial threat of
secondary aerosolization (
). Particles 1–5 microns in diameter behave as a gas
and move through the environment without settling. Environmental residue is not a
concern from this portion of the aerosol (
The symptoms and incubation period of human anthrax vary depending on the route
of transmission of the disease. In general, symptoms usually begin within 7 days of
exposure (
Most (>95%) naturally occurring
B. anthracis
infections are cutaneous and occur
when the bacterium enters a cut or abrasion on the skin (e.g., when handling contami-
nated meat, wool, hides, leather, or hair products from infected animals). The reported
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 3
incubation period for cutaneous anthrax ranges from 0.5 to 12 days (
). Skin infec-
tion begins as a small papule, progresses to a vesicle in 1–2 days, and erodes leaving a
necrotic ulcer with a characteristic black center. Secondary vesicles are sometimes
observed. The lesion is usually painless. Other symptoms might include swelling of adja-
cent lymph glands, fever, malaise, and headache. The case-fatality rate of cutaneous
anthrax is 20% without antibiotic treatment and <1% with antibiotic treatment (
The intestinal form of anthrax usually occurs after eating contaminated meat and is
characterized by an acute inflammation of the intestinal tract. The incubation period for
intestinal anthrax is suspected to be 1–7 days. Involvement of the pharynx is character-
ized by lesions at the base of the tongue or tonsils, with sore throat, dysphagia, fever, and
regional lymphadenopathy. Involvement of the lower intestine is characterized by acute
inflammation of the bowel. Initial signs of nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, and fever are
followed by abdominal pain, vomiting of blood, and bloody diarrhea (
). The case-
fatality rate of gastrointestinal anthrax is unknown but is estimated to be 25%–60%
Inhalation anthrax results from inspiration of 8,000–50,000 spores of
B. anthracis
Although the incubation period for inhalation anthrax for humans is unclear, reported
incubation periods range from 1 to 43 days (
). In a 1979 outbreak of inhalation anthrax
in the former Soviet Union, cases were reported up to 43 days after initial exposure. The
exact date of exposure in this outbreak was estimated and never confirmed, and the
modal incubation period was reported as 9–10 days. This modal incubation period is
slightly longer than estimated incubation periods reported in limited outbreaks of inhala-
tion anthrax in humans (
). However, the incubation period for inhalation anthrax might
be inversely related to the dose of
B. anthracis
). In addition, the reported admin-
istration of postexposure chemoprophylaxis during this outbreak might have prolonged
the incubation period in some cases. Data from studies of laboratory animals suggest
B. anthracis
spores continue to vegetate in the host for several weeks postinfection,
and antibiotics can prolong the incubation period for developing disease (
These studies of nonhuman primates, which are considered to be the animal model that
most closely approximates human disease, indicate that inhaled spores do not immedi-
ately germinate within the alveolar recesses but reside there potentially for weeks until
taken up by alveolar macrophages. Spores then germinate and begin replication within
the macrophages. Antibiotics are effective against germinating or vegetative
B. anthracis
but are not effective against the nonvegetative or spore form of the organism. Conse-
quently, disease development can be prevented as long as a therapeutic level of antibi-
otics is maintained to kill germinating
B. anthracis
organisms. After discontinuation of
antibiotics, if the remaining nongerminated spores are sufficiently numerous to evade or
overwhelm the immune system when they germinate, disease will then develop. This
phenomenon of delayed onset of disease is not recognized to occur with cutaneous or
gastrointestinal exposures.
Initial symptoms can include sore throat, mild fever, and muscle aches. After several
days, the symptoms can progress to severe difficulty breathing and shock. Meningitis
frequently develops. Case-fatality estimates for inhalation anthrax are based on incom-
plete information regarding the number of persons exposed and infected. However, a
4 MMWR December 15, 2000
case-fatality rate of 86% was reported following the 1979 outbreak in the former Soviet
Union, and a case-fatality rate of 89% (16 of 18 cases) was reported for inhalation an-
thrax in the United States (
). Records of industrially acquired inhalation anthrax
in the United Kingdom, before the availability of antibiotics or vaccines, document that
97% of cases were fatal.
B. anthracis
evades the immune system by producing an antiphagocytic capsule. In
B. anthracis
produces three proteins — protective antigen (PA), lethal factor
(LF), and edema factor (EF) — that act in binary combinations to form two exotoxins
known as lethal toxin and edema toxin (
). PA and LF form lethal toxin; PA and EF
form edema toxin. LF is a protease that inhibits mitogen-activated protein kinase-kinase
). EF is an adenylate cyclase that generates cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the
cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells (
). PA is required for binding and translocating LF and
EF into host cells. PA is an 82 kD protein that binds to receptors on mammalian cells and
is critical to the ability of
B. anthracis
to cause disease. After binding to the cell mem-
brane, PA is cleaved to a 63 kD fragment that subsequently binds with LF or EF (
). LF
or EF bound to the 63KD fragment undergoes receptor-mediated internalization, and the
LF or EF is translocated into the cytosol upon acidification of the endosome.
After wound inoculation, ingestion, or inhalation, spores infect macrophages, germi-
nate, and proliferate. In cutaneous and gastrointestinal infection, proliferation can occur
at the site of infection and the lymph nodes draining the infection site. Lethal toxin and
edema toxin are produced and respectively cause local necrosis and extensive edema,
which is a major characteristic of the disease. As the bacteria multiply in the lymph
nodes, toxemia progresses, and bacteremia may ensue. With the increase in toxin pro-
duction, the potential for widespread tissue destruction and organ failure increases (
Reducing the Risk for Exposure
Worldwide, anthrax among livestock is controlled through vaccination programs,
rapid case detection and case reporting, and burning or burial of animals suspected or
confirmed of having the disease. Human infection is controlled through reducing infec-
tion in livestock, veterinary supervision of slaughter practices to avoid contact with po-
tentially infected livestock, and restriction of importation of hides and wool from countries
in which anthrax occurs. In countries where anthrax is common and vaccination cover-
age among livestock is low, humans should avoid contact with livestock and animal
products that were not inspected before and after slaughter. In addition, consumption of
meat from animals that have experienced sudden death and meat of uncertain origin
should be avoided (
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 5
Protective Immunity
Before the mechanisms of humoral and cellular immunity were understood, research-
ers demonstrated that inoculation of animals with attenuated strains of
B. anthracis
led to
protection (
). Subsequently, an improved vaccine for livestock, based on a live
unencapsulated avirulent variant of
B. anthracis
, was developed (
). Since then, this
vaccine has served as the principal veterinary vaccine in the Western Hemisphere.
The use of livestock vaccines was associated with occasional animal casualties, and
live vaccines were considered unsuitable for humans. In 1904, the possibility of using
acellular vaccines against
B. anthracis
was first suggested by investigators who discov-
ered that injections of sterilized edema fluid from anthrax lesions provided protection in
laboratory animals (
). This led to exploration of the use of filtrates of artificially
B. anthracis
as vaccines (
) and thereby to the human anthrax vaccines
currently licensed and used in the United States and Europe today. The first product — an
alum-precipitated cell-free filtrate from an aerobic culture — was developed in 1954
). Alum is the common name for aluminum potassium sulfate. This vaccine pro-
vided protection in monkeys, caused minimal reactivity and short-term adverse events in
humans, and was used in the only efficacy study of human vaccination against anthrax in
the United States. In the United States, during 1957–1960, the vaccine was improved
through a) the selection of a
B. anthracis
strain that produced a higher fraction of PA
under microaerophilic conditions, b) the production of a protein-free media, and c) the use
of aluminum hydroxide rather than alum as the adjuvant (
). This became the vac-
cine approved for use in the United States — anthrax vaccine adsorbed (AVA [patent
number 3,208,909, September 28, 1965]).
Passive immunity against
B. anthracis
can be transferred using polyclonal antibodies
in laboratory animals (
); however, specific correlates for immunity against
B. anthracis
have not been identified (
). Evidence suggests that a humoral and cellular re-
sponse against PA is critical to protection against disease following exposure (
Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed
AVA, the only licensed human anthrax vaccine in the United States, is produced by
BioPort Corporation in Lansing, Michigan, and is prepared from a cell-free filtrate of
B. anthracis
culture that contains no dead or live bacteria (
). The strain used to prepare
the vaccine is a toxigenic, nonencapsulated strain known as V770-NP1-R (
). The filtrate
contains a mix of cellular products including PA (
) and is adsorbed to aluminum hy-
droxide (Amphogel, Wyeth Laboratories) as adjuvant (
). The amount of PA and other
proteins per 0.5–mL dose is unknown, and all three toxin components (LF, EF, and PA) are
present in the product (
). The vaccine contains no more that 0.83 mg aluminum per
0.5–mL dose, 0.0025% benzethonium chloride as a preservative, and 0.0037% formalde-
hyde as a stabilizer. The potency and safety of the final product is confirmed according to
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations (
). Primary vaccination consists
of three subcutaneous injections at 0, 2, and 4 weeks, and three booster vaccinations at
6, 12, and 18 months. To maintain immunity, the manufacturer recommends an annual
booster injection. The basis for the schedule of vaccinations at 0, 2, and 4 weeks, and 6, 12,
and 18 months followed by annual boosters is not well defined (
; Table 1).
6 MMWR December 15, 2000
Because of the complexity of a six-dose primary vaccination schedule and frequency
of local injection-site reactions (see Vaccine Safety), studies are under way to assess the
immunogenicity of schedules with a reduced number of doses and with intramuscular
(IM) administration rather than subcutaneous administration. Immunogenicity data were
collected from military personnel who had a prolonged interval between the first and
second doses of anthrax vaccine in the U.S. military anthrax vaccination program. Anti-
body to PA was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at 7 weeks
after the first dose. Geometric mean titers increased from 450 µg/mL among those who
received the second vaccine dose 2 weeks after the first (the recommended schedule,
n = 22), to 1,225 for those vaccinated at a 3-week interval (n = 19), and 1,860 for those
vaccinated at a 4-week interval (n = 12). Differences in titer between the routine and
prolonged intervals were statistically significant (p <0.01).
Subsequently, a small randomized study was conducted among military personnel to
compare the licensed regimen (subcutaneous injections at 0, 2, and 4 weeks, n = 28) and
alternate regimens (subcutaneous [n = 23] or intramuscular [n=22] injections at 0 and
4 weeks). Immunogenicity outcomes measured at 8 weeks after the first dose included
geometric mean IgG concentrations and the proportion of subjects seroconverting (de-
fined by an anti-PA IgG concentration of
>25 µg/mL). In addition, the occurrence of local
and systemic adverse events was determined. IgG concentrations were similar between
the routine and alternate schedule groups (routine: 478 µg/mL; subcutaneous at 0 and
4 weeks: 625 µg/mL; intramuscular at 0 and 4 weeks: 482 µg/mL). All study participants
seroconverted except for one of 21 in the intramuscular (injections at 0 and 4 weeks)
group. Systemic adverse events were uncommon and similar for the intramuscular and
subcutaneous groups. All local reactions (i.e., tenderness, erythema, warmth, induration,
and subcutaneous nodules) were significantly more common following subcutaneous
vaccination. Comparison of the three vaccination series indicated no significant differ-
ences between the proportion of subjects experiencing local reactions for the two subcu-
taneous regimens but significantly fewer subcutaneous nodules (p<0.001) and
significantly less erythema (p = 0.001) in the group vaccinated intramuscularly (P. Pittman,
personal communication, USAMRIID, Ft. Detrick, MD).
Larger studies are planned to further evaluate vaccination schedule and route of
administration. At this time, ACIP cannot recommend changes in vaccine administration
because of the preliminary nature of this information. However, the data in this report do
support some flexibility in the route and timing of anthrax vaccination under special
circumstances. As with other licensed vaccines, no data indicate that increasing the
TABLE 1. Recommended vaccination schedule and contraindications for Anthrax Vaccine
Adsorbed (AVA)
Recommended vaccination schedule Subcutaneous injections at 0, 2, and
4 wks, then 6 mos, 12 mos, and 18 mos.
Annual booster injection if immunity is to
be maintained.
Contraindications a) Previous history of anthrax infection.
or b) Experiencing an anaphylactic
reaction following a previous dose of AVA
or any of the vaccine components.
Postponement of vaccination Moderate or severe acute illness.
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 7
interval between doses adversely affects immunogenicity or safety. Therefore, interrup-
tion of the vaccination schedule does not require restarting the entire series of anthrax
vaccine or the addition of extra doses.
Vaccine Efficacy
The efficacy of AVA is based on several studies in animals, one controlled vaccine trial
in humans (
), and immunogenicity data for both humans and lower mammalian spe-
cies (
). Vaccination of adults with the licensed vaccine induced an immune
response measured by indirect hemagglutination in 83% of vaccinees 2 weeks after the
first dose and in 91% of vaccinees who received two or more doses (
). Approxi-
mately 95% of vaccinees seroconvert with a fourfold rise in anti-PA IgG titers after three
doses (
). However, the precise correlation between antibody titer (or concentra-
tion) and protection against infection is not defined (
The protective efficacy of the alum-precipitated vaccine (the original form of the PA
filtrate vaccine) and AVA (adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide) have been demonstrated in
several animal models using different routes of administration (
Data from animal studies (except primate studies) involve several animal models, prepa-
rations, and vaccine schedules and are difficult to interpret and compare. The macaque
model (Rhesus monkeys,
Macaca mulatta
) of inhalation anthrax is believed to best
reflect human disease (
), and the AVA vaccine has been shown to be protective
against pulmonary challenge in macaques using a limited number of
B. anthracis
) (Table 2).
In addition to the studies of macaques, a study was published in 1962 of an adjuvant
controlled, single-blinded, clinical trial among mill workers using the alum-precipitated
vaccine — the precursor to the currently licensed AVA. In this controlled study,
379 employees received the vaccine, 414 received the placebo, and 340 received nei-
ther the vaccine nor the placebo. This study documented a vaccine efficacy of 92.5% for
protection against anthrax (cutaneous and inhalation combined), based on person time
of occupational exposure (
). During the study, an outbreak of inhalation anthrax
occurred among the study participants. Overall, five cases of inhalation anthrax
occurred among persons who were either placebo recipients or did not participate in the
controlled part of the study. No cases occurred in anthrax vaccine recipients. No data are
available regarding the efficacy of anthrax vaccine for persons aged <18 years and
>65 years.
Duration of Efficacy
The duration of efficacy of AVA is unknown in humans. Data from animal studies
suggest that the duration of efficacy after two inoculations might be 1–2 years (
Vaccine Safety
Data regarding adverse events associated with use of AVA are derived from informa-
tion from three sources. These sources are a) prelicensure investigational new drug data
evaluating vaccine safety, b) passive surveillance data regarding adverse events associ-
ated with postlicensure use of AVA, and c) several published studies (
8 MMWR December 15, 2000
TABLE 2. Summary of efficacy studies of acellular filtrate vaccines against inhalation anthrax in macaques
Route of vaccine
Vaccine* No. doses administration Challenge dose
Challenge strain
Survival p-value
3 Subcutaneous 50 x LD50 Vollum 16 days seven of seven p=0.0001
2 Subcutaneous 100 x LD50 Vollum 16 days four of four p=0.008
34 days four of four p=0.008
2 Subcutaneous 10 x LD50 M36 (Vollum) 7 days 10 of 10 p= 0.00001
1 yr 10 of 10 p= 0.00001
2 yrs six of seven p=0.01
2 Intramuscular 200 x LD50 Ames 8 wks 10 of 10 p= 0.0002
38 wks three of three
100 wks seven of eight p=0.02
2 Intramuscular 200 x LD50 Ames 12 wks 10 of 10 p=0.0001
* Alum=aluminum potassium sulfate; AVA=Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed.
In multiples of macaque LD50. LD50=a lethal dose of 50% (defined as the dose of a product that will result in the death of 50% of a population exposed to that product).
Route of challenge was inhalation.
Duration of challenge following vaccination.
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 9
Prelicensure Adverse Event Surveillance
Local Reactions. In AVA prelicensure evaluations, 6,985 persons received 16,435
doses: 9,893 initial series doses and 6,542 annual boosters (
). Severe local reactions
(defined as edema or induration >120 mm) occurred after 1% of vaccinations. Moderate
local reactions (defined as edema and induration of 30 mm–120 mm) occurred after
3% of vaccinations. Mild local reactions (defined as erythema, edema, and induration
<30 mm) occurred after 20% of vaccinations. In a study of the alum precipitated precur-
sor to AVA, moderate local reactions were documented in 4% of vaccine recipients and
mild reactions in 30% of recipients (
Systemic Reactions. In AVA prelicensure evaluations, systemic reactions (i.e., fever,
chills, body aches, or nausea) occurred in <0.06% (in four of approximately 7,000) of
vaccine recipients (
). In the study of the alum precipitated precursor to AVA, systemic
reactions occurred in 0.2% of vaccine recipients (
Postlicensure Adverse Event Surveillance
Data regarding potential adverse events following anthrax vaccination are available
from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) (
). From January 1, 1990,
through August 31, 2000, at least 1,859,000 doses of anthrax vaccine were distributed in
the United States. During this period, VAERS received 1,544 reports of adverse events;
of these, 76 (5%) were serious. A serious event is one that results in death, hospitaliza-
tion, or permanent disability or is life-threatening. Approximately 75% of the reports
were for persons aged <40 years; 25% were female, and 89% received anthrax vaccine
alone. The most frequently reported adverse events were injection-site hypersensitivity
(334), injection-site edema (283), injection-site pain (247), headache (239), arthralgia
(232), asthenia (215), and pruritis (212). Two reports of anaphylaxis have been
received by VAERS. One report of a death following receipt of anthrax vaccine has been
submitted to VAERS; the autopsy final diagnosis was coronary arteritis. A second fatal
report, submitted after August 31, 2000, indicated aplastic anemia as the cause of death.
A causal association with anthrax vaccine has not been documented for either of the
death reports. Serious adverse events infrequently reported (<10) to VAERS have
included cellulitis, pneumonia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, seizures, cardiomyopathy, sys-
temic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, collagen vascular disease, sepsis,
angioedema, and transverse myelitis (CDC/FDA, unpublished data, 2000). Analysis of
VAERS data documented no pattern of serious adverse events clearly associated with
the vaccine, except injection-site reactions. Because of the limitations of spontaneous
reporting systems, determining causality for specific types of adverse events, with the
exception of injection-site reactions, is often not possible using VAERS data alone.
Published Studies About Adverse Events
Adverse events following anthrax vaccination have been assessed in several studies
conducted by the Department of Defense in the context of the routine anthrax vaccina-
tion program. At U.S. Forces, Korea, data were collected at the time of anthrax vaccina-
tion from 4,348 service personnel regarding adverse events experienced from a previous
dose of anthrax vaccine. Most reported events were localized, minor, and self-limited.
After the first or second dose, 1.9% reported limitations in work performance or had
been placed on limited duty. Only 0.3% reported
>1 day lost from work; 0.5% consulted a
10 MMWR December 15, 2000
clinic for evaluation; and one person (0.02%) required hospitalization for an injection-site
reaction. Adverse events were reported more commonly among women than among
men. A second study at Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii, assessed adverse events
among 603 military health-care workers. Rates of events that resulted in seeking medi-
cal advice or taking time off work were 7.9% after the first dose; 5.1% after the second
dose; 3.0% after the third dose; and 3.1% after the fourth dose. Events most commonly
reported included muscle or joint aches, headache, and fatigue (
). However, these
studies are subject to several methodological limitations, including sample size, the
limited ability to detect adverse events, loss to follow-up, exemption of vaccine recipients
with previous adverse events, observational bias, and the absence of unvaccinated
control groups (
No studies have definitively documented occurrence of chronic diseases (e.g., cancer
or infertility) following anthrax vaccination. In an assessment of the safety of anthrax
vaccine, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) noted that published studies reported no signifi-
cant adverse effects of the vaccine, but the literature is limited to a few short-term
studies (
). One published follow-up study of laboratory workers at Fort Detrick, Mary-
land, concluded that, during the 25-year period following receipt of anthrax vaccine, the
workers did not develop any unusual illnesses or unexplained symptoms associated with
vaccination (
). IOM concluded that, in the peer-reviewed literature, evidence is
either inadequate or insufficient to determine whether an association exists between
anthrax vaccination and long-term adverse health outcomes. IOM noted that few vac-
cines for any disease have been actively monitored for adverse effects over long periods
and encouraged evaluate of active long-term monitoring studies of large populations to
further evaluate the relative safety of anthrax vaccine. Such studies are under way by
the Department of Defense.
CDC has conducted two epidemiologic investigations of the health concerns of
Persian Gulf War (PGW) veterans that examined a possible association with vaccina-
tions, including anthrax vaccination. The first study, conducted among Air Force person-
nel, evaluated several potential risk factors for chronic multisymptom illnesses, including
anthrax vaccination. Occurrence of a chronic multisymptom condition was significantly
associated with deployment to the PGW but was not associated with specific PGW expo-
sures and also affected nondeployed veterans (
). The ability of this study to detect a
significant difference was limited. The second study focused on comparing illness among
PGW veterans and controls. The study documented that the self-reported prevalence of
medical and psychiatric conditions was higher among deployed PGW veterans than
nondeployed veterans. In this study, although a question was asked about the number of
vaccinations received, no specific questions were asked about the anthrax vaccine. How-
ever, the study concluded that the relation between self-reported exposures and condi-
tions suggests that no single exposure is related to the medical and psychiatric conditions
among PGW military personnel (
). In summary, current research has not documented
any single cause of PGW illnesses, and existing scientific evidence does not support an
association between anthrax vaccine and PGW illnesses. No data are available regard-
ing the safety of anthrax vaccine for persons aged <18 years and >65 years.
Management of Adverse Events
Adverse events can occur in persons who must complete the anthrax vaccination
series because of high risk of exposure or because of employment requirements.
Several protocols have been developed to manage specific local and systemic adverse
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 11
events (available at However, these protocols have not been
evaluated in randomized trials.
Reporting of Adverse Events
Adverse events occurring after administration of anthrax vaccine — especially events
that are serious, clinically significant, or unusual — should be reported to VAERS, regard-
less of the provider’s opinion of the causality of the association. VAERS forms can be
obtained by calling (800) 822-7967. Information about VAERS and how to report vaccine
adverse events is available from>, <
vaers.htm> or <>.
Vaccination During Pregnancy
No studies have been published regarding use of anthrax vaccine among pregnant
women. Pregnant women should be vaccinated against anthrax only if the potential
benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks to the fetus.
Vaccination During Lactation
No data suggest increased risk for side effects or temporally related adverse events
associated with receipt of anthrax vaccine by breast-feeding women or breast-fed chil-
dren. Administration of nonlive vaccines (e.g., anthrax vaccine) during breast-feeding is
not medically contraindicated.
Although anaphylaxis following anthrax vaccination is extremely rare and no ana-
phylaxis deaths associated with AVA have been reported, this adverse event can be life
threatening. AVA is contraindicated for persons who have experienced an anaphylactic
reaction following a previous dose of AVA or any of the vaccine components.
Previous History of Anthrax Infection
Anthrax vaccine is contraindicated in persons who have recovered from anthrax
because of previous observations of more severe adverse events among recipients with
a vaccine history of anthrax than among nonrecipients. The vaccine is also contraindi-
cated in persons with a history of an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine.
In the context of the routine preexposure program, vaccination of persons with mod-
erate or severe acute illness should be postponed until recovery. This prevents superim-
posing the adverse effects of the vaccine on the underlying illness or mistakenly attributing
a manifestation of the underlying illness to the vaccine. Vaccine can be administered to
persons who have mild illnesses with or without low-grade fever.
12 MMWR December 15, 2000
Preexposure Vaccination
Occupational and Laboratory Exposures
Routine vaccination with AVA is indicated for persons engaged a) in work involving
production quantities or concentrations of
B. anthracis
cultures and b) in activities with a
high potential for aerosol production (
). Laboratorians using standard Biosafety Level
2 practices in the routine processing of clinical samples are not at increased risk for
exposure to
B. anthracis
The risk for persons who come in contact in the workplace with imported animal
hides, furs, bone meal, wool, animal hair, or bristles has been reduced by changes in
industry standards and import restrictions (
). Routine preexposure vaccination is rec-
ommended only for persons in this group for whom these standards and restrictions are
insufficient to prevent exposure to anthrax spores.
Routine vaccination of veterinarians in the United States is not recommended
because of the low incidence of animal cases. However, vaccination might be indicated
for veterinarians and other high-risk persons handling potentially infected animals in
areas with a high incidence of anthrax cases.
Bioterrorism Preparedness
Although groups initially considered for preexposure vaccination for bioterrorism
preparedness included emergency first responders, federal responders, medical practi-
tioners, and private citizens, vaccination of these groups is not recommended. Recom-
mendations regarding preexposure vaccination should be based on a calculable risk
assessment. At present, the target population for a bioterrorist release of
B. anthracis
cannot be predetermined, and the risk of exposure cannot be calculated. In addition,
studies suggest an extremely low risk for exposure related to secondary aerosolization
of previously settled
B. anthracis
spores (
). Because of these factors, preexposure
vaccination for the above groups is not recommended. For the military and other select
populations or for groups for which a calculable risk can be assessed, preexposure
vaccination may be indicated.
Options other than preexposure vaccination are available to protect personnel work-
ing in an area of a known previous release of
B. anthracis
. If concern exists that persons
entering an area of a previous release might be at risk for exposure from a re-release of
a primary aerosol of the organism or exposure from a high concentration of settled
spores in a specific area, initiation of prophylaxis should be considered with antibiotics
alone or in combination with vaccine as is outlined in the section on postexposure
Postexposure Prophylaxis — Chemoprophylaxis and
Penicillin and doxycycline are approved by FDA for the treatment of anthrax and
are considered the drugs of choice for the treatment of naturally occurring anthrax
). In addition, ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin have also demonstrated in vitro activ-
ity against
B. anthracis
). On the basis of studies that demonstrated the effective-
ness of ciprofloxacin in reducing the incidence and progression of inhalation anthrax in
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 13
animal models, FDA recently approved the use of ciprofloxacin following aerosol expo-
sure to
B. anthracis
spores to prevent development or progression of inhalation anthrax
in humans. Although naturally occurring
B. anthracis
resistance to penicillin is rare, such
resistance has been reported (
). As of November 2000, no naturally occurring resis-
tance to tetracyclines or ciprofloxacin had been reported.
Antibiotics are effective against the germinated form of
B. anthracis
but are not
effective against the spore form of the organism. Following inhalation exposure, spores
can survive in tissues for months without germination in nonhuman primates (
This phenomenon of delayed vegetation of spores resulting in prolonged incubation
periods has not been observed for routes of infection other than inhalation. In one study,
macaques were exposed to four times the LD50 dose* of anthrax spores, and the pro-
portion of spores that survived in the lung tissue was estimated to be 15%–20% at
42 days, 2% at 50 days, and <1% at 75 days (
). Although the LD50 dose for humans is
believed to be similar to that for nonhuman primates, the length of persistence of
B. anthracis
spores in human lung tissue is not known. The prolonged incubation period
reported in the Soviet Union outbreak of inhalation anthrax suggests that lethal amounts
of spores might have persisted up to 43 days after initial exposure. Although postexposure
chemoprophylaxis with tetracycline was reportedly initiated during this outbreak, the
duration of therapy was not reported.
Currently, ciprofloxacin is the only antibiotic approved by FDA for use in reducing the
incidence or progression of disease after exposure to aerosolized
B. anthracis
. Although
postexposure chemoprophylaxis using antibiotics alone has been effective in animal
models, the definitive length of treatment is unclear. Several studies have demonstrated
that short courses (5–10 days) of postexposure antibiotic therapy are not effective at
preventing disease when large numbers of spores are inhaled (
). Longer courses of
antibiotics may be effective (
). The study findings indicate that seven of 10, nine of
10 and eight of nine macaques exposed to 240,000–560,000 anthrax spores (8 times the
LD50) survived when treated for 30 days with penicillin, doxycycline, or ciprofloxacin,
respectively. All animals survived while undergoing antibiotic prophylaxis. Three ani-
mals treated with penicillin died on days 9, 12, and 20 after antibiotics were discontinued
(days 39, 42, and 50 after exposure). A single animal in the doxycycline group died of
inhalation anthrax 28 days after discontinuing treatment (day 58), and one animal in the
ciprofloxacin group died 6 days after discontinuation of therapy (day 36).
In addition, studies have demonstrated that antibiotics in combination with
postexposure vaccination are effective at preventing disease in nonhuman primates
after exposure to
B. anthracis
spores (
). Vaccination alone after exposure was not
protective. Because the current vaccine is labeled for use in specifically defined
preexposure situations only, no FDA-approved labeling addresses the optimal number
of vaccinations for postexposure prophylaxis use of the vaccine. An estimated 83% of
human vaccinees develop a vaccine-induced immune response after two doses of the
vaccine and >95% develop a fourfold rise in antibody titer after three doses (
Although the precise correlation between antibody titer and protection against disease is
not clear, these studies of postexposure vaccine regimens used in combination with
antibiotics in nonhuman primates have consistently documented that two to three doses
of vaccine were sufficient to prevent development of disease once antibiotics were
*LD50=a lethal dose of 50%; defined as the dose of a product that will result in the death of
50% of a population exposed to that product.
14 MMWR December 15, 2000
Only one study has directly compared antibiotics plus vaccine with a longer course of
antibiotics following aerosol exposure (
). This study documented no significant differ-
ence in survival for animals treated with doxycycline alone for 30 days or animals treated
with 30 days of doxycycline plus two doses of anthrax vaccine postexposure (nine of
10 versus nine of nine, p = 0.4). However, the study suggests a possible benefit of
postexposure combination of antibiotics with vaccination.
Following Inhalation Exposure
Postexposure prophylaxis against
B. anthracis
is recommended following an aerosol
exposure to
B. anthracis
spores. Such exposure might occur following an inadvertent
exposure in the laboratory setting or a biological terrorist incident. Aerosol exposure is
unlikely in settings outside a laboratory working with large volumes of
B. anthracis
textile mills working with heavily contaminated animal products, or following a biological
terrorism or warfare attack. Following naturally occurring anthrax among livestock,
cutaneous and rare gastrointestinal exposures among humans are possible, but inhala-
tion anthrax has not been reported. Because of the potential persistence of spores fol-
lowing a possible aerosol exposure, antibiotic therapy should be continued for at least
30 days if used alone, and although supporting data are less definitive, longer antibiotic
therapy (up to 42–60 days) might be indicated. If vaccine is available, antibiotics can be
discontinued after three doses of vaccine have been administered according to the stan-
dard schedule (0, 2, and 4 weeks) (Table 3). Because of concern about the possible
antibiotic resistance of
B. anthracis
used in a bioterrorist attack, doxycycline or
ciprofloxacin can be chosen initially for antibiotic chemoprophylaxis until organism sus-
ceptibilities are known. Antibiotic chemoprophylaxis can be switched to penicillin VK or
amoxicillin once antibiotic susceptibilities are known and the organism is found to be
penicillin susceptible with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) attainable with oral
Although the shortened vaccine regimen has been effective when used in a
postexposure regimen that includes antibiotics, the duration of protection from vaccina-
tion is not known. Therefore, if subsequent exposures occur, additional vaccinations
might be required.
Following Cutaneous or Gastrointestinal Exposure
No controlled studies have been conducted in animals or humans to evaluate the use
of antibiotics alone or in combination with vaccination following cutaneous or gastrointes-
tinal exposure to
B. anthracis
. Cutaneous and rare gastrointestinal exposures of humans
are possible following outbreaks of anthrax in livestock. In these situations, on the basis
of pathophysiology, reported incubation periods, current expert clinical judgment, and
lack of data, postexposure prophylaxis might consist of antibiotic therapy for 7–14 days.
Antibiotics could include any of those previously mentioned in this report and in Table 3.
The following research priorities should be considered regarding anthrax vaccine:
immunogenicity, evaluation of changes in use of the current vaccine, human safety stud-
ies, postexposure prophylaxis, antibiotic susceptibility and treatment studies, and safety
of anthrax vaccine in clinical toxicology studies among pregnant animals.
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 15
TABLE 3. Suggested postexposure antibiotic prophylaxis following confirmed or suspected exposure to
Bacillus anthracis
Drug Adults Children
(aged <9 yrs)
One of the following
Oral fluoroquinolones
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally twice daily 10–15 mg/kg/day orally divided every 12 hrs
Ofloxacin 400 mg orally twice daily Not recommended
Oral tetracyclines
Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily 5 mg/kg/day orally divided every 12 hrs
Oral penicillins
Penicillin VK 7.5 mg/kg orally four times daily 50 mg/kg/day orally divided four times daily
Amoxicillin 500 mg orally three times daily 80 mg/kg/day orally divided into two or
three doses
* Prophylaxis should continue until exposure to
B. anthracis
has been excluded. If exposure is confirmed and vaccine is available, prophylaxis should continue for
4 weeks and until three doses of vaccine have been administered or for 30–60 days if vaccine is not available.
Use of tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones in children have potential adverse effects including staining of teeth and cartilage damage, respectively. However, these
risks must be weighed carefully against the risk for developing anthrax. If a release of
B. anthracis
is confirmed, children should receive oral amoxicillin 80 mg per
kg of body mass per day divided every 8 or 12 hours (not to exceed 500 mg three times daily) or oral penicillin VK 50 mg/kg/day divided into four times daily as soon
as penicillin susceptibility of the organism has been confirmed.
Data are limited regarding the use of ofloxacin or other fluoroquinolones in children (except for ciprofloxacin).
16 MMWR December 15, 2000
Regarding the immunogenicity of AVA, priority research topics include a) identifying
a quantitative immune correlate(s) of protection in relevant animal species (especially
rabbits and nonhuman primates) and b)defining the quantitative relation between the
vaccine-elicited immune response in these animal species and humans. Specifically,
such information could help to provide scientific justification for changing the schedule
and route of administration of the existing vaccine.
Evaluating Changes in the Current Vaccine Schedule and
Studies evaluating the effects of variations in use of the current anthrax vaccine
should include a definitive clinical evaluation comparing the intramuscular and subcuta-
neous routes of administration and an assessment of the effects of reducing the number
of inoculations required for protection. Both immunogenicity and safety of these changes
should be evaluated. Information about the efficacy and safety of AVA use in children and
elderly persons is needed. Information about safety of the vaccine during pregnancy is
also needed. In addition, research to develop the next generation of anthrax vaccines
should continue.
Human Safety Studies
To assess the safe use of anthrax vaccine in humans, the Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends several areas of research. Adverse event
surveillance through VAERS should be enhanced, which could include development of
electronic reporting capability and implementation of strategies to facilitate reporting. In
addition, the influence of lot-to-lot variations in the vaccine on rates of adverse events
should be evaluated. Other safety issues related to use of anthrax vaccine that should be
addressed include development and evaluation of pretreatment strategies to decrease
short-term adverse events; assessment of risk factors for adverse events, including sex
and preexisting antibody levels; and analysis of differences in rates of occurrence of
adverse events by route of anthrax transmission and method of vaccine administration
(intramuscular, subcutaneous, or jet injector). Because the role of repeated inoculations
in local and systemic reactions remains unclear, further research is needed regarding
this subject. In addition, the feasibility of studies to evaluate longer term and systemic
adverse events should be determined.
Postexposure Prophylaxis
Although a substantial benefit of postexposure antibiotics in preventing development
of inhalation anthrax has been demonstrated in macaques, further research is needed to
determine the optimal number of days of administration of those antibiotics and any
additional benefit of receiving the anthrax vaccine in combination with antibiotics. This is
a high priority for the current federal initiative regarding bioterrorism preparedness.
Determining alternative antibiotics for children and pregnant women should be an
important part of this research.
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 17
Antibiotic Susceptibility and Treatment Studies
Studies are needed that assess in vitro susceptibility of
B. anthracis
strains to
azithromycin, erythromycin, and other antibiotics that are practical for children and eld-
erly persons. In addition, treatment trials in animals for antibiotic alternatives to penicillin
and doxycycline are recommended.
Safety of Anthrax Vaccine in Clinical Toxicology Studies
Among Pregnant Animals
To assess the safety of anthrax vaccine use during human pregnancy, ACIP recom-
mends that regulatory toxicology studies be conducted in pregnant animals. The study
findings could provide baseline data for further studies of the safety of AVA use in
pregnant women.
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58. Beall FA, Taylor MJ, Thorne CB. Rapid lethal effect in rats of a third component found
upon fractionating the toxin
Bacillus anthracis
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59. Harrison LH, Ezzell JW, Veterinary Laboratory Investigation Center, Abshire TG, Kidd S,
Kaufmann AF. Evaluation of serologic tests for diagnosis of anthrax after an outbreak of
cutaneous anthrax in Paraguay. J Infect Dis 1989;160:706–10.
60. Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices. Adult immunization. MMWR 1984;33:33–4.
61. 21 CFR 620.23.
62. Darlow HM, Belton FC, Henderson DW. The use of anthrax antigen to immunise man and
monkey. Lancet (September 8)1956:476–9.
63. Turnbull PCB. Anthrax vaccines: past, present and future. Vaccine 1991;9:533–9.
64. Brachman PS, Gold H, Plotkin SA, Fekety FR, Werrin M, Ingraham NR. Field evaluation of
a human anthrax vaccine. Am J Public Health 1962;52:632–45.
65. Johnson-Winegar A. Comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent and indirect
hemagglutination assays for determining anthrax antibodies. J Clin Microbiol 1984;20:357–61.
66. Ivins BE, Ezzell JW Jr, Jemski J, Hedlund KW, Ristroph JD, Leppla SH. Immunization
studies with attenuated strains of
Bacillus anthracis
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67. Auerbach S, Wright GG. Studies on immunity in anthrax. VI. Immunizing activity of
protective antigen against various strains of
Bacillus anthracis
. J Immunol 1955;75:129–33.
68. Little SF, Knudson GB. Comparative efficacy of
Bacillus anthracis
live spore vaccine and
protective antigen vaccine against anthrax in the guinea pig. Infect Immun 1986;52:509–12.
69. Ward MK, McGann VG, Hogge AL Jr, Huff ML, Kanode RG Jr, Roberts EO. Studies on
anthrax infections in immunized guinea pigs. J Infect Dis 1965;115:59–67.
70. Ivins BE, Fellows PF, Pitt MLM, et al. Efficacy of a standard human anthrax vaccine against
Bacillus anthracis
aerosol spore challenge in rhesus monkeys. Salisbury Medical Bulletin
(September 19–21) 1995;87(suppl):125–6.
71. Pitt MLM, Ivins BE, Estep JE, Farchaus J, Friedlander AM. Comparison of the efficacy of
purified protective antigen and MDPH [AVA] to protect non-human primates from
inhalation anthrax. Salisbury Medical Bulletin (September 19–21) 1995;87(suppl):130.
72. Ivins BE, Pitt MLM, Fellows PF, et al. Comparative efficacy of experimental anthrax vaccine
candidates against inhalation anthrax in rhesus macaques. Vaccine 1998;16:1141–8.
73. Friedlander AM, Pittman PR, Parker GW. Anthrax vaccine: evidence for safety and efficacy
against inhalational anthrax. JAMA 1999;282:2104–6.
74. National Communicable Disease Center. Investigational new drug application for anthrax
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75. Chen RT, Rastogi SC, Mullen JR, et al. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
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77. Peeler RN, Kadull PJ, Cluff LE. Intensive immunization of man: evaluation of possible
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79. Fukuda K, Nisenbaum R, Stewart G, et al. Chronic multisymptom illness affecting Air
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80. Iowa Persian Gulf Study Group. Self-reported illness and health status among Gulf War
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81. CDC/National Institutes of Health. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories.
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82. 9 CFR Part 95.
83. CDC. Bioterrorism alleging use of anthrax and interim guidelines for management—
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84. Barnes JM. Penicillin and
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85. Do anay M, Aydin N. Antimicrobial susceptibility of
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Salisbury Med Bull (April 11–13) 1990;68(suppl):95–8.
87. Friedlander AM, Welkos SL, Pitt MLM, et al. Postexposure prophylaxis against experimental
inhalation anthrax. J Infect Dis 1993;167:1239–42.
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR 21
22 MMWR December 15, 2000
December 15, 2000 / Vol. 49 / No. RR-15
Continuing Education Activity
Sponsored by CDC
Use of Anthrax Vaccine in the United States
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
EXPIRATION — December 15, 2003
You must complete and return the response form electronically or by mail by December 15, 2003, to receive
continuing education credit. If you answer all of the questions, you will receive an award letter for 1.0 hour
Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit, 0.1 hour Continuing Education Units (CEUs), or 1.4 hours Continuing
Nursing Education (CNE) credit. If you return the form electronically, you will receive educational credit
immediately. If you mail the form, you will receive educational credit in approximately 30 days. No fees are
charged for participating in this continuing education activity.
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1. Read this
(Vol. 49, RR-15), which contains the correct answers to the questions beginning on the next
2. Go to the
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3. Select which exam you want to take and select whether you want to register for CME, CEU, or CNE credit.
4. Fill out and submit the registration form.
5. Select exam questions. To receive continuing education credit, you must answer all of the questions.
Questions with more than one correct answer will instruct you to “Indicate all that apply.”
6. Submit your answers no later than December 15, 2003.
7. Immediately print your Certificate of Completion for your records.
By Mail or Fax
1. Read this
(Vol. 49, RR-15), which contains the correct answers to the questions beginning on the next
2. Complete all registration information on the response form, including your name, mailing address, phone
number, and e-mail address, if available.
3. Indicate whether you are registering for CME, CEU, or CNE credit.
4. Select your answers to the questions, and mark the corresponding letters on the response form. To receive
continuing education credit, you must answer all of the questions. Questions with more than one correct
answer will instruct you to “Indicate all that apply.”
5. Sign and date the response form or a photocopy of the form and send no later than December 15, 2003, to
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6. Your Certificate of Completion will be mailed to you within 30 days.
Continuing Medical Education (CME). CDC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
(ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CDC designates this educational activity for a maximum of
1.0 hour in category 1 credit toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those hours of
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Continuing Education Unit (CEU). CDC has been approved as an authorized provider of continuing education and training
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Continuing Nursing Education (CNE). This activity for 1.4 contact hours is provided by CDC, which is accredited as a provider of
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CE-2 MMWR December 15, 2000
provides guidance for preventing anthrax in the United States. The recommendations were developed
by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). The goals of this report are to provide ACIP’s
recommendations regarding Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA). Upon completion of this educational activity, the
reader should be able to a) describe the burden of anthrax disease in the United States, b) describe the
characteristics of the current licensed anthrax vaccine, c) recognize the most common adverse reactions
following administration of anthrax vaccine, and d) identify strategies for postexposure prophylaxis of anthrax.
To receive continuing education credit, please answer all of the following questions.
1. Which of the following statements is true concerning the burden of anthrax in the
United States?
A. Anthrax is exclusively a human disease in the United States.
B. Numerous outbreaks of anthrax have occurred among animal handlers since 1990.
C. The most common form of anthrax is cutaneous disease.
D. Inhalation anthrax has never been reported in the United States.
E. Gastrointestinal anthrax has been reported among persons who consume untreated
water in wilderness areas.
2. Why is
Bacillus anthracis
considered to be one of the most likely biological warfare
B. anthracis
spores can cause infection by the respiratory route.
B. Inhalation anthrax has a high mortality rate.
B. anthracis
spores are relatively stable.
D. All the above are reasons why
Bacillus anthracis
is considered to be one of the most
likely biological warfare agents.
3. Which of the following best describes the currently licensed anthrax vaccine?
A. Live attenuated bacteria.
B. Inactivated whole bacteria.
C. Reassortant.
D. Toxoid.
E. Cell-free filtrate of
B. anthracis
4. What is the recommended schedule for anthrax vaccine?
A. Six doses each separated by 4 weeks from the preceding dose.
B. Six doses at 0, 2, and 4 weeks and 6, 12, and 18 months.
C. Four doses each separated by 2 months from the preceding dose.
D. Three doses at 0 and 4 weeks and 12 months.
E. Two doses separated by 6 months.
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR CE-3
5. Which of the following groups are recommended for routine vaccination with anthrax
A. Veterinarians with large animal practices.
B. Emergency first responders.
C. Persons who work in domestic animal hide processing facilities.
D. Persons engaged in work involving production quantities of
B. anthracis
E. All the above groups are recommended to receive routine anthrax vaccination.
6. What is the currently recommended route of administration of anthrax vaccine?
A. Intradermal injection.
B. Subcutaneous injection.
C. Intramuscular injection.
D. Intranasal aerosol.
E. All the above routes of administration are recommended for anthrax vaccine.
7. Which of the following conditions is a valid contraindication or precaution for the use of
anthrax vaccine?
A. Recent administration of antibody-containing blood product (
., whole blood or
immune globulin).
B. Current administration of antibiotics.
C. Severe allergic reaction to a previous dose of the vaccine.
D. Breast-feeding an infant.
E. All of the above are valid contraindications or precautions to the use of anthrax
8. What is the most frequently reported adverse reaction following anthrax vaccination?
A. Local reaction at the injection site.
B. Fever.
C. Joint pain.
D. Allergic reactions, such as angioedema.
E. Guillain-Barré syndrome.
9. Which of the following is true concerning postexposure prophylaxis of anthrax?
A. Vaccination alone after exposure does not appear to be protective.
B. Doxycycline or ciprofloxicin can be used initially for postexposure prophylaxis until
antibiotic susceptibility is determined.
C. Postexposure antibiotic therapy should be continued for at least 30 days.
D. At least three doses of vaccine should be administered for postexposure
E. All the above are true concerning postexposure prophylaxis of anthrax.
CE-4 MMWR December 15, 2000
10. Indicate your work setting.
A. State/local health department.
B. Other public health setting.
C. Hospital clinic/private practice.
D. Military.
E. Academic institution.
F. Other.
11. Which best describes your professional activities?
A. Patient care – emergency/urgent care department.
B. Patient care – inpatient.
C. Patient care – primary-care clinic or office.
D. Laboratory/pharmacy.
E. Public health.
F. Other.
12. I plan to use these recommendations as the basis for ... (Indicate all that apply)
A. health education materials.
B. emergency preparedness.
C. local practice guidelines.
D. public policy.
E. other.
13. Each month, to approximately how many persons do you administer anthrax vaccine?
A. None.
B. 1–5.
C. 6–20.
D. 21–50.
E. >50.
14. How much time did you spend reading this report and completing the exam?
A. Less than 1 hour.
B. 1–1.5 hours.
C. 1.6–2 hours.
D. More than 2 hours.
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR CE-5
15. After reading this report, I am confident I can describe the burden of anthrax disease in
the United States.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
16. After reading this report, I am confident I can describe the characteristics of the currently
licensed anthrax vaccine.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
17. After reading this report, I am confident I can recognize the most common adverse
reactions following administration of anthrax vaccine.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
18. After reading this report, I am confident I can identify strategies for postexposure
prophylaxis of anthrax.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
19. The objectives are relevant to the goal of this report.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
CE-6 MMWR December 15, 2000
Correct answers for questions 1–9
1.c, 2.d, 3.e , 4.b, 5.d, 6.b, 7.c, 8.a, 9.e
20. The tables are useful.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
21. Overall, the presentation of the report enhanced my ability to understand the material.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
22. These recommendations will affect my practice.
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
23. How did you learn about this continuing education activity?
A. Internet.
B. Advertisement (e.g., fact sheet,
cover, newsletter, or journal)
C. Coworker/supervisor.
D. Conference presentation.
F. Other.
24. The availability of continuing education credit was important to my decision to read this
A. Strongly agree.
B. Agree.
C. Neither agree nor disagree.
D. Disagree.
E. Strongly disagree.
Vol. 49 / No. RR-15 MMWR CE-7
Response Form for Continuing Education Credit
December 15, 2000/Vol. 49/No. RR-15
Use of Anthrax Vaccine in the United States
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
To receive continuing education credit, you must
1. provide your contact information;
2. indicate your choice of CME, CEU, or CNE credit;
3. answer all of the test questions;
4. sign and date this form or a photocopy;
5. submit your answer form by December 15, 2003.
Failure to complete these items can result in a delay or rejection of
your application for continuing education credit.
Last Name First Name
Street Address or P.O. Box
Apartment or Suite
City State ZIP Code
Phone Number Fax Number
E-Mail Address
Fill in the appropriate blocks to indicate your answers. Remember, you must answer
all of the questions to receive
continuing education credit!
1.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E 13.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
2.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D 14.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D
3.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E 15.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
4.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E 16.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
5.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E 17.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
6.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E 18.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
7.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E 19.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
8.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E 20.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
9.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E 21.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
10.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E[ ] F 22.[ ] A[ ] B[ ] C[ ] D[ ] E
11. [ ] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] D [ ] E [ ] F 23. [ ] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] D [ ] E [ ] F
12. [ ] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] D [ ] E 24. [ ] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] D [ ] E
Signature Date I Completed Exam
Detach or photocopy.
Check One
CME Credit
CEU Credit
CNE Credit
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