Dangerous Items
Dangerous Items are, in the specific context of aviation security, defined as those articles, devices or
substances which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference against civil aviation, or may
endanger the safety of the aircraft and its occupants, or installations and the public. By nature, Dangerous
Items must never be taken into the Security Restricted Area (SRA) of an airport, and in particular inside the
cabin or hold of an aircraft, and must be prevented inside public areas of airport installations.
When facing the first aviation security incidents, States developed aviation security International
Conventions and started to include in the scope of acts those “which, whether or not they are offences, may
or do jeopardize the safety of aircraft or of persons or property therein or which jeopardize good order and
discipline on board
. This very broad approach could cover quite a lot of interpretations, such as unruly or
disruptive behaviours, hoax, or any other criminal infraction occurring during civil aviation operations or
within installations (including aircraft).
Then more detailed and precise definitions on acts were adopted such as “unlawful seizure or attempted
seizure, by force or threat, or by any other form of intimidation
or “acts of violence against a person on
board an aircraft in flight if that act is likely to endanger the safety of that aircraft; destruction/damage of
aircraft in service (in flight or on the ground) using a device or substance; destruction/damage of air
navigation facilities or interferences with their operations; and communication of false information
. Force,
threat and intimidation have to be used by perpetrators to commit an act of unlawful interference. Moreover,
devices and substances designed for destructing or damaging aircraft and installations are considered as
dangerous for civil aviation.
Finally, the definitions were complemented by the “offences committed unlawfully and intentionally, using
any device, substances or weapon” such as “act of violence against a person at an airport which could
cause serious injury or death” and “destruction/major damages of airport facilities or aircraft not in service
Which means that the intention and the target have to be analysed before qualifying an incident as an act of
unlawful interference, as well as the location and modus operandi. For example, a drunk driver destroying
air navigation aids during an accident might not be charged against aviation security laws as the offence is
not committed intentionally. On the contrary, a person using his car to penetrate into the terminal building for
delaying departures
is considered as an act of unlawful interference as the intention was there and the
consequences for civil aviation could have been more important if the offender would have used explosive
devices or weapons inside the terminal builduing.
It is worth to note that an act of violence against a person
at an airport is considered as an act of unlawful
interference (Montreal Protocol, 1988) as an act of violence against a person on board an aircraft in flight is
considered as an act of unlawful interference only if that act is likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft
(Montreal Convention, 1971).
The interpretation of these definitions might differ from one State to another depending on the status of
ratification of international conventions in each State and national perceptions, or political constraints, for
certain types of incidents. One good indicator of the differences in interpretation of what is considered as a
“real” act of unlawful interference and what other national laws cover, is the number and types of acts
Based on Art 1 of the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft – Tokyo, 14 Sept 1963
Based on Art 1 of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft – The Hague, 16 Dec 1970
Based on Art 1 of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation – Montréal, 23 Sept 1971
Based on Art 1 of the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports – Montréal, 24 Feb 1988
Based on real reports of acts of unlawful interference.
Appendix A
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officially reported to ICAO.
For guidance purposes, the following categories of acts are internationally recognized as being the ones
susceptible of having the biggest magnitude and consequences for States and the Industry:
1) seizures –or hijacking- and attempted seizures of aircraft in flight;
2) sabotage and attempted sabotage of aircraft (in flight or/and on the ground);
3) attacks and attempted attacks of aeronautical installations; and
4) attacks and attempted attacks inside airport facilities, particularly in public area.
The priorities in terms of design, systems, programmes and staff should remain the prevention of these four
“core” aviation security categories, with the objectives of performance, cost-efficiency, sustainability and
flexibility. In the same token, all provisions contained in Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention focus on the
above-mentioned categories acts of unlawful interference.
In addition, a risk assessment of the minimum quantity, or number, of potentially Dangerous Items or
substances necessary to commit an act, or attempted act, against the security of civil aviation operations
should be conducted considering the following:
1) The physical properties and the dangerousness of the items (see Generic Categories of
Dangerous Items);
2) The minimum quantity, or number, of potentially dangerous items, articles, substances
necessary to commit a major act of unlawful interference;
3) The technical performances of the security screening systems currently available, or installed at
airports, to see which dangerous items, and which quantities, could be “detected” or “identified”
at screening points (see Security Screening and Controls); and
4) The real vulnerability of the system considering passengers on one side (at airport and inside an
aircraft in flight), staff on another side and finally hold baggage, cargo, catering, stores, supplies
or other goods taking into account current and new security counter measures in place at airport
and onboard, such as 100% of hold baggage screening, locking of cockpit doors, potential
presence of In-Flight Security Officers (IFSOs or sky marshals), reaction of cabin crew, even
passengers, who might not stay passive in case of an incident during the flight, background
checks on staff, etc (see Priorities in Dangerous Items Lists).
Finally, States or Groups of States have to build their own List of
Prohibited Items considering the following
1) At least, all Dangerous Items for the above-mentioned categories of acts against aviation
security should be prohibited by nature;
2) Additional limitations or bans of items could be considered as some potentially Dangerous
Items, could be concealed; such items or substances being in quantity or number difficult to
“detect” or “identify” using contemporary security systems; and
3) Any other items in reaction to intelligence about a particular threat, for political reasons or
detection and/or identification of weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices, articles or substances being the objective of
security “screening” according to ICAO Annex 17 definitions.
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because of national laws framework considering more incidents as acts of unlawful interference.
For guidance purposes, the focus is placed on the list of worldwide recognized Dangerous Items and on
objective criteria driving additional limitations, or bans, of items and not on an exhaustive list of items which
should/could be “prohibited” by one or some States as the prohibition concept is, by nature, evolving,
subjective and driven by circumstances.
Generic Categories of Dangerous Items
For clarification and identification purposes, potentially Dangerous Items can be grouped into five generic
categories. A quick risk assessment concludes that the first three categories contain the most Dangerous
Items for aviation security, especially as some items could easily be concealed inside cabin or hold baggage
as elements or broken down into pieces, inside apparently innocent items after camouflage, or on persons
or groups of persons travelling together in relatively small quantities which might generate major
consequences. On the contrary, the last two categories contain items which could be an issue for the safety
of passengers, crew, staff or public if misused on aircraft or inside terminal buildings, but with magnitudes
and consequences which are not equivalent with the first categories.
Categories of the most dangerous items for aviation security:
I. Firearms, guns and weapons — any object capable, or appearing capable, of discharging a
projectile or causing injury or death. Are included in this category ammunitions and parts or
elements of objects of that category.
II. Explosive and flammable substances — any explosive or highly combustible substances, in
any shape of form liquid, solid or in mixture, which could cause injury or death, or pose a risk to
the health of passengers, crew and public or the security/safety of aircraft or property. Are
including in that category all parts, elements or chemical material
which could be used as
essential components of an explosive or flammable device.
III. Chemical and toxic substances — any chemical or toxic substances, including nuclear
elements, in any shape of form, which could cause injury or death, or pose a risk to the health of
passengers and crew or the security/safety of aircraft, property or environment. Are including in
that category all parts, elements or chemical material
which could be used as essential
components of an chemical or toxic device.
Categories of the potentially dangerous items for the safety of civil aviation only:
IV. Pointed/edged weapons and sharp objects — any pointed or bladed item capable of being
used to cause injury or death.
V. Blunt instruments — any blunt object capable of being used to cause injury.
It should be noted that most of the perpetrators, especially if they are properly trained and motivated, could
be familiar with close combat and martial techniques
and do not need pointed, sharp or blunt objects to
injure, or even kill, one or a few persons on board an aircraft. However, it is difficult to take the control of, or
destroy, an aircraft without adequate number, or quantity, or the Dangerous Items listed in the first three
categories if contemporary security counter-measures are strictly implemented (i.e. locking of cockpit doors).
Also called “precursors”
Also called “precursors”.
Some national laws or legislation are even considering misuse of martial techniques as criminal offences.
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Examples of items contained in the above-mentioned categories are contained in Appendix 1.
Security Screening and Controls
One of the main challenges in designing sustainable and effective security systems preventing acts against
aviation security, is to make sure that objective is not diluted, or resources not diverted by other
considerations, such as unruly behaviours, or hypothetical theoretical modus operandi which are only limited
by imagination. Worse case scenarii and brainstorming should be conducted by specialists for anticipation
and risk assessment purposes, but the potential outcomes for redesigning sustainable security systems
should be evaluated in light of all other operational, facilitation and financial constraints existing in civil
aviation industry. Consequences of over-dimensioned, or over-reacted, security measures could be worse in
terms of impact on the industry than the attacks themselves.
When considering the measures, it should be recalled that the purpose of security screening is to detect
and/or identify all dangerous items which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference, as the
purpose of security controls is to prevent the introduction of such dangerous items which may be used to
commit an act
. It is worth to note that these ICAO Annex 17 definitions are highlighting the nature, but also
stressing the purpose, of such measures. Meaning that perpetrators should have the intention of committing
an act of unlawful interference using an item, device or substance to consider such action as being an act of
unlawful interference.
On the technical side, security screening is mainly performed by detection equipment (metallic, explosives,
etc), dogs, staff and also measures such as hand search. For security controls, the means used are mainly
procedures and staff. Proper security systems should be developed with a “system of systems” approach
combining screening capabilities (mainly equipment and staff performances) with additional security controls
measures to counter balance the loopholes of screening capabilities. For quality control purposes, regular
assessments of the overall performance of security systems in place should be performed so that
continuous enhancements are possible, both on detection capabilities (i.e. improvement of equipment,
additional layer of equipments, installation of new generation/type of equipment) and on additional security
controls preventive measures (i.e. limitations/bans of some items contained in carry-on or checked-in
baggage or cargo, additional procedures on passengers, etc).
These performance assessments are designed to evaluate the probability of detection of the entire security
system considering the most Dangerous Items. As current detection equipment are not capable of detecting
all categories of Dangerous Items at the same time with an acceptable level of success during normal
operations, it is essential to design multi-level security screening points for passengers and staff
on each category of the most Dangerous Items to be detected. One layer of detection focusing on metallic
objects or category I Dangerous Items, another layer of detection focusing on substances and explosives or
categories II and III of Dangerous Items, and even a third layer of detection using in-depth hand search
Another point of consideration deals with the performances of detection equipment that have to be analysed
in light of the overall objectives and the consequences of preventive security measures, i.e. systemic
approach or system of systems concept. For example, the operational consequences of a poor false alarm
rate (i.e. 15-20%) have to be put in balance with the requirements on random checks (10-15%) on
passengers even if they have not alarmed. This aspect is particularly accurate if the detection rate of the
detection equipment assessed is very good. With a very good detection rate, the poor false alarm rate could
cover the requirements for random checks (and even be a better and fair random selection as not
dependant to human decision) and not impact on the overall performance of the system, as its very good
detection rate could dramatically increase the overall performance of the security system. On the contrary, a
ICAO Annex 17 definitions
see Volume III – Airport Design and Volume IV – Preventive measures of the security manual Doc8973/7.
Preventive Security Measures
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Volume IV. Preventive Security Measures Doc 8973/7
poor throughput of the security screening process, even with very good detection rate, might generate
additional queues, which could easily be targeted by perpetrators for attacks inside the terminal building,
including suicide attacks, even before the first screening point.
Finally, potential negative side effects have to be considered on the training, certification and evaluation of
the performance of the screening staff if equipments are too complicated to operate and if the list of items to
be detected is too large or too diverse.
Priorities in Dangerous Items Lists
It is therefore essential to develop the following breakdown on the Dangerous Items Lists for better overall
of security systems:
1) Priority 1: all potential Dangerous Items, devices or elements of devices which may be placed
inside an aircraft using passengers, cabin baggage, hold baggage, cargo, catering, stores or
supplies and other goods and which could potentially be used to commit a major act against civil
aviation security. Are included:
a) all items of category I at any quantity for passengers, cabin baggage; and
b) all items of categories II and III in quantities
susceptible of compromising the survivability
of an aircraft in flight for passengers, cabin baggage, hold baggage and cargo.
2) Priority 2: all potential Dangerous Items, devices or elements of devices which might be left in
Security Restricted Area, including aircraft and make-up area by staff as such items could used by
passengers, including potential perpetrators travelling at a later stage. However, this list is a priority
2 as all staff are normally subjected to background checks, initial and continuous training, and could
be educated to avoid any interference of disruption. Are included:
a) All items of category I at any quantity;
b) all items of categories II and III in quantities
susceptible of compromising the survivability
of an aircraft in flight for passengers, cabin baggage, hold baggage and cargo; and
c) all items of categories II and III in quantities
susceptible of damaging aircraft or
installations, or be used to kill/injure a large number of persons at terminal buildings.
3) Limitations and bans: all items listed in Priority 1 and Priority 2 which are in quantities, or number,
not detectable or identifiable by contemporary screening equipment and systems
The limitations or bans are essential additional preventive measures for security controls purposes to limit
the carry-on of potentially Dangerous Items in quantities that are not (yet) detectable or identifiable by
contemporary screening technologies and systems. These limitations, or bans, currently focus on liquids,
gels, creams and aerosols which could hide liquid explosives or substances inside apparently innocent
containers and bottles with the intention of committing an act of unlawful interference inside the aircraft or
airport facilities.
The same type of limitations or bans could technically apply for chemical and toxic substances being
transported via aircraft with the objective of dissemination during the flight, or in different States in a very
short period of time. However, the efficacy of counter measures implemented at airports only for such threat
is very questionable and States are encouraged to develop plans and coordination at national and
international levels to strengthen their intelligence and counter terrorism abilities to deter such acts at the
preparation stage
Moreover, the limitations, or bans, on items which could contained Dangerous Items are only designed to
including technical and performance evaluation of detection equipment
Quantities are determined by the appropriate authorities. These figures also serve for detection performance purposes
normally the same quantities as for Priority 1
Quantities which might be higher.
See Volume I – Intelligence and Counter terrorism part
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reduce the magnitude and consequences of incidents if a single perpetrator uses such devices. The
consequences could be more severe if a group of perpetrators carrying in separately enough Dangerous
Items concealed on them, or in their baggage, to be recombined into an improvised device after security
screening, unless proper and effective continuous surveillance of passengers and persons inside the sterile
area and the aircraft is performed. In such cases, additional security measures could be implemented such
as reporting all abnormal activities during screening process, and inside sterile area, so that proper risk
assessment could be performed before boarding if several alerts occurred for the same flight
, or random
removal of some carry-on items at boarding gates to complicate preparation of unlawful acts (items or
baggage removed being given to the crew to be placed in safe locations, or the hold of the aircraft, during
the flight, then given back to the passengers upon arrival as it is frequently done for small module aircraft or
by some airlines).
In any case, it is worth to acknowledge that States and rules makers, when implementing limitations or bans
of items, are “accepting” that some consequences could happen for the safety and health of some
passengers as security controls and screening could not 100% protect against all attacks or modus
operandi. This “acceptable risk” approach for aviation security is not different to the ones already used in
aviation safety, or for any other means of transportation. For aviation security, the “acceptable risk” concept
is adopted in the management of major crisis as some passengers, crews or police forces could be injured,
even killed, during successful armed interventions or resolutions of major emergencies.
Handling and Removal of Dangerous Items
Persons tasked primarily with the detection of potentially Dangerous Items should be aware that there are
certain articles or substances which are classified as “dangerous goods” by the ICAO Technical Instructions
for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284). In fact, most of these articles and substances
classified as Dangerous Items will also fall under the classification of dangerous goods. With the exception
of a small number of permitted items, passengers on their person or in their cabin baggage or hold baggage
must not carry dangerous goods. Further information regarding examples and identification of dangerous
goods is given in Appendix on Dangerous Goods.
Some Dangerous Items, though prohibited from carriage in the cabin of an aircraft, may be transported by
passengers in their hold baggage so long as the items will not endanger the aircraft, are properly packed,
sealed, and are authorized for carriage by the airline operator concerned. These items should be processed
in one of the following ways:
placed in the passenger’s hold baggage before check-in, unless the item would endanger
the safety of the aircraft;
confiscated and subsequently properly disposed of or destroyed;
confiscated and kept in storage by the airport authorities or relevant aircraft operator for
later return to the passenger; or
removed and, once properly prepared and packaged, transported in the hold of the aircraft
for later return to the passenger at the ticketed destination; or
sealed in an appropriate way so that passenger could not use the item, or its content, to
commit an act of unlawful interference or endanger the safety of the aircraft.
However, the following items and substances must never be carried in hold baggage. This list includes
forbidden dangerous goods. There may be other items about which security staff have concern; these
may also be removed and, if necessary, confiscated if found.
Refer to the risk assessment of passengers part as suspects behaviours of some passengers at screening points could be an
indicator of an increased threat if all these passengers are travelling together.
Preventive Security Measures
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Guidance material on ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
Volume IV. Preventive Security Measures Doc 8973/7
Item/Substance Examples (not inclusive)
Corrosives: Mercury, vehicle batteries
Explosives: Detonators, fuses, grenades, mines and explosives
Flammable liquids: Gasoline, methanol
Flammable solids and reactive substances: Magnesium, firelighters, fireworks, flares
Gases: Propane, butane
Miscellaneous: Vehicle fuel system components which have contained fuel
Oxidizers and organic peroxides: Bleach, car body repair kits
Radioactive material: Medicinal or commercial isotopes
Toxic or infectious substances: Rat poison, infected blood
Further information regarding examples and identification of dangerous goods is provided in
Appendix on Dangerous Goods.
Local procedures should be established regarding the discovery of dangerous/prohibited articles either on
passengers or in their cabin baggage during the screening process. Some guidance is offered here but national
law and the local situation may dictate other requirements or actions.
a) The searcher’s supervisor should be summoned covertly and should in turn take action to summon
assistance from the local policing authority support unit.
b) The discovery of a weapon in a passenger’s cabin baggage may be dealt with by simply closing the
baggage and removing it from the passenger’s reach or keeping the bagagge within the X-ray
equipment tunnel.
c) The latter course of action should not be taken with a suspect explosive device since it will severely
hinder the work of explosive experts who will have to deal with the device and even add to the shrapnel
effect of the device should it explode.
d) If the item is confirmed as a suspect explosive device DO NOT TOUCH IT but carry out standard
suspect explosive device procedure.
The course of action upon discovery of a weapon on a person is not easily defined since it depends on a
number of situational factors such as the demeanour of the person, the proximity of armed police response
forces and the training in restraint techniques of the security staff manning the screening point.
Consideration should be given to the possibility of the person trying to escape using armed force if confronted or
even attempting an impromptu attack on nearby passengers if the person thinks the planned attack has been
thwarted. It may be more beneficial for the person to be discretely followed and monitored, then isolated, until he
or she can be apprehended in an area that would offer the minimal risk to the public and queuing passengers.
The decision will depend upon the level of security of the concourse area into which the person is about to pass
and the ability of security staff and police response forces to follow the suspect discretely. The possibility that the
suspect might be only one member of a team, or may attempt to pass on the weapon or device to a third party
already within the concourse area, should also be considered.
Items confiscated at a screening point by a policing authority officer or other authority must be handled and
disposed of in accordance with national legislation. The airport security officer should ensure that an
accurate record is maintained of all such items as well as those found abandoned on airport property or on
aircraft, and proper information passed to airline duty managers so that additional risk assessment and
security measures could be performed at boarding gates.
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Advance Information and Passenger Authorized Items List (PAXAIL)
In many cases, passengers are not aware of which items they can or cannot carry in the cabin baggage or
their hold luggage, and they are made aware of the limitations far too late in the process. Such situations
cause additional delays at the last point of control (security screening), reduce dramatically the throughput
performance of security system, create extra work and diversion for the security staff, and even pose some
additional problems if passengers are not cooperative.
Most of these counterproductive issues could be anticipated and eliminated if passengers are properly
informed in advance, and even assisted, when they are planning their journey by providing them with a
Passenger Authorized Items List (PAXAIL). As security screening on passengers is usually performed at the
frontier with Security Restricted Area, it is almost impossible to remove the potentially dangerous items,
listed as Prohibited by the States, from cabin baggage to place them in their hold baggage.
In addition, it is questionable to store potentially dangerous items, such as liquid explosives or substances
which might have been concealed inside containers and bottles, in large number at the entry of the
screening points area as some perpetrators might use that opportunity to plan an attack inside the terminal
buildings. Simple improvised explosive devices made of several explosives liquids hidden in bottles which
they know will be removed before screening, and kept for a while close by passengers queuing, could blow
up and injured or killed a large number of passengers, staff and public. It is therefore essential to implement
additional security/facilitation measures aiming at reducing the number of potentially dangerous items
removed before the screening point, thus the quantity of potentially dangerous items stored and handled by
security staff. Some of these measures could be as follows:
1) Distributing a Passenger Authorized Items List (PAXAIL) as widely possible via travel agents,
airlines, press and media and internet;
2) When booking tickets, informing passengers about the PAXAIL, the Dangerous Items List and the
Prohibited Items Lists in force in the States they might visit, as well as all the consequences at
screening points
3) During check-in process, some airport/airline or private staff should inform the passengers while
queuing about the Authorized, Dangerous and Prohibited Items Lists applicable at the airport, and in
the States they are visiting, so that they could remove some items from cabin baggage into hold
baggage or even leave them to someone, if they are accompanied;
4) At the check-in desk, all passenger should be requested to acknowledge being aware of the content
of the Prohibited Items List imposed by States concerned, and the consequences at screening
points; and
5) In case of e-ticketing or web-ticketing, the computerized booking process should include a clear
warning, and acceptance form, so that all passengers know what Items could not be safely
transported and what are the potential consequences at screening points.
For Staff, advance information on the risks and the consequences of carrying dangerous items into Security
Restricted Area should be provided during the initial training sessions, at each refresher sessions, and on a
continuous basis using posters, flyers or internal communication tools. Severe consequences and sanctions
should be implemented if staffs are challenging the security system in place as it might be done for
intelligence purposes to assist perpetrators when planning an act of unlawful interference.
Removal of items, delays, deny of travel, judicial pursuits if applicable, etc
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Prohibited Items List for flights assessed at elevated threat or higher risk
In addition to the Dangerous Items List, and even the Prohibited Items Lists developed by States for normal
operations, continuous risk assessments made by individual States may indicate that certain periods or
destinations are at elevated threat, or even some aircraft operations are at higher risk, regarding acts of
unlawful interference. In these circumstances individual States may wish to consider temporary additional
measures, including qualifying more items on their Prohibited Items Lists, or imposing additional restrictions,
limitations or bans if appropriate.
Some examples of possible temporary additional measures are as follows:
1) One cabin baggage with external dimension of no more than 56 x 45 x 25 cm plus one small
personal item. Premium Passengers (first and business class) may be allowed additional cabin
baggage allocation. That measure could ease the screening process and increase the throughput
performances, as fewer items would be treated.
2) Removal of jackets, coats, laptops and liquids (in their plastic bag) at screening points. This
measure would theoretically improve screening performances as items are screened separately.
However, it has consequences on the overall throughput of screening points as more items are
screened per passenger, thus more time is required for processing and probably more queuing
unless additional screening points are open.
3) Any liquid, cream, gel, aerosols in containers that contain not more than XXX
ml with a maximum
of Y
containers per passenger with some exception for health and welfare of certain passengers.
That measure would limit the consequences of any suspected attacks using liquid explosives as the
maximum quantity of substances on board will be XXX * Y ml per passenger. However, it should be
noted that a group of suicide perpetrators could collectively regroup enough liquid explosives inside
the cabin to commit an act.
4) Removal of any electric/electronic items from the cabin baggage. In case of specific intelligence on
improvised devices using electric/electronic items potentially used at one airport or State, that
measure would be recommended only if adequate explosive detection devices are not available at
airport and until such equipment are deployed and security staff properly trained and certified.
Any additional measures specific to elevated threat or high-risk situations must be harmonized amongst
States affected to ensure seamless operations and passenger movement. This additional information should
be promulgated to all airports and aircraft operators engaged in operating passenger-carrying aircraft within
the State. Additionally States deciding on supplement security measures should inform all other concerned
States and aircraft operators so that passengers can be properly alerted to not attempt to carry such items
on their person or within their cabin/hold baggage on those aircraft flights considered at higher risk and to
which the additional prohibited items will apply. Finally, ICAO, IATA and ACI and other regional
organisations should also be informed so that proper harmonization and coordination could be ensured.
Precise quantity to be defined by States
Number to be fixed by States
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Appendix 1 – Examples of Authorized, Dangerous and
Prohibited Items
The following examples are not exhaustive and provided for guidance and illustration purposes to assist
States in designing their own Passenger Authorized Items List (PAXAIL).
Category 0. Passenger Authorized Items List (PAXAIL)
Personal items essential for travel such as tickets, passports, purse, keys, etc.
Laptops, cell phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Music players (mp3)
Books, magazines, newspapers, rollerball and gel pens
Kid magazines, pens and pencils, scissors (with rounded ends), toys if a small child is travelling
Sanitary towels and tampons
Disposable contact lenses in sealed packaging sufficient for flight
Sandwiches, crisps, fruit, vegetables, other solid foods
Etc …
Additional limitation or ban for security controls purposes:
Liquids, creams, gels and aerosols in containers not exceeding 100 ml and placed in a scaleable plastic bag
of 1 litre maximum for visual inspection by security staff
Exception for health and welfare of certain passengers:
Small amounts of baby formula and breast milk if a baby or small child is travelling
Liquid prescription medicine with a name that matches the passenger’s ticket
Liquid or gel low blood sugar treatment
Essential non-prescription medications including saline solution and eye care products
Life support and life sustaining liquids such as bone marrow, blood products, and transplant organs for
medical reasons
The following examples for Dangerous Items are not exhaustive and provided for guidance and illustration
Category I. Firearms, guns and weapons
All firearms (pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, etc.) including air pistols, rifles and pellet guns
Animal humane killers
Ball bearing guns
Component parts of firearms (excluding telescopic sighting devices and sights)
Cross bows
Harpoon and spear guns
Industrial bolt and nail guns
Replica and imitation firearms, including Lighters shaped like a firearm
Signal flare pistols
Starter pistols
Stun or shocking devices, e.g. cattle prods, ballistic conducted energy weapons (taser)
Toy guns of all types
Category II. Explosives and flammable substances
Aerosol spray paint or equivalent
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Alcoholic beverages exceeding 70% by volume (140% proof)
Blasting caps
Detonators and fuses
Explosives and explosive devices
Fireworks, flares in any form and other pyrotechnics (including party poppers and toy caps)
Flammable liquid fuel, e.g. petrol/gasoline, diesel, lighter fluid, alcohol, ethanol
Gas and gas containers, e.g. butane, propane, acetylene, oxygen — in large volume
Grenades of all types
Mines and other explosive military stores
Non-safety matches
Replica or imitation explosive material or devices
Smoke generating canisters or cartridges
Turpentine and paint thinner
Category III. Chemical and toxic substances
Acids and alkalis, e.g. spillable ‘wet’ batteries
Corrosive or bleaching substances, e.g. mercury, chlorine
Disabling or incapacitating sprays, e.g. mace, pepper spray, tear gas
Fire extinguishers
Infectious or biological hazardous material, e.g. infected blood, bacteria and viruses
Material capable of spontaneous ignition or combustion
Radioactive material, e.g. medicinal or commercial isotopes
The following examples are not exhaustive and provided for guidance and illustration purposes for items
which are not considered as the most dangerous ones for aviation security, but still included in some
Prohibited Items Lists if States decide so.
Category IV. Pointed/edged weapons and sharp objects
Axes and hatchets
Arrows and darts
Harpoons and spears
Ice axes and ice picks
Ice skates
Lockable or flick knives with blades of any length
Knives, both real and ceremonial knives, made of metal or any other material strong enough to be used as a
potential weapon
Meat cleavers
Open razors and blades (not safety or disposable razors with blades enclosed in cartridge)
Sabres, swords and swordsticks
21 See Appendix on Dangerous goods — for regulations concerning the transport of sporting cartridges.
22 Safety matches or a lighter are only allowed on the person of a passenger or member of an aircraft crew. ‘Strike anywhere’
matches are forbidden for carriage by passengers or crew under any circumstances.
23 See Appendix on Dangerous goods — for regulations concerning the batteries for wheelchairs or other battery-powered
mobility aids.
Volume IV - 11
Appendix A
Volume IV - 12 Security Manual – Doc8973/7
Ski and walking/hiking poles
Throwing stars
Tradesman’s tools that have the potential to be used as a pointed or edged weapon, e.g. drills and drill bits,
box cutters, utility knives, all saws, screwdrivers, crowbars, hammers, pliers, wrenches/spanners, blow
Umbrellas or cane with sharp ending.
Category V. Blunt instruments
Baseball and softball bats
Billiard, snooker and pool cues
Clubs or batons — rigid or flexible — e.g. Billy clubs, blackjacks, night sticks and batons
Cricket bats
Fishing rods
Golf clubs
Hockey sticks
Kayak and canoe paddles
Lacrosse sticks
Martial arts equipment e.g. knuckledusters, clubs, coshes, rice flails, num chucks, kubatons, kubasaunts
Example of Prohibited Items Lists
The following examples are provided for guidance and illustration purposes to assist States in designing
harmonized Prohibited Items Lists.
European Union
United States of America
Preventive Security Measures
Appendix A
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