Tencent Push Notification Service
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Tencent Push Notification Service
Operation Guide
Product Documentation
Tencent Push Notification Service
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Copyright Notice
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Copyright in this document is exclusively owned by Tencent Cloud. You must not reproduce, modify, copy or distribute
in any way, in whole or in part, the contents of this document without Tencent Cloud's the prior written consent.
Trademark Notice
All trademarks associated with Tencent Cloud and its services are owned by Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing)
Company Limited and its affiliated companies. Trademarks of third parties referred to in this document are owned by
their respective proprietors.
Service Statement
This document is intended to provide users with general information about Tencent Cloud's products and services
only and does not form part of Tencent Cloud's terms and conditions. Tencent Cloud's products or services are
subject to change. Specific products and services and the standards applicable to them are exclusively provided for in
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Operation Guide
Push Management
Troubleshooting Tool
Conversion Funnel
Push Plan
Push Settings
Message Recall
Advanced Push Features
Multi-Package Name Push
Notification Tap-to-Redirect
Custom Push Speed
Channel Policies
Message Collapse
Rich Media Notification
Custom Notification
Push to Accounts
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Operation Guide
Push Management
Troubleshooting Tool
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
Tencent Push Notification Service provides you with a troubleshooting tool for message push exceptions such as
message delivery or push failures. You can use this tool to troubleshoot issues on your own or query device details
(including the bound accounts and tags) via an account or token.
Use Cases
1. A developer successfully pushes a message to the testing device via the console, but this message is not displayed
in the notification bar of the device. Using a token to query the device details detects that the notification bar is
disabled. Enable it on the device, trigger registration again, and send a message to the device again. The message is
now displayed in the notification bar.
2. An operator fails to push a message to a specified account. Using the account and bound account type to query the
token in the troubleshooting tool detects that the account hasn't been associated with a token yet. Please submit a
ticket to check whether the API for Android or iOS was called to bind an account.
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3. After completing the Tencent Push Notification Service integration, a developer pushes a message to a certain
batch of device tokens, but an online user reports that the push message hasn't been reported. Querying the obtained
token and pushID of the user in the troubleshooting tool detects that the token is not in the push list.
Querying via an account
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. In the left sidebar, choose Message Management > Troubleshooting Tools.
3. Select the product and application to be searched from the drop-down list, and select Query by account for the
Query Method.
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4. Enter the user account and click Query.
5. Select the token associated with the account to view device details.
Account: Refers to the unique ID of the user bound to the token, including OpenID and UID.
Token list: Displays tokens in reverse chronological order by the binding time. A maximum of 10 tokens are listed in a
page. If the account is bound to multiple devices, the message will be pushed to the last device bound to this account.
To push the message to all devices bound to this account, change the push settings via the console or the API.
Querying via a token
1. Select Query through token for the Query Method on the Troubleshooting Tools page.
2. Enter a token and click Query. You will see the device details on the right.
Token: refers to the unique 36-character ID assigned to each device by Tencent Push Notification Service.
If you want to obtain the device token, depending on your device type, please see the Android or iOS SDK
Push query
1. On the Troubleshooting Tools page, click the Push Query tab.
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2. Enter the pushid (required) and the device token (required) to be queried, and click Query to view the
troubleshooting results.
Obtain pushid as follows:
1. Choose Message Management > Task List in the left sidebar to obtain the PushID to be queried.
2. Obtain it from the response parameter of the push API.
3. Choose Message Management > Task List in the left sidebar, and switch from Created on Console to Create
via API. Then you can view API push data.
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4. If the query result does not match the actual situation, or the problem persists, you can view the FAQs about push
or contact our online customer service with the pushID and token for assistance.
Device query
1. In what situations will the device token expire?
The token is valid for 90 days. If the device hasn’t been connected to the Tencent Push Notification Service server for
90 consecutive days, the device will be considered unavailable.
If the application has been uninstalled from the device, the token will be considered as an invalid token.
2. I have enabled the notification bar, but why is “notification bar status: disabled” displayed in the device details?
After the notification bar is enabled, send the registration request from the client again to sync the notification bar
status to the Tencent Push Notification Service server.
1. Push by account or tag fails but push by token succeeds. Why does this happen?
On the Query device detail page, verify that the token is associated with the target account or tag to implement push
by account or tag.
2. The push message is in the completed status and the device is normal. Why can’t I receive the message on my
mobile phone?
Check that you select the same environment for iOS and token. For more information, see Push Environment
Selection Description.
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Check whether you entered the same app package name as in the Tencent Push Notification Service console >
Message Management > Basic Config. If different, check whether the Multi-Package Name Push feature is
If you’re using Android version P or later, add and use the Apache HTTP client library. To do this, add the following
configuration to the AndroidManifest application node.
<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false"/>
If you’re using a Mi phone, check whether the message is included in the ordinary notifications.
If you’re using a Meizu phone, check whether the message is included in the message box.
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If you’re using a vivo phone, check whether the notification bar is manually enabled.
If you’re using a vivo or Huawei phone, check whether the notification banners and sounds are manually enabled.
Do not contain “test” and other sensitive words in your notifications because such notifications may be blocked by
vendor channels.
Note that the vivo and OPPO push channels must be approved by vendors before being used.
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Conversion Funnel
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
You can go to the Conversion Funnel page to view and analyze the push conversion data of an application in different
dimensions. We strongly recommend that you visit the conversion funnel page on a daily basis so that you can identify
push conversion opportunities and stuck points in time and constantly optimize the push strategy to maximize the
benefits of push.
Planned Sends: the number of non-unique devices available for the push tasks on the day
Actual Sends: the number of non-unique devices to which messages were pushed on the day
Total Reaches: the number of non-unique messages pushed on the day with Tencent Push Notification Service
or vendor channel arrival receipt
Total Clicks: the number of non-unique clicks on pushed messages
Send Rate (PV): Actual sends/Planned sends x 100%
Reach Rate (PV): Total reaches/Actual sends x 100%
Click Rate (PV): Total clicks/Total reaches x 100%
Planned Target Users: the number of unique devices available for the push tasks on the day
Actual Target Users: the number of unique devices to which messages were pushed on the day
Unique Reaches: the number of unique devices that the pushed messages reached on the day
Unique Clicks: the number of unique devices on which messages were clicked on the day
Send Rate (UV): Actual target users/Planned target users x 100%
Reach Rate (UV): Unique reaches/Actual target users x 100%
Click Rate (UV): Unique clicks/Unique reaches x 100%
Before scheduled delivery, filter out invalid devices or devices with the notification bar disabled.
Before actual delivery, filter out notifications that cannot be delivered via vendor channels, devices where the app is
offline, and other conditions that do not support the delivery.
Conversion Overview Yesterday
You can quickly view yesterday's overall conversion effect in the Conversion Overview Yesterday module and view
the day-over-day fluctuations of metrics in the day-over-day comparison module.
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Statistical Dimension
1. You can view conversion data by a specified time range, which can be the last 90 days at maximum.
If you select a single day (for example, Today, Yesterday, or 2021-06-06 to 2021-06-06), the data granularity for
the statistics area at the bottom is hour. Otherwise, the data granularity is day.
2. You can choose to view conversion data by Count (PV) or Users (UV). For Count (PV), data is not deduplicated.
For Users (UV), data is deduplicated in the device dimension.
For example, if 10 messages were sent to the same device one day, and all the messages successfully reached the
device and were clicked, the Total Clicks is 10 in the Count (PV) dimension and is 1 in the Users (UV) dimension.
The same principle applies to other metrics.
3. You can view conversion data by push plan. We strongly recommend that you divide your business into different
push plans by scenario and analyze conversion rates by scenario.
For example, if custom A's application has three push plans Operational activities, User engagement, and Gifts
for new users, customer A can view the conversion effect of each or all of these push plans, facilitating constant
growth strategy optimization.
4. You can view conversion data by push channel.
5. You can view conversion data by message type. If you use Tencent Push Notification Service to send notification
bar messages, silent messages, and in-app messages, you can view the conversion effect of each or all of these
message types.
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Data Analysis
In the data analysis area, you can view data trends and details, and download data. The statistics displayed in this
area change dynamically with the filters you specify.
In the Trend area, you can view push conversion trends in the time dimension.
1. Click the Details tab to view the detailed data displayed according to specified filters.
2. Click Download Data to export data tables to CSV files to analyze the data conversion effect in more detail.
If the statistical period spans days, data is classified according to the time when the data is reported. For example, if a
message was delivered and reached device A on March 1, but it was clicked on March 2, the corresponding Planned
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Sends, Actual Sends, and Total Reaches will be calculated for March 1, but the corresponding Total Clicks will
be calculated for March 2.
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Push Plan
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
A push plan helps operational personnel and developers manage multiple push tasks for different push targets in the
form of combinations and allows them to view the overall effect of pushes by plan and evaluate the achievement of
overall goals.
Use Cases
Managing push tasks for different operational goals
Multiple push tasks may need to be created for phased events such as 6/18 and 11/11 shopping festivals or for the
same operational goal such as improving the retention rate of new users. In such cases, you can create a push plan to
manage them and view the number of messages reached and user clicks at the plan level, so as to understand the
conversion effect and achievement of marketing goals.
Notifications and pushes triggered by user
For common push types such as like, comment, share, and private message, you can group all single-user push tasks
of the same type into the same plan and view data such as the number of push messages and user clicks in the type
by day, so as to evaluate the promotional effect of the message type on user activity.
Creating a push plan in the console
Method 1:
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. In the left sidebar, choose Message Management > Push Plan and click Create Plan.
3. In the Create Plan dialog box, enter the plan name and description and click OK.
After the plan is created, you can view its name, description, and number of push tasks and edit or delete it at any time
on the push plan page. Note that the default plan cannot be edited or deleted.
Method 2:
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. In the left sidebar, choose Message Management > Task List and click Create Push.
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3. Click Create New Plan.
4. In the pop-up dialog box, enter the plan name and description and click OK.
After the plan is created, it will be automatically selected for the current push.
Viewing the push tasks under a push plan
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. In the left sidebar, choose Message Management > Push Plan, select the target push plan, and click Details to
go to the push task list page.
Creating a push task in a push plan
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On the push plan details page, click the Task List tab, and click Create Push.
Viewing the aggregated statistics of a push plan
On the push plan details page, click the Plan Overview tab, and you can view the aggregated statistics of the push
Using RESTful APIs (to create a push plan or specify a push plan for push)
Creating a push plan
Create a push plan as instructed here. Then, you can specify it for message push.
Sample creation
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"planName":"VIP_Level 15",
"planDescribe":"VIP member benefits"
Specifying a push plan for push
When calling the push API, you can set the plan_id to specify the ID of the push plan for the target recipients. For
more information, please see Optional Parameter Description in the RESTful API document.
Sample push:
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"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [ "05da87c0ae********fa9e08d884aada5bb2"],
"title": "Push title",
"content": "Push content",
"aps": {
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"alert": {
"subtitle": "Push subtitle"
"badge_type": -2,
"category": "INVITE_CATEGORY"
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Push Settings
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
Proper message push can quickly improve user activity, increase conversion rate, and bring other benefits at a very
low cost. However, improper message push will adversely affect product reputation, and even sharply increase the
application uninstalls.
Tencent Push Notification Service provides the following capabilities for you to implement proper push in a secure and
efficient manner:
Frequency capping: limits the pushes to avoid annoying users
Message deduplication: blocks identical pushes caused by misoperation at the system level
Specified time range: sets a time range that allows pushes to avoid disturbing users late at night.
Use Instructions
Frequency Capping
Ecommerce applications often need to push promotion and marketing messages to targeted groups that are selected
according to their browsing habits, shopping frequency, and other information. As a result, the same user may receive
multiple push notifications in a short period of time, which seriously affects user experience and even causes the user
to turn off notifications or uninstall the application.
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. Select Message Management > Push Settings on the left sidebar.
3. Click Enable in the Frequency Capping section.
4. Enter an integer within 1-100 or keep the default value 3 in the text box of Max Pushes to a Device per Day.
Select a push plan to which the setting applies, and click Save to complete the configuration.
Message Deduplication
News and video applications usually need to preemptively reach out to users with breaking news or hot issues for
users to quickly get the latest and most concerned information. However, receiving repeated pushes in a short period
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may irritate users. This feature avoids duplicate pushes to users.
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. Select Message Management > Push Settings on the left sidebar.
3. Click Enable in the Message Deduplication section.
After this feature is enabled, the system will block identical pushes to the same recipients within 1 hour to prevent
users from receiving repeated pushes in a short period.
This applies only to pushes to all devices, to multiple accounts, by tag combination, or by user group.
Specified Time Range
Tools or applications with system notification requirements usually need to notify users when the user or system
function status changes. However, pushing notifications late at night will disturb users, thus damaging the reputation
of the applications and even causing uninstallation. This feature sets a time range that allows pushes to avoid
disturbing users late at night.
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. Select Message Management > Push Settings on the left sidebar.
3. Click Enable in the Specified Time Range section to set a time range that allows pushes, and click Save. The
pushes outside the specified time range will not be delivered.
The Specified Time Range is a period that allows pushes to deliver rather than to reach devices. For example, if the
time range is set to 15:00-16:00, only push tasks created within this period will be delivered, and other push tasks will
be blocked.
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Message Recall
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
Use Cases
If a notification message sent by an application contains an error or incorrect redirect link, it will give end users a
negative impression of the involved product/service after they view or click it. In this case, you should fix the problem
in time. You can choose to terminate, recall, or override the message, or cancel the related scheduled task if there is
any. This document describes how to do so through the console and RESTful APIs.
Message termination: terminates all offline messages within the offline storage period of the task.
Message recall: terminates the current message and makes it disappear from the notification center on devices where
it has arrived but has not been clicked. A recall is imperceptible to users.
Message override: terminates the current message and overrides it with a new one. After a successful override, only
the new message will be displayed in the device notification center.
Scheduled task cancellation: Cancels a scheduled task that has not yet been scheduled. After successful cancellation,
the scheduled push task will not be delivered any more.
Use Limits
Platform Termination Recall Override
Android Supported
This feature is
still being
upgraded and
not available yet.
Supported only for the Tencent Push
Notification Service channel, Mi channel,
Meizu channel, and Huawei devices on
EMUI 10 and later
This feature is
still being
upgraded and
not available yet.
Supported Supported
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Message termination, recall, and override are supported only for notifications whose push target is push to all
devices, push to a list of accounts, or push to devices with specific tags.
Scheduled task cancellation is supported only for notifications whose push target is push to all devices, push by
account package, and push to devices with specific tags.
Using the Console
Terminating, overriding, or recalling a push task
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. Click Message Management > Task List in the left sidebar.
3. Click View Details for the push task to be terminated, overridden, or recalled.
4. In the Push Progress column in the top-right corner of the push details page, terminate, override, or recall the task.
When you select message override, for vivo, OPPO, and Huawei (below EMUI 10) devices that do not support
message override, you can choose whether to continue the message delivery:
If you choose to continue the delivery, the notification message will be overridden, and both the new and original
messages will appear in the device notification center at the same time.
If you choose to abort the delivery, no new notification messages will be sent to the above devices that do not support
message override.
5. After the operation succeeds, you can return to the Task List page and view the current status of the task in the
Status column.
Cancelling a scheduled task
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1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. Click Message Management > Task List in the left sidebar.
3. Locate the push task whose scheduled task is to be canceled, and click Cancel Push.
4. After the operation succeeds, you can see that the status of the push task becomes Canceled in the Status
Using RESTful APIs
Message termination
API description
Request method: POST
Request Address
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Service URL/v3/push/stop_push_msg
The API service address corresponds to the service access point one by one; therefore, please select the service
address corresponding to your application service access point.
Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
pushId String Yes Push task ID
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Sample request
Recalling a message (This feature is still being upgraded and not available yet.)
API description
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Request method: POST
Request Address
Service URL/v3/push/revoke_push_msg
The API service address corresponds to the service access point one by one; therefore, please select the service
address corresponding to your application service access point.
Message recall will terminate the offline message delivery of the current push task by default.
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Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
pushId String Yes Push task ID
Sample request
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Message override
Step 1. Query the collapse_id of the push task
Call the API for querying push information for one task and get the collapse_id, for example, 0001, from the
corresponding response parameter.
Step 2. Call the push API to override the original push content
When you call the push API, add the collapse_id, for example, 0001, obtained in step 1. You can also set the
force_collapse field to decide whether to deliver the message to devices that do not support message override.
Message override will terminate the offline message delivery of the original push task by default.
Sample push
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"audience_type": "all",
"collapse_id": 0001,
"message_type": "notify",
"message": {
"title": "Override message 0001",
"content":"It's a nice day today"
"platform": "android"
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Canceling a scheduled task
API description
Request method: POST
Request Address
Service URL/v3/push/cancel_timing_task
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The API service address corresponds to the service access point one by one; therefore, please select the service
address corresponding to your application service access point.
Cancel a scheduled task that has not yet been scheduled.
Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
pushId String Yes Push task ID
Sample request
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Advanced Push Features
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
Tag is a feature used in targeted push where you can call Tencent Push Notification Service SDKs or server APIs to
bind one or more tags to devices. After that, you can push messages based on the tags, which makes lean operations
Tag push is a batch push feature and has frequency limits. It's not recommended for scenarios where a push tag is
bound to only a small number of devices or frequent pushes are required. For such scenarios, you can use the feature
of push to an account or a list of accounts accordingly.
Tag Push Scenarios
User engagement and reactivation
Application operation often requires message reminders for new users, which is an important part of the new user
experience and improves the retention rate of new users. By selecting the new devices tag provided by Tencent
Push Notification Service during push, you can push messages to users registered on the specified date with ease.
In addition, we also provide the inactive users tag, with which you can specify users who have not been active
for N days as the push target and push messages to them for user reactivation, thus increasing the number of active
application users.
Event subscription notification
Your live streaming application will stream a football match at 18:00 on October 24, and the live stream will be
available for reservation on October 20. You want to push a message about the upcoming start to users who
subscribe to this program before the live stream starts.
If a user subscribes to this program, the title 10241800 Football can be used as a tag to bind to the user device
token. When the live stream is about to start, you can select the Football tag to push a notification to inform the
user of the match start. After the match ends, you can call the tag unbinding API of Tencent Push Notification Service
to unbind the 10241800 Football tag from the device token.
Renewal notification
You want to push a renewal notification in application A to users whose membership will expire in three days. Assume
that a device token is bound to tags football and deadline:20200210. If a user renews the membership
for a month on February 9, 2020, you need to replace the tag deadline:20200210 with
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deadline:20200310, i.e., the tag deadline can have only one value (the latest value). In this case, you can
call the key-value overriding API provided by Tencent Push Notification Service to unbind the tag
deadline:20200210 and then bind the tag deadline:20200310 without affecting other tags. When
pushing a renewal notification (scheduled push is supported), set the tag to the current date plus three days; for
example, if the current date is March 7, 2020, you can push the renewal notification to devices with the tag
Tag Overview
Tencent Push Notification Service provides two types of tags: custom tags and preset tags. Tag categories are as
Tag Type Scenario
tag_type Built in Tencent
Push Notification Service
Constraints Example
Custom tag,
such as meeting
ID, class ID, and
user hobbies
(like basketball
and digital
Up to 10,000 custom
tags are allowed (to
increase the quota,
contact our online
customer service))
One device token can
be bound to up to 100
custom tags (to
increase the quota,
contact our online
customer service))
One custom tag can be
bound to an unlimited
number of device
Preset in Tencent Push
Notification Service,
1.0.1, 1.0.2
Province xg_auto_province
City xg_auto_city
beijing, tianjin,
chongqing, etc.
Active xg_auto_active 20200521,
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information 20200522
Tencent Push
Service SDK
System version xg_auto_systemversion 10.0.0, 12.4.5
xg_auto_systemlanguage zh, en, ja
Country/Region xg_auto_country
Phone brand xg_auto_devicebrand xiaomi, huawei
Model xg_auto_deviceversion
Samsung Note4, Vivo
Does not support API call
Devices active in the
last N days. Value
range: [1,30]. Format:
Devices active
in the last "10"
Does not support API call
Devices inactive in the
last N days. Value
range: [1,30]. Format:
Devices inactive
in the last "10"
Does not
support API call
Devices recently
registered. The tag value is
[startDate, endDate] in the
format of
The range between
endDate cannot
exceed 30 days
endDate cannot be the
current date
startDate cannot be
more than 90 days ago
startDate and
endDate can be the
Devices registered
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When you push by tag through API, you need to use the tag_type built in Tencent Push Notification Service to set
the tag type.
Managing custom tags
You can customize device tag names. Currently, Tencent Push Notification Service allows you to set tags through
RESTful APIs and device SDKs.
Method 1. Set tags through RESTful APIs
Bind and unbind a custom tag:
See Tag Binding and Unbinding.
Method 2. Set tags through device SDKs
For the iOS SDK, see Setting custom tag.
For the Android SDK, see Setting custom tag.
One device can be bound to up to 100 tags (to increase the quota, contact our online customer service)
One app can be bound to up to 10,000 tags (to increase the quota, contact our online customer service)
One tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
Up to 500 tags can be bound or unbound in one request.
Custom tag use cases and keywords
Tag push is suitable for scenarios where more than 10 devices are bound to a tag and less than 10 pushes are
required per day. For other scenarios, account push (binding an account instead of a tag to multiple devices for push)
is recommended.
A colon (:) is the keyword for separating the key and value in a key-value pair for user tag binding. For example, if you
assign the tag level:3 to a device token, the Tencent Push Notification Service backend will take level as
the tag key and 3 as the tag value, while the original tag level:3 is pushed. Storage based on key-value is
mainly to facilitate subsequent overwriting of tags of the same type.
Binding/Unbinding tags
Tencent Push Notification Service provides APIs for binding/unbinding a single tag to/from a single device, a single
tag to/from multiple devices, multiple tags to/from a single device, and multiple tags to/from multiple devices.
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Binding/Unbinding a single tag to/from a single device
Recommended scenarios
1. Call the device SDK API, for example, to get a user's subscribed channel in the application and bind/unbind the
channel tag to/from the device token.
2. Call the RESTful API occasionally, for example, to perform integration testing.
Tag binding method
"operator_type": 1,
"tag_list": ["tag"],
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"token_list": ["token"]
Tag unbinding method
"operator_type": 2,
"tag_list": ["tag"],
"token_list": ["token"]
Use limits
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A tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
The API is called synchronously.
Binding/Unbinding multiple tags to/from a single device
Recommended scenarios
1. Call the device SDK API, for example, to get a user's characteristics tags such as age, province, and gender in the
application and bind/unbind them to/from the device token in batches.
2. Call the RESTful API, for example, to get a device's user subscription information tags such as marital status and
hobbies (football, movies, etc.) through other internal channels, bind/unbind them to/from the device token in batches.
Tag binding method
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"operator_type": 3,
"tag_list": ["tag1","tag2"],
"token_list": ["token"]
Tag unbinding method
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"operator_type": 4,
"tag_list": ["tag1","tag2"],
"token_list": ["token"]
Use limits
A tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
Up to 100 tags can be included in one call.
The API is called synchronously.
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Binding/Unbinding a single tag to/from multiple devices
Recommended scenarios
Call the RESTful API, for example, to bind/unbind the football tag to/from all users who like/dislike football in
Tag binding method
"operator_type": 7,
"tag_list": ["tag"],
"token_list": ["token1","token2"]
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Tag unbinding method
"operator_type": 8,
"tag_list": ["tag"],
"token_list": ["token1","token2"]
Use limits
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A tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
Up to 500 device tokens can be included in one call.
The API is called synchronously.
Binding/Unbinding multiple tags to/from multiple devices
Recommended scenarios
Call the RESTful API, for example, to bind/unbind the football and basketball tags to/from all users who
like/dislike football and basketball in batches.
Tag binding method
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"operator_type": 9,
"tag_token_list": [{"tag":"tag1","token":"token1"},{"tag":"tag2","token":"token
Tag unbinding method
"operator_type": 10,
"tag_token_list": [{"tag":"tag1","token":"token1"},{"tag":"tag2","token":"token
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Use limits
A tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
Up to 500 device tokens can be included in one call.
The API is called synchronously.
Tag overriding
Tencent Push Notification Service provides two tag overriding methods: general overriding and overriding by tag
category (key-value overriding). In key-value overriding, a colon (:) is used to separate the key and value in a key-
value pair.
General overriding
Recommended scenarios
1. Call the device SDK API. For example, if all channel information subscribed by a device has expired, you need to
unbind all the channel tags from the device. However, traversing all tags to unbind them one by one is inconvenient. In
this case, you can call this API to overwrite the tags.
2. Call the RESTful API. For example, to set new tags for a device so that it will not be affected by legacy tags, this API
can be called to overwrite them.
Tag overriding method
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"operator_type": 6,
"tag_list": ["test", "level:1",, "level:2"],
"token_list": ["token"]
Use limits
A tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
The API is called asynchronously. You are recommended to set the call interval to longer than 1 second.
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Key-value overriding
Recommended scenarios
1. Call the device SDK API.
2. Call the RESTful API.
Instructions: a colon (:) is used for separating the key and value in a key-value pair. For example, level:2
indicates that the device level is 2. Assume that the device level is upgraded to 3, then you need to delete the tag
level:2 before adding the tag level:3. If you know that the device has only the tag level:2, you can
call the general overriding API to overwrite it. However, a device usually has multiple tags. If the device has another
tag test and you want to delete only the tag level:2, you need to manipulate all tags of the device or call the
relevant Tencent Push Notification Service API to find the corresponding legacy tag and delete it, which is
inconvenient. In this case, you can call this API to overwrite only tags with the key level.
Tag overriding method
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"operator_type": 6,
"tag_list": ["test:2", "level:3"],
"token_list": ["token"]
API description: key-value overwriting can be performed properly only when all tags in the tag_list have a
colon (:). For example, if a token has the tags test and level:1, after this API is called, the tag list of the
token will include test, test:2, and level:3.
Use limits
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A tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
Up to 100 tags can be included in one call.
The API is called asynchronously. You are recommended to set the call interval to longer than 1 second.
Tag deletion scenarios
Tencent Push Notification Service provides two tag deletion methods: deleting all tags of a single device and deleting
specific tags of an application.
Deleting all tags of a single device
Recommended scenarios
1. Call the device SDK API.
2. Call the RESTful API.
Instructions: you can use this API to delete all legacy tags of a device. This API is generally used to delete expired
tags or set tags again after misoperations.
Tag deletion method
Tencent Push Notification Service
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"operator_type": 5,
"token_list": ["token"]
Use limits
A tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
The API is called asynchronously. You are recommended to set the call interval to longer than 1 second.
Deleting specific tags of an application
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Recommended scenarios
Call the RESTful API.
Instructions: you can use this API to delete specific tags of an application, i.e., removing them from the tag list of the
application after unbinding them from bound devices. This API is generally used to delete disused tags. For example,
you can call this API to delete testing tags added during test after the application is officially released.
Tag deletion method
"tag_list": ["tag1", "tag2"]
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Use limits
A tag can contain up to 50 bytes.
Up to 100 tags can be included in one call.
The API is called asynchronously. You are recommended to set the call interval to longer than 1 second.
Managing preset tags
Preset tags are tags maintained on the Tencent Push Notification Service platform, i.e., tags automatically collected
by the SDK when user devices are registered with or connected to the Tencent Push Notification Service server.
Currently, Tencent Push Notification Service preset tags include application version, system version, province, active
information, system language, SDK version, country/region, phone brand, and phone model.
All devices are bound to the latest preset tags, which will automatically replace the corresponding legacy ones. For
example, if the current application version of a device is 1.0.1, when the application is upgraded to 1.0.2, the device
will be automatically unbound from the v1.0.1 tag and then bound to the v1.0.2 tag.
Querying tags bound to devices
Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console, and click Message Management > Troubleshooting
Tools in the left sidebar. Then you can query preset or custom tags by device token.
See the figure below:
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Tag push allows you to push messages by preset or custom tags or combinations of preset and custom tags
(combined by the "AND" or "OR" relationship) according to your operational requirements.
Setting the policy in the console
You can push a message by tag in the Tencent Cloud console as follows.
1. Select the tag combination type, e.g., custom tag or a category of preset tags.
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2. Select the tags for which you want to push a message after selecting the tag type.
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After a tag is selected, the number of devices bound to the selected tag will also be displayed. The tag combination in
the figure above indicates to push a message to users in Guangdong who were active within two days. Then, click
Test Preview to push the message to the corresponding target devices.
Calling the push API for tag push
Set the audience_type (push target) in the push API request parameter to tag to enable tag push. For more
information, see Push API.
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API example: push a message to male users in Guangdong and Jiangsu who were active on 2020-04-23, 2020-04-
22, or 2020-04-21.
"audience_type": "tag",
"tag_rules": [
"tag_items": [
"tags": [
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"is_not": false,
"tags_operator": "OR",
"items_operator": "OR",
"tag_type": "xg_auto_province"
"tags": [
"is_not": false,
"tags_operator": "OR",
"items_operator": "AND",
"tag_type": "xg_auto_active"
"operator": "OR",
"is_not": false
"tag_items": [
"tags": [
"is_not": false,
"tags_operator": "OR",
"items_operator": "OR",
"tag_type": "xg_user_define"
"operator": "AND",
"is_not": false
"message_type": "notify",
"message": {
"title": "Test title",
"content": "Test content",
"android": {
"ring": 1,
"ring_raw": "ring",
"vibrate": 1,
"lights": 1,
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"clearable": 1,
1. Will the API for querying bound devices by tag be made publicly available?
The API is currently for internal use only and will not be made publicly available in the future for the sake of system
stability. You can select a tag on the push page in the console to query its bound devices.
2. Will the API for querying bound tags by device token be made publicly available?
The API is currently for internal use only and will not be made publicly available in the future for the sake of system
stability. You can enter a token in the toolkit in the console to query its bound tags.
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Multi-Package Name Push
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
For various types of Android apps, especially Android games, it is a common practice in business operations to
customize versions for different channels and use different package names; however, this will lead to excessive
workload for subsequent message pushes, as each package requires separate push, which is time-consuming and
laborious and makes it difficult to achieve precise push and high efficiency.
The new "multi-package name push" feature of Tencent Push Notification Service is a convenient solution to this
problem. After this feature is enabled, you can easily add a multi-package name for different channels, and then one
message push is enough to reach all channels.
For marketing promotions, a game vendor needs to publish an event announcement to all game players. The game is
released in multiple app markets (such as CoolAPK, Anzhi, Wandoujia, and 360) with different package names. In this
case, Multi-Package Name Push can be used to send the event announcement to all packages at a time.
Configuring in console
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console and go to the Product Management page.
2. Select the application for which to configure multiple package names and click Configuration Management.
3. If the application does not have a main package name, you need to enter one and then click Add another
package name to enter a channel-specific package name.
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4. If the application already has a main package name, click Edit to open the Package Name Management section,
and click click here to add to configure a package name.
Up to 50 package names can be configured.
Configuring vendor channel for multi-package name
If your application has multiple package names, when you need to deliver messages to package names through
vendor channels, you need to apply for a vendor key for each package name and configure it in the Tencent Push
Notification Service console > Message Management > Basic Config.
Taking Huawei as an example, if the application has multiple package names configured, multiple key configurations
will appear after the Huawei channel is enabled, and you need to complete the configuration for each package name.
Otherwise, messages to devices under a package name with incomplete configuration will be sent through the
Tencent Push Notification Service channel after multi-package name push is enabled.
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Integrating the SDK
After configuring a package name, get the AccessID and AccessKey, and configure as instructed in Android
SDK Integration Guide or the Quick Integration process in the console.
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Setting the policy in the console
After the above configuration is completed and confirmed, you can enable multi-package name push in the Tencent
Push Notification Service console > Message Management > Task List > Create Push > Advanced Settings, as
shown below:
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After enabling Multi-Package Name Push, a push will be delivered to devices that match the push target under all
package names.
The multi-package name push feature is available only to Android. If a vendor channel corresponding to a package
name is not configured, messages to devices registered under the package name will be delivered through the
Tencent Push Notification Service channel.
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Setting the policy with RESTful APIs
Set multi_pkg to true in the optional parameter of the Rest API to enable multi-package name push. For
more information, please see Push API Parameter Description.
Sample push:
"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [
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"message_type": "notify",
"message": {
"title": "Push title",
"content": "Push content",
"android": {
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Notification Tap-to-Redirect
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
Use Cases
You can redirect subscribers who tap your notification to the specified in-app page, HTML5 page, or deep link to meet
your needs in different use cases.
Application Scope
Platform Type
Intent redirect: jumps to the specified in-app page. You can also pass in custom parameters.
Open application: directly goes to the application’s homepage.
URL: opens the browser and accesses the specified webpage.
In-app activity: jumps to the specified in-app page.
Opens the app by default.
Implements the business logic based on the delivered custom key and value.
Android Applications
In the SDK, a tap on a message can trigger a click event by default, which opens the target page. If a redirect action
is configured in onNotifactionClickedResult, it will conflict with the custom redirect rule specified in the
console or API, and the custom redirect rule will fail.
Configuring SDK
To use Intent redirect, first configure the page to be redirected to in the client application’s AndroidManifest file.
If you want to redirect to the page specified by AboutActivity, use the following sample code:
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android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" >
<!-- Other intent-filter -->
<!-- <intent-filter> ... </intent-filter> -->
<!-- AndroidManifest supports configuring multiple intent-filters for an Androi
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
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<!-- Customize the content of the data block to specify your complete schem
<!-- According to your configuration, a URL in the `scheme name://host name
<!-- To avoid conflicts with the redirection destination pages of other app
android:scheme="Scheme name"
android:host="Host name"
android:path="/Path name" />
Using the console
Intent redirect (recommended)
To set the Intent redirect in the Tencent Push Notification Service console, go to Task List > Create Push >
Advanced Settings > Open Location and enter the following information:
Open app
Tapping on the notification that is pushed via the console will open the application by default.
URL redirect
To set the URL redirect in the Tencent Push Notification Service console, go to Advanced Settings > Open
Location and enter the following information:
In-app activity redirect
This method will be disused, so we don’t recommend using it. Go to Advanced Settings > Open Location in the
console and enter the following information:
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Using RESTful APIs
Add the action and action_type fields under body.message.android of the push message body.
Field Type
Required Description
action Object Android 1 No
This sets the action after the notification
bar is tapped; the default action is to open
an application.
action_type Integer Action 1 No
One-tap action. Valid values:
1: opens activity or app
2: opens browser
3: opens Intent (recommended; for more
information, see Configuring SDK)
Intent redirect (recommended)
Below is a sample of a complete message:
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"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"title": "xxx",
"content": "xxx",
"android": {
"action": {
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"action_type": 3, // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: open
"intent": "xgscheme://com.tpns.push/notify_detail" // The SDK must be v
If you want to pass in custom parameters such as param1 and param2, use the sample code below:
"audience_type": "token",
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"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"title": "xxx",
"content": "xxx",
"android": {
"action": {
"action_type": 3, // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: open
"intent": "xgscheme://com.tpns.push/notify_detail?param1=aa&param2=bb"
If the client requires more parameters for other responses, refer to Getting parameters on the client.
Open app
Below is a sample of a complete message:
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"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"title": "xxx",
"content": "xxx",
"android": {
"action": {
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"action_type": 1 // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: opens
URL redirect
Below is a sample of a complete message:
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"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"title": "xxx",
"content": "xxx",
"android": {
"action": {
"action_type": 2, // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: opens
"browser": {
"url": "http://tpns.qq.com", // Only HTTP and HTTPS URLs are suppor
"confirm": 1 // Whether user's confirmation is required
Opening the in-app activity
Below is a sample of a complete message:
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"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"title": "xxx",
"content": "xxx",
"android": {
"action": {
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"action_type": 1, // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: opens
"activity": "com.x.y.MainActivity",
"aty_attr": {// Activity attribute, only for action_type=1
"if": 0, // Intent's Flag attribute
"pf": 0 // PendingIntent's Flag attribute
Getting parameters on the client
1. In the onCreate method of the page you specify for redirect, add the following intent URI code:
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protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ...
// Getting parameters via `onCreate`
// If the `intent uri` (client customization) mode is used for push, and parameter
// For example, if the value of the pushed `intent` is `xgscheme://com.tpns.push/n
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// you can use this code snippet to get the values of `param1` and `param2`, which
Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
Log.i(TAG, "onCreate get data uri: " + uri);
if (uri != null) {
String url = uri.toString();
String p1 = uri.getQueryParameter("param1");
String p2 = uri.getQueryParameter("param2");
// This is new from SDK
// If `custom_content` is set when the push task is created, you can use this API
String customContent = XGPushManager.getCustomContentFromIntent(this, this.getInte
// ...
2. If your activity page is the application's resident page (for example, launchMode is set to singleTop or
singleTask), the intent content for tap-to-redirect will be triggered by the onNewIntent method of the activity
page. Please add the following to the onNewIntent method to get the intent URI code:
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protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
// ...
// Getting parameters via `onNewIntent`
// If the `intent uri` (client customization) mode is used for push, and parameter
// For example, if the value of the pushed `intent` is `xgscheme://com.tpns.push/n
// you can use this code snippet to get the values of `param1` and `param2`, which
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Uri uri = intent.getData();
Log.i(TAG, "onNewIntent get data uri: " + uri);
if (uri != null) {
String url = uri.toString();
String p1 = uri.getQueryParameter("param1");
String p2 = uri.getQueryParameter("param2");
// This is new from SDK
// If `custom_content` is set when the push task is created, you can use this API
String customContent = XGPushManager.getCustomContentFromIntent(this, intent);
// ...
3. If the parameters passed in contain special characters, you can use URLEncode to encode the parameter values
when creating the push and use URLDecode to decode them at the terminal. The following is a sample:
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Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
if (uri != null) {
String p1 = uri.getQueryParameter("param1");
String value1 = "";
try {
// The value of the custom parameter `param1` contains special characters. You
value1 = URLDecoder.decode(p1, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Log.w("TPNS", "URLDecode param failed: " + e.toString());
// The custom parameter `param2` is not encoded with URLEncode and can be obtained
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String value2 = uri.getQueryParameter("param2");
Log.i("TPNS" , "value1 = " + value1);
iOS Applications
You can pass in custom parameters in the notification for delivery, and implement the redirect or other business logic
by parsing the parameters obtained on the client.
Using the console
To set parameters in the Tencent Push Notification Service console, go to Advanced Settings > Extra
Parameter(s) and enter the following information:
Using RESTful APIs
Add the following custom_content field under body.message.ios of the push message body.
Field Type
Required Description
custom_content String ios Empty No
Custom parameter for delivery, which must
be serialized to a JSON string.
Below is a sample of a complete message:
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"audience_type": "token",
"environment": "dev",
"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"message": {
"title": "xxx",
"content": "xxxxxxxxx",
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"aps": {
"alert": {
"subtitle": "xxx"
"custom_content": "{\\"key\\":\\"value\\"}"
Getting parameters on the client
If you use iOS SDK integration, you can obtain custom parameters using click callback. This callback applies to the
notification messages of the app in foreground, background, and shutdown status.
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/// Unified message click callback
/// @param response will be `UNNotificationResponse` for iOS 10+/macOS 10.14+, or `
/// @note TPNS SDK1.2.7.1+
- (void)xgPushDidReceiveNotificationResponse:(nonnull id)response withCompletionHan
NSLog(@"[XGDemo] click notification");
if ([response isKindOfClass:[UNNotificationResponse class]]) {
/// Getting messages on iOS 10 or later versions
NSLog(@"notification dic: %@", ((UNNotificationResponse *)response).notific
} else if ([response isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
/// Getting messages on iOS versions earlier than 10
NSLog(@"notification dic: %@", response);
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Custom Push Speed
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
The Custom Push Speed feature is to solve the problem where Tencent Push Notification Service may push
messages so fast that some customer servers experience too much connection pressure. Tencent Push Notification
Service provides API settings to allow you to control the push speed according to your own server conditions.
Scenario 1:
You want to push a promotional message to all users, but there is a limit on the number of concurrent visitors on the
event page; therefore, you want to control the push speed in order to reduce the connection pressure on your server.
In this case, you can set a push speed to limit the number of users allowed to open the event page simultaneously.
Scenario 2:
You have tagged a group of users as "lost users" and want to push a "benefit claim" message to them, so that they will
be attracted to open your app; however, you don't want too many users to concurrently visit the event page. In this
case, you can set a push speed to limit the number of users allowed to open the event page simultaneously.
Using the console
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. Go to Push Management > Task List.
3. Click Create Push, expand the Advanced section, enable Custom Push Speed, and set a speed.
After Custom Push Speed is enabled, the message will be pushed to devices that match the push target at the set
Only push to all devices and push by tag support Custom Push Speed.
The push speed can range from 1,000 to 50,000 pushes per second.
Using RESTful APIs
When calling the RESTful API, you can set the push_speed parameter to push messages at a custom speed. For
more information, see the Optional Parameters section in Push API.
Below is a sample push:
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"audience_type": "tag",
"tag_list": {
"tags": [
"op": "AND"
"message_type": "notify",
Tencent Push Notification Service
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"message": {
"Title": "Push title",
"content": "Push content",
"android": {
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Channel Policies
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
With tightening restrictions over the push limit and frequency of vendor channels, the push reach rate and delivery
speed are also affected. For specific restrictions, see:
Vendor Channel Limit Description
Vendor Channel QPS Limit Description
Tencent Push Notification Service provides two channel assignment policies: smart assignment and custom. These
policies can help improve the overall push reach rate and delivery speed against the restrictions of the vendor
Channel Overview
Channel Type
Supported Mobile Brand
Tencent Push Notification
Service channel
The application
process is online
All brands
Android vendor channels
(Huawei, Mi, Meizu, vivo,
OPPO, and FCM)
Application process
online or offline
Huawei, Mi, Meizu, vivo, OPPO, OnePlus, Black
Shark, realme, iQOO, Honor, and other mobile
phones with Google Services Framework
iOS vendor channel (APNs)
The application
process is online or
Channel Policy Overview
Smart assignment
Tencent Push Notification Service will, based on the device status, segment active status, and push channel status,
intelligently assign the optimal delivery channel for each device to achieve the following effects:
1. Improve the overall push reach rate.
2. Speed up the message arrival overall.
3. Save the resources of the vendor channels.
Custom channel policy
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Currently, vendor channels limit the daily number of pushes. You can choose the channels through which this push
can be delivered according to business needs and personalize the push channel delivery policy to save vendor
channel resources and maximize the value of pushes.
The table below specifies the delivery rules of a custom policy.
Channel Enabled Disabled
Mi, Meizu,
and FCM)
Both the vendor channel and the Tencent Push
Notification Service channel are available for this
If the Tencent Push Notification Service
preference is enabled, this push is preferentially
delivered through the Tencent Push Notification
Service channel when the device is online.
Otherwise, the vendor channel will be preferred.
If the vendor channel push fails, the Tencent Push
Notification Service channel will be used to retry the
If Tencent Push Notification Service channel is
disabled, the push can only be delivered with the
vendor channel.
You can
disable the
Tencent Push
channel or the
Notification bar
Both the APNs and Tencent Push Notification
Service channels are available for the push.
If the Tencent Push Notification Service
preference feature is enabled, this push is
preferentially delivered through the Tencent Push
Notification Service channel when the device is
Otherwise, the APNs channel is preferred.
If the APNs channel push fails, the Tencent Push
Notification Service channel will be used to retry the
If Tencent Push Notification Service channel is
disabled, the push can only be delivered with the
vendor channel.
You can
disable the
Tencent Push
channel or the
Notification bar
messages and silent
messages. Note:
The APNs channel
supports delivering
up to 3 silent
messages to a
device per hour.
The Tencent Push Notification Service channel is
available for the push.
The Tencent
channel can be
Notification bar
messages, in-app
messages, and silent
Note: The Tencent
Push Notification
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Service channel for
iOS only takes effect
in iOS SDK
or later.
Setting the policy in the console
You can select a channel policy for a push in the following path when creating it in the console:
Tencent Push Notification Service console > Message Management > Task List> Create Push > Advanced
settings> Channel Policy
Smart assignment
Select Smart assignment. The system will intelligently assign the delivery channel for each device. For more
information, see the rules given in Smart assignment.
Custom policy for Android channels
Select Custom. Click View details to check vendor-specific quota information.
You can choose the channel used for push according to the remaining quota of the current vendor channels and the
priority of the push task. For more information, see the rules given in Custom channel policy. We recommend selecting
It is preferentially delivered through Tencent Push Notification Service channel when the device is online
to save vendor channel resources.
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The Tencent Push Notification Service channel can be disabled.
Custom policy for iOS channels
You can choose the channel used for push based on the priority of the push task. For more information, see the rules
given in Custom channel policy. We recommend selecting It is preferentially delivered through Tencent Push
Notification Service channel when the device is online to ensure the fastest notification delivery to the device.
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Setting the policy with RESTful APIs
Set the optional channel_rules parameter for the RESTful API. For more information, please see channel_rules
parameter description in the Push API documentation.
Below is a sample push on Android:
Tencent Push Notification Service
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"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"channel_rules": [
"channel": "mz",
"disable": true //Disable the Meizu channel
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"channel": "xm",
"disable": false //Enable the Mi channel
"tpns_online_push_type":0, //The push will be delivered through the Tencent Pus
"message": {
"title": "The push will be delivered through the Mi channel, and the Meizu
"content": "Push content",
"android": {
Below is a sample push on iOS:
Tencent Push Notification Service
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"audience_type": "token",
"environment": "dev",
"token_list": ["05da87c0ae********fa9e08d884aada5bb2"],
"message_type": "notify",
"channel_rules": [{
"channel": "apns",
"disable": true
"tpns_online_push_type": 0,
"message": {
Tencent Push Notification Service
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"title": "The push will be delivered through the Tencent Push Notificat
"content": "Push content",
"ios": {
"aps": {
"alert": {
"subtitle": "Push subtitle"
"badge_type": -2,
"sound": "Tassel.wav"
"custom_content": "{\\"key\\":\\"value\\"}"
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Message Collapse
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
If a mobile phone receives multiple messages from the same application, these messages will be collapsed in the
notification center according to the corresponding rule to avoid disturbing the user. However, this mechanism will
reduce the exposure of a push and thus lower the operating profits.
Both the native Android and iOS systems provide the corresponding settings. You can use the message collapse
feature to collapse messages of the same type based on your operation needs so that the pushed messages can be
read more easily.
Application Scope
Mobile Phone
OS Version SDK Version Push Channel
Android 7.0 or
TPNS SDK v1.2.0.1 or
Tencent Push Notification Service
iOS iOS 10 or above
TPNS SDK v1.2.0.1 or
APNs channel
Using the console
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console. In the left sidebar, click Message Management > Task
List. Then, click Create Push > Advanced Settings.
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2. Set a message collapse rule, as shown in the following figure:
The following three options are provided for you to set whether and how to collapse messages in the notification
System Default: uses the default collapse rule of the system.
The following are system default rules of some vendors:
Native Android: If there are 5 or more messages of the same application, these messages will be collapsed into a
group. The number on the right of the collapsed messages is the number of unread messages. When they are
expanded, up to 8 messages can be displayed.
Huawei: If there are 2 or more messages of the same application, these messages will be collapsed into one group.
The number on the right of the collapsed messages is the number of unread messages. When they are expanded, up
to 8 messages can be displayed.
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Mi: If there are 4 or more messages of the same application, these messages will be collapsed into one group. The
number on the right of the collapsed messages is the number of unread messages (up to 7). When they are expanded,
up to 10 messages can be displayed.
Meizu: If there are 4 or more messages of the same application, these messages will be collapsed into one group. The
number at the top of the collapsed messages is the total number of messages. When they are expanded, up to 35
messages can be displayed.
Meizu phones provide the unimportant notification feature, which allows users to place excessive notifications in the
notification drawer in the upper-right corner, where the notifications will not be collapsed. You can enable "Priority
display" in the application notification settings to disable this feature.
OPPO: If there are 4 or more messages of the same application, these messages will be collapsed into one group.
The number on the right of the collapsed messages is the number of unread messages. When they are expanded, up
to 8 notifications can be displayed.
Vivo: If there are 2 or more messages of the same application, these messages will be collapsed into one group. The
number of collapsed messages will not be displayed. When they are expanded, up to 8 notifications can be displayed.
Uncollapsed: The message will not be collapsed with other messages of the same application.
Custom: Messages with the same thread_id will be collapsed.
You can set this parameter for low-priority messages to collapse them. On the contrary, you can set Uncollapsed for
important messages.
Using RESTful APIs
If you want to implement the "Uncollapsed" and "Custom" effects of the console, you need to customize
thread_id in the message field of the Push API. For more information, please see Push API - Optional
Below is a sample push:
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"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"message": {
"Title": "Push title",
"content": "Push content",
"android": {
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"thread_sumtext":"Operation activity"
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Rich Media Notification
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
Rich media push allows you to push rich media contents such as image, audio, and video in addition to text, which can
effectively increase the notification click rate. You can use this feature to push a wider variety of contents such as
news, coupons, and event information, satisfying your personalized push needs.
Application Scope
Currently, Tencent Push Notification Service rich media push supports the following types of rich media contents:
Android: image and audio
iOS: image, audio, and video
The Tencent Push Notification Service channel for iOS supports rich media push by default. For the APNs channel,
applications need to integrate with the notification service extension plugin.
The supported types of rich media and use requirements for each push channel are as follows:
Use Requirements
Huawei Thumbnail
Only HTTPS URLs are supported.
Format requirements:
PNG, JPG, and JPEG
120 x 120 px. The image will be automatically resized if its width or height
exceeds 120 px.
Less than 200 KB
Mi Large image
Only HTTPS URLs are supported.
Format requirements:
PNG, JPG, and JPEG
Fixed at 876 x 324 px
Less than 1 MB
Note: to use the large image notification feature in the Mi channel, you need to
first call the image upload API of Mi to upload the image file, get the image
address pic_urlspecified by Mi, and enter it in the corresponding Tencent
Push Notification Service push parameter xg_media_resources. For
more information, see the large image upload API description in here.
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Large image,
and audio
Android platform:
Only HTTPS URLs are supported.
Image format requirements:
JPEG, JPG, and PNG
The height of a large image cannot exceed 324 px and the width is adaptive.
The size of a thumbnail should be 120 x 120 px. If its height or width exceeds
120 px, it will be cropped into a square.
Audio file format requirements: an audio file cannot exceed 5 MB.
iOS platform: the requirements are the same as that of the APNs channel.
Only HTTPS URLs are supported.
Image format requirements:
JPEG, PNG, and GIFformats
Less than 10 MB
Audio/Video file format requirements:
Video encoding formats: MPEG, MPEG-2 Video, MPEG-4, and AVI
Audio file extensions: AIFF, WAV, and CAF
Audio encoding formats: Linear PCM, MA4 (IMA/ADPCM), alaw,
and μLaw
An audio/video file should be less than 5 MB.
An audio file should be less than 30s long.
Note: image and audio/video cannot be enabled at the same time.
Operation Directions
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console. Go to Message Management > Task List.
2. Click Create Push > Advanced Settings.
3. Enable Notification Image or Notification Audio/Video, and enter the rich media message URL. The detailed
configuration instructions are as follows:
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When you enable Notification Image:
The URL must be in HTTPS format.
The thumbnail can be displayed in pushes delivered through the Tencent Push Notification Service and Huawei
Format requirements: PNG, JPG, or JPEG; 120 × 120 px; less than 200 KB
Large image:
The URL must be in HTTPS format.
The large image can be displayed in pushes delivered through the Tencent Push Notification Service and Mi
Format requirements: PNG, JPG, or JPEG; 876 x 324 px; less than 1 MB
After the image URL is entered, the image will be displayed in the notification. Format requirements:
The file size cannot exceed 10 MB.
The file must be in PNG, JPG, JPEG, or GIF format.
The URL must be in HTTPS format.
When you enable Notification Audio or Notification Audio/Video:
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After the audio URL is entered, notifications delivered through the Tencent Push Notification Service channel can
contain audio.
The audio file size cannot exceed 5 MB.
The URL must be in HTTPS format.
After the audio/video URL is entered, notifications can contain audio or video and be played back through Apple's
native component.
The audio/video file size cannot exceed 5 MB.
The file must be in MPEG, MPEG-2 Video, MPEG-4, or AVI format.
The URL must be in HTTPS format.
To send a rich media message via an API call, you can set the following parameters in the Android or iOS message
body in the Push API:
Platform Parameter Notes
Thumbnail: icon_res, icon_type
Large image:
Thumbnails are supported only for the Tencent Push
Notification Service and Huawei channels.
Large images are supported only for the Tencent Push
Notification Service and Mi channels.
Audios are supported only for the Tencent Push Notification
Service channel.
Image and audio/video:
Notification Image and Notification Audio/Video cannot be
enabled at the same time.
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For more information, see the Required Parameters section in Push API.
Below is a sample push on Android:
"audience_type": "token",
"token_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
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"message": {
"Title": "Push title",
"content": "Push content",
"xg_media_resources": "xxx1" , // Enter the URL of the rich media element,
"xg_media_audio_resources":"xxx", // Enter the URL of the audio, such as `h
"android": {
"icon_type": 1,
"icon_res": "xxx", // Enter the URL of the thumbnail.
The Meizu, OPPO, and vivo channels do not support rich media. How do I deliver notifications to all
Notifications delivered through the Tencent Push Notification Service, Huawei, Mi, and FCM channels contain images,
while those delivered through the Meizu, OPPO, and vivo channels are in plain text format without images by default.
How can I include an image in a push message?
Whether you call an API or use the console to deliver a message, you need to generate a URL for the image to include
it in the message.
What is the policy for delivering audios on Android?
Audio pushes delivered through the Tencent Push Notification Service channel can display the audios normally, while
those delivered through other channels will be in plain text format without audios by default.
Can I enable both Notification Image and Notification Audio/Video for iOS?
No. You can only enable either of them.
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Custom Notification
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
Tencent Push Notification Service supports adding custom parameters to the push text. After you bind custom
parameters to the device and create a push, the device will display the message with custom parameters. This makes
the push more attractive, so users are more likely to click on it.
Use Cases
To increase the payment rate for items in cart, you can use the following template:
Tencent Push Notification Service
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Hi, @{{nickname}}, there are only {{productnum}} left in stock for the {{productnam
Wanna buy it now?
The push message Tommy receives is as follows:
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Hi, @Tommy, there are only 6 left in stock for the penguin doll in your cart. Wanna
To reactivate inactive gamers through push, you can use the following template:
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Hi, @{{nickname}}, you have not logged in to the game for {{offline_days}} days. We
Come claim them. >>>
The push message Tommy (who has been inactive for 3 consecutive days) receives is as follows:
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Hi, @Tommy, you have not logged in to the game for 3 days. We have prepared 6 gift
Social networking
To reactivate users who have not opened the application for 3 consecutive days through push, you can use the
following template:
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Hi, @{{nickname}}, {{friend_num}} friends of yours posted {{story_num}} updates whi
Come check them out. >>>
The push message Tommy receives is as follows:
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Hi, @Tommy, 8 friends of yours posted 20 updates while you were away. Come check th
Creating and managing user attributes
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. Go to Message Management > Attributes Management and click Add User Attribute.
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3. In the Add User Attribute dialog box, enter the attribute name and description, and click OK. Then you can view
the created time, attribute name, attribute description and number of devices on the User Attribute Management
page. You can edit or delete an attribute at any time.
Binding user attributes
Before pushing a custom message, you need to bind the user attributes to devices using either of the following
Method 1: using client APIs:
For the iOS SDK, see here.
For the Android SDK, see here.
Method 2: using the RESTful API
To bind user attributes via the RESTful API, see here.
Setting the policy in the console
1. Go to Message Management > Task List and click Create Push.
2. Insert the user attributes on the right of the Notification Title or Notification Content field.
One push supports adding up to 5 attributes at a time.
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3. Set to deliver the default notification or content if no user attribute is matched.
4. Click Test Preview, double check the information, and click Confirm.
Setting the policy with RESTful APIs
To enable the custom notification via the API, set ntf_wt_attrs to true and add the following fields to
Parameter Type Required Description
default_content string Yes
The default message content will be sent to devices if no
user attribute is matched.
default_title string
Yes for Android,
and No for iOS
The default message title will be sent to devices if no user
attribute is matched.
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default_subtitle string No The default message subtitle will be sent to devices if no
user attribute is matched.
For more information about other message fields, see the “message: message body” section in Push API.
Sample push:
"audience_type": "token",
"expire_time": 3600,
"message_type": "notify",
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"message": {
"title": "Hi, {{name}}",
"content":"You have earned {{score}} points",
"default_content": "Default content",
"default_title": "Default title",
"default_subtitle": "Default subtitle"
"token_list": [
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Push to Accounts
Last updated 2024-01-16 17:34:39
After you get a batch of user accounts from a third-party data platform or business backend, when launching a
marketing campaign for such users, you can use the push to accounts feature to push messages to a single or
multiple accounts at a time.
The abovementioned accounts must be bound with a Tencent Push Notification Service token. For detailed
directions, please see Binding an account (Android) or Adding account (iOS).
Using the console
1. Log in to the Tencent Push Notification Service console.
2. Find the application for which to configure batch push and select Create Push in its Operation column to enter the
Create Push page.
3. In the Push Target field, select Account and upload an account package file or manually enter accounts.
Requirements for the uploaded account package:
Account package filename: [1, 100] characters
Account package format and size: .zip, .txt, or .csv file within 100 MB
.zip file requirements: can contain a single .txt or .csv file but not folders
.txt file requirements: encoded in UTF-8; one account ([2, 100] characters) per row
.csv file requirements: one column only; one account ([2, 100] characters) per row
4. Select the account type. You can obtain the account type from service developers. If no account type is specified,
the default type is used.
5. Click Preview. After confirming that the push configuration is correct, click Confirm.
Using RESTful APIs
Push to a single or multiple accounts
When you call the push API, set audience_type (push target) to account (single account) or
account_list (a list of accounts) and enter a proper account type as instructed in Account Type Value Table.
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Sample push
"audience_type": "account",
"account_list": [
"message_type": "notify",
"message": {
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"title": "Congrats on winning in the campaign",
"content":"Get online to claim your prize!"
Uploading an account package file for push
Step 1. Call the API for uploading an account package file
Upload your account package file as instructed in Account Package Upload API. After the call succeeds, an
upload_id will be returned, such as 11231.
Step 2. Call the push API
1. When you call the push API, set audience_type (push target) to package_account_push (push to
accounts in the package).
2. Enter the upload_id obtained in Step 1, such as 11231.
3. Enter a proper account type as instructed in Account Type Value Table.
4. Set account_push_type to specify whether to push to the recent or all devices bound to each account.
Sample push
The following sample pushes a message to users who have won prizes in a marketing campaign:
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"audience_type": "package_account_push",
"upload_id": 11231,
"message_type": "notify",
"message": {
"title": "Congrats on winning in the campaign",
"content":"Get online to claim your prize!"
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