Version: 1.0
Last updated on February 5, 2015.
LINE OF SIGHT (Arcadia Quest Rulebook - Pg 16)
The text under the rst diagram should read “The Line of Sight
is not blocked if it only skims a blocking corner, passing at an
angle exactly through the intersection of four Spaces where only
one side is blocked.” The requirement of passing “at exactly a 45
degree angle” in the printed text is incorrect.
IMPALE II (Beyond the Grave Level 5 Upgrade Card)
The card text should read:
For each you roll ona Sword or Lance attack, you
may target one additional Enemy Close to the target.
ROOKERY SCENARIO (Arcadia Quest Campaign Book - Pg 10)
The Rookery scenario should have the following Special Rule
added to it:
Each Guild may only have a single Quest token at a time in its
Q. Can I use a Reroll on a CRIT result?
A. You can only reroll a CRIT (and thus ignore its original result)
before rolling the extra die for the CRIT. Once you "accept" the
CRIT result by rolling the extra die, that CRIT can't be rerolled.
Q. Does a Hero have Line of Sight to another Character
in his own Space?
A. Yes. However, he does not have LoS to himself.
Q. Must I end my Movement in a Space in order to pick
up an Exploration token?
A. No. At any point during your Hero’s activation, if there’s
an Exploration token on your Space and no Enemies in it, you
automatically pick it up. Note that if its not the Hero’s turn, he
cannot pick up the token.
Q. Does the Refreshing Potion also unexhaust a Hero
A. Yes.
Q. Can a Monster recover from the Dazed state?
A. No. It is only placed standing up (and thus no longer Dazed)
when it goes to the Spawn Tile (either by being killed, or
Q. Is an attacking Hero considered the Enemy necessary
for anking purposes?
A. No. In order to be anked, it is sufcient that an Enemy of
the target be Close to it. That Enemy can't be the attacker
himself, it needs to be some other Enemy. Whether the attacker
is Close to the target or not is irrelevant.
Q. Can a Character take more Wounds than his total
A. Yes. Players should assign as many Wounds as the attack
dealt, since certain effects from the game may interact with
that amount. For example: Overkill counts the total number
FAQ • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • FAQ
of Wounds dealt; Lydia and Lillith may heal as many Wounds as
they deal, regardless of the targets Life; Lord Fang, as Level 6
Villain, needs to be able to heal all Wounds received beyond his
total Life in order to stay alive.
Q. If a Hero has more Wounds than his basic Life, being
kept alive by a card that gives him extra Life, can he
move that card during a Rest, thus killing him?
A. No, Heroes can never voluntarily kill themselves. However,
during a Rest you may swap the card with extra Life for another
card that still gives you enough extra Life to keep you alive. The
swapping action is considered to be instantaneous.
Q. When exactly is a Character considered killed?
Upon taking Wounds equal to his Life?
A. A Character is only considered killed once it leaves the board,
not when it takes Wounds. If it’s not Overkilled, the target can
still perform his payback reaction, possibly triggering other
abilities (a vampire’s healing ability, for example).
Q. During a Rest, can I move an Upgrade card thats
under a Death Curse card?
A. Yes. If you have an empty card slot elsewhere in your Guild,
you may even move the “blocked” Upgrade card to it, making
it available again.
Q. When a Payback Reaction is triggered, does the
Monster have to attack?
A. The controlling player can choose to move or not, and to
attack or not.If the Monster attacks, it must have the Hero who
attacked it as its primary target.
Q. Do I need to activate a Hero in order to use a
permanent ability on one of his cards?
A. Generally no, the permanent abilities are always in effect.
However, some cards require an active trigger (such as Shield
of Souls and Celerity Stick) that can only be used by an active
Q. When can I activate an ability that requires me to
“Exhaust Hero card to get X”? (i.e. Koba, Chooloo,
Lord Fang as Hero, etc)
A. Any ability that requires an active trigger (such as exhausting
a card or taking a Wound), can only be used during that
Hero’s activation, and not in the middle of an attack/payback
resolution. The exception to this is abilities that are part of your
Attack (such as Montoya) or Defense (such as Knights Shield).
Q. Can an ability or special effect take place in the
middle of an attack/payback resolution?
A. It depends on the trigger of the ability:
If the trigger is a Hit, Save or CRIT, it takes place immediately
after the dice are rolled.
If the trigger is a Wound, it takes place immediately after
Defense has been rolled and any Saves applied.
If the trigger is a kill, it takes place immediately after Wounds
are dealt, possible reactions and any abilities have been resolved.
Effectively, when the gure is removed from the board.
Q. If a Quest grants 2 Reward cards for accomplishing
two separate tasks (like killing 2 different Monsters, or
taking 2 different Quest tokens), can a single Guild get
both Reward cards by performing both tasks?
A. If the Scenario Special Rules don’t prevent it, then a single
Guild may accomplish both tasks. It will get both Reward cards,
though the Quest is accomplished only once.
Q. When you get a Reward card, can you give it to a
different Hero in your Guild?
A. Yes.
Q. After a Hero has performed his Movement and
Attack, can he still do anything before his activation
is over?
A. Yes, he can still do things like pick up Exploration tokens on
his Space, use Potions, activate abilities, etc.
Q. Can the active Hero still do anything after the
last Quest necessary to win the Scenario has been
FAQ • Arcadia Quest
A. No. The Scenario ends instantly the moment a player
accomplishes the task that fullls his last required Quest, even
if this ends his activation prematurely. He cannot use a Potion,
activate an ability, pick up tokens from the board, etc.
Q. If I kill a Monster to complete my last Quest, does
the Monster get its Payback Reaction before the
Scenario ends?
A. Yes, if you dont Overkill it, it will only be considered to be
killed after resolving its Payback Reaction (and any abilities
triggered by it).
Q. When Death Curses are dealt in the Upgrade Phase,
do players have the chance to reorganize their cards?
A. Yes. You can always organize your Upgrade cards at will before
a new Scenario begins.
Q. If two Heroes have the Amulet of Retribution and
a Troll attacks them both with his ability, who gets the
credit if the special effect of their Defense rolls kill
the Troll?
A. If two effects would take place at the same time, the player
whose turn it is decides the order. If the rst player manages to
kill the Troll, he gets the credit. If the Troll is only killed with the
Wounds dealt by the second player, then it's the second player
who gets the credit.
Q. Can the Amulet of Retribution deal more Wounds
to the attacker than the number of Hits he rolled?
A. No. The Amulet of Retribution deals 1 Wound per Hit
cancelled, not per Save rolled. So its limited to the number of
Hits rolled.
Q. Does a Hero with Amulet of Retribution get to deal
Wounds back even if attacked by a Ranged Attack?
A. Yes.
Q. When during a Heros movement does the Assassin’s
Cloak special effect take place?
A. The Assassins Cloak's ability is in effect at any point while you
move. So it affects all enemies that are Close to you either at the
start or at the end of each of your Moves (respecting the limit).
Using portals or opening doors is not a Move, so they don't
trigger the Cloak's ability.
Q. Do I activate a dead Hero in order to use his Astral
Strike? Does he get to kill enemies, complete Quests
and receive tokens?
A. Yes, you may activate a dead Hero in order to use Astral Strike.
You can kill Enemies, complete Quests, and get Rewards with
it. However, any tokens the target was carrying are dropped in
his Space.
Q. While dead, can I use a Boost on my Astral Strike?
A. Yes.
Q. Does Astral Strike require Line of Sight?
A. No, the target just needs to be Close to the chosen Ally.
Q. Can a Hero use Astral Strike against an Enemy Close
to him, since the Hero is an Ally of his Guild?
A. No, an Ally is another Hero of his Guild.
Q. Can a dead Hero voluntarily take Wounds to
activate effects or heal Wounds from a special effect?
A. No. A Hero can’t heal or take Wounds while dead.
Q. If a Zombie attacked with Banish chooses to take
the 2 extra Wounds instead of being banished, are
these 2 extra Wounds added to the Wounds dealt by
the attack itself when checking to see if the Zombie
is Overkilled?
A. Yes.
Q. When do I perform the extra activation Battle Cry
A. After completing the activation of the active Hero, you may
use any extra activations you received, one Hero at a time.
Remember that a player may activate each of his Heroes only
once per turn.
FAQ • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • FAQ
Q. Can you stack several bomb tokens from the same
Guild in one Space?
A. Yes.
Q. When a Hero enters a Space with a bomb token,
can he use his abilities and Rerolls to defend from its
A. Yes. While the bomb attack doesn’t benet from abilities
and Rerolls, the target can use Rerolls and abilities that affect
him normally. However, abilities that would affect the attacker
don’t take effect (such as dealing wounds with the Amulet of
Q. When you target a second Enemy, do you roll your
attack again or use the same result from the primary
A. A single attack only ever has one roll, no matter how many
targets it has. You'd only roll again if an ability allows for an extra
Q. If I use Cleave II, can I choose which Enemies I want
to target?
A. No. If a card says ‘All Enemies’, then you must target all possible
Enemies. If it says ‘any number of Enemies’ (like Burninate), then
the attacker can choose its targets.
Q. Does a Hero moved by Das Boot open doors, use
portals, pick up tokens, or trigger Guard Reactions?
A. He can’t open doors or use portals because Das Boot allows
him only to Move, not to use Movement Points. He cant pick
up tokens because he’s not active. These moves do trigger Guard
Reaction normally.
Q. When using the Fortune Dice to predict the number
of Hits by an attack, do I need to include any additional
Hits granted by the weapons special effect?
A. Yes. You must predict the exact nal number of Hits or Saves,
taking into account any special effects, extra dice from CRITs
and any Rerolls used.
Q. Does the Genesis Glass only take effect when I
activate the Hero with that Card?
A. No. It takes effect at the start of each of your turns. It doesn't
matter if you Rest or activate another Hero.
Q. If a Hero attacked by Hate does not have any
unexhausted cards, does he automatically take 2 extra
A. Yes. A Hero can’t choose an option he’s unable to fulll.
However, remember that the defending Hero may still be able
to exhaust his Hero Card to prevent the extra Wounds.
Q. Does the attacker need to have Line of Sight to the
secondary target(s)?
A. No.
Q. Does the Shield of Souls unexhaust all of the
resurrected Heros cards?
A. Yes, the resurrected Hero comes back fully unexhausted.
Q: If my summoned Monster kills the targeted Hero,
do I get credit for the kill?
A: No. Just like with Tombstone cards, when a Hero-controlled
Monster kills a Hero, credits goes to the game (i.e. all other
Guilds get one Coin).
Q. When a Hero with a full inventory gets the Tome
of Enlightenment, can he put it in a slot containing a
Magic Attack card, placing that card in one of the new
extra slots instead of discarding it?
A. Yes.
Q. Can the target of a Wind Blast open doors, use
portals, etc?
A. No. Wind Blast only Moves the target, it doesn’t grant it
Movement Points.
FAQ • Arcadia Quest
Q. When using Wind Blast to move a Character
through a Space with 2 Characters, do you consider
Ally Characters from the perspective of the attacker
or the target?
A. Movement rules are always in regards to the Character who’s
moving through the board, it doesn't matter what's causing
them to move.
Q. Can I use Bobs natural ability to bring an Ally that is
banished to the Spawn Tile back to the board?
A. Yes, theyre still living Heroes and are eligible for Bobs natural
Q. Does Franks payback reaction roll extra dice from
Wounds received in the current attack?
A. Yes.
Q. Does a Hero controlled by Ivan count as a Hero or
as a Monster?
A. For all intents and purposes, the controlled Hero still counts
as a Hero of his own Guild. He cannot attack other Heroes of
his Guild. If he kills somebody, his Guild gets the credit for it. He
may complete Quests. He triggers Guard Reactions in Monsters
normally, with one exception: Ivan is not considered an Enemy
of the controlled Hero.
Q. If Leeroy starts a Move in Line of Sight of an Ally,
but moves out of it, triggering a Guard Reaction, does
he get his natural ability’s extra die for his Defense roll?
A. No. The Guard Reaction takes place before he gets to leave
the Space in LoS of an Ally, so his ability is not active.
Q. If McHammer uses Cleave to target two Enemies,
can he deal the Wounds from his natural ability to
those two Enemies?
A. No. McHammers natural ability allows him to deal Wounds
to any Close Enemy not targeted by his attack.
Q. Do the Wounds dealt by McHammers natural ability
trigger Payback Reactions?
A. No. Payback Reactions are only triggered by an attack, not
by a Wound dealt directly.
Q. Does the Monkey King trigger Guard Reactions
when activating his natural ability?
A. No, since it "places" him in a Close Space, not "Moves" him
Q. Can the Monkey Queen copy the ability of a Hero
with the Amnesia Death Curse?
A. No.
Q. If Nibbles’ attack kills a Monster, but then the
Monsters Payback Reaction kills him, does he get to
use his natural ability to heal all Wounds and stay alive?
A. No. He will have been killed before the Monster leaves the
board and his ability can take place.
Q. Does the Queen of Beggars activate her natural
ability if she uses Das Boot?
A. No. Her natural ability can only be used at the end of the
movement on her activation.
Q. If the Queen of Beggars attempts to use her natural
ability on a Hero with no Exploration tokens, does he
automatically take 1 Wound?
A. Yes. A Hero can’t choose an option he’s unable to fulll.
However, remember that Quest tokens also count as Exploration
Q. Do enemies get to roll Defense against the Wounds
dealt by Spikes CRITs on Defense?
A. No. Defense is only rolled against attacks, not against Wounds
dealt directly.
FAQ • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • FAQ
Q. Is Wisp completely immune to Guard Reactions?
A. No. Wisp is immune to Guard Reactions when moving, but he
triggers Guard Reactions normally if he ignores Monsters Close
to him when attacking.
Q. Can Zahra use her natural ability when using Das
Boot to move?
A. No. Das Boot is not part of her Movement, its simply an
automatic Move.
Q. Can the Quest token only be triggered by moving
into its Space or is standing on the space with the
token enough to trigger it?
A. It is enough for the active Hero to be in that Space with no
enemies in it to trigger the token.
Q. If my Guild has 6 Coins, can my Heroes make Ranged
attacks through the Temple door?
A. No. The Temple door is always considered to be closed, so no
LoS can be traced through it. You may only move through it.
Q. Can Monsters move through the Temple door?
A. No.
Q. What happens to the Death Curses that are dealt to
a Hero but get discarded because a Hero can only have
one Death Curse? Is the deck reshufed?
A. Discarded Death Curse cards go to a discard pile. If the Death
Curse deck runs out, reshufe the discard pile and make a new
FAQ • Arcadia Quest