AWS Account Billing
About AWS Account Billing
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing: About AWS Account Billing
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Welcome to AWS Account Billing ........................................................................................................... 1
If You Have Questions About Your Bill ..................................................................................................... 3
Editing Account and Credit Card Information ......................................................................................... 5
Getting Your Bill ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Consolidated Billing .............................................................................................................................. 23
Blended Rates for Consolidated Billing Accounts ................................................................................. 31
Programmatic Billing Access ................................................................................................................ 37
Controlling User Access to Your AWS Account Billing Information ....................................................... 43
Account Billing Permissions Reference ................................................................................................ 47
Where Do I Go to Find Out More About AWS Account Billing? ............................................................ 49
Document History ................................................................................................................................. 51
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Welcome to AWS Account Billing
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) bills your account, or accounts, for usage.This progressive billing method
ensures you pay only for what you use.To help manage your charges, AWS provides several easy-to-use
billing features that help you monitor and pay your bill for one or many accounts.
How Do I...?
Relevant TopicsHow Do I?
See Editing Account and Credit Card Information (p. 5).Change the account name, address,
email and the credit card used to pay my
See If You Have Questions About Your Bill (p. 3).Contact AWS Support about my bill?
See Billing Alerts on your Account Activity page.Get notified when my bill reaches a
specific amount?
See Controlling User Access to Your AWS Account Billing
Information (p. 43).
Give other users access to my bill?
See Consolidated Billing (p. 23).Get one bill for multiple accounts?
See Getting Your Bill (p. 7).Download my bill?
See Usage Reports on your Account Activity page.Get a detailed breakdown of my AWS
usage by service?
See Getting Started with the AWS Free Usage Tier.Find out about free tier usage?
See the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator.Estimate service billing rates and my
monthly bill?
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
How Do I...?
Relevant TopicsHow Do I?
See Reserved Instance Volume Discounts.Find out about Amazon EC2 reserved
instance discounts?
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
How Do I...?
If You Have Questions About Your
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
When you have a question about your bill, you can contact AWS Support by using the resources listed
on the AWS Contact Us page.This page guides you through the process of opening a support case for
your inquiry. Billing inquiries are included in Basic Support, which AWS provides to all customers at no
additional charge.The AWS Support home page provides detailed information about AWS support plans.
Contacting AWS Support
1. Navigate to the AWS Support Center. If prompted, enter the email address and password for your
2. Click Open a new case.
3. On the Open a new case page, select Account and Billing Support and provide the information
specified on the form.
4. After completing the form, you can click Submit Case for an email response or Call Me to request a
telephone support from an AWS Support representative. Instant messaging support is not available
for billing inquiries.
AWS Support does not publish a direct phone number for reaching a support representative.
Opening a support case is the fastest and most direct method for communicating with AWS
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Canceling AWS Services or Closing Your AWS
You can cancel your subscriptions to individual AWS services or close your AWS account from the Manage
Your Account page.The links you need are located near the bottom of that page.
Other AWS Support Resources
You can find all other methods for contacting AWS on the Contact Us page.This page also provides a
set of self-service links that you may find useful:
AWS Developer Forums.
Explanation of some types of unexpected charges.
Information about the Free Usage Tier.
Troubleshooting multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Changing your account name, email, or password.
Canceling an AWS service or account.
Getting permission for penetration testing.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Canceling AWS Services or Closing Your AWS Account
Editing Account and Credit Card
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
Editing AWS Account Information (p. 5)
Updating a Payment Method (p. 6)
Adding a New Payment Method (p. 6)
Removing a Payment Method (p. 6)
This topic describes how to edit your AWS account information and how to change the credit card
information for your AWS charges. When you sign up to use AWS, you provide account information such
as your user name and email, and if you choose, email addresses for people in your organization who
handle billing, operations, or security. In addition, you provide a credit card to which AWS charges your
usage, along with a billing address.
Only the account owner can view account information. IAM users created under the account cannot view
Account Billing information. An account owner can grant IAM users permission to view only the Account
Activity and Usage Reports pages, however. In addition, linked accounts in a consolidated billing family
cannot access billing information for the paying account or any other account in a consolidated billing
family.To learn about how to grant an IAM user permission to view the Account Activity or Usage
Reports pages, see the topic Controlling User Access to Your AWS Account Billing Information (p. 43)
The topic Account Billing Permissions Reference (p. 47) summarizes the levels of access to Account
Billing pages for different kinds of users.
Editing AWS Account Information
After you have signed up for AWS, you can access your AWS account information by using the following
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Editing AWS Account Information
To update or delete account information
1. Sign in to the AWS Billing Portal.
2. Click Personal Information in the Account list on the left side of the page.
3. Follow the instructions on the Personal Information page to modify your account information.
Updating a Payment Method
You can change the name, expiration date, and billing address on the credit card you use to pay your
AWS bill.
To update your credit card
1. Navigate to the Payment Method page and sign in using the email address and password associated
with your AWS account.
2. Click Edit this Card and follow the instructions on the page.
Adding a New Payment Method
You can also add a new credit card to your account and designate it as your payment method using the
following steps:
To update your credit card
1. Navigate to the Payment Method page and sign in using the email address and password associated
with your AWS account.
2. Enter the information for your new credit card under Enter a New Payment Method and click
Continue and enter the requested information until you have completed the process.
Removing a Payment Method
Use the following steps to remove a credit from the list of payment methods displayed on the Payment
Method page.
To update your credit card
1. Navigate to the page and sign in using the email address and password associated
with your AWS account.
2. Click Your Account and select Your Account.
3. In the Payment section, click Manage Payment Options.
4. Next to the card you want to remove from the list of payment methods, click Delete and follow any
instructions that appear.
Clicking this button removes a credit card from the display; the credit card is marked inactive in
Amazon's records.The deleted card can still be charged for any remaining AWS balance. If you
are closing your AWS account, make sure to also cancel your AWS subscriptions; AWS continues
to charge you for usage accrued through the time of cancellation.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Updating a Payment Method
Getting Your Bill
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
Current Charges (p. 7)
Download Invoice (p. 7)
Detailed Reports (p. 8)
AWS invoices monthly for your usage charges and recurring fees; for one-time fees, you are charged
immediately.You have several ways to view your estimated charges for the current month, as well as
final charges for previous months.This section describes the billing formats provided by AWS.
Current Charges
The Account Activity page is a detailed statement of your charges.This page includes estimated usage
charges and invoices for one-time fees for the current month.You can also view a previous month's
statements and invoices.
Download Invoice
At the end of a billing cycle or for one-time fees, AWS issues your invoice as a PDF file.
To get a PDF file invoice
1. Go to Account Activity.
2. Select the statement month using the Select a different statement field.
3. In the Summary section, click the option to View charges and download PDFs.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Current Charges
Detailed Reports
You can get detailed reports of your charges for a month in CSV (comma-separated value) format. The
report is generated for both estimated month-to-date charges and final month-end charges.You can also
get a CSV report that lists account activity in hourly increments.You can view these reports in common
applications that can read CSV files such as Microsoft Excel, or you can write custom applications that
access the billing data within the CSV file.
Consolidated billing customers: AWS is enhancing the CSV report format to include additional
data. During the transition, AWS will provide two versions of the CSV report for your accounts.
One report includes a subset of the content in the other report.
These detailed reports are available after you sign up for CSV reports on the Billing Preferences page.
For information about signing up for CSV reports, see Set Up Programmatic Billing Access.
Programmatic Access to the Report
If you sign up for Programmatic Billing Access, you can get your CSV report for your estimated and final
charges from an Amazon S3 bucket you specify. The file contains charges for the account, broken down
by AWS product and individual type of usage.
For more information about getting this CSV report published to an Amazon S3 bucket, see Programmatic
Billing Access (p. 37).
Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports
AWS generates reports of estimated charges that provide details of AWS usage for accounts.You can
obtain reports that show usage at both monthly and hourly granularity. These reports also display usage
by accounts linked to a payer account for consolidated billing customers.
The following sections describe the monthly and detailed billing (hourly) reports, discuss ways they can
be used to understand your AWS costs, and list the columns in each report.
Monthly Report
You can download a monthly report of your estimated AWS charges from the Account Activity page.
For consolidated billing customers, this report is currently available only to the payer accounts and includes
activity for all the accounts linked to the payer account. Linked account owners can obtain the monthly
report only from the payer account owner at this time.
The report contains line items for each AWS product and operation the account uses.The estimated
report is updated multiple times per day.You can see monthly reports for previous months by selecting
the statement period.
Detailed Billing (Hourly) Report
Detailed billing reports provide line items for every hour (or partial hour) of AWS activity for an account.
For consolidated billing customers, the report displays a line item for all AWS usage by linked accounts
and the payer account.The term for this set of accounts linked to a payer account is the consolidated
billing account family.You see two line items for all usage in the detailed billing reports for consolidated
billing accounts. One line belongs to the payer and represents the charge for the usage.The other line
belongs to the linked account and is an allocation of cost from the payer account charges to the linked
account.The topic Blended Rates for Consolidated Billing Accounts (p.31) explains this allocation process
in detail.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Detailed Reports
The detailed billing report is not a bill, but an estimate of costs and charges for AWS usage. Only
the invoice you receive each month contains your actual charges.
As a best practice, avoid running AWS services under the account you designate as the payer
account.This practice eliminates the need to think of the payer account as distinct from the
linked accounts.
You choose to have the detailed billing report generated on the Billing Preferences page, as with the
monthly report. Unlike with the monthly report, however, you cannot download it from the Account Activity
page. Instead, it is delivered to the same Amazon S3 bucket as the monthly report as a .zip file.You can
access this file programmatically using the Amazon S3 API, or by manually navigating to the bucket using
the Amazon S3 console. These reports are only available starting with the date at which you opted in to
the feature.
The detailed billing report can run to sizes of more than a gigabyte, and may exceed the capacity of tools
such as Microsoft Excel to display every line.Your database administrator may need to import it into a
database for analysis.To reduce its size, the hourly report contains only a subset of fields in the monthly
report. For example, it does not display fields that would be the same for every record, such as Invoice
Date or Billing Period Start Date. See the section CSV Report Fields (p. 10).
Blended and Unblended Rates:You can use the detailed billing report to perform detailed cost analyses
on your usage. AWS meters usage in hourly increments; for each product resource in use, a rate is applied
for operations performed by usage type in that hour, with each operation comprising a line item. The
hourly report shows both blended and unblended rates for each line item. An unblended rate is the cost
per hour for a product, usage type, and the operation performed. A blended rate is an average rate
calculated for identical instance usage in an Availability Zone for members of a consolidated billing family.
The following list describes the aims of the detailed billing report:
Making both the blended and unblended rates and costs for every hour of usage transparent. Unblended
costs correspond to the published rate for a product and operation in a region with no discounts applied
for eligible Reserved Instances in the account family. For more information about blended and unblended
rates, see Blended Rates for Consolidated Billing Accounts (p. 31).
Enabling you to locate the exact time at which usage switched to lower-cost pricing tiers based on
volume. Lower rates apply automatically when usage reaches the next tier of volume rates.You can
tell when a transition to a lower-priced tier occurs because two line items appear for two partial hours
of usage, one each for the higher and lower rate.
Showing how Reserved Instance discounts are applied first to the linked accounts that purchased a
Reserved Instance, and then to other accounts in the family running the same products in the same
Availability Zone.
To learn more about consolidated billing and the potential savings that apply when you purchase Reserved
Instances, see the following topics:
Consolidated Billing (p. 23) in About AWS Account Billing.
Understanding the Pricing Benefit and Consolidated Billing in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
Developer Guide.
Detailed Billing (Hourly) Report with Resources and Cost
Allocation Tags
The Detailed Billing Report with Resources and Cost Allocation Tags adds additional dimensions by which
you can view your AWS charges.This report includes resource identifiers for many of the AWS services.
Amazon EC2, for example, provides a ResourceID value for each Amazon EC2 instance run under your
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports
account.You can use this field to view your charges for each AWS resource, as well as for filtering and
aggregating data.
Any cost allocation tags you have applied to your resources are also appended to each line item in the
report.You can filter or aggregate on these tags too. For information about creating cost allocation tags,
see Cost Allocation and Tagging (p. 16). For cost allocation tags to appear in this report, you must select
them as described in the section How to Apply Tags (p. 17).
This report contains line items for every hour of operation for every resource and can grow quite
large.The report is compressed into a ZIP file, but may exceed the maximum number of rows
you can display in an Excel spreadsheet.
You can sign up for this report on the Billing Preferences page.
For Consolidated Billing customers, AWS publishes detailed billing reports only to the payer
account's Amazon S3 bucket. Linked accounts do not receive detailed reports.
CSV Report Fields
The following table lists the fields that appear in the monthly and detailed billing reports. Click the link on
each field name to read a description and usage notes.
CSV Billing Report Fields
Hourly Report
with Resources
and Tags
Hourly ReportMonthly ReportField Name
Account and Invoice Information Fields
XXXInvoiceID (p. 11)
XXXPaying Account ID (p. 11)
XXXLinked Account ID (p. 11)
XXXRecord Type (p. 12)
XXRecord ID (p. 12)
XBilling Period Start Date (p. 12)
XBilling Period End Date (p. 12)
XInvoice Date (p. 12)
Product Usage Information Fields
XProduct Code (p. 13)
XXXProduct Name (p. 13)
XSeller of Record (p. 13)
XXXUsage Type (p. 13)
XXXOperation (p. 13)
XXAvailability Zone (p. 13)
XXReserved Instance (p. 13)
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports
Hourly Report
with Resources
and Tags
Hourly ReportMonthly ReportField Name
XXXRate ID (p. 13)
XXSubscription ID (p. 13)
XXPricing Plan ID (p. 13)
XXXItem Description (p. 14)
XXXUsage Start Date (p. 14)
XXXUsage End Date (p. 14)
Usage, Cost, and Tax Information Fields
XXXUsage Quantity (p. 14)
XXXBlended Rate (p. 14)
XXBlended Cost (p. 14)
XXUnblended Rate (p. 14)
XXUnblended Cost (p. 14)
XCurrency Code (p. 14)
XCost Before Tax (p. 14)
XCredits (p. 15)
XTax Amount (p. 15)
XTax Type (p. 15)
XTotal Cost (p. 15)
ResourceID and Custom Tags
XResourceID (p. 15)
XCost Allocation Tags (p. 15)
Billing Reports CSV Field Reference
The following list describes the information that appears in the fields of both the monthly and detailed
billing CSV reports.
Account and Invoice Information Fields
The 8-digit identifier for the AWS invoice.This value maps to the invoice number on the PDF file for
the corresponding month.
Paying Account ID
The 12-digit AWS identifier for the paying account for the report.
Linked Account ID
For consolidated billing accounts, the 12-digit AWS identifier for the linked account.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports
Record Type
The CSV files can contain several different types of record:
Statement Total—A summary of all charges in the billing period.
Invoice Total—A summary of all charges for an invoice. An invoice total for each invoice is included.
Account Total—A summary of all charges for an account in a billing period. For consolidated billing
customers, this includes a total for each linked account.This total can include multiple invoices
per account.This record type appears only in reports for consolidated billing accounts.
Payer Line Item—An item that includes all usage with the same product, usage type, and operation.
Sum all the payer line items to reconcile the amount with your account totals.
Linked Account Line Item—For consolidated billing customers only: Linked-account line items are
proportionally allocated from the paying-account line items based on linked account usage. Summing
all linked-account line items reconciles your statement and invoice totals if you add the CB Rounding
Error value.
AWS does not provide payer-level line items in the detailed billing (hourly) report, so there is no
distinction between the paying account and linked accounts. All usage appears as "Line Item."
CB Rounding Error—For consolidated billing customers only:This difference results from rounding
charges that are allocated from the consolidated billing account invoice to individual linked accounts.
If you have opted in to the hourly report, your CB rounding error reflects both rounding errors from
consolidated billing as well as from the calculation of hourly charges, i.e., splitting the bill over 720
or 744 hours.The invoice reconciles when you add the rounding errors to the sum of all line items.
In the hourly report, this record type appears as "Rounding."
Hourly Report Usage Notes:
Record ID
Unique identifier for each line item. Record IDs are unique for the billing period.
Billing Period Start Date
The start of the applicable charge period. All usage charges and recurring fees between the period
start and end are included in your monthly invoice.
In most months, the start of the charge period is the first day of the month. If the account is new, or
was added to the consolidated bill, or if the price for the listed product changed during the month the
report covers, the Start Date reflects the date of the change.
For example, if an AWS account was added to the consolidated bill on December 10 at noon UTC,
then the Start Date shown in the December report is 2009-12-10 12:00:00 UTC. If the price for the
listed product changes on December 23 at 9:00 a.m. UTC, the report lists a second row for the new
price with a Start Date of 2009-12-23 09:00:00 UTC.
Example: 2/1/2012 00:00:00
Billing Period End Date
The end of the applicable charge period. All usage charges and recurring fees between the period
start and end are included in your monthly invoice. If the account is terminated, or is removed from
the consolidated bill, or if the price for the listed product changed, the End Date reflects the date of
the change.
Example: 2012/2/29 23:59:59
Invoice Date
The date and time your AWS invoice was issued.
Example: 2013/1/3 8:22:38
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports
Product Usage Information Fields
Product Code
Short name of the AWS product.
Product Name
Long name of the AWS product.
Seller of Record
The official seller of services; this will normally be Amazon Web Services, Inc.. Services purchased
from AWS Marketplace list a different seller of record.
Detailed Billing Report Usage Notes: AWS Marketplace users receive two hourly reports. One report
is for AWS Marketplace activity, and contains your Marketplace ID in the name of the report. The
other report reflects AWS usage outside AWS Marketplace.
Usage Type
Specifies operational details of the usage line item.
The following example describes Amazon EC2 High-Memory Double Extra Large Instance box usage
in the US West (Oregon) region.
Example: USW1-BoxUsage:m2.2xlarge
Describes the specific usage of the line item. For example, a value of "RunInstances" indicates the
operation of an Amazon EC2 instance.
Availability Zone
Specifies Availability Zone in which charged usage occurred.
Hourly Report Usage Notes: This column enables you to group instances by Availability Zone.
Reserved Instance discounts apply only to on-demand instances within the same Availability Zone
as the Reserved Instance(s).
Reserved Instance
Indicates whether the line item was calculated at a Reserved Instance rate.Values are "Y" for Yes
and "N" for No. Reserved Instance purchase fees are also flagged with a "Y".
Rate ID
Numeric rate ID that maps to the Item description. The value is assigned by AWS for the Item
description, and identifies the billing rate for computation purposes.
Subscription ID
Unique identifier for the AWS product described by the line item.
Pricing Plan ID
Numeric ID for the rate listed in the AWS pricing plan for the corresponding service.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports
Item Description
Description of the type of usage for this line item.This description matches the description in the
Account Activity page, including the average price of any usage that is based on a volume pricing
tier. Any price value shown is rounded to three decimal places.
In the monthly report, you may occasionally encounter inconsistencies between rates listed
in the Item Description field and the Unblended Rate field.This is due to the allocation of
blended rates that are applied as part of consolidated billing.
Usage Start Date
The start of usage for this line item.
Usage End Date
The end of usage for this line item.
Usage, Cost, and Tax Information Fields
Usage Quantity
Computing resources used, in the units specified by each service. For example, your service may
determine pricing by amount of storage, number of requests, or hours of operation. For more
information about how usage is calculated, go to
Some services refer to this field as "Usage Value."
Blended Rate
For consolidated billing accounts, the effective rate for the line item, calculated as an average of the
cost of identical Amazon EC2 instances operating in that hour in the same Availability Zone. For a
detailed explanation of blended rates and how they are calculated, see Blended Rates for Consolidated
Billing Accounts (p. 31).
Blended Cost
Cost for the operation listed in the line item based on the blended rate. For some operations, such
as BoxUsage for a full hour of an Amazon EC2 instance, the blended rate and the blended cost are
the same. For other operations, such as I/O requests or data transfer, this column is the product of
the blended rate multiplied by the value in the Usage Quantity column.
Unblended Rate
Published rate per hour of operation for the usage type specified in the Item Description field.
Unblended Cost
Cost for the operation listed in the line item based on the unblended rate. For some operations, such
as BoxUsage for a full hour of an Amazon EC2 instance, the unblended rate and the unblended cost
are the same. For other operations, such as I/O requests or data transfer, this column is the product
of the blended rate multiplied by the value in the Usage Quantity column.
Currency Code
Currency of the displayed charges. Example: USD
Cost Before Tax
The month-to-date charges, before any applicable taxes.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports
Hourly Report Usage Notes: Taxes are not broken down by line items in hourly reports.Taxes are
applied only to monthly line items. In the hourly report, tax is listed using separate line items.
Amount of credit that applies to the line item.
Hourly Report Usage Notes: In an hourly report, credits are line items instead of columns. Credit
lines are applied to invoices, not to the entire report. Sort by the Invoice ID to find the credits that
apply to an invoice.
Tax Amount
Estimated tax collected by AWS.
Tax Type
Type of tax collected by AWS, such as US sales tax or VAT.
Total Cost
The total charges, after any applicable taxes.
Resource and Custom Tag Fields
Identifier for the AWS resource as defined by each AWS service.
Cost Allocation Tags
If you have added cost allocation tags to your resources, each tag appears as an additional column
in the CSV file.
Understanding Overages and Underages
The detailed billing (hourly) report can be used to visualize your usage over time.You can determine, for
example, when you are underusing your Reserved Instance capacity, or when application load is
precipitating the use of on-demand instance hours.
The following graph shows usage by an account over the course of a 24-hour period. The account has
purchased four Reserved Instances, which meets demand in every hour except between 5:00:00 AM and
11:59:59 AM. During these hours, up to four additional instances operate to meet demand. In addition,
low demand requires only three instances during two hours from 7:00:00 PM to 8:59:59 PM.
Note: When you do not use Reserved Instance capacity, the reservation is not applied to overages in
other hours. For consolidated billing customers, unused capacity can be applied to other accounts in the
family for identical usage types in the same Availability Zone.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports
Cost Allocation and Tagging
You can use cost allocation to organize and track your AWS costs.When you apply tags to your AWS
resources (such as Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon S3 buckets), AWS generates a Cost Allocation
Report as a comma-separated value (CSV) file with your usage and costs aggregated by your tags.You
can apply tags that represent your business dimensions (such as cost centers, application names, or
owners) to organize your costs across multiple services.
To get a Cost Allocation Report, you must sign up for Programmatic Billing Access (p. 37) and get the
report from the designated Amazon S3 bucket using the Amazon S3 API.The Cost Allocation Report is
not available from the Account Activity page of the AWS Management Console.
The Cost Allocation Report includes all of your AWS costs for each billing period.The report includes
both tagged and untagged resources, so you can clearly organize the charges for resources. For example,
if you tag resources with an application name, you can track the total cost of a single application utilizing
those resources.The following shows a partial report with columns for each tag.
At the end of the billing cycle, the total charges (tagged and untagged) on the Cost Allocation Report
reconcile with the total charges on your Downloadable CSV Report and your Account Activity page
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Cost Allocation and Tagging
What Is a Tag?
A tag is a label you assign to an AWS resource. Each tag consists of a key and a value, both of which
you define. AWS uses tags to organize resource costs on your Cost Allocation Report.
The following diagram illustrates the concept. In the diagram, you've assigned tags to two Amazon EC2
instances, one called Cost Center and another called Stack. Each of the tags also has an associated
How to Apply Tags
You apply tags to resources through simple API requests or through the AWS Management Console for
services that support tagging. Each AWS service has its own implementation of tags.The following is a
current list of services that support tags.
For more information, see...AWS Product
Tagging Your Resources in the Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud User Guide.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
Tagging Auto Scaling Groups and Amazon EC2
Instances in the Auto Scaling Developer Guide.
Auto Scaling
Billing and Reporting of Buckets in the Amazon
Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
Amazon EBS volume charges can be allocated,
but Amazon EBS snapshot charges cannot. See
Tagging Your Resources in the Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud User Guide.
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
Amazon VPC and Amazon EC2 resources that can
be tagged are listed in Tagging Your Resources in
the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)
Tagging Your Member Resources in the AWS
CloudFormation User Guide.
AWS CloudFormation
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Cost Allocation and Tagging
For more information, see...AWS Product
DB Instance Tags in the Amazon Relational
Database Service User Guide.
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon
For services that launch "underlying" resources that support tagging, such as Amazon Elastic
MapReduce or AWS Marketplace, you can tag the underlying resources (such as the associated
Amazon EC2 instance) for your report.
We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that represent how you want to organize your costs.
You can use a consistent set of tag keys to track your costs to have your Cost Allocation Report display
the keys as additional columns with applicable values for each row.
For an example of how tags appear in your Cost Allocation Report, see Viewing a Cost Allocation
Report (p. 20).
Tag Restrictions
The following basic restrictions apply to tags:
Maximum key length: 128 Unicode characters
Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters
Maximum number of tags per resource: 10
Reserved prefix—aws:
AWS-assigned tag names and values are assigned the aws: prefix, which the user cannot assign.
AWS-assigned tag names do not count towards the tag limit of 10. User-assigned tag names have the
prefix user: in the Cost Allocation Report.
Use each key only once for each resource. If you attempt to use the same key twice on the same
resource, your request will be rejected.
You cannot tag a resource at the same time you create it.Tagging requires a separate action after the
resource is created.
You cannot backdate the application of a tag.
Allowed characters are letters, whitespace, and numbers representable in UTF-8, plus the following
special characters: + - = . _ : /
If you need to use characters outside this set, you can standard base-64 encode your tag.
Getting a Cost Allocation Report
To get a Cost Allocation Report, first sign up for Programmatic Billing Access.Then, opt in to the Cost
Allocation Report. AWS publishes the report as a CSV file to the Amazon S3 bucket you specify for
Programmatic Billing Access. AWS publishes the report several times each day.
CSV files are stored in your designated bucket using the following naming convention.
123456789012 = account ID
y = year
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Cost Allocation and Tagging
m = month
During the current billing period (monthly), AWS generates an estimated Cost Allocation Report.
The current month's file is overwritten throughout the billing period until a final report is generated
at the end of the billing period. Then, a new file is created for the next billing period. The final
reports for the previous months remain in the designated Amazon S3 bucket.
You'll see two sets of reports in your bucket: one is the Downloadable CSV Report for Programmatic
Billing Access, and the other is your Cost Allocation Report.
To sign up for the Cost Allocation Report
1. Set up your account for Programmatic Billing Access (p. 37), if you haven't done so already. Enable
CSV Reports and Programmatic Billing Access. AWS publishes Cost Allocation Reports to a
designated Amazon S3 bucket.
2. Go to the Billing Preferences page.
3. In the Cost Allocation Report section, click Sign Up Now.
4. When you are signed up for the Cost Allocation Report, the status line shows Enabled.
Configuring a Cost Allocation Report
The Cost Allocation Report includes the same line items as the Downloadable Report (see Monthly and
Detailed Billing Reports (p.8)), plus additional columns you've selected to include in the report identified
by your tag keys.
By default, new tag keys that you add using the API or the AWS Management Console are
automatically excluded from the Cost Allocation Report.
When you select tag keys to include in your Cost Allocation Report, each key becomes an additional
column and includes the value for each corresponding line item. Since you might use tags for more than
just your Cost Allocation Report (e.g., tags for security or operational reasons), you can include or exclude
individual tag keys for the report.This ensures that you're seeing meaningful billing information that helps
organize your costs. A small number of consistent tag keys makes it easier to track your costs. For more
information, see Viewing a Cost Allocation Report (p. 20).
To configure the keys that appear in the Cost Allocation Report
1. After signing up for the Cost Allocation Report, select the Manage Cost Allocation Report page (which
is also accessible through your Billing Preferences page).The page displays a list of tags you've
created using either the API or the console for the applicable AWS service.Tag keys that currently
appear in the report are selected, while the check boxes for excluded tag keys are cleared.
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Cost Allocation and Tagging
2. Select No from the Included column.
Select any check boxes for tags that you want to add to the report.
Conversely, to remove tags from the report, select Yes from the Included column and clear
the check boxes that correspond to the tag keys you want to exclude. If you have a long list
of tag keys to search, you can filter the list using the text box located under the Key label.
For consolidated billing customers, your Cost Allocation Report includes all the usage, costs, and tags
for your linked accounts. By default, all keys registered by linked accounts where you are the Payer are
available for you to include or exclude from your report.
Viewing a Cost Allocation Report
The following example tracks the charges for several cost centers and applications. Resources (such as
Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon S3 buckets) are assigned tags like "Cost Center"="78925" and
"Application"="Widget1". In the Cost Allocation Report, the user-assigned tag keys have the prefix "user",
such as "user:Cost Center" and "user:Application". AWS-assigned tag keys have the prefix "aws".The
keys are column headings identifying each tagged line item's value, such as "78925".
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Cost Allocation and Tagging
You can use an application like Microsoft Excel to create pivot tables that group the keys and the values
for each key so you can see combined values for tagged resources.The following example organizes
information first by "Cost Center" and within each cost center further organizes the information by the
"Application" tag.
Pick your keys carefully so you have a consistent hierarchy of values; otherwise, your report won't
aggregate costs effectively, and you'll have many line items.
If you add or change the tags on a resource part-way through a billing period, costs will be split
into before and after the update as two separate lines in your Cost Allocation Report.
Unallocated Resources in Your Report
Any charges that cannot be allocated by tags in your Cost Allocation Report default to the standard billing
aggregation (organized by Account/Product/Line Item) and are included in your report. Situations where
you can have unallocated costs include:
You signed up for a Cost Allocation Report mid-month.
Some resources aren't tagged for part, or all, of the billing period.
You are using services that currently do not support tagging.
Subscription-based charges, such as Premium Support and AWS Marketplace monthly fees, cannot
be allocated.
One-time fees, such as Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance upfront charges, cannot be allocated.
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Cost Allocation and Tagging
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshot charges cannot be allocated, even though Amazon
EBS volume charges can be allocated.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Cost Allocation and Tagging
Consolidated Billing
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
When to Use Consolidated Billing (p. 24)
Using Consolidated Billing (p. 25)
Other Things You Need to Know (p. 28)
Consolidated billing enables you to consolidate payment for multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS)
accounts within your company by designating a single paying account. Consolidated Billing enables you
to see a combined view of AWS charges incurred by all accounts, as well as obtain a detailed cost report
for each of the individual AWS accounts associated with your paying account. Consolidated billing is
offered at no additional charge.
Here's how it works:
Consolidated Billing Process
1. You sign up for consolidated billing, which designates your account as a paying account.This enables
your account to pay the charges of the other accounts, which we call linked accounts in this guide.
2. You add accounts to the consolidated bill.
3. Each month we charge you for all the accounts you added to the consolidated bill.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
The paying account is billed for all charges of the linked accounts. However, each linked account is
completely independent in every other way (signing up for services, accessing resources, using AWS
Premium Support, etc.). The paying account owner cannot access data belonging to the linked account
owners (e.g., their files in Amazon S3). Each account owner uses their own AWS credentials to access
their resources (e.g., their own AWS Secret Access Key).
Owners of paying accounts are advised to secure their accounts by using AWS Multi-Factor Authentication
and a strong password. For more information, see Security for the Paying Account (p. 27).
Benefits of Consolidated Billing
One Bill—You get one bill for multiple accounts.
Easy Tracking—You can easily track each account's charges and download the cost data in CSV
Combined Usage—If you have multiple accounts today, your charges might actually decrease because
we combine usage from all the accounts to qualify you for volume pricing discounts (for more information,
see Volume Discounts (p. 26)).
When to Use Consolidated Billing
This section will help you determine whether consolidated billing is appropriate for you.
You should use consolidated billing for any of the following scenarios:
You have multiple accounts today and want to get a single bill and track each account's charges (e.g.,
you might have multiple projects, each with its own AWS account).
You have multiple cost centers to track.
You've acquired a project or company that has its own existing AWS account and you want to consolidate
it on the same bill with your other AWS accounts.
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When to Use Consolidated Billing
Consolidated billing is strictly an accounting and billing feature. It is not a method for controlling accounts,
or provisioning resources for accounts. It doesn't change how the accounts function or how they are
accessed. Consolidated billing, therefore, cannot be used for sharing computing resources between
In the future, AWS plans to provide additional functionality for user permissions and consolidating billing.
Using Consolidated Billing
Signing Up (p. 25)
Adding an Account to a Consolidated Bill (p. 25)
Effective Date (p. 26)
Billing and Account Activity (p. 26)
Volume Discounts (p. 26)
Security for the Paying Account (p. 27)
Removing an Account from a Consolidated Bill (p. 27)
Moving an Account to a Different Consolidated Bill (p. 28)
Changing a Former Paying Account to a Linked Account (p. 28)
This section describes the basics of how to use consolidated billing.
Signing Up
To sign up and make your account a paying account, go to the Consolidated Billing page and follow the
instructions there.
You only need to sign up the paying account for consolidated billing.You don't need to sign up
any of the accounts that you want to add to your consolidated bill.
You must have a valid payment method on file with AWS.You can use any form of payment that AWS
supports.You must also have a valid phone number on file with AWS in case we ever need to contact
you.Verifying your phone number takes only a couple of minutes and involves receiving a phone call
during the sign-up process and entering a PIN number using the phone keypad.
We recommend you secure your paying account by using AWS Multi-Factor Authentication and a strong
password. For more information, see Security for the Paying Account (p. 27).
Adding an Account to a Consolidated Bill
The following steps are performed by the owner of the paying account. Linked accounts cannot be linked
to a paying account by the non-linked account owner. Only paying account owners can send the email
requesting a link to the account.
To link an account to the consolidated bill, you need the email address of that account.
You don't need to sign up linked accounts for consolidated billing.The owner of the paying
account simply needs to send a request to the account owner from the Consolidated Bill page.
If you accidentally signed a non-paying account up for consolidated billing, see Changing a
Former Paying Account to a Linked Account (p. 28). Once the account is converted back, you
can then link it to a paying account.
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Using Consolidated Billing
To add an account
1. From the Consolidated Billing page, click Send a Request.You will be prompted to enter the email
addresses of owners of accounts you want to link to the paying account.
2. AWS sends an email to the linked account owner.
3. The linked account owner clicks a hyperlink in the email, logs in to the AWS web site when prompted,
and accepts or denies the request.
If the linked account owner accepts the request, the linked account becomes part of the consolidated bill.
You can add up to 20 linked accounts to the consolidated bill. If you need to add more, contact us at
Effective Date
When the linked account owner accepts your request to pay the charges for the account, you immediately
become responsible for the linked account's charges going forward. If that happens somewhere in the
middle of the month, you're billed only for the latter part of the month. The linked account owner is still
billed for the first part of the month, as shown in the following diagram.
Billing and Account Activity
Each month, AWS charges the paying account owner, and not the owners of the linked accounts. The
paying account's AWS Account Activity page shows the total usage and charges across all the accounts
on the bill.That page is updated multiple times each day. Each day, we make a downloadable cost report
available. For more information, see Detailed Reports (p. 8).
Although the owners of the linked accounts aren't charged, they can still see their usage and charges by
going to their AWS Account Activity pages.They can't view or obtain data for the paying account or
any other linked accounts on the bill.
For Consolidated Billing customers, AWS publishes detailed billing reports only to the payer
account's Amazon S3 bucket. Linked accounts do not receive detailed reports.
Volume Discounts
For billing purposes, we treat all the accounts on the consolidated bill as if they were one account. Some
services such as Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3 have volume pricing tiers across certain usage dimensions
that give you lower prices when you use the service more. With consolidated billing, we combine the
usage from all accounts to determine which volume pricing tiers to apply, giving you a lower overall price
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Effective Date
whenever possible. We then allocate each linked account a portion of the overall volume discount based
on the account's usage.
The Account Activity page for each linked account displays an average tiered rate that is calculated
across all the accounts on the consolidated bill. For example, let's say that Bob's consolidated bill includes
both Bob's own account and Susan's account. Bob's account is the paying account, so he pays the
charges for both himself and Susan.
As shown in the following figure, Bob uses 8 TB of data transfer out during the month, and Susan uses
4 TB (for a total of 12 TB used).
For the purposes of this example, AWS charges $0.17 per GB for the first 10 TB of data transfer out used,
and $0.13 per GB for the next 40 TB used. This translates into $174.08 per TB for the first 10 TB, and
$133.12 per TB for the next 40 TB (remember that 1 TB = 1024
This means for the 12 TB total that Bob and Susan used, following is the total amount that Bob's paying
account is charged: ($174.08 * 10 TB) + ($133.12 * 2 TB) = $1740.80 + $266.24 = $2007.04.
The cost-per-unit of data transfer out for the month is therefore $2007.04 / 12 TB = $167.25 per TB.That
is the average tiered rate shown on the Account Activity page for each linked account on the consolidated
bill, and in the downloadable cost report.
Without the benefit of tiering across the entire consolidated bill, AWS would have charged Bob and Susan
each $174.08 per TB for their usage, for a total of $2088.96.
Security for the Paying Account
Your paying account can pay the charges for and have information about multiple (or all) AWS accounts
within your organization. Because the paying account has access to billing data for all linked accounts
and sets payment methods, you should secure it.We recommend you use AWS multi-factor authentication
(MFA). For more information, go to We also recommend you use a strong
password that is at least 8 characters long, with uppercase and lowercase letters, at least one number,
and at least one special character.You can change your password from the AWS Security Credentials
Removing an Account from a Consolidated Bill
At any time, the paying account or linked account owner can end the relationship between the accounts.
The account separation takes effect immediately and the linked account owner is billed for that account
going forward. If the separation occurs somewhere in the middle of the month, the paying account owner
is billed only for the earlier part of the month, and the linked account owner is billed for the latter part.
How the paying account owner removes the linked account
1. From the Consolidated Billing page, the paying account owner searches for the linked account from
the list of accounts on the consolidated bill.
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Security for the Paying Account
2. The paying account owner selects the account and clicks Remove from Bill.
How the linked account owner removes the linked account
1. The linked account owner goes to the Payment Method page for the account and confirms that a
valid credit card is on file with AWS.
2. From the Payment Method page, the linked account owner clicks Remove your account from the
Consolidated Bill.
Moving an Account to a Different Consolidated
A linked account can move from one consolidated bill to another. Following is the overall process. In this
example, Bob is the paying account owner, Susan is the linked account owner, and Vicky is the new
paying account owner.
1. Either Bob or Susan removes Susan's account from Bob's consolidated bill.
2. Vicky sends a request to put Susan's account on her consolidated bill.
3. Susan receives the request and accepts it.
4. Susan's account becomes part of Vicky's consolidated bill.
After Susan's account is removed from Bob's consolidated bill, there might be a short period before Susan
accepts Vicky's request. During the interim period, Susan is responsible for any charges she incurs (and
so must have a valid payment method on file with AWS). Any charges she incurs during the interim period
can't be charged to Vicky's account.
Changing a Former Paying Account to a Linked
A former paying account can become a linked account.You just need to make sure the paying account
doesn't have any other accounts on its consolidated bill or any outstanding requests to invite other
To change a former paying account to a linked account
1. Ensure the paying account has no other accounts on its consolidated bill (see Removing an Account
from a Consolidated Bill (p. 27)).
2. Cancel any pending requests to invite other accounts to be on the bill, which you can do from the
Consolidated Billing page.
3. When you receive the request to add your account to a consolidated bill, accept it.
Your account is added to the paying account's consolidated bill.
Other Things You Need to Know
Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances (p. 29)
Amazon RDS Reserved DB Instances (p. 29)
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Moving an Account to a Different Consolidated Bill
AWS Credits (p. 30)
AWS Support Charges for Consolidated Billing Accounts (p. 30)
There are a few other things to know about how consolidated billing works with other parts of AWS.
Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances
For billing purposes, consolidated billing treats all the accounts on the consolidated bill as one account.
This means that all accounts on a consolidated bill can receive the hourly cost benefit of Amazon EC2
Reserved Instances purchased by any other account.
For example, Bob and Susan each have an account on Bob's consolidated bill. Susan has 5 Reserved
Instances, and Bob has none. During one particular hour, Susan uses 3 instances and Bob uses 6, for
a total of 9 instances used on Bob's consolidated bill.We bill 5 as Reserved Instances, and the remaining
4 as normal instances.
Let's say the Reserved Instances cost $0.02 per instance-hour. For these instances, we charge 5 x $0.02
= $0.10.
Let's say the normal Amazon EC2 rate is $0.10 per instance-hour. For the remaining 4 instances, we
charge 4 x $0.10 = $0.40.
So, the total amount Bob is charged for the 9 instances is $0.10 + $0.40 = $0.50. If we hadn't applied the
cost benefit of Susan's 5 Reserved Instances to the 9 instances on Bob's consolidated bill, he would have
instead paid $0.64 total.
In terms of cost attribution, we attribute a dollar amount to Bob and Susan based on each person's usage.
Susan used 3 of the 9 instances (one-third), and Bob used 6 (two-thirds).Therefore on the bill, one-third
of the $0.50 is attributed to Susan, and the other two-thirds is attributed to Bob.
Amazon RDS Reserved DB Instances
For billing purposes, Amazon RDS Reserved DB Instances are treated in a manner similar to Amazon
EC2 Reserved Instances. For example, let's use a scenario that's like the one described previously, where
Bob and Susan each have an account on Bob's Consolidated Bill. Susan has 5 Reserved DB Instances,
and Bob has none. During one particular hour, Susan uses 3 DB Instances and Bob uses 6, for a total
of 9 DB Instances used on Bob's consolidated bill.We bill 5 as Reserved DB Instances, and the remaining
4 as On-Demand DB Instances (for Amazon RDS Reserved DB Instance charges, go to the pricing page).
Bob receives the cost benefit from Susan's Reserved DB Instances only if he launches his DB Instances
in the same Region where Susan purchased her Reserved DB Instances.
Also, all the attributes of Susan's Reserved DB Instances (DB Engine, DB Instance class, Deployment
type, and License Model) should match the attributes of the DB Instances launched by Bob. For example,
let's say Susan purchased a Reserved DB Instance in us-east-1 with the following attributes
DB Engine: MySQL
DB Instance Class: m1.xlarge
Deployment Type: Multi-AZ
License Model: General Public License
This means that Bob must launch his DB Instances in us-east-1 with the exact same attributes in order
to get the cost benefit on his consolidated bill.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances
AWS Credits
To give the paying account owner the lowest bill, any AWS credits on the paying and linked accounts are
applied to the consolidated bill. If a linked account is removed from a consolidated bill, any unused credits
belonging to that account go with it.
AWS Support Charges for Consolidated Billing
AWS calculates AWS Support fees independently for each linked account. An AWS Support subscription
for the paying account does not apply to the entire account family. Each account must subscribe
Likewise, any AWS Support fees associated with Reserved Instance purchases apply only to the individual
accounts that made the purchase.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
AWS Credits
Blended Rates for Consolidated
Billing Accounts
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
Pricing Tiers and Reserved Instances (p. 31)
Blended Rate Examples (p. 32)
Calculating Blended Rates for Amazon EC2 (p. 34)
Pricing Tiers and Reserved Instances
AWS Account Billing includes two features designed to ensure that we charge you the lowest available
prices available for your usage of AWS products and services:
Pricing tiers. Pricing tiers reward higher usage with lower unit prices for services.
Capacity reservations. Discounted rates are available when you purchase some services in advance
for a specific term.
Pricing Tiers
Some AWS services are priced in tiers that define unit costs for defined amounts of AWS usage. As your
usage increases, you cross thresholds into new pricing tiers that specify lower unit costs for additional
usage in a month.These services offer multiple tiers of usage pricing. Each AWS service publishes its
pricing information independently.You can access all pricing pages from the AWS Service Pricing Overview
Your AWS usage is measured every month. As the month proceeds and your usage increases, you cross
to lower-priced tiers.To measure usage, AWS treats all accounts linked under consolidated billing–that
is, each account family–as a single account. Linked accounts do not reach tier thresholds individually.
Instead, all usage in the account family is aggregated for each service, which ensures faster access to
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Pricing Tiers and Reserved Instances
lower-priced tiers. As each month begins, your service usage is reset to zero. For an example, see
Calculating Blended Rates For Amazon S3 Standard Storage (p. 33) later in this topic.
Reserved Instances: Capacity Reservations
AWS also offers discounted hourly rates in exchange foran upfront fee and term contract. Services such
as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon
RDS) use this approach to sell reserved capacity for hourly use of Reserved Instances. For more
information, see Reserved Instances in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide and Working
with Reserved DB Instances in the Amazon Relational Database Service Developer Guide.
Reserved Instances and Consolidated Billing
This section explains how AWS determines the blended price for Consolidated Billing.
The following list explains the foundations for Consolidated Billing bill calculation logic:
1. A Reserved Instance is a capacity reservation. It is not a virtual machine. It is a commitment by a
customer to pay in advance for specific Amazon EC2 or Amazon RDS instance capacity. In return, the
customer gets a discounted rate over the cost of an on-demand instance that is created or deleted in
response to application load. From a technical perspective, there is no difference between a Reserved
Instance and an on-demand instance.When a customer launches an instance, AWS checks the account
records for Reserved Instance purchases that can be applied to that instance.
2. Consolidated Billing customers have multiple accounts that roll up into a single account that is designated
as the payer account.This group of accounts is often called an account family. Owners of payer
accounts see all usage incurred by the account family.This activity is aggregated to the payer account,
and then allocated to the linked accounts that generated the charge in proportion to the linked account's
usage. In other words, the linked account line items that you see in monthly and detailed billing (hourly)
reports and on the Account Activity page are calculated recursively:The charges are calculated at
the payer level and then allocated to linked accounts. Blended rates appear only on linked account
line items.
As a best practice, avoid running AWS services under the account you designate as the payer
account.This practice eliminates the need to think of the payer account as distinct from the
linked accounts.
3. Estimated charges for all accounts are calculated several times each day. Because blended prices
are an average for variable usage across an account family, they are dynamic, and vary with each set
of calculations. If you look at each iteration of your daily reports, you will probably see different values
each time in the Blended Rate column for your discount-eligible usage. Blended rates are finalized for
the last detailed billing report for the month, and for your AWS invoice. For information about the
monthly and detailed billing (hourly) reports, see Monthly and Detailed Billing Reports (p. 8)
Blended Rate Examples
This section contains examples of how blended rates are calculated for two types of operations:
Usage of Amazon S3 for Standard Storage.
Usage of small Linux/Unix Amazon EC2 instances.
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Reserved Instances: Capacity Reservations
Calculating Blended Rates For Amazon S3
Standard Storage
Blended rates for Amazon S3 Standard Storage are calculated by taking the amount of data stored per
month and dividing by the total cost of storage as the account becomes eligible for lower-cost tiers. For
a hypothetical example, standard storage is available at the pricing tiers listed below:
Amazon S3 Pricing Tiers
Price per GBTier Description
$0.10First 1 TB/month
$0.08Next 49 TB/month
$0.06Next 450 TB/month
The following table lists Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) usage of type standard storage
for a Consolidated Billing account family that includes a payer account and three linked accounts.
Example Standard Storage Usage Blended Cost
Blended RateBlended
Storage AmountTierAccount
$100$0.101 TBFirst 1 TB / monthPayer
$3920$0.0849 TBNext 49 TB /
$2700$0.0645 TBNext 450 TB /
0.07073770.737$100$0.101 TBFirst 1 TB / monthLinked
0.070737990.318$1120$0.0814 TBNext 49 TB /
0.0707371061.055$900$0.0615 TBNext 450 TB /
0.0707371414.74$1600$0.0820 TBNext 49 TB /
0.0707371061.055$900$0.0615 TBNext 450 TB /
0.0707371061.055$1200$0.0815 TBNext 49 TB /
0.0707371061.055$900$0.0615 TBNext 450 TB /
The costs in the preceding table are calculated as follows:
1. All usage for the linked account family adds up to 95 TB (95,000 GB).
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AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Calculating Blended Rates For Amazon S3 Standard
2. The total cost is calculated by adding the cost of the first TB (1,000 GB x $0.10 = 100) to the cost of
the next 49 TB (49,000 GB x $0.08 = $3920) and the cost of the remaining 45 TB (45,000 GB x $0.06
= $2700), for a total cost of $6720.
3. The blended rate is calculated by dividing the total cost ($6720) by the amount of storage (95,000 GB),
to produce a blended rate of $0.070737/GB.
4. Last, the cost for each linked account is allocated by multiplying the blended rate by the total usage,
resulting in the amounts listed in the Blended Cost column.
The example shows how using Consolidated Billing helps lower the overall monthly cost of storage. If
you calculate the cost for each linked account separately, the total cost is $6780. By aggregating the
usage of the three accounts, you reach the lower-priced tiers sooner. The most expensive storage, the
first terabyte, is charged at the highest price just once, rather than three times. Three TB of storage at
the most expensive rate of $0.10/GB results in charges of $300. Charging this storage as 1 TB ($100)
and 2 additional TB at $0.08/GB ($16) results in a total charge of $260.
Calculating Blended Rates for Amazon EC2
Calculation Process
Note: Blended rates apply only to Consolidated Billing customers.
The following steps describe how blended rates for Amazon EC2 instances are calculated for Consolidated
Billing account families:
1. AWS aggregates usage for all accounts in the Consolidated Billing account family for the month or
partial month and calculates costs based on unblended rates. Line items for these costs are created
for the payer account.This bill computation model aims to apply the lowest unblended rates for which
each line item is eligible.The allocation logic first applies free tier hours, then Reserved Instance hours,
and then applies on-demand rates to any remaining usage. In the monthly report, you can see line
items for these aggregated costs; the detailed billing (hourly) report (p.8) does not distinguish between
payer and linked accounts.
2. AWS identifies each Amazon EC2 usage type in each region and allocates cost from the aggregated
payer costs to the corresponding linked account line items for identical usage types in the same region.
In the detailed billing report (p.8), you can see which rate is applied for each line item in the Unblended
Rate column.
When AWS assigns Reserved Instance hours to linked accounts, it always starts first with
the linked account that purchased the reservation, which is sometimes called Reserved
Instance affinity. If there are hours from the capacity reservation left over, they are applied to
other accounts operating identical usage types in the same Availability Zone. Again, this
allocation always occurs using unblended rates.
3. Last, AWS calculates an average cost for all identical usage, which can include both on-demand and
Reserved Instance rates, in the Availability Zone and lists the result in each line item in the Blended
Rate column of the detailed billing (hourly) report. The calculation of this average can result in lines
where the unblended cost for the hour is $0.00, but the Blended Rate indicates an allocated cost. In
such cases, the Unblended Cost column represents what you actually paid for that specific line item
of usage.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Calculating Blended Rates for Amazon EC2
Blended Rate Example for Consolidated Billing
Accounts that Use Reserved Instance Pricing
The example in this section shows how the Consolidated Billing logic aggregates cost to paying accounts
and then allocates it to the linked accounts based on proportional usage. For this example, assume that
all usage is of the same usage type (p. 13) and is occurring in the same Availability Zone.
The following table lists the rate for Reserved Instance and on-demand instance usage for the example.
Example Amazon EC2 Hourly Rates
Hourly RateRate Type
$0.025Reserved Instance
$0.10On-demand Instance
The following table shows line items that represent the calculation of line items for Amazon EC2 usage
for a 720-hour (30-day) month. Each instance is of the same usage type running in the same Availability
Zone.This Consolidated Billing account family has purchased four Reserved Instances; see the line items
listed in the table for the distribution among linked accounts. Linked Account 1 has three Reserved
Instances; Linked Account 2 has one Reserved Instance.
In this example, Linked Account 1 has experienced fluctuations in application load that have produced
both a 60-hour under-utilization of Reserved Instance resources and a need for 40 additional hours of
on-demand usage.
Example Amazon EC2 Hourly Rates
Blended CostBlended
Line Item
Payer Acct
$1281280BoxUsage:t1.small$0.10On-DemandPayer Acct
Linked Acct 1
$1.920.048077$4.0040BoxUsage:t1.small$0.10On-DemandLinked Acct 1
Linked Acct 2
$4.810.048077$10100BoxUsage:t1.small$0.10On-DemandLinked Acct 2
Linked Acct 3
$23.560.048077$49490BoxUsage:t1.small$0.10On-DemandLinked Acct 3
$31.260.048077$65650BoxUsage:t1.small$0.10On-DemandLinked Acct 4
The data in the preceding table presents the following information:
The Consolidated Billing family has purchased 2,880 hours of capacity at a Reserved Instance rate.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Blended Rate Example for Consolidated Billing Accounts
that Use Reserved Instance Pricing
Linked Account 1 has purchased three Reserved Instances and has used 2,100 hours of the reservation.
Due to fluctuations in application load, 60 reserved instance hours remain, which can be applied to
other eligible usage in the account family. In addition, application load when all three reserved instances
were already running has necessitated an additional 40 hours of on-demand usage.
Linked Account 2 has purchased a Reserved Instance and used the full 720 hours. In addition, this
account needed 100 additional hours of on-demand hours to meet application load requirements.
Linked Accounts 3 and 4 operated with on-demand hours alone.
Actual usage of Reserved Instance hours totals 2,880 hours.
Actual usage of on-demand hours totals 1,280 hours.
Aggregate usage at the payer level incurs $200 of charges. After dividing this amount by the total hours
of usage (4,160) a blended rate of $0.048077 per hour is obtained.
Aggregating the blended costs results in a total of $200.01.
Using the total blended cost at the payer level, blended costs are then allocated to line items for the
linked accounts.
To reconcile the linked account line item totals with the payer account line items requires adding a line
item for a rounding error of $0.01 (not shown in example).
The 60 Reserved Instance hours that Linked Account 1 did not use were applied to 60 hours of Amazon
EC2 usage by Linked Account 3. This reduced the number of on-demand hours used by the account
from 550 to 490.
You can check that your monthly or detailed billing report is balanced by ensuring that the sum of the
blended costs of each linked account line item and the rounding error line item equals the total of all payer
account line items.
Using an Excel spreadsheet to read the detailed billing (hourly) report, you can find the linked
account line items to balance against payer line items by filtering on the following columns in
the specified order:
1. Product Name
2. Usage Type
3. Operation
You can control the Availability Zone and usage type of your instances using the RunInstances
action of the Amazon EC2 API. For more information, see Launching an Instance from an AMI
in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Blended Rate Example for Consolidated Billing Accounts
that Use Reserved Instance Pricing
Programmatic Billing Access
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
When to Use Programmatic Billing Access (p. 38)
Using Programmatic Billing Access (p. 39)
Programmatic Billing Access leverages existing Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) APIs so
you can build applications that reference your billing data from a CSV (comma-separated value) file stored
in an Amazon S3 bucket.
IAM users with access to the billing pages can set the Programmatic Billing preferences.
Here's how it works:
Programmatic Billing Access Process
1. Log in to the Billing Preferences page.
2. Enable CSV reporting of your billing statement.
3. Sign up for Programmatic Billing Access by providing a bucket location for the CSV files.
4. Set a policy on the bucket granting AWS access to publish your CSV files to the bucket at the specified
The CSV files are stored in Amazon S3 at standard Amazon S3 pricing.
5. Use an application, such as Microsoft Excel, to parse the billing data. Or, use the existing Amazon
S3 API to write an application that accesses your billing data.
AWS provides SDKs for developing applications in specific languages. For links to the complete set
of AWS SDKs, see Sample Code & Libraries.
The following diagram shows how Programmatic Billing Access works.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Benefits of Programmatic Billing Access
CSV file—You get a detailed report in a format that is readable by many common applications.
Easy viewing in Microsoft Excel—You can open the file directly into Excel, and use pivot tables to
create different views.
Leverage Amazon S3 API —The CSV file is stored in Amazon S3 as an object.You can then use the
existing Amazon S3 API to build custom applications that reference the object. For more information,
see the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
For Consolidated Billing customers, AWS publishes detailed billing reports only to the payer
account's Amazon S3 bucket. Linked accounts do not receive detailed reports.
When to Use Programmatic Billing Access
You should use Programmatic Billing Access for any of the following scenarios:
You want to bring your billing data into an application that can read a CSV file.
You want to build an application that uses your billing data.
You want to monitor your month to date charges.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
When to Use Programmatic Billing Access
You want to forecast your monthly charges.
You want to share your data with a partner.
You want to import your billing data into your accounting system.
You want to retrieve your bill for multiple accounts.
Using Programmatic Billing Access
Set Up Programmatic Billing Access (p. 39)
Reference Your Billing Data (p. 41)
Security for the CSV file (p. 42)
Removing an Account from Programmatic Billing Access (p. 42)
This section describes the basics of how to use Programmatic Billing Access.
Set Up Programmatic Billing Access
Storing data in your Amazon S3 bucket is billed at standard Amazon S3 rates. Enabling Programmatic
Billing Access, however, is free, though you need to set your billing preferences to have AWS put the
CSV file in your designated bucket.
To enable Programmatic Billing Access
1. If you don't already have an Amazon S3 bucket to store the CSV file, create one.You can use an
existing bucket.
For instructions on creating a new bucket, see Creating a Bucket.
2. Go to the Billing Preferences page.
3. In the Monthly Report section, click Sign Up Now to enable CSV reporting.
4. In the Programmatic Access section, sign up for Programmatic Billing Access by clicking Sign Up
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Using Programmatic Billing Access
5. Enter the name of the bucket to contain the CSV file, as instructed on the page.
If you choose a new Amazon S3 bucket, you will need to create the bucket. For more
information see Creating a Bucket.
6. Click Sample Policy link to display the policy for your bucket.
AWS provides you with a policy for your bucket and account.
7. Copy the policy from your Billing Preferences page so you can attach it to the bucket to contain the
CSV file in a later step.
8. Click Save Changes.
9. Open the Amazon S3 console at
10. Attach the sample policy to the bucket that will contain the CSV file. For more information on editing
bucket policies, see Editing Bucket Permissions in the Amazon S3 documentation.
11. Verify your bucket is set up correctly on the Billing Preferences page. If it is set up correctly, you will
see Programmatic Access is Enabled. If you recently set the bucket policy, refresh the Billing
Preferences page to make sure you're not seeing a cached version.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Set Up Programmatic Billing Access
As the account owner, you can create policies that let IAM users in your account read objects
in the Amazon S3 bucket you designate for the CSV file. IAM users cannot be given permissions
to modify the access control lists (ACLs) on the CSV file itself, however, because the file is not
owned by your account. Instead, it is owned by the account that updates the CSV files. For
general information about how to manage policies, see Managing IAM Policies in the guide Using
Reference Your Billing Data
AWS Billing generates estimated reports multiple times per day and a final report at the end of each
month.These files will be published and available for download from your Amazon S3 bucket specified
in the Billing Preferences page.
The report is saved to your bucket as a CSV file.You can import the file into an application that reads
CSV files, such as Microsoft Excel. For details about the CSV file contents, see Detailed Reports (p. 8).
If you're interested in writing a program to access the billing data, see the AWS SDKs for developing
applications in specific languages. For links to the complete set of AWS SDKs, see Sample Code &
CSV files are stored using the following naming convention.
123456789012 = account ID
y = year
m = month
During the current billing period (monthly), AWS generates an estimated CSV report.The current
month's CSV file is overwritten throughout the billing period until a final report is generated at
the end of the billing period. Then, a new file is created for the next billing period. The reports
for the previous months will remain in the designated Amazon S3 bucket.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Reference Your Billing Data
Security for the CSV file
Anyone with root account credentials, or access to the designated Amazon S3 bucket can see your billing
report CSV file. We recommend you use AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (for more information, go to We also recommend you use a strong password.You can change your
password from the AWS Security Credentials page.
You can also edit the bucket policy to control access to the contents of the bucket. For more information
on bucket policies, see Access Control.
Removing an Account from Programmatic Billing
At any time, the paying account can disable Programmatic Billing Access on the Billing Preferences page.
To disable Programmatic Billing Access
1. Go to the Billing Preferences page.
2. In the Programmatic Access section, click Cancel.
Optionally, in the CSV Report section, click Cancel to also cancel having AWS Billing generate a
CSV report of your charges.
If you disable CSV reports, they are no longer available for download from the Account
Activity page.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Security for the CSV file
Controlling User Access to Your
AWS Account Billing Information
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
The AWS website integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) so you can grant users
access to billing information.You can control access to the Account Activity page and the Usage Reports
page.The Account Activity page displays invoices and detailed information about charges and account
activity, itemized by service and by usage type.The Usage Reports page provides detailed usage reports
for each service you are subscribed to.
IAM is a feature of your AWS account. If you are already signed up for a product that is integrated
with IAM, you don't need to do anything else to sign up for IAM, nor will you be charged extra
for using it.
You can control your users' access to your account billing information in three steps:
1. Configure your security challenge questions.
2. Activate access to the AWS website.
3. Create custom policies for your IAM users.
To perform the first two steps, you must be logged in to AWS as the account owner. To create custom
policies for IAM users, you must be logged in as the account owner or as an IAM user who's been granted
permissions to manage policies for others.
By default, IAM users do not have access to the Account Activity or Usage Reports pages. However,
as account owner you can grant IAM users permission to see either or both.You can then activate access
to the billing pages, and those IAM users will have access to the billing pages according to the permissions
you grant. (You can deny them access to some billing information.) The following topics have examples
on using policies to control access to the Account Activity and Usage Reports pages.
For information about deactivating access to the AWS website, see Deactivate Access to the AWS
Website (p. 46).
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Configure Your Security Challenge Questions
If you haven't already configured your security challenge questions, you need to do this first. Amazon
uses these questions to identify you as the owner of your AWS account if you contact our customer
To configure your security challenge questions
1. Log in as the AWS account owner. (Not as an IAM user.)
2. In the Configure Security Challenge Questions section on the Personal Information page, configure
three security challenge questions.
3. Click Save questions.
Activate Access to the AWS Website
To grant your IAM users access to your account's billing information, you need to activate the functionality.
To activate access to the AWS website
1. Log in as the AWS account owner. (Not as an IAM user.)
2. In the IAM user access to the AWS website section on the Manage Your Account page, click
Activate Now.
Note that by activating IAM user access to the AWS website, all users for whom you have
granted full access to AWS APIs will now also have access to the AWS website. As always,
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Configure Your Security Challenge Questions
you may restrict their access by applying a more constrained set of permissions. See Example
5: Allow full access to AWS services but deny users access to billing information (p. 46).
Create Custom Policies for IAM Users
By default, users that you create in IAM do not have access to billing information such as the Account
Activity page and the Usage Reports page. Access to your account's billing information is controlled with
IAM policies that you can assign to either a single user or a group of users. For instructions, see Managing
IAM Policies in Using IAM.
The rest of this section provides simple example policies that you can attach to your user or your group
to control access to your account's billing information.
Example 1: Allow users to access the Account Activity page
This policy allows the user to access the Account Activity page.
Example 2: Allow users to access the Usage Reports page
This policy allows the user to access the Usage Reports page.
Example 3: Deny users access to the Account Activity page
This policy denies the user access to the Account Activity page.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Create Custom Policies for IAM Users
Example 4: Deny users access to the Usage Reports page
This policy denies the user access to the Usage Reports page.
Example 5: Allow full access to AWS services but deny users access to billing information
This policy enables full access to all AWS services but denies the user access to the Account Activity
or Usage Reports page.
After you set custom IAM policies for your IAM users, you can activate access to the AWS website.
Deactivate Access to the AWS Website
To prevent IAM users from accessing billing information, you can deactivate access to the AWS website.
This prevents IAM users from seeing the information even if a policy is attached to users that grants them
access to the pages.
To deactivate access to the AWS website
1. Log in as the AWS account owner. (Not as an IAM user.)
2. In the IAM user access to the AWS Website section on the Manage Your Account page, click
Deactivate Now.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Deactivate Access to the AWS Website
Account Billing Permissions Reference
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
This topic summarizes the actions permitted in Account Billing for each type of user listed in the Account
or User Type column in the table shown here.The owner of an AWS account can view all account
information, all usage reports, and all detailed billing reports for an account.The owner can also create
policies that grant permission for IAM users to view the Account Activity and Usage Reports pages.
The topic Controlling User Access to Your AWS Account Billing Information (p. 43) describes these
policies and their effects in detail.
For a full discussion of user entities such as AWS accounts and IAM users, see the topic IAM Concepts
in Using IAM.
Consolidated billing has no impact on IAM user permissions. Consolidated billing exists only so that a
group of accounts can be combined in a single bill.The payer account cannot view the detailed billing
reports of linked accounts, except as they appear as line items in the detailed billing reports for the payer
account itself.
Billing Permissions
Billing PermissionsDescriptionUser Type
Has full control of all Account
Billing resources and artifacts.
Receives a monthly invoice of
AWS charges.
Entity you create to manage your
relationship with AWS. The user
name is an email address.When
you are logged in with your
account credentials, your
account name is displayed in the
navigation bar of the AWS
Management Console.
Account owner
Permissions are granted to an
individual IAM user or to a
group that includes the user.
Can be granted permission to
view Account Activity or
Usage Reports pages.
A user entity defined in an
account by an account owner or
administrative user. Accounts
can contain multiple IAM users.
IAM user
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Account Billing Permissions Reference
Billing PermissionsDescriptionUser Type
Has full control of all Account
Billing resources and artifacts
for the payer account only.
Receives a monthly invoice of
AWS charges for both the payer
account and linked accounts.
Views the activity of linked
accounts in the detailed billing
reports for the payer account.
An AWS account that pays for
the AWS usage of multiple
accounts in an organization.
Consolidated billing payer
account owner
No permission to review usage
reports or account activity
except for itself. No access to
other linked accounts in the
family or to the payer account.
No permission to view detailed
billing reports even if the
account is an AWS root
Has permission to update
account information for itself
only; cannot access other linked
accounts or payer accounts.
An AWS account that has its
usage paid for by a consolidated
billing payer account.
Consolidated billing linked
account owner
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
Account Billing Permissions Reference
Where Do I Go to Find Out More
About AWS Account Billing?
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
What’s Next? (p. 49)
AWS Support (p. 50)
Amazon DevPay (p. 50)
Taxes (p. 50)
Keep Up to Date (p. 50)
Monitor Estimated Charges with Amazon CloudWatch (p. 50)
Get Help (p. 50)
This section provides you with information about where to go next, how to learn more about AWS, how
to stay up to date, and how to get help.
What’s Next?
Several documents and tools are available to help you learn more about account billing.
AWS Billing FAQs: For general information about AWS Billing.
Getting Started with AWS: This guide has useful general information about using AWS and managing
your account.
SDKs. If you are a developer and want to use the SDKs for Programmatic Billing Access, go to where you will find links to the SDKs for Android, iOS, Java, .NET, PHP,
and Ruby.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
What’s Next?
AWS Support
If a particular account is signed up for Developer, Business, or Enterprise Support, the support fees for
that account are still computed based on that individual account's portion of the consolidated bill. The
pricing tiers for paid support are calculated on an individual account basis. As with standalone accounts,
only accounts that are signed up for paid support may contact support with account-specific questions.
For more information, see AWS Support.
Amazon DevPay
AWS consolidated billing doesn't support Amazon DevPay products. An account owner who creates a
DevPay product pays the AWS charges associated with that product; the charges can't be included as
part of a consolidated bill. An account owner who purchases and uses a DevPay product pays the product's
charges directly; those charges can't be included as part of a consolidated bill. For more information, see
Amazon DevPay FAQs.
Any taxes that AWS charges are computed for each account individually (based on the address of the
account), and then charged to the paying account. For more information, see AWS Billing FAQs.
Keep Up to Date
AWS is constantly adding new features and services. To keep up to date with what’s going on, you can
get the latest news about AWS from the following websites:
Amazon Web Services Blog. Get the latest information about new features and services being launched
as well as helpful links to resources.
What’s New. Get the latest announcements on all new features and services released.
Upcoming Events. Check out upcoming events and conferences that AWS will be hosting or participating
Monitor Estimated Charges with Amazon
You can receive email alerts when your month-to-date charges rise above an amount you specify. To
get started, create an CloudWatch alarm that includes a threshold and your email address.You will then
receive an Amazon SNS notification when your charges exceed the threshold. For more information, see
the topic Monitor Your Estimated Charges Using CloudWatch.
Get Help
AWS offers a variety of ways to get help for the services ranging from online help to personal support.
To see a list of options, go to and click Support.
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing
AWS Support
Document History
AWS released a new Account Billing console in November 2013 that supersedes the Billing
Portal.The AWS Account Billing guide also supersedes this guide.The Billing Portal is scheduled
for deprecation and will no longer be supported after April 30, 2014.
The following table describes the documentation for this release of the About AWS Account Billing guide.
Last documentation update—January 31, 2013
Release DateDescriptionChange
July 12, 2013Provides information about how to contact AWS Support with
questions about your bill.
New Topic: If
You Have
About Your Bill
March 18, 2013The topic Controlling User Access to Your AWS Account Billing
Information is now part of the About AWS Account Billing guide.
Topic moved
from Using IAM.
January 31,
Detailed explanation of blended rates and how they are calculated,
with examples of their use with Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2
New Topic:
Blended Prices
Billing Accounts
December 13,
Billing information reported of all AWS usage in hourly intervals,
with both blended and unblended costs included. For more
information, see
Detailed Billing
August 21,
Request reports that include usage and costs aggregated by tags
you assign to resources. For more information, see .
Cost Allocation
June 5, 2012This release introduces About AWS Account Billing.New Guide
Version 1.0
AWS Account Billing About AWS Account Billing