Prompting Towards Alleviating Code-Switched Data Scarcity in
Under-Resourced Languages with GPT as a Pivot
Michelle Terblanche, Kayode Olaleye, Vukosi Marivate
Data Science for Social Impact
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Pretoria
South Africa
kayode.olaley[email protected],
vukosi.mariv[email protected]
Many multilingual communities, including numerous in Africa, frequently engage in code-switching during
conversations. This behaviour stresses the need for natural language processing technologies adept at processing
code-switched text. However, data scarcity, particularly in African languages, poses a significant challenge, as many
are low-resourced and under-represented. In this study, we prompted GPT 3.5 to generate Afrikaans–English and
Yoruba–English code-switched sentences, enhancing diversity using topic-keyword pairs, linguistic guidelines, and
few-shot examples. Our findings indicate that the quality of generated sentences for languages using non-Latin
scripts, like Yoruba, is considerably lower when compared with the high
success rate. There
is therefore a notable opportunity to refine prompting guidelines to yield sentences suitable for the fine-tuning of
language models. We propose a framework for augmenting the diversity of synthetically generated code-switched
data using GPT and propose leveraging this technology to mitigate data scarcity in low-resourced languages,
underscoring the essential role of native speakers in this process.
Keywords: code-switch, LLM, few-shot, prompting
1. Introduction
Multilingual communities, exemplified well by var-
ious African countries, often engage in code-
switching, where two or more languages are used
within a single discourse (Poplack, 2001a). This
language practice highlights the need to develop
more advanced natural language processing (NLP)
technologies that can smoothly process and pro-
duce code-switched sentences. This will move
the needle towards equitable representation of the
world’s under-resourced languages, ensuring that
everyone has equal access to these technologies
(Solorio, 2021).
There are numerous challenges in code-
switching research. The main three are highlighted
by Doğruöz et al. (2021) as follows: i) data, which
is related to quantity, quality and availability; ii) eval-
uation, which refers to benchmarks and metrics;
and iii) challenges related to end-to-end applica-
tions, particularly the ability to process and produce
code-switched data.
The focus of this paper is on the first challenge
regarding data. While code-switching frequently
occurs in written forms, due to the ubiquitous use of
social media platforms, leveraging this data in NLP
applications for code-switching presents many chal-
lenges. These platforms, with their extensive and
diverse linguistic expressions, can be invaluable
in gathering code-switched data. Yet, the practical
utility of such data is hindered by various factors,
including the informal, inconsistent nature of online
language (Çetinoğlu et al., 2016). It is common
to use acronyms, emojis and make spelling mis-
takes which affect quality and usability of such data
(Srivastava et al., 2019)
. Furthermore the diversity
of such data is limited to a specific type of language
use (Winata et al., 2022).
To address the shortage of available data, efforts
have been made to create synthetic code-switched
data using different methods: from using parallel
corpora with linguistic constraints on where a switch
can occur (Pratapa et al., 2018; Rizvi et al., 2021)
to employing transformer-based models to gener-
ate diverse sentences that adhere to lexical and
syntactic rules (Riktika et al., 2022). A more re-
cent study evaluated prompting of large language
models (LLMs) to generate code-switched data for
South East Asian languages (Yong et al., 2023).
They explored a few prompting templates with a
limited number of topics in a zero-shot manner and
cautioned against the use of synthetically gener-
ated data without involving native speakers of the
In this paper, we build on the work of (Yong et al.,
2023) to address the question about GPT’s ability
to generate code-switched data. Our work overlaps
in that we also use an LLM, OpenAI’s GPT, and var-
ious topics in the prompts. We increase the number
of topics and provide topic-related keywords in an
arXiv:2404.17216v1 [cs.CL] 26 Apr 2024
effort to increase diversity and reduce the model’s
propensity to default to certain words. Our goal is
not to evaluate various prompting templates, how-
ever, we add linguistic guidelines in the prompts
to further increase diversity. We propose this as
an approach towards language agnostic prompting.
We also test the performance of GPT 3.5 with few-
shot in-context examples. We specifically consider
whether GPT can support the generation of larger
code-switched datasets and to what extent.
Our contributions are as follows: (i) we provide a
framework to increase the diversity of synthetically
generated code-switched data by prompting Ope-
nAI’s GPT; and (ii) we position GPT as a pivot to ad-
dress code-switched data scarcity in low-resource
languages while emphasising the need for native
speakers in the loop.
Increasing data availability is at the center of
developing language models that serve multilingual
communities. Our work is a step towards closing
the gap in low-resourced and under-represented
2. Related Work
2.1. Code-Switching Research
Various types of code-switching have been identi-
fied but the type that attracts the most academic
research is intra-sentential code-switching which
can occur anywhere within a sentence boundary
(Poplack, 1980) and as a result, adds complex-
ity in evaluation (Poplack, 2001b). Another com-
plex type is intra-word code-switching where the
stem of one language is bound to another language
(Çetinoğlu et al., 2016; Van der Westhuizen and
Niesler, 2018).
Over and above the issue of data diversity
(Winata et al., 2022), one of the major challenges in
code-switching studies is related to data availability
(Doğruöz et al., 2021). A survey by (Winata et al.,
2022) showed that up until October 2022, a rela-
tively small amount of papers (ACL Anthology, 2023
and ISCA Proceedings, 2023) focused on code-
switching research in African languages with very
few publicly available datasets. Eleven publications
mention South African languages. The non-English
South African languages referenced are isiZulu,
isiXhosa, Setswana, Sesotho and Afrikaans. Only
one proceeding includes Afrikaans code-switching
(Niesler and De Wet, 2008) with no published
dataset. A paper by Van der Westhuizen and
Niesler (2018) introduced the first corpus on isiZulu,
isiXhosa, Setswana, Sesotho curated from tran-
scribed soap opera speech data and eight of the
papers makes use of this dataset and is mainly
focused on automatic speech recognition (ASR)
Code-switching in Kiswahili–English is studied in
two papers but no datasets were made available
(Otundo and Grice, 2022; Piergallini et al., 2016).
In addition to a survey by Winata et al. (2022),
one other paper was found that addresses Sepedi–
English code-switching. Modipa et al. (2013) de-
velop a corpus from a set of radio broadcasts to
evaluate the implication of code-switching in ASR
systems. This dataset is publicly available. This
brief review of the state of code-switching research
in an African context motivates our work to develop
methods for addressing data scarcity.
A predominant approach to mitigating data avail-
ability issues involves augmenting existing datasets
through the generation of synthetic code-switched
data. Some of the methods to augment the ear-
lier mentioned South African speech corpus in-
clude the use of word embeddings to synthesise
code-switched bigrams to find similar words in
the sparse training data (Westhuizen and Niesler,
2017). Biswas et al. (2018) evaluated adding
out-of-domain monolingual data and synthesised
code-switched data using an LSTM to augment the
For non-African languages, Rizvi et al. (2021)
developed a toolkit that generates multiple code-
switched sentences using either the Equivalence
Constraint or the Matrix Language Frame. The lim-
itations are that it relies on a good sentence aligner
and parser and parallel translated sentences as
input. The notion is that this approach should
work on any language pair. Winata et al. (2019)
implemented a sequence-to-sequence model for
English-Mandarin code-switched data. Although
the model does not require external knowledge
regarding word alignments, it still relies on an exist-
ing English–Mandarin code-switched dataset and
parallel corpora. The work of (Liu et al., 2020) intro-
duced an attention-informed zero-shot adaptation
method that relies on a limited number of parallel
word pairs. The languages covered are German,
Italian, Spanish and Thai, the latter two for natu-
ral language understanding. The shortcoming of
the above-mentioned approaches is the diversity of
data. Most existing code-switched datasets were
collected from social media platforms such as Twit-
ter and therefore limits the type of code-switching
(Doğruöz et al., 2021).
To this issue, Riktika et al. (2022) developed an
encoder-decoder translation model for controlled
code-switched generation. It uses monolingual
Hindi and a publicly available Hindi–English code-
switched dataset as input to generate data that is
faithful to syntactic and lexical attributes.
Yong et al. (2023) proposed an approach that is
independent of existing code-switched datasets or
parallel corpora through prompting of LLMs. Their
objective was to test whether multilingual LLMs
can generate code-switched text through prompting.
They evaluated a variety of prompt templates and
found that those explicitly defining code-switching
gave the highest success rate. However, they also
highlighted the sentences often contained word-
choice errors and semantic inaccuracies which was
more prevalent in the languages that don’t use the
English alphabet and Latin script. They limited the
scope to five topics and did not include diversity as a
measure. Their findings were that GPT’s capability
to generate code-switched data is superior to other
LLMs, however, using this method without humans-
in-the-loop is not advised.
Jha et al. (2023) elaborated on LLMs such as
GPT being prone to hallucinations where it provides
factually inaccurate or contextually inappropriate
responses. A solution to address this is to ensure
carefully curated prompts. Furthermore, to avoid
encoded biases, Bender et al. (2021) emphasises
the need to also evaluate appropriateness in rela-
tion to a particular social context.
With the rapid adoption of LLMs in everyday life,
these are a low-cost alternative to alleviate data
scarcity in low-resourced and under-represented
languages by synthetically generating text. In this
paper we expand on the work of Yong et al. (2023)
and position GPT as a pivot in generating code-
switched data rather than a self-sufficient solution.
Code-Switched Text Generation via
GPT-3.5 Prompting
Our prompt-based approach to code-switched (CS)
text generation is heavily inspired by the work of
Yong et al. (2023), who collected synthetic CS data
by prompting LLMs with requests along languages
and topics. Their focus was on code-switching
English with South-East Asian languages. In our
case, we focus on two under-explored and under-
resourced code-switching scenarios: Afrikaans–
English and Yoruba–English. Although Afrikaans
and English are typologically dissimilar (van Dulm,
2007), they are both West Germanic languages
and generating CS text should be easier. Yoruba
is a tonal language and even more dissimilar to
English which could provide challenges when cre-
ating synthetic CS data. We extend the limited
topics covered in Yong et al. (2023) and present
GPT-3.5 not as an autonomous solution to CS data
scarcity, but as a potential tool for supporting CS
data curation efforts for under-resourced African
languages. We specifically use GPT-3.5, firstly as
a baseline to compare with the findings from Yong
et al. (2023) and secondly, due to the unavailability
of the GPT-4 API at the time of our experiments
The API for GPT 4 was made available after we
finished the majority of the experiments,
Prompting for Afrikaans–English CS
Building on the prompt template from Yong et al.
(2023), which uses topics as guidelines, our ap-
proach extends this by (i) incorporating specific
code-switching words related to each topic within
the prompt and (ii) evaluating the effect of prompt
complexity from basic (Section 3.1.1) to more com-
prehensive prompts (Section 3.1.2).
We curate a non-exhaustive list of common
conversation topics and associate typical English
words from native speakers of Afrikaans and from
available online platforms. We cover 22 topics with
a total of 355 keywords. For this paper we generate
one sentence per keyword for the various prompts.
We also develop a general list of words used in
code-switching that is not directly linked to a spe-
cific topic consisting of 138 words.
90% of the
keywords are nouns, verbs and adjectives which is
in line with the notion that switching is more likely
to occur on these open word classes as opposed
to close word classes (such as pronouns and con-
junctions) (Kodali et al., 2022).
3.1.1. Topic-Keyword Basic Prompting
In the six different prompting templates of Yong
et al. (2023), one prompt specifically requests a
native speaker to give a mixed sentence. This is
an indirect way to impose a matrix language (ML).
We explicitly include the use of a matrix language
in our prompts (Jake et al., 2002). This is to ensure
that we adequately represent the low-resourced
language. However, we recognise that grammatical
constraints on CS is an open research question with
varying definitions of acceptability that evolves over
time (Bhat et al., 2016).
The following shows the basic prompt we used
(Prompt 1.1) and a few examples to highlight the
behaviour of GPT-3.5 (English translation in Italics).
Prompt 1.1: Generate an Afrikaans-English
code-switch sentence with Afrikaans as the
matrix language. Typical words used in code-
switching are: general
. The topic is [insert
topic] and must contain the word [insert key-
Topic: education and training; keyword: skills
Example 1: Ek
I must improve my skills to get a better job
Topic: general conversation; keyword: try
List of general words provided
Example 2: Ek
I will try to finish my assignment on time.
The matrix language is Afrikaans in Example 1
and English in Example 2. We see from these
examples that GPT 3.5 does not necessarily follow
the prompt with regards to the matrix language.
We do not evaluate word-level language identifi-
cation therefore we do not explicitly measure adher-
ence to the matrix language prompt in this paper.
The results of the generated sentences there-
fore indicate that GPT 3.5 is capable of generating
some coherent sentences and can be corrected
where the grammatical structure follows English.
Section 4.3 gives a more detailed analysis of code-
switch acceptability.
A key observation from using this basic prompt
for generating Afrikaans–English sentences is that
sentences are one-dimensional with
80% of sen-
tences starting with a singular personal pronoun:
‘Ek’ (English: ‘I’) (Section 4.2.1). This creates the
opportunity to explore ways of adding diversity to
the type of sentence through the use of basic lin-
guistic guidelines (such as specifying pronouns)
which is discussed in the following section.
3.1.2. Linguistic-Based Prompting
Since the word lists contain nouns, verbs and ad-
jectives related to specific topics, content diversity
in the sentences is addressed. These are also
words that are most typically code-switched (Kodali
et al., 2022). To add further diversity in the type of
sentence, we add basic linguistic guidelines in the
form of varying pronouns (personal, impersonal,
interrogative etc.), tenses (past, present and future
that alters the verb) and using negative particles.
The inclusion of negative particles is randomly ini-
tialised and not in each prompt. We also impose
a rule that conjunctions must be in the matrix lan-
guage since conjunctions are part of closed word
classes and should less likely be switched.
Prompt 2.1 is an example of a prompt using lin-
guistic guidelines following with an example of the
generated sentence (English translation in Italics).
In Example 3 the prompts are adhered to, however,
the conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘and’ are in English there-
fore note adhering to the guideline. Our preliminary
observation is that the prompting approach can
support the generation of CS sentences that are
diverse. The effect of varying pronouns on sen-
tence diversity is further evaluated in Section 4.1.
Word order structure mimics that of natural speech
and can be corrected where needed. We give ad-
ditional examples and an evaluation of the quality
of the sentences in Section 4.3.
Prompt 2.1: Generate an Afrikaans-English
code-switch sentence with Afrikaans as the
matrix language. Typical words used in code-
switching are: general. The topic is [insert
topic] and must contain the word [keyword].
Start the sentence with [insert pronoun] us-
ing the [insert tense]. A conjunction must be
Afrikaans. [Use a negative particle].
Topic: physical health and fitness; keyword:
race; Pronoun: impersonal; Tense: past; Use a
negative particle: No
Example 3: Dit
, but
It was super nice to run the race, but I ignore
the consequences and ate too much after-
3.1.3. Few-Shot Prompting
In the work from (Yong et al., 2023) they did not
evaluate the effect of few-shot examples. We there-
fore evaluate two additional prompts: Prompt 1.2
and Prompt 2.2 where we add five examples of
code-switched sentences to Prompts 1.1 and 2.1
respectively. These are general examples and not
in the context of the topic.
3.2. Prompting for Yoruba–English CS
In this section we apply the same methodology
(Section 3.1) used to generate Afrikaans–English
CS sentences to generate Yoruba–English CS sen-
tences and provide brief observations. We de-
velop similar topic keyword lists for Yoruba with
most words overlapping with those developed for
Afrikaans–English. In future work we will focus on
developing common lists that cover a more diverse
set of languages. The following are a few examples
of the generated Yoruba–English sentences:
Topic: information technology; keyword:
spreadsheet; Pronoun: indefinite; Tense: future;
Use negative particle: Yes
Example 1: Mo
, infact
I said you should relax, infact I accept the sur-
prise that spreadsheet is a Yoruba word.
Topic: social media; keyword: cope; Pronoun:
indefinite; Tense: present; Use negative particle:
Example 2: Kò
, view
There is no person that chooses problems as a
path, this view is what the creatures XXX did to
Examples 1 and 2 both follow the prompt guide-
lines with respect to the matrix language and tense.
Example 1, however, uses a personal pronoun in-
stead of an indefinite pronoun with Example 2 using
the correct pronoun. XXX in Example 2 indicates a
phrase that cannot be translated.
We observe that the prompting approach can
also support the generation of Yoruba–English sen-
tences that are diverse.
We provide observations on the coherence and
naturalness of synthetic sentences in Section 4.4.
4. Evaluation of Generated Data
In this section, we evaluate our work in three parts:
(i) we evaluate the diversity of the generated sen-
tences, (ii) we comment on GPT 3.5’s adherence
to the prompts provided, and (iii) we evaluate the
quality of the sentences generated through a combi-
nation of statistical analysis and human evaluation
of the sentences. We use the four prompt guide-
lines as discussed in Section 3. For this paper we
Romanised the Yoruba–English sentences for eas-
ier evaluation, however, we will include this in future
4.1. Data Diversity
4.1.1. Content Diversity
In Figure 1a (from Prompt 1.1) we see a large
amount of general words being used compared
with the number of sentences. We also note that
the top three keywords (amazing, acknowledge,
anyway) is the same as the top three keywords in
the alphabetised list. In Prompt 2.1 we provide a
randomised general word list to GPT 3.5 and in
Figure 1b we observe a more even distribution of
general words as a result. This indicates GPT 3.5’s
sensitivity to prompts and the context provided.
4.1.2. Linguistic Diversity
Since Prompts 2.1 and 2.2 asked “start the sen-
tence with...”, all sentences were evaluated accord-
ingly. We used a list of common Afrikaans and
Yoruba pronouns to evaluate this prompt.
From Figure 3 we observe an increase in diver-
sity of the types of sentences with regards to the
distribution of pronouns (Prompts 2.1/2.2). For
Afrikaans–English, more than 90% of the sen-
tences start with one of the specified pronouns.
We also see an increase in the diversity of Yoruba–
English sentences, however, there are still
of sentences starting with words other than the re-
quested pronouns. It is not well understood why
GPT 3.5 ignored these prompts. In the absence of
linguistic guidelines in the prompt, we note that
by adding few-shot examples, we lack diversity
(Prompts 1.2 and 2.2).
Similarly to pronouns, we use Afrikaans and
Yoruba keywords that indicate past and future
tense, negation (negative sentiment) and conjunc-
tions to evaluate the effect of adding these guide-
lines to the prompts. In Table 1 we highlight the
impact of these factors on distribution in sentences
using Prompts 1.1 and 2.1 (prompts without exam-
ple sentences).
Afrikaans Yoruba
Prompt 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1
Past Tense 42% 34% 17% 23%
Future Tense 55% 39% 10% 12%
Negation 26% 39% 15% 27%
Conjunction* 14 4 1 2
*The ratio of Afrikaans/Yoruba to English.
Table 1: Distribution of tenses and negation and
ratio of conjunctions.
We see in Table 1 that for Afrikaans–English,
both the distribution of tenses (equal distribution
between past and future) and the presence of nega-
tion improved. However, it is only negation that
improved for Yoruba–English. We further elaborate
on this observation in Section 4.2.1. The ratio of
Afrikaans:English conjunctions decreased showing
the guideline is not efficient. For Yoruba:English
conjunctions we observe a slight improvement.
The above statistical evaluation of diversity
shows that adding various linguistic guidelines to
the prompts improves diversity. However, this does
not consider whether a prompt is adhered to. In
the next section, we evaluate GPT 3.5’s ability to
execute prompts.
4.2. Prompt Adherence
In Section 3.1 we already observed that GPT 3.5
does not always adhere to using the specified ma-
trix language and since we do not consider word-
level language identification in this paper, we ex-
clude this when determining adherence.
We apply a simple approach to calculate prompt
adherence. We express the number of prompts
adhered to as a percentage of the total prompts
given. In Prompt 1.1, the only prompt given is the
topic keyword hence a total of one prompt (the
same for Prompt 1.2). In Prompt 2.1, there are
five prompts given: topic keyword, pronoun, tense,
(a) Distribution of general words (alphabetised). (b) Distribution of general words (randomised).
Figure 1: Distribution of top 10 general CS words across all topics.
Figure 2: Distribution of pronouns.
Figure 3: Distribution of the use of pronouns at the
beginning of a generated sentence.
negative particle and conjunction. The average
prompt adherence across the sentences is then
used to represent overall prompt adherence.
4.2.1. Statistical Evaluation of Prompt
In this section we present the prompt adherence for
the four prompt guidelines. Keywords for pronouns,
tenses, negative particles and conjunctions as per
Section 4.2.1. Table 2 shows the overall prompt
Prompt 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
Afrikaans 83% 90% 74% 78%
Yoruba 83% 92% 53% 58%
Table 2: Overall prompt adherence.
From Table 2 we see that the adherence to
prompts for Yoruba–English is much lower than
for Afrikaans–English in the linguistically guided
prompts (Prompts 2.1 and 2.2).
In Afrikaans there are a few specific keywords
such as ‘nie’, ‘nooit’, ‘nee’ (English: not, never, no)
that indicate negation. Similarly for tenses, words
like ‘was’, ‘gister’, ‘wil’, ‘more’ (English: was, yes-
terday, will, tomorrow) can be used for past and fu-
ture tense. However, the Yoruba language is more
complex and keywords like the above-mentioned
are not adequate to identify negation and tenses,
hence the lower prompt adherence.
In the next section (Section 4.3) we use manual
annotation of sentences for tenses and negation to
re-evaluate prompt adherence.
4.2.2. Manual Evaluation of Prompt
For manual evaluation of generated sentences, we
sample 100 sentences each from the four prompt
We manually annotate the sentences of Prompts
2.1 and 2.2 with tense (past or future) and negation
(whether the sentence expresses some negative
sentiment). In future work, external annotators will
also be used.
In Table 3 we show the impact on the calculated
prompt adherence (using Prompt 2.1) for the statis-
tical (1) and manual (2) evaluation of the 100 sen-
tences. The prompt adherence for Yoruba–English
increased to 66% from 59% with a significant
increase in the adherences to tenses.Afrikaans–
English prompt adherence remains constant. The
adherence to negation reduced slightly for both lan-
guages. This confirms the earlier comment that
it is statistically more difficult to calculate prompt
adherence for Yoruba–English without a human in
the loop.
Afrikaans Yoruba
Prompt (1) (2) (1) (2)
Tense 79% 84% 41% 72%
Negation 47% 41% 40% 36%
Total 72% 72% 59% 66%
Table 3: Comparing prompt adherence for both a
statistical and manual annotation perspective.
We conclude that there is potential in using GPT
3.5 as a supporting tool to generate diverse sen-
tences with linguistically guided prompts. In the
following sections we provide an overview of the
quality of generated sentences to further determine
the role that GPT 3.5 can play in addressing code-
switched data availability.
4.3. Code-Switch Acceptability
The final part of our analysis looks at the quality of
generated sentences. As mentioned in Section 4.3,
we sampled 100 sentences from each of the four
prompt methods. For this part of the analysis, we
rated the acceptability of a code-switch sentence
according to: i) Yes, ii) Yes, with minimal changes
or iii) No. We adopt the constraint-free approach
of MacSwan (2000).
The results of the manual annotation are shown
in Figure 4. We observe that the acceptability of
Afrikaans–English sentences far outweighs that of
Yoruba–English. We also see that adding few-shot
examples increases acceptability (Prompts 1.2 and
2.2). Although we observe an increase in diver-
sity through linguistic guidelines, the quality of sen-
tences are sub-optimal. Subsequent work will fo-
cus on how correctable sentences can be used
for improved prompting and/or fine tuning of lan-
guage models. However, with further analysis and
improvement, there is potential to use GPT 3.5 to
support synthetic data generation.
4.4. Language Specific Observations
4.4.1. Afrikaans–English
In order to quantify the acceptability observed from
internal evaluation, we randomly select 5 Afrikaans-
English sentences from the dataset used for man-
ual evaluation (Section 4.3). Table 4 gives the sen-
tences with translations and comments.
In our general overview we find that the typical
mistakes made are as a result of following English
grammar structure. However, for many sentences
this does not affect the meaning and can be cor-
The results from the various experiments there-
fore indicate that using GPT 3.5 (and it’s followers)
Figure 4: Evaluation of manual annotation of sen-
can be considered as a method to generate large-
scale data in Afrikaans-English code-switching.
4.4.2. Yoruba–English
Similarly to quantifying the Afrikaans-English sen-
tences, we give 5 randomly selected Yoruba-
English sentences in Table 5 from the dataset used
for manual evaluation (Section 4.3).
It is hypothesised that the exposure of GPT 3.5
to the Yoruba language is to a much lesser ex-
tent than Afrikaans yielding a substantial amount
of unacceptable sentences. Furthermore, as was
postulated by Yong et al. (2023), languages using
the English alphabet and Latin script perform better
on LLMs. Further analysis is required to improve
prompting and quality of sentences.
5. Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we extended on the of Yong et al.
(2023) where they used prompting of LLMs (includ-
ing GPT 3.5) to generate code-switch sentences.
Our approach evaluates three dimensions: (i) diver-
sity, through a wider range of topics, keywords,
linguistic guidelines and few-shot examples; (ii)
prompt adherence, to understand the ability of GPT
3.5 to follow these prompts; and (iii) quality, to de-
termine the use of GPT 3.5 as a supporting tool to
address code-switched data scarcity. We evaluated
two typologically diverse language pairs: Afrikaans–
English and Yoruba–English.
Our main findings are: (i) using topics, keywords
and general context words increases coverage; (ii)
linguistic-based guidelines increases diversity in
the types of sentences, (iii) few-shot prompting in-
creases the quality of sentences but is limited in
diversity of the types of sentences;(iv) quality of
sentences are much lower for languages that use
non-Latin script (such as Yoruba); and (v) evalu-
Sentence Accept Comments
Ek is so excited om my nuwe partner te ontmoet. (I
am so excited to meet my new partner.)
Ons moet takeaways for dinner, maar ek wil nie
weer McDonald’s eet nie. (We must have takeaways
for dinner, but I don’t want to eat McDonald’s again.)
The use of English ‘for’ instead of Afrikaans
‘vir’ is less typical but can be accepted
Ons het ’n nuwe app gedownload om die fotos te
organise. (We downloaded a new app to organise
the photos.)
‘gedownload’ is an example of intra-word
Ek moet ’n nuwe uitdaging in my loopbaan aanpak.
(I have to tackle a new challenge in my career.)
No code-switching, only Afrikaans
Daai kursus was ’n disaster, ons het reset van die
begin af. (That course was a disaster, we reset from
the beginning.)
Unclear about the intended meaning with the
use of ‘reset’, however, can be corrected in
Table 4: Generated Afrikaans–English sentences, translations and comments on acceptability.
Sentence Accept Comments
o ma install software yii ni computer mi. (You will
install this software in my computer.)
The model is not clear about the right orthog-
raphy for the Yoruba words in the sentence
and used the word “ni" instead of ‘sorii’ which
translates to ‘on’ in Yoruba
60 million naira yen fe po die fun mi. I need to buy or-
ange juice for the party. (That 60 million naira seems
to be a bit too much for me. I need to buy orange
juice for the party.)
This is an inter-sentential code-switched sen-
tence. However, this can be accepted by just
dropping the second sentence
Mo n gbadun ojo meta ti n si se fun mi ni lockdown
ni ojo kan, but honestly, e wa wo mi, I don tire. The
pressure don too much, and I just dey try survive. (I
am enjoying the three days XXX during lockdown in
one day, but honestly, come and see me, I am tired.)
These sentences make no sense. Contains
the Nigerian version of Pidgin-English mixed
with Yoruba and English. The ‘XXX’ indicates
phrases that cannot be translated
eniyan miran naa maa click si awon idile mi lati ba
wa. (That other person will click to my family to come
This sentence makes no sense
o ma jabo ile-ise yi niwaju wireless connectivity yi.
(You will XXX this company in front of this wireless
The English translation for the word ‘jabo’
cannot be inferred without knowing the dia-
critics. The sentence makes no sense
Table 5: Generated Yoruba–English sentences, translations and comments on acceptability.
ating quality of data requires a human-in-the-loop.
We provide a framework for linguistically-guided
prompting and we conclude that OpenAI’s GPT ex-
hibits the ability to support synthetic code-switched
data generation and can be invaluable to address
the issue of data availability.
In future work we will address the following: i)
include external annotation to cross-validate the
quality of generated sentences; (ii) improve on the
prompting guidelines to increase quality; (iii) use
correctable sentences to improve the performance
of the latest generation of OpenAI’s GPT to support
large-scale generation; and (iv) expand to more
African languages in an effort to develop a language
agnostic approach to synthetically generate data.
6. Ethical Considerations
Data Generation Research in code-switching is
not only focused on the grammatical aspects of this
phenomenon but also the socio-pragmatic charac-
teristics in discourse (Nel, 2012). Large language
models such as OpenAI’s GPT are influenced by
social views and inherit encoded biases (Bender
et al., 2021). Our work propose the use of GPT
to support efforts in synthetically generated code-
switched data to increase the prevalence of under-
resourced languages. We therefore carefully con-
sidered the method in which GPT was prompted to
eliminate the introduction of bias. We use general
topics and keywords with the goal to generate a
diverse range of acceptable sentences.
Human Evaluation The generated sentences
were internally evaluated by native speakers of
Afrikaans and Yoruba. We ensure the data is re-
spectful to culture and social norms. We will con-
tinue to include humans-in-the-loop to ensure faith-
ful data generation.
7. Acknowledgements
We thank JP Morgan and ABSA for their financial
support, and OpenAI for providing API credits.
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