Revised April 2012
University of Minnesota
0 Other
An appointment is to be given an Other (0) appointment type under any one of the following circumstances:
1. When appointing a person to the 0001 Non-Exempt Temporary or Casual (part-time, less than 35%) job
2. When appointing a person to the 0007 Exempt Temporary or Casual (part-time, less than 35%) job code/classification;
3. When designating the $10,000 additional salary portion of a Regents’ Professor (9410) Award appointment; this salary
is kept separate for business reasons;
4. When designating the additional monies provided to recipients of the Morse Alumni Outstanding Contribution to
Undergraduate Education Award; the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Post-Baccalaureate, Graduate and
Professional Education; and the University of Minnesota Community Service Award;
5. When designating private practice income , UMN Company commutations or UMN Company increments;
6. When designating a courtesy appointment using the 9995 Non-University Employee; very limited use, requires approval
through the HRMS Payroll Call Center (612-625-2016);
7. When central payroll enters Foreign National Independent Contractors into company UMI;
8. When a Civil Service or represented bargaining unit staff employee is given an hourly augmentation; and
9. When designating a courtesy title used to document a degree of credit instructional responsibility that is part of the
individual’s main appointment. (If the teaching responsibility is separate from the individual’s main appointment, then
the teaching is to be documented as a secondary appointment with an appropriate job code and title and designated as
appointment type Q.).
Example: A 100 percent time, A-term (12 month), K (annual renewable) Senior Research Associate (9701) teaches a
three-credit course every year as part of the responsibilities of that appointment and carries a courtesy title of, for
example, Assistant Professor (9403) with an appointment type of 0. It is possible to have selected one of the academic
professional teaching titles instead of one of the professorial rank titles. In this example, Lecturer (9753) might have
been the courtesy title chosen.
R Retired
A post-retirement appointment for use in hiring a former employee who has retired and separated from University service.
Retired - R appointments are part-time, less than 20 hours per week (either as a single appointment or combined multiple
appointments), and are not eligible for benefits. The appointment type R is used regardless of whether or not the person is
being appointed to the same job code/title held when the retirement took place. This is the only type of appointment available
to any of the following retired individuals returning to University employment.
1. Those who have retired after accepting the Phased Retirement Program;
2. Those who have retired after accepting the Terminal Agreement Program, including the Federal Terminal
Agreement Program;
3. Those who have retired after accepting the Retirement Incentive Option Program offered Spring 2008 and retired no
later than June 6, 2009; and/or
4. Those who have started receiving retirement annuity payments from the Minnesota State Retirement System or
Public Employees Retirement Association.
Retirees in one of the above categories may only be rehired in R appointments, with work efforts of less than 20 hours per
week. Retirees not in one of the above categories may also hold retiree appointments, if appropriate, though an alternative
appointment type should be used for work efforts of 20 hours or greater per week
Example: A retired 9401 Professor from the department of Fisheries and Wildlife in the College of Food,
Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) is hired back at 40 percent time by the department of Soil,
Water and Climate in CFANS. In this case, the job code/title under which the individual returned (9401 Professor)
should be used. The appointment type of R should be used. (A retiree would NOT be hired as an Adjunct Professor
either from within or outside of the University.)
Example: A civil service appointee holding a position of 8635 Information Technology Professional (term A,
appointment type 1) in the School of Statistics retires. If the department makes a decision at some point to hire back
Revised April 2012
University of Minnesota
this retiree, the person would be hired under the same job code 8635, perhaps the same term, and with an
appointment type of R, if the person is in a less than 50 percent time position. If this retiree was not receiving
MSRS payments when rehired, and the new position was a 75% position, an appointment type of 1 or 2 should be
Example: An appointee holding a position of 7834 Executive Secretary (term A, appointment type 1) in the
Chemistry department retires. The department has a need to rehire the person into a 0001 Non-Exempt Temporary
or Casual position. The term Z would be used and the type is R.
Revised April 2012
University of Minnesota
ACADEMIC: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z
A Adjunct from Outside the University
An appointment is designated Adjunct from Outside the University (A) when the appointee holds a principal occupation in
their profession outside of the University or is retired from such occupation and is hired primarily to teach credit coursework.
(If hired to teach non-credit coursework or provide non-instructional professional service, an appointment type of Z would be
used.) These appointments normally should not exceed approximately 20 percent time and are annually renewable.
B Adjunct from Within the University
An appointment is designated Adjunct from Within the University (B) when the appointee already holds a tenured or tenure-
track faculty appointment or a contract or temporary term faculty appointment elsewhere in the University and is asked to
teach credit coursework in another department or college. The appointment can also be used to recognize cross-disciplinary
activity. (If hiring to provide non-credit teaching or non-instructional professional service, the appointment type of Z would
be used.)
Example: A 9410 Regents Professor, appointment type P (tenured; faculty) holding tenure in the department of
Educational Psychology in the College of Education and Human Development is hired to teach one course in the
department of Social Work in the College of Human Ecology. This individual would be hired as an Adjunct from
Within the University, 9401A Adjunct Professor with an appointment type of B (or Z if hired to teach a non-credit
Exception: In selected academic professional research-related positions, the addition of an adjunct faculty appointment may
also be applicable with approval by the regular faculty or by a designated faculty committee.
C Special Contract Tenure Regulations Section 3.6
A Special Contract (C) appointment may be applied to a regular faculty member and carries with it specified terms or
conditions of employment which are different from those prescribed in the Regents’ Policy on Faculty Tenure. Every special
contract must be in writing, must state that it is a special contract entered into pursuant to Section 3.6 and carry required
D Portion of Regular Faculty Appointment
An appointment is designated Portion of Regular Faculty Appointment (D) when designating the portion of a regular
(tenured/tenure-track) faculty member’s appointment carried out in another unit (e.g. department, center, institute). This
occurs when a regular faculty member’s appointment is split between the unit in which tenure is held and another unit where
a significant portion of the academic mission is carried out and where tenure is not held. (This other unit may be a unit that
doesn’t grant tenure or may be a unit that grants tenure, but has not granted it to the individual.) The tenured appointment
percent is a combination of the percentage from both units. (This is not to be confused with a situation in which an
appointment as an Adjunct from Within the University is appropriate.)
Example: A 100 percent time, B-term (9-month) tenured Associate Professor has their tenured appointment in the
department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development (TCBS), but is funded by and carries out most of their work in
the department of Biotechnology, a non-tenure granting department. This tenured appointment is split into multiple
empl record numbers in PeopleSoft. The appointment type of “P” (indefinite tenure, faculty) is used for the tenure
appointment and “D” (Portion of Regular Faculty Appointment) for the non-tenure appointment.
E Non-Regular Appointment, Duluth Campus
An appointment is designated a Non-Regular Appointment, Duluth Campus (E) under the following circumstances:
1. All short-term hires who do not meet the adjunct faculty or contract faculty appointment criteria.
2. Academic staff whose responsibility it is to provide instruction for courses taught during the day.
3. Academic professional and administrative (P&A) staff (and a few civil service staff) who have primary non-instructional
duties who assume part-time instructional duties during the day.
A non-regular appointment creates no right to reappointment and thus a non-renewal notice would not be provided. (Section
002.164 of the UEA Contract)
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University of Minnesota
F Fixed Term Contract, Duluth Campus
An appointment is designated Fixed Term Contract, Duluth Campus (F) for appointees on the Duluth campus who will hold a
multiple year contract and will perform one or two of the academic functions of teaching, research and service, but NOT all
three. Fixed Term (F) appointments are date specific and made for a stipulated period of more than one year. The stipulated
period for fixed term appointments is not to exceed five years. Fixed term contracts are renewable at the discretion of the
responsible authority and, it renewed, need not be renewed for the same number of years. A non-regular appointment creates
no rights to reappointment and thus a non-renewal notice would not be provided (Section 002.164 of the UEA Contract).
G Continuous, Academic Professional Staff
Continuous (G) appointments are granted for an indefinite term to academic professional staff in selected classifications with
appropriate review, approvals and action by the Board of Regents. The definition of continuous appointment parallels that of
indefinite tenure for faculty found in the Regents’ Policy on Faculty Tenure. Continuous appointments require a minimum
employment of two-thirds time for an appointment term of nine months or longer.
H Probationary, Academic Professional Staff
Probationary (H) appointments may be used for staff in selected academic professional classifications and are those that lead
to review and decision concerning a continuous appointment. Continuous appointment cannot be achieved without
appropriate review, approvals and action by the Board of Regents. Such action becomes effective in the year following the
decision year.
I Clinical Scholar, Medical School
An appointment is designated Clinical Scholar, Medical School (I) for appointees in the Medical School who are considered
Clinical Track Faculty. Clinical Scholars see patients as part of their responsibilities and are University based with salary or
affiliated hospital based without salary.
J Multiple Year Contract
Multiple (multi) year (J) appointments are date specific and made for a stipulated period of more than one year. The
stipulated period for multi year appointments is not to exceed five years. Multi year appointments are renewable at the
discretion of the responsible authority and, if renewed, need not be renewed for the same number of years.
K Annual Renewable Contract
Annual (K) appointments are date specific and are for one year or a portion thereof. Annual appointments are renewable at
the discretion of the responsible administrator. When a faculty member is given an augmentation for assigned administrative
duties of a limited duration where there is not a suitable academic administrative job code/title match, use the K appointment
type along with the same 94xx job code and title.
L Limited, Selected Senior Administrators
Limited (L) appointments are made for persons who serve as campus or system-wide administrative officers. They carry
responsibility for the organization, interpretation, and monitoring of policies, program directions and budget at the highest
levels in the University. Limited appointees serve solely at the discretion of the responsible authority.
M Acting/Interim, Administrative Staff
Acting/interim (M) appointments identify administrators serving in an acting or interim capacity. The length of the
appointment may be for a stipulated period of time or until the position is filled according to the guidelines outlined in the
“Guidelines for Recruiting and Appointing Academic Personnel”. Generally, acting or interim appointments are for less
than one year.
N Probationary, Tenure Track Faculty
A regular probationary (N) appointee is a candidate for indefinite tenure. A probationary appointment continues until it is
superseded by an appointment with indefinite tenure or until terminated by timely notice or resignation. Regular
probationary faculty appointments are generally made at the rank of assistant professor, but may be made at any rank.
Revised April 2012
University of Minnesota
P Indefinite Tenure, Faculty
Tenured (P) appointments are granted for indefinite terms to regular faculty, with appropriate review, approvals and action by
the Board of Regents. A faculty member with indefinite tenure is entitled to retain that position until retirement in
accordance with University regulations or until the appointment is terminated pursuant to the provisions of the Regents’
Policy on Faculty Tenure, Sections 10 or 11.
Q Annual Renewable, Additional Appointment [teaching]
An appointment is designated Annual Renewable, Additional Appointment [teaching] (Q) when it is another appointment
besides the appointee’s main appointment as an academic professional or administrative staff member, the appointments are
held concurrently, and when the additional appointment is for credit instructional responsibilities.
Example: A 100 percent time, A-term (12 month) Research Associate (9702), K (annual renewable) is hired as a
Lecturer (9753) by a different department to teach an evening credit course for a 20 percent time appointment. This
second appointment would be designated as a Q appointment type. (If the course being taught was a non-credit course,
the Z appointment type would be used.)
Example: A 75 percent time Coordinator (9354), K appointment type, is hired on a second appointment at 25 percent
time as a teaching specialist ( 9754) to teach credit coursework. This second appointment would be designated as a Q
appointment type. (If the job responsibility was to teach non-credit coursework, the Z appointment type would be used.)
T Temporary
An appointment is designated Temporary (T) when the appointee is hired to address temporary short-term situations. These
appointments are normally no more than one year. Appointments beyond the initial one year or less are permitted only under
exceptional circumstances and are for a second appointment term only. Approval for a second appointment term is
dependent on special need of the unit and the faculty member’s high quality of performance. Temporary (term) faculty
appointments always carry the T appointment type.
U Clinical
An appointment is designated Clinical (U) when the appointment is community based and the appointee holds a principal
occupation in their profession outside the University. These appointments normally should not exceed approximately 20
percent time and are annually renewable.
V Visiting
An appointment is designated Visiting (V) when the appointee holds a regular faculty appointment at another educational
institution or is a qualified professional from a government or private agency on a leave of absence to accept a short-term
appointment at this university. Typically, visiting faculty appointments are for periods of one year or less. Visiting (term)
faculty appointments always carry the V appointment type.
W – Yearly Appointment, Medical School
An appointment is designated Yearly Appointment, Medical School (W) for appointees in the Medical School who carry out
research, are primarily located at affiliated hospitals and are generally without salary.
X Outside Term of Appointment Dates
An appointment is designated Outside Term of Appointment Dates (X) when a tenured or tenure-track faculty member, a
contract (term) faculty member or academic professional and administrative staff (93xx, 96xx or 97xx) on other than an A-
term (12 month) appointment, is hired into the same job code/title by the same or different department during the time
between the ending date of one academic year appointment term and the beginning of the next academic year appointment
term. If hired into a different job code/title, the appointment type applicable to that appointment would be used.
Example: A 100 percent time, B-term (9 month) Associate Professor (9402) is hired on a summer appointment in the
same department to teach or do research. For the period of time that individual is hired outside of the B-term dates, the
X appointment type would be used.
Example: A D-term (10 month) Assistant Director (9333) is hired in a different department to teach credit courses
outside of the dates of the 10 month appointment. This appointment would be made in an academic professional
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University of Minnesota
teaching job code/title and would carry the K appointment type. If the teaching appointment would be for non-credit
coursework, the Z appointment type would be used.
Example: A 100 percent time, B-term (9 month) Research Associate (9702) is hired outside the B-term of appointment
dates as a Research Associate (9702), either by the same or different department, the X appointment type would be used.
Example: A 100 percent time, B-term (9 month) P (tenured) Professor (9401) is hired on a summer appointment in a
different department as a Program Director (9340). The K appointment type would be used.
Y Number of Years Restricted
Restricted (Y) appointments are to be used for all persons appointed to 95xx job codes. These are annual renewable. The
number of years a person can be appointed to a 95xx job code is generally five years or less.
Z Non-Credit Teaching/Other Professional Work
An appointment is to be given a Non-Credit Teaching/Other Professional Work (Z) appointment type when the job function
required is to teach non-credit courses (e.g.., teach a course for the Compleat Scholar Program within the College of
Continuing Education) or when the job function required is to provide some form of professional work that is non-
instructional (e.g., serve as a resource). (If an individual is appointed to a position in which they would teach both credit and
non-credit courses, the appointment type selected should be the appropriate type for teaching credit coursework.)
Example: A 100 percent time, B-term (9 month), tenured Associate Professor (9402) is hired by another department to
teach a non-credit course. The appointment would fall in the category of Adjunct Within the University, the position
given a job code of 9402A Adjunct Associate Professor with a Z appointment type.
Example: An individual is hired from outside the University to teach one or more non-credit courses. The position could
have been posted in the adjunct faculty or academic staff category as appropriate. Under the adjunct faculty category,
the individual would be hired into an adjunct job code/title permissible under Adjunct or Clinical Faculty from Outside
the University. The Z appointment type would be used. Under the academic staff category the individual would be hired
into one of the Teaching Specialist or Lecturer job codes and titles. The Z appointment type would be used.
Example: If a 100 percent time, A-term (12 month), K (annual renewable) Counselor (9705) is hired by a different
department as a Teaching Specialist (9754) to teach a non-credit course, the second appointment would carry the Z
appointment type.
Example: A 75 percent time, B-term (9 month), K (annual renewable) Lecturer (9753) is hired by a different department
to teach non-credit coursework. This second appointment in an academic professional teaching title would be designated
as a Z appointment type. (If the second appointment was for purposes of teaching a credit course, the appointment type
would be Q).
Example: An individual is hired into a Senior Teaching Specialist (9771), 100 percent time, B-term (9 month) position
to teach both credit and non-credit courses. The appropriate appointment type would be either K (annual renewable) or J
(multiple year contract).
Example: A tenured Professor (9401) is appointed by another department during the academic year to serve as a
resource in a particular field of expertise. The person would be hired as an Adjunct from Within the University in an
appointment as an Adjunct Professor (9401A) with a Z appointment type. (The B appointment type is used with the
Adjunct from Within the University category when the primary responsibility is to teach credit courses.)
Example: A 100 percent time, B-term (9 month), P (tenured) Associate Professor (9402) is hired in the same department
to teach both a non-credit and a credit course outside their term of appointment dates. This appointment would be an
appointment type of X.
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University of Minnesota
1 Continuing
An appointment is designated Continuing (1) when a CS/BU staff member is appointed in a position that was posted, has
designated standard hours of 14 or more (36 percent or greater), and is expected to last more than three years.
2 Temporary
An appointment is designated Temporary (2) when a CS/BU staff member is appointed in a position that was posted, has
designated standard hours of 14 or more (36 percent or greater), and is expected to last less than three years.
3 Temporary, Not Posted
An appointment is designated Temporary, Not Posted (3) when a CS/BU staff member is appointed in a position that was not
posted, has designated standard hours of 14 or more (36 percent or greater), and is expected to last less than one year, for
civil service positions and less than six months for AFSME clerical/technical positions.
4 Supplemental, No Hours Set
An appointment is designated supplemental, No Hours Set (4) when a CS/BU staff member is appointed in a position that is
hourly with no designated standard hours.
5 Continuing Employee, Temporary Position
An appointment is designated continuing Employee, Temporary Position (5) when a CS/BU staff member has held a
temporary position expected to last less than three years which is now lasting more than three years. The CS/BU staff
member is considered continuing due to being employed for more than three years regardless of the fact that the position was
intended to be less than three years in duration.
6 – Temporary, Non-Posted (TNP) Earning Seniority
An appointment is designated Temporary, Non-Posted Earning Seniority (6) when the appointee initially hired into the
temporary, non-posted position, is hired into the same position after posting, passes probation, and is then granted seniority
retroactive from the date of initial hire into the TNP position. (Used for clerical and technical positions, only by Human
Resources, and only on historical records.)
Revised April 2012
University of Minnesota
8 Student, Posted Position
An appointment is designated student, Posted Position (8) when a student is appointed in a position that was posted as a
student position (for use with 2xxx job codes).
9 Student, Not-Posted Position
An appointment is designated student, Not-Posted Position (9) when a student, Not-Posted Position (9) when a student is
appointed in a student position that was not posted (for use with 2xxx job codes).