Clinical Informatics Board Specialty Certification for Physicians: A Global View
Adi V. Gundlapalli
a, b
, Aditya V. Gundlapalli
, William W. Greaves
, Denece Kesler
Peter Murray
, Charles Safran
, Christoph U. Lehmann
University of Utah School of Medicine and
VA Salt Lake City Health Care System, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Utah County Academy of Sciences, Orem, UT, USA,
American Board of Preventive Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA,
University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM,USA,
International Medical Informatics Association, Geneva, CH,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Clinical informatics workforce development is a high priority
for medicine. Professional board certification for physicians is
an important tool to demonstrating excellence. The recent
recognition of clinical informatics as a subspecialty board in
the U.S. has generated interest and excitement among the U.S.
informatics community. To determine the extent of similar
programs in countries around the world, we performed litera-
ture searches with relevant keywords and internet searches of
websites of informatics societies around the world for men-
tions or descriptions of certifications and reviewed publicly
available sources. The U.S. certification was prominent in the
recent published literature. Germany and Belgium have long-
standing certifications with South Korea and Sri Lanka con-
sidering similar programs. This is the first global view of clin-
ical informatics board certification for physicians. Training
and certification for non-physician informatics professionals
in allied areas are widespread. Official recognition and certi-
fication for physicians and all informatics professionals rep-
resents a key component of capacity building and a means of
addressing the shortage of a skilled informatics workforce.
Wider adoption of certification programs may further attract-
ing talent and accelerate growth of the field.
Clinical informatics, board certification, physicians, informat-
ics workforce.
There is a global need for sustaining and growing the infor-
matics workforce. A key aspect of fostering interest and at-
tracting talented candidates is to provide opportunities for
training and career advancement in the field. Voluntary ‘certi-
fication’ of professionals is a highly-visible quality indicator
and a tool to improve physician recognition. Professionals
from diverse backgrounds such as nursing, pharmacy, clinical
medicine, and computer science work in the field of clinical or
health informatics. While there are many opportunities for
certifications in allied fields such as information technology
and information systems, there are fewer opportunities in the
field of informatics. In the U.S., nursing informaticians have
had a certification program [1, 2] and there are efforts under-
way to establish an interprofessional certification [3]. While
physicians are eligible to apply for certification pursued by
informatics professionals, there are limited opportunities ex-
clusively designed for physicians.
Specialty training and “certification” by a professional board
after graduating from medical school represents a path for
physicians to demonstrate expertise and dedication in a specif-
ic area of clinical medicine. This common route for physicians
practicing in the US exists in comparable pathways in Africa,
Asia, Americas, Australia, and Europe. Well-recognized board
certification pathways exist in most countries for clinical spe-
cialties such as internal medicine, family practice, surgery,
pathology, or radiology. Many countries offer subspecialties
in medical and surgical fields. These pathways are considered
important and in the US have become essential for practicing
clinical medicine, hospital staff privileges, faculty appoint-
ments in schools of medicine and to establish appropriate cre-
dentials and qualifications with healthcare purchasers [4].
Clinical informatics was recognized in 2011 as a medical sub-
specialty in the U.S. for physicians. The modern seeds were
sown in 2005 during a town hall meeting conducted by the
American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) [5]. Sub-
sequent development of the core content and fellowship re-
quirements by leading informatics professionals [6, 7] formed
the foundation of the recognition of clinical informatics as a
distinct subspecialty [8, 9]. The subspecialty certification is
co-sponsored by the American Board of Preventive Medicine
and the American Board of Pathology. Until 2017, it is avail-
able to any physician who possesses a license to practice and
an unexpired board certification in any other specialty from
the American Board of Medical Specialties and can demon-
strate more than 25% clinical informatics efforts for three of
the last five years.
One of the motivations for the U.S. subspecialty certification
was the recognition that informatics is now considered an es-
sential component to the practice, education, and research as-
pects of all medical specialties and subspecialties [10, 11]. It is
anticipated that in the short-term, the ability to show compe-
tency and expertise in this new field will act as a catalyst for
the training and recruitment of experts to advance clinical in-
formatics in hospitals and practices. In the long term, certifica-
tion should allow for uniformity and standardization in train-
ing for physicians and prepare expert clinical informaticians.
It is reasonable to assume that the desire and need to have
qualified physician informatics specialists to fill positions
such as chief medical/health informatics officers, directors of
clinical informatics, and physician leads of EHR implementa-
tions will increase in the future.
With the excitement generated by the U.S. board certification
[8], we sought to review existing data on the status of clinical
informatics as a specialty or subspecialty for physicians out-
side the US. The hypothesis was that countries with well-
established informatics infrastructure will have similar certifi-
cation programs for physicians.
MEDINFO 2015: eHealth-enabled Health
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Literature Search
We used combinations of the following keywords for litera-
ture searches: “clinical informatics”, “health informatics”,
“biomedical informatics”, “specialty” or “subspecialty”,
“board certification”, “physicians”, “doctors” to search Pub-
Med, Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, World Cat, CINAHL
and Google Scholar. These databases were accessed through
the University of Utah intranet.
Internet Search of Informatics Society Web Sites
A listing of member societies of the International Medical
Informatics Association (IMIA) was reviewed as of November
30, 2014 from the IMIA website [12]. Brief descriptions of the
member societies as listed on the IMIA page were first re-
viewed. Subsequently, individual society websites were ac-
cessed and contents reviewed for evidence of clinical infor-
matics certifications or qualifications with an emphasis on
physicians. Websites in languages other than English were
reviewed using the automatic translation feature of either
Google Chrome or Bing through Internet Explorer. Complying
with rules for good scientific practice, all webpage screenshots
or pdf versions used for this publication were archived.
Informal Discussions with Informaticians at International
The authors discussed the topic of board certification in clini-
cal informatics for physicians with informatics professionals
at the 2014 Asia Pacific Association of Medical Informatics
(APAMI) held in New Delhi, India in early November 2014
and at the Annual Symposium of the American Medical In-
formatics Association (AMIA) in Washington, DC in mid-
November 2014.
Results of Literature Search
In reviewing the literature, the concept of an informatics sub-
specialty is not entirely new and was raised as early as 1985
and 1993 [13, 14]. The forward looking vision of Kunstaetter
in 1985 is impressive [14]: “The medical profession has to
become directly involved by establishing and supporting med-
ical informatics as a new specialty. To do otherwise would be
equivalent to leaving the practice of radiology to physicists or
medical therapeutics to the pharmaceutical industry.”
The search of databases yielded few relevant results related to
clinical informatics board certification for physicians; as
shown in Table 1, most of the recent papers were related to the
US experience [5-11, 15]. The papers trace the history of the
US board certification from concept to setting requirements to
administration of the examination. The US certification gener-
ated considerable excitement in the US physician informatics
community. The next step in this process is the establishment
and sustenance of accredited fellowship programs for clinical
informatics that will train the next generation of clinical phy-
sician informaticians.
During the literature search for clinical informatics certifica-
tion, we noted separate pathology informatics training for
pathologists in the US [16-18]. It is important to note that
pathologists are eligible to apply for the US subspecialty
board certification in clinical informatics.
Roger France et al review the certification process in exist-
ence in Belgium for physicians since an official ministerial
decree was passed in 2001 by the Belgian parliament [19].
The criteria for being designated a “Physician Specialist in
Health Data Management” in Belgium include being a li-
censed physician and requirements for formal coursework and
practical training (each one year) and presentation of an origi-
nal dissertation. There are no published articles regarding the
success and challenges of this program nor an estimate of the
number of physicians who hold this certification.
Two articles describe a “supplement medical informatics”
qualification for German physicians first approved in 1991
[20, 21]. This qualification requires 1.5 years of formal
coursework and practical experience that has to be certified by
the physicians’ institutional leadership. For this certification,
we were unable to find published data on the number of phy-
sicians who hold this certification.
South Korea has established a formal training program in bi-
omedical informatics for physicians [22]. The 18-month pro-
gram leads to Certified Physicians in BioMedical Informatics
(CPBMI), certified by the Korean Society of Medical Infor-
matics (KOSMI). Kim anticipates that the next step would be
to establish a board certification in biomedical informatics
similar to the US program. There are numerous academic
training programs (degree and non-degree granting) that are
open to physicians with recommendations for standards and
accreditation [23-25]. Several countries offer certification and
recognition processes for informatics professionals including
physicians [26, 27].
Table 1. Results of database searches for literature pertaining
to clinical informatics board certification specifically for
physicians (see text for combinations of keywords used)
Relevant articles from
manual review of main
search and ‘related search-
es’ (and top 100 results
from Google Scholar)
PubMed, Medline, Scopus,
Web of Science, World Cat,
CINAHL and Google Scholar
Applicable specifically to
physician certification: US
related [5-11, 15]; World:
Results of Internet Search of Informatics Society Web
A review of the brief descriptions of the member societies
charters on the IMIA website revealed training and career de-
velopment of informatics professionals as an often cited goal
with no specific mentions of certification specifically for phy-
We reviewed the websites of 58 member societies of informat-
ics listed on the IMIA website and 5 regional member associa-
tions. Countries listed as “Corresponding members” did not
have websites listed. As shown in Table 2, most were amena-
ble to review by virtue of being in English or translated using
either Google Chrome or Bing. Information on certification
specifically for physicians was noted on the US site (Ameri-
can Medical Informatics Association, AMIA). Information on
the German site matched the literature search [20, 21], as did
the link to the certification for physicians on the South Korean
site [22]. There was no mention of the certification available
in Belgium on their website. All other accessible websites had
no mention of certification specifically for physicians.
A.V. Gundlapalli et al. / Clinical Informatics Board Specialty Certification for Physicians: A Global View502
Many countries offer certification for all informatics profes-
sionals and physicians would likely be eligible for those train-
ing and certification processes. Examples include the UK,
Australia, and Canada.
The IMIA website and those of the Asia Pacific Association of
Medical Informatics, European Federation for Medical Infor-
matics, and Pan African Health Informatics Association yield-
ed no information on certification specifically for physicians.
The Regional Federation of Health Informatics for Latin
America and the Caribbean website did not load and the Mid-
dle East Association for Health Informatics had no website
Results of Informal Discussions with Informaticians
A meeting with the President of the Health Informatics Socie-
ty of Sri Lanka resulted in our being alerted to the existence of
the Specialty Board in Biomedical Informatics in that country
at the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine at the University of
Colombo and the possibility of a board certification for physi-
cians in informatics in the near future (personal communica-
tion, Prof. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake). In performing internet
searches on this topic, the Sri Lankan society on the IMIA
webpage briefly mentions a master’s course in biomedical
informatics offered by the Specialty Board in Biomedical In-
formatics that is specifically offered for medical doctors and
dentists in Sri Lanka [28].
Informal discussions with members of the editorial boards of
the Applied Clinical Informatics journal and the International
Journal of Medical Informatics at the 2014 AMIA Annual
Symposium indicated no board certification pathways in clini-
cal informatics for physicians in Brazil or Australia.
Over the years, clinical informatics has had a significant im-
pact on the practice of medicine. Demand for increasing quali-
ty and efficiency, while decreasing costs and errors, requires
an informed and well-trained workforce in clinical informat-
ics. As in any field, we face challenges in recruiting and re-
taining talented professionals to clinical informatics.
Table 2. Review of International Association of Medical Informatics member society websites for information on clinical informatics-
related board certification opportunities and pathways specifically for physicians
Continent Results/Comments
Cameroon, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa: No information on clinical informatics board certifica-
tion for physicians
Burundi, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Malawi, Togo: No website listed
Canada, Chile, Cuba, Uruguay: No information on clinical informatics board certification
for physicians
Argentina, Mexico, Peru: Website failed to load
Brazil: Page could not be translated
Colombia: No website listed
USA: Information on US board certification for physicians
China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand: No information
on clinical informatics board certification for physicians
Israel: No website listed
Sri Lanka: Website failed to load
Iran, Saudi Arabia: Website under construction
South Korea: Link to certification for physicians in Biomedical Informatics
Australia, New Zealand: No information on clinical informatics board certification for physicians
Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Finland, France, Ireland, Norway,
Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine: No information on
clinical informatics board certification for physicians
Austria: Page could not be translated
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy: Page failed to load
Germany: Medical informatics certification specifically for physicians
A formal certification process with subsequent tangible bene-
fits such as official acknowledgement and recognition of ex-
cellence, qualification for a named position of authority and
possibly monetary benefits would go a long way in attracting
and retaining professionals to this field.
Physicians are an integral part of the clinical informatics team
that consists of dedicated professionals from various disci-
plines. While physicians are likely satisfied to be recognized
for their knowledge, skills, and experience in informatics, it
would also be important to recognize those that have achieved
A.V. Gundlapalli et al. / Clinical Informatics Board Specialty Certification for Physicians: A Global View 503
official board certification in their chosen field. In this con-
text, the US clinical informatics subspecialty board certifica-
tion fulfills a long awaited aspirational need and has generated
much excitement and discussion [29, 30].
With the news of the recent U.S. certification, we set out to
find other similar programs in countries worldwide. As with
the U.S., short- and long-term training and degree granting
programs exist for informatics in many countries and these are
open to physicians. It was more challenging to determine if
there are programs that are reserved and specifically designed
for physicians.
Our hypothesis that countries with well-established informat-
ics infrastructure will have similar certification programs for
physicians was not validated. It was interesting to note that the
US is the latest to join a very short list of countries such as
Germany and Belgium that have had programs equivalent or
similar to US board certifications for physicians in the field of
clinical informatics for many years. With South Korea and Sri
Lanka actively considering similar programs, there appears to
be an opportunity for other countries to consider and organize
their training to offer similar recognition. The motivations and
tangible returns will likely vary for different countries as will
the infrastructure, logistics, social and political will to estab-
lish such programs.
We acknowledge several limitations of our study. Key word
searches of online literature databases may be incomplete
based on filtering for English language articles and choice of
keywords. Our search would have missed the non-English
literature. The automatic translation of non-English language
websites was not independently verified by those familiar with
the language and thus we may have missed references to board
certification pathways. There were some sites that were not
amenable to translation from their native language.
As this topic generates more interest among the international
informatics community, there may also be opportunities to
formally engage the IMIA member societies in dialog regard-
ing certification opportunities and pathways for physicians.
This could be conducted via email, online, or in-person sur-
veys at international informatics meetings. IMIA might even
serve as an authority on certification for member societies.
We encourage and request individuals with knowledge and
experience with training and certification programs exclusive-
ly tailored for physicians in different countries to email us
with details. We also encourage stewards of national informat-
ics societies to email us with details of clinical informatics
related certifications and qualifications for physicians in their
countries. It would be important to have an exhaustive and as-
complete-as-possible inventory of such programs so that best
practices, motivations and lessons learned could be shared
among informatics professionals.
We wish to acknowledge our international informatics col-
leagues who freely discussed this topic with the authors at
various informatics meetings. We wish to appreciate the ef-
forts of prominent informatics leaders from AMIA who
worked tirelessly to pursue the US board certification and the
American Board of Preventive Medicine for taking the lead to
make the certification a reality. We thank Marjorie Carter (VA
Salt Lake City Health Care System) for editorial and format-
ting assistance. There was no specific grant funding for this
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the US De-
partment of Veterans Affairs, the United States government,
the American Board of Preventive Medicine, the International
Medical Informatics Association, or our respective universi-
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Address for correspondence
Adi V. Gundlapalli, MD, PhD, MS
Associate Professor
Departments of Internal Medicine and Biomedical Informatics
University of Utah School of Medicine
Chief Health Informatics Officer
VA Salt Lake City Health Care System
A.V. Gundlapalli et al. / Clinical Informatics Board Specialty Certification for Physicians: A Global View 505